04-06-1965 VC SP-MORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: Encumbent Councilman and Vice-Mayor Tom Lewis called the organizational meeting to order at 8:30 p.m. and requested the Village Clerk to swear in the newly elected Councilmen Gordon G. Duncan and Allan U. Everard. Thereupon, the Clerk administered the oath of allegiance as required by Florida statutes and the oath of office as a Councilman to these men. The Councilmen swore the same before a Notary Public and signed the oat of their office in the official TTillage record book. The Council then selected the following officers and made the following appointments: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor; Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor; Gordon G. Duncan, Tax Assessor; A11an V. Everard, Tax Collector; Frank R. Spence, Village Clerk (and reaffirmed as Village Manager); Herbert L. Gi1d.an., Vil- lage Attorney, Albert G. Dudden, Deputy Village Clerk; and Beulah L. Samples, Deputy Village Clerk. SPECIAL MEETING: then called to call the Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Be11, Uice-Mayor Gordon Duncan, Councilman Allan Everard, Councilman thanked the Council for and said that he would he best of his ability. m as Vice-Mayor. meeting of :following Councilman Village Attorney e, Village Manager nd Village Clerk confidence in him and selecting r to represent the people of the 11 also thanked. the Council for On motion of Uice-Mayor Be11, seconded by Councilman voting aye, Resolution No. 235-65, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA., APPOINTING CERTAIN OFFICERS FOR SUCH VILLAGE The Village Clerk then proceeded to administer the oath of office to Tom Lewis as Mayor, Tom Be11 as Vice-Mayor, Gordon Duncan as Tax Assessor, and Allan Everard as Tax Collector. These officers swore the same before a Notary public and signed the oath in the official Village record book. Mayor Lewis stated he felt it would be a fine gesture on behalf of the Council if they would give a vote of confidence to all of the Advisory Boards now in operation. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Counci]lsnan Duncan, all members voting aye, the Village Clerk was instruct- ed to send a letter to the Chairman of each Advisory Board of the Village, stating the Council had_~ust given them a vote of confidence in their con- tinued operations. The Village Manager reported that the sealed bids had been opened at 3 p.m. after proper legal advertising, on that day, for the purpose of providing additional traffic lights, poles and traffic actuator at the intersection of U. S. Highway #1 and Northlake Boulevard which is being widened to five lanes at that point, necessitating this additional work. Only one bid was received. On motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members voting aye, the contract for providing this work was awarded to Designed Traffic Installations Co., Ft. Lauderdale, at their low bid of $1,313. NEW COUNCIL~N_ SRTORN IN NEW COUNCIL OFFICES FILLED ROLL CAT~L, SPECIAL MTG. RES. 235-65 ADOPTED NEB OFFICERS SRTORN IN TRAFFIC LSGHT CONTRACT AWARDED ii C~ SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 6, 1965 PAGE T4~T0 The Village Manager reported that after proper legal advertising, GOLF COURSE sealed bids had been opened at 3:00 p.m. that day for the purpose ~WELI~ CONTRACT of providing a six-inch irrigation well and-pump for the DTPB Country AWARDED Club golf course.- On motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Vice- Mayor Bell, all members voting aye, the contract to provide this well and pump was awarded to J. P. Carroll, Inc., VTest Palm Beach, at their low base bid of X3,550.41, with the proviso that if needed, the Manager could authorize additional footage up to a maximum, of 200 feet, at a cost of $2.78 per foot. This proviso was felt necessary based on the recommendation of J. P. Carroll, because of the possibility that accept- able water might not be found within the 600-foot radius, the cost of which is provided in the base bid. Should this occur, the motion passed will act as authority to go on to an additional 200 feet away from the recharging pond. The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. C. B. Kunkle, 424 Driftwood Road, SWIM PROGRAM expressing dissatisfaction at the recently issued schedule of pool PROTESTED activities and events. The Council informed Mrs. Kunkle that they were presently conducting discussions with the Country Club Board of Governors and expect to resolve this problem shortly. On motion of Vice-Mayor Be11, seconded by Councilman Everard, all ADJOURNMENT members voting aye, the special meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Frank R. enc VILLAGE CLERK OATH OF OFFICE _ Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared THCMAS F. LEW.CS , who took and subscribed before me the following oath: _ I, the above-named THCMAS F, LEWIS , do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend. the Constitution and Government of the United States of America and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold_ office under the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that Iwill faithfully perform all the duties of the office of ll[AYCR of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. Sworn to and subscribed befornne me this _~ day of ~c.~ , 1965. Notary Public, State 6Yf' Fla., at Large NpTARY PUBCIC STATE of ELDRIDA Lt IARCE Ley Gommission EXp1re8: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEB. 19, 1968 D OR OLD TXROt10N IRLD W. DtEETELNORLT (Notary Public Seal) OATH OF OFFICE ~' Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared THO~[AS R. BELL , who took and subscribed before me the following oath: I, the above-named Thomas R. BELL , do solemnly swear that I will ~~II I'LJ support and protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States of America and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of __VIC~PIIA.YCR__ _ _ _ _ of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me Cod.. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day °~', 1965. ~~ ~~ ~ Notary Public, State df"Fla. at Large fpOTARY PUBLIC STATE of FLORIDA at LARGE My COmm1851on expires: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES EEB. 19, 1968 OOMD(D TXftOUGH fRCO W. DIE6TELM ORST (Notary Public Seal) C~ • OATH, SECTION 876.05, FLORrDA STATUTES I, THOMAS R. BETS, , a citizen of the State of Florida, and of the: United States of America, and being employed by or an officer of the Village of North ' Palm Beach, Florida, do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida, that I am not a member of the Communist Party; that I have not and will not lend by aid, support, advice, counsel or influence to the Communist Party; that I do not believe in the ' over throw of the Government of the United States and of the State of Florida by force or violence; that I am not a member of any organization or. party which believes in or teaches, directly or indirectly, the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of Florida by force or violence. • Sworn to and subscribed before me ~ ~ r( ' this ~ day of ~ , 1965. C No ary Public, Stat f No e°vt 9~Lf~CSFAE of F ORt~at LARGE MY CDMMISStON EXPIRES FEB..19,~3969 My Commission Expires: ~as~„ ,~.A„,,,:... _ (Notary Public Seal) OATH OF OFFICE Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths under the ' laws of theState of Florida, personally appeared THOMAS R, B~_ _- , who took and subscribed before me the following oath: I, the above-named THOMAS R. BELL , do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the_ same, and that I am entitled.to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of CC_UNCIIMAN of the • Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. Sworn to and subscribed~ibefore me ' this ~~ day ofl._~ ~, , 1965: iv v.i.a~u iv.v.u~v, ~.+u-i~.a wi iu.J~.u n .ai ~..iniN:ry ~iO fARY PU 6LIC STATE of FLDRiDA et LARGE MY CDMMISSIDN EXPIRES FEB. 19, 1968 My Commission Expires: 4 .,FO v,. n~ES,E,.~o~~ (Notary Public Seal) OATH SECTION 876.05, FIIORIBA. STATUTES I~ "F1F'R"RFRm~A. WATT , a citizen of the State of Florida, and of the United States of America, and being employed or an officer of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, do hereby swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida, that I am not a member of the Communist Party; that I have not and will not lend by aid, support, advice, counsel or influence to the Communist Party; that I do not believe in the ' overthrow of the Government of the United States and of the State of Florida by force or violence; that I am not a member of any organization or party which believes in or teaches, directly or indirectly, the overthrow of the Government , of the United States or of Florida by force or violence. 9 Sworn to and subscribed before me (Notary Public Seal) OATH OF QFFICE ' Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared H~'RI~FRT A. WATT , who took and subscribed before me the following oath: I, the above-named ~IF,RBFRT A. WATT , do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida, against all enemies,. domestic or foreign, and that I will-bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and Ie,ws of the State of Florida, and that • I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of COUNCIrnRnnr of_the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, sa help me God. y ' Sworn to and subscribed. to before me this / ~ day of ~~~ 1965. ' Lv~uutt s~y.uiv, .,~.~,v`f~'Oip~Y`15~3f#1`f~"JYFiTC`o(`FL rcl e'P'T.~RCE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEB. 19, 1968 My Commission Expires :a~HDr.a THROUGH FRCD VY. DIE6TGf.FtO Rt[ (Notary Public Seal) r1 ~~ MY COMA91SS10N EXPIRES FEB. 19, 1768 N[y Commission Expires DON Df.D THROUDH I•RED W. DIEGTELHORST OATZ UNDER SECTION 876.05, FLORIDA STATQTFS_ I, GORDON G. DUNCAN ,a citizen of the State of, Florida and of the United States of America, and being employed by or an officer of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America and of the State of Florida; that I am not a member of the Communist Party; that I have not. and will not lend by aid, support, advice, ,or co~znsel or influence to the Communist Party; that I do not believe in the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of Florida by force or violence; that I am not a member of any organization or party which believes in or teaches, directly or indirectly, the overthrow of the Government of the United States of America or of the Sworn to and subscrib~~eUUd before me this _~ day of Ly" , 1965. Notary Pub1i , ate o la. At Large NOTARY PUBLIC STATE of FLORwA a[ LARGE My Commission expires: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES EEB. 19, 3968 UO NDLD 7HRDUDH PRER W. RIE9TELHORR (Notary Public Seal) State of Florida by force or violence. OA'T'H OF OFFICE ~~ Z}YC~rt-- ./ `. ` f.i..,-rya-.~._ Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared GORDON G. DUNCAN who took and subscribed before me the following oath: I, the above-named GORDON G. DUNCAN , do solemnly swear-that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States of America and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of COUNCILMAN ,of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of , 1965. NyG~ State of lorida At Large NOTARY PUBLIC STATE of F10RIDA at fARGE My Commission Expires: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEB. 19~ 1968 90N Of.D iHROUGH FRED W. DIESTELHORSS (Notary Public Seal) OATHS UNDIl3 SECTION 876.05, FLOATDA STATUTES I, AT:f~AN V. EVARAR-D. a citizen of the State of Florida and of the United States of .America, and 'being employed by or an officer of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida; that I am not a member of the Communist Party; that I have not and will not lend by aid, support, advice, course]- or influence to the Community Party; that I do not believe in the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of Florida by force or violence; that I am not a member of any organization or party which believes in or teaches, directly or indirectly, the overthrew of the Government of the United States or of Florida by force or violence. i~~c~ ~~~ Sworn to and subscribed~be~f~oreO me t~s ~_ da;~y of ~:~'~wC 1965. .. y ....,..~ y .. .....i~.. , v emu, t 1 .iv1 Luca, n v r~.1 }-j e NOTARY PUBLIC STATE of ELORIDA at LARGE My COmm15S1on expire~.• MY COMMISSION EXPIRES TEB, 19, 1968 ~~-_ -... _.__...~HO RSS (Notary Public Seal) OATH OF OFFICE Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared AIZAI.S U. EVERARB who took and subscribed before me the following oath: I, the above-named AT,T~AN V. EVIl3ARB , do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United • States and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of COUNCIThflAN of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about~~to'/~~enter,' s/o help me Cod. Sworn to a/nd subscribed be-forje~ me ~,i ~%~~~ v ' this.-~ ~` dam of _ 1~~~~ , 1965. Notarry Public, State o lorida at Large NOTARY PUBLIC STATE of ELORIOA at LARGE NY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEB. 19, 1368 SGMW_4 SMADU6M /ORP n, pi5Ti 4NOR6i My Commission expires: (Notary Public Seal) C~ i 7 OATH OF OFFICE Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths under .the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared AT~AIQ.,V. E~ERARD , who took and subscribed before me the following oath: I, the above-named ALLA.IQ V. EVII3ARD , do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and the Government of the United States of America and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office° under the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of TAX COI~CTOR of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day f ~, 1965. 1~ ,_~ o N tary Pub ic, Sta of Fla. at Iaxge p0(ARY FCBUC STaTC v1 FLGRIDA at LAP,G€E My COTrim13S1on expires: My CDM MISSION E%PI77ES FE3. 19. UG, VOryOLD T»ROUO» i4[n W. VIE ETElHON 3T OATH OF OFFICE ~~~~ ~ ~~ Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths under .the ' laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared GORDON G. DUNCAN , e who took and subscribed before me the following oath: I, the above-named GORDON G. DUNCAN , do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States of America and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that I will faithf~zlly perform all the duties of the office of TAX ASSESSOR of the Village of North Palm. Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. Sworn to and subscribed before me .A i'~. . n this (Notary Public Seal) day of ~, 1 ~„~~ 1965. Notary Public, State o,;i.A'la., at large NDTAP.Y PUDCIC STATE of FLDRIDA at CARE NIy Commisslon Expires: 6ryY GUMMISStON EAFIRES FE6. l7, l"vG3 OONVI.O T»ROUO» fULO W. tlIL5YLkMOkST (Notary Public Seal) e