Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor
Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor
Gordon G. Duncan, Councilman
A11an U. Everard, Councilman
Herbert A. Watt, Councilman
Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney
W. G. Carver, Building Official
Beulah Samples, Deputy Village Clerk
' Absent: Frank R. Spence, Village Manager and
Village Clerk
Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. an.~ asked the Deputy ROLL
Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Village Manager and CALL
Clerk Frank R. Spence, who was in Ft. Lauderdale, attending the annual short
course for Florida City Managers.
The Deputy Clerk read the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held ~N1T`~'S
April 13, 1965, these being approved as read. The Mayor asked the Village 4/13/65
Attorney to advise whether or not the minutes of the Council meetings were- APPROVED
required to be read in public. Mr. Gildan said the minutes are public and
should be available to the general public but the Council may decide whether
or not they will be read in public. The Mayor requested the Council to discuss
the matter further in the workshop meeting, Tuesday, May 4, 1965, at 7:30 p.m.,
in the Village Hall.
The Mayor requested the Attorney to report on his appearance before the Florida RATE CASE
Public Utilities Commission in Tallahassee on Monday, April 26, 1965, in the ARGUMENTS
Village's case against NPB Utilities, Inc., involving rate increases. Mr. Gil- MADE
don said he had been allowed 15 minutes to deliver oral argwnents and then the
PUC took the matter under advisement. He said it could be 20 to 30 days before
a decision is announced.
Tile Village Attorney also reported he was present in the Legislative meeting CHARTER
' when Representative L. A. Bafalis, a resident of the Village, introduced the ~~ CHANGES
Charter amendments proposed by the Uillage Council. INTRODUCED
Mayor Lewis announced that Councilmen may attend Council meetings without CASUAL
jackets, if they so desire, after May 1st. ATTIRE
The Mayor discussed the reactivation of the Village Beautification Committee BEAUTLFI- --
and raised several questions regarding it: should this committee be advisory CATION
to the Council or to the Manager? Should membership be increased from 3 to 5 COM. TO
members? FJh.o should serve as members? He then asked that the matter be put BE RENAMED
on the agenda for the May 4th workshop.
The Mayor reported that opening day at the Little League ballfield, Sunday, LITTLE
April 25th, was a great success and he said that within the next 30 to 60 days LEAGUE
an official dedication should be held. The Mayor read a list of names of those BALI1'ARK
people who had helped in building the ballfield and the Council instructed the TO BE
Manager to make recommendations on a suitable marker or plaque to be installed DEDICATED
• at the park, honoring those who had so contributed. The matter was put on the
agenda for the next workshop meeting.
The Deputy Clerk read a letter from District Engineer of the State Road Dept., S.R.D.
regarding a request from the Village for a traffic count on U. S. #1 and pos- TO MAKE
Bible speed reduction, installation of a traffic signal, etc. The Engineer TRAFFIC
informed the Manager that the count would be made and a report rendered, but COUNT
he advised it would be some time before this could be done, inasmuch as the
' SRD has loaned their survey crews to the County for some time.
Minutes ~f~'a regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Ad~i.sory Board, held P. 8c L.
on April 14, 1965, were read by the Deputy Clerk. MINS, 4/14
A ~_bition from certain residents of Yacht Club Addition area, protesting use PETITION
of sulphur-smelling wells in their neighborhood, was read by the Deputy Clerk. ON WELLS
On questioning, the Village Attorney advised the Council that the Uillage Charter RECEIVED
specifically allows for wells to be drilled in the Village for irrigation pur-
poses. The Council, after some discussion, placed the matter on the agenda
for the May 4th workshop. The Clerk was instructed to send notice to each
petitioner that the matter would be studied further.
APRIL 27, 1965
The Mayor referred to a letter from the Village Engineers, K. C. Mock ~ ENGINEERS
Associates, making certain recommendations on the north and west canals in REPORT ON
Plat #4. They recommend that the canal on the north be filled in, as it - PLAT #4
does not serve a drainage purpose. At this point, the Village Attorney CANALS
advised that the Council should take care so as not the lose the dedication
of this land and as a compromise, it was suggested that the grade of the
canal might be made for a swale in order to keep the dedicated purpose of
the land. The canal on the west side of Plat #4 was found to be used more
by the commercial area of Palm. Beach Gardens than by the Village of NPB and
therefore, the cost of maintaining this canal should rightfully be shared by
that city. The Mayor was authorized to communicate with the Mayor of Pa7sn
Beach Gardens to discuss this possibility. Mr. Carver suggested that it
would be well to make a study of the culvert which P. B. Gardens had installed
over the north canal, connecting Alamanda Drive with that city.
Mayor Lewis reported that the Village Engineers were presently preparing BTTTKHFAI~
specifications regarding bulkheading and canal construction for aproposed AND CANAL
ordinance governing these matters and this material would be ready for the ORDINANCE
workshop meeting. TO BE HEARb
Mr. Carver reported on the current status of the cleanup work going on in PLAT #4
the Plat #4 drainage ditch. He estimated there is still a week's work for DITCH
4 men. After studying the matter, the Council instructed Mr. Carver to work CLEANUP
with the Director of Public Wk~rks on getting this work completed at once REVLEWED
and to make a report at the next regular meeting of the Council. Mr. Carver
recommended that 100 gallons of weed killer be purchased and sprayed in the
bottom of the ditch as soon as it is cleaned out.
Country Club Manager Shuster presented to the Council a draft of the prop; C. CLUB
posed Rules and Regulations for members of the NPB Country Club, for study RULES
and approval of the Council. The Council and Village Attorney will review RECEIVED
these proposals and a report will be made at the May 4th workshop meeting.
Mr. Shuster, on behalf of the Board of Governors, made a report to the = G-0LF FEES
Council on the proposed Greens fees rates to become effective May lst. AMENDED
After much discussion, the motion was made by Councilman Everard, seconded
by Mayor Lewis (who relinquished his gavel to the Vice-Mayor), all members
voting aye, that the Council veto the Board's proposed rates and amend them
as follows: Residents, Monday through Friday, ~3; Saturday, Sunday, Holida~~,
$4. Non-residents, Monday through Friday, ~4; Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, 6 .
On motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Councilman Everard, all members
voting aye, the Council endorsed the Board's proposed cart rates as well as
the Board's recommendation regarding League play on the course.
Vice Mayor Bell commented on the swimming instruction program release which _Sw".~~NG
had been received by only a few of the Village residents. In view of the PROGRAM
fact that this news bulletin contained information regarding the Village's TO BE
Learn-To-Swim program, he asked why the information had not been sent to all PUBLISHED
residents. Mr. Shuster was instructed to see that the information was sent
to all residents the next day and further, to extend the time for registra-
tion. The Council stated that all news releases of this type, on classes,
etc., should be channeled through the Club Manager to' the Village Manager in
order that there be no breakdown of communication to all Village residents.
Councilman Watt reported that some replacement parts had been found to be .GENERATOR
necessary on the Village-owned generator but that these had been made and TO BE
• the generator was to be tested. on Wednesday, April 28th. After successful TESTED
testing, it will then be ready for transfer to the vicinity of the Village
Vice-Mayor Bell relayed a request from the Recreation Advisory Board that RECREATION
the full Board be allowed to sit in with the Village Manager to interview BD. OFFICERS
applicants for the summer playground supervisors positions. After discus- TO MEET WITH
sion, the Council agreed that the officers of the Board were sufficient to VIL. MANAGER
meet with the Manager. The interview meeting will be held sometimes early
in May.
Vice-Mayor Bell also relayed a request from the Recreation Advisory Board SPRINKLER
that the present sprinkler system at the Little League ballfield be ex- -SYSTEM
tended to take care of the kiddie area at Prosperity Park, and that a EXTENSION
' ground cover of some type be plariled. -ASKED
April 27, 1965
The Council received a request from the Recreation Advisory Board that
shell rock be placed and rolled to provide .parking just off the roadway
at Anchorage Park where cars park and where the swale area has been
deteriorating. This matter was taken under advisement by the Council.
After a few statements from the
seconded by Councilman Everard,
adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
public, on motion of Vice-Mayor Bell,
all members voting aye, the meeting was