04-13-1965 VC REG-MA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OF NORTH PALM BEACH, Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Be11, Vice-Mayor A11an V. Everard, Councilman Gordon G. Duncan, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village-Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Manager and Village Clerk Beulah Samples, Deputy Clerk Mayor Tom Lewis called the meeting to call the roll, all members being The Deputy Clerk read the minutes of an adjourned meeting of the Council held MINITTES on March 23, 1965 and special meeting held April 6, 1965, these being approved. 3/23 8c 4/6 as read. APPROVED Mayor Lewis recognized Mr. Dick Hurd, President of the Youth Activities Assn NFB vAa of NPB, who presented a check for X500 to the Village on. behalf of his organi- GIVES X500 zation, this money to be used toward the cost of sodding the Prosperity Park DONATION Little League Ballfield. Mr. Hurd expressed appreciation for the cooperation of the Council and Manager in their efforts toward making the ballfield a reality, and he also thanked the many other people who had a part in the project. The Mayor read a letter from Mr. Howard Campbell, the Village's representative on the Palm Beach County Citizens Committee on Aging, offering his resignation as the Council's representative, should they desire it. It was agreed that Mr. Campbell should be reappointed and continue to represent the Village on this Committee. - The Mayor read a communication from the Palm Beach County Bar Association, MAYOR regarding a proclamation for May 1st as "Law Day, USA" and then declared the PROCLAIMS day as such in the Village. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the MAY 1ST proclamation to the Village Elementary School, to post a copy on the Public AS LAW DAY Notice Bulletin Board, and to have the flags flown at the Village Hall and -- Country Club in special recognition of the occasion. The Mayor referred to the recent announced discrimination in air fares between New York-Ft. Lauderdale and New York-West Palm Beach, and mehtioned the pro- tests made by the City of West Palm Beach and the Board of County Commission- ers. On a motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Uice-Mayor Bell, all mem- bers voting aye, it wws decided to send a letter to Mayor Easley and Chairman Lytal, supporting these two groups in their fight against this discrimination, offering the Village's su~iport in any way within the Village's means. Mayor Lewis, in commenting on his first Council meeting .as Mayor, read a statement of proposed policies and procedures he felt the Council should follow during the forthcoming year. The Village Clerk was instructed to send a cagy to each of the members of the Council. The Treasurer read the March financial reports for the Country Club Facility TREASUB~-'R Debt Service Account, and the General Fund account for the Village. These REPORTS were approved as read. The Clerk read a letter from Northlake Properties, requesting the rezoning REZODTING from R-1 to R-2 of Lots 28 through 35, Block 40, Plat #6. The request was REQUEST: referred to the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board for consideration and _ bTOR`~*urArcF recommendation. The Board was requested to substiantiate its recommendation PROPS. when reporting back to the Council The Clerk read a letter from Phillips, Builders, Inc., who requested the FLRETREE opening of Firetree Road as a through-street from the Village to a develop- ROAD went project being built by the company in Palm Beach Gardens. The Council 01'ENING sent the request to the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board for its considera- ASKED tion and recommendation. The Clerk read a letter from the Superintent of Public Instruction, advising NO FIRE that after consideration, it has been decided by the School Board that no fire STATIONS stations shall be located on school grounds. ON SCHOOL GROUNDS The Clerk read a letter from the F. C. Fiese Company, regarding their recom- mendation on the recently completed tennis courts. They recommend the courts be allowed to cure naturally for six months and then material be applied, at a total cost of approximately X1,740. The Council tabled the matier for the next six months but instructed the Manager to include the matter in the forthcoming budget discussions for the 1965-66 budget. COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 13, 1965 • PAGE TWO ~ ~ A letter from the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board was read by the Clerk, PLANNING 1 - stating the Board's decision not to deviate specifically from the original AND ZONING zoning plan for the Village but to study individual requests as they arise. GROUP TO The Mayor once again stressed the desire of the Council that the Board prepare MEET a definite plan for land use, etc., for the next five years. The Mayor also called for a workshop meeting with the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board and ' the Recreation Advisory Board to be held Tuesday, April 20, 1965 at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Ha11. The Manager was instructed to notify these groups of this meeting. The Clerk read the minutes of the meetings of the Recreation Advisory Board, RECREATION held on March 22, 1965 and March 29, 1965. MINS.~D~ The Clerk read a letter from the Palm Bible Chapel, who requested the rezoning REZONING of Lots 23 and 24, Block 51, Plat #6, from R-1 to R-2 to allow a parking lot _ REQUEST: ' for the Chapel's use. The request was referred to the Planning and Zoning PAIM BIBLE Advisory Board, along with the Council's wish that the Board would meet per- CHAPEL sonally with the Chapel's representatives, in considering this matter. The Village Manager informed the Council that the Village Attorney had been _ P. U. C. notified that the Florida Public Utilities Commission would hear oral arguments TO HEAR in Tallahassee at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, April 26, 1965, in the Village's ease ORAL against the NFB Utilities, Inc., regarding the 1963 water rate increase. The ARGUMENTS Council decided to send Mr. Gildan, the Village Attorney, to Tallahassee to represent the Village and if any Councilman were free to go, they might also represent the Village. _ Councilman Everard commented on the reported reluctance of the Palm Beach EMINENT Legislative Delegation to introduce the bill requesting the power of eminent DOMAIN domain over privately-owned utilities companies, and requested that every means POWER BILL available be used to get the Delegation to reverse its position and to intro= DISCUSSED duce the bill on behalf of the Village. The Village Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 236-65, mnd on motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, all members voting aye, Resolution No. 236-65, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE TREASURER, VILLAGE MANAGER, AND METERS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL TO SIGN CHECKS ON VARIOUS BANK ACCOUNTS FOR THE FISCAL VFAR OF APRIL 1965 TO APRIL 1966 was adopted. The Village Clerk react a letter from the Village Engineers, regardin the replat of a portion of Palm Beach-Lake Worth Estates (known as Doolen Court and stated that the proposed resolution accepting this replat could not be passed until certain details are satisfied. These include letters approving the replat from the gas company and water company, acceptance of the bonding company, title proof showing ownership of the land, and a plan for installation of street lighting as required, by Village Ordinance. Action of the matter was tabled until next Tuesday, April 20th, at which time the Council will meet in special session, provided all requirements have been met prior to that time. Vice-Mayor Bell commented on the current clean-up work on the Plat #4 drainage ditch and stated the job should include the removal of decayed matter in the bottom of the ditch. He also asked that the fences along the ditch be repaired • immediately. It was decided that the Public Works crews should not cut the weeds on the top of the banks but only on the sides. As soon as the ditch is cleaned out, the Village Manager will notify the Council so that they may make an inspection tour of the ditch. The Village Manager reported that notice of job openings for two summer play- ground directors has been circulated to all the schools in the area but as yet only a few inquiries have been received. RESOLUTION 236-65; BANK SIGNA- TURES DOOLEN CT. REPEAT ACCEPTANCE DELAYED PLAT #4 76ITCH CLEAN-Up REVIEWED S~W~R PLAYGROUND The Village Manager reported that the repair work on the Country Club swimming VILLAGE TO pool has been completed and recommended that the Village institute a suit in SUE ON POOL the courts to recover its expenses from the prime contractor, under the terms REPAIR COSTS of the guarantee. The Council agreed that this suit should be entered just as soon as it is possible. 1 Councilman Duncan brought before the Council the matter in tax assessing around the County. After discussion, of alleged inequities the Council instructed COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR the Manager to send a letter of invitation to Mr. Edgar Maxwell, County Tax INVITED FOR Assessor, inquiring if he could meet with the Council i n a discussion meeting , MEETING sometime in the month of May to consider appraials and assessments relating to North Palm Beach versus other areas of the County. n COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 13, 1965 PAGE THREE The Village Manager was instructed to prepare in rough form an ordinance REFUSE covering collection of garbage and trash in the Village, for consideration COLLECTION by the Council. The Manager reported that a general nuisance ordinance is ORDINANCE presently being drafted by the Public Safety Director, which will also TO BE cover certain problems in this area. DRAFTED ' Councilman Vdatt reported on the recent F.I.N.D. hearing which he and Mr. F.I.N.D. Howard Searcy, of K. C. Mock and Associates, Village Engineers, attended. MEETING The district did agree to release the lakeside park spoil area for public REPORTED park use and as soon as their action is ratified by the Corps of Engineers, the Village will receive title to the land. The Manager reported that members of the Public Safety Department, Police PERSONAL Reserve, Firemen, and certain Village personnel had just completed a 12-hr. SURVIVAL ' Personal Survival Course conducted by the Civil Defense Adult Education COURSE office. He also stated that a regular training program is in effect f or COMPLETED _ all of these groups. The subject of caring for the various parks in the Village was discussed PARKS TO at some length, after a complaint from a resident regarding weeds, etc., HAVE CARE at a kiddie area of Prosperity Park playground. The Council instructed the • Manager to make sure that all of the parks in the Village are adequately maintained. The Manager advised that the new 7 h.p. fire siren would be tested at the NEVI FIRE Village Hall between 1 and 2 p.m., on Thursday, April 15th. SIRED TO BE TESTED On motion of Councilman Batt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, all members ADJOURNMENT voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m., until Tuesday, April 27, 1965, at 8:00 p.m. ~~~ ~ FRANK R. SPENCE VILLAGE CLERK n u 'i~~