01-14-1964 VC REG-MMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held January 14, 1964 ' Present: Warren P. Tatoul, Mayor Thomas R. Be11, Councilman Harold W. Beery, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman .. Frank R. Spence, Village Manager and Clerk ' John Farrell, for C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Absent: Louis J. Aiello, Jr., Vice-Mayor Mayor Tatoul called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and asked the Clerk to call the roll. All members were present except Vice-Mayor Aiello. Mayor Tatoul then asked the Clerk to read the minutes for the meetings of December 10, 1963, and December 17, 1963. On motion of Councilman Beery seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, these minutes were approved. The financial statements for the month of December, 1963, were read by the Village Treasurer. The Village Clerk read a letter from Armstrong Commercial Pro- perties, Inc., signed by Herbert Gibson, requesting the Village accept a service road dddication as a public right-of-way. This road runs from U.S. #1 easterly to the New Marina service road along the south property line of the Camelot Motel. After some discussion the Council decided to withold action pending a report from the Village Engineer to determine if the road meets Village specifications for public streets. ' The Village Clerk read a letter from Robert Scott of Scott, Burk, Simon and Royce, representing Lighthouse Baptist Church, Inc.,req~Yesting the Village Council to re-zone Lots 36 and 37, Block 40, Plat 6, from R-1 to R-2. Mayor Tatoul recommended that a public hearing be held at the next regular Council meeting and that all affected residents 'in the area be notified. On motion of Councilman Hahn,'seconded ~y Councilman Beery, all members voting aye, the Council agreed to call a-pbblic hearing on this matter and instructed the Village Clerk to advertise said public hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Village Council. The Village Clerk read another letter from Robert Scott of Scott, Burk, Simon and Royce, representing Yacht Club Point Estates, Inc., request- ing, L) that a new zoning classification known as "R-4 - Villas" be created and, 2) that Lots 3 to 7, Block 26, Plat 2, be re-zoned R-4 - Villas, Acting Village Attorney John Farrell informed the Council that since zoning ordinance changes were being contemplated plus a request to re-zone land, separate public hearings should be called for on :each matter. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Councilman Beery, all members voting aye, the Council agreed to call a public hearing to deterrine if a new R-4 Villas zone should be created, and if it is, should Lots 1 to 7, Block 26, Plat 2, be re-zoned from R-1 (Single Family Dwelling District) to R-4, and instructed the Village Clerk to advertise this public hearing to be held at the next Council meeting. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Beery, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #86 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF FLORIDA, MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO GARBAGE OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE INTO THE WATERS OF THE VILLAGE OR TIED UP AT MARINAS WITHIN T A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF FOR OTHER PURPOSES. NORTH PALM BEACH, ALLOW ANY TRASH, MATERIAL TO ESCAPE FROM BOATS ANCHORED 3E VILLAGE; PROVIDING SAID ORDINANCE; AND was placed on first reading. Councilman Hahn stated that he thought this ordinance should apply to all waterways and canal's within the Village and until such time as this proposed ordinance can be amended to specifically state this he would recommend that it not be placed on second reading at this time. The Council agreed. Minutes of Council Meeting held January 14, 1964 Page 2. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Beery, all members voting aye, Amended Resolution #148 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, RATI- FYING AND APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1962 - 1963; FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY TO BE RAISED BY AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE YEAR; AND FIXING THE AD VALOREM TAX LEVY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1962. was adopted. The Village Manager explained that the purpose of this resolution was to correct certain typographical errors in the original resolution. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Bell, alI members voting aye, the Village Manager was instructed to write a letter to Father schlinkman of the St; Clare's Catholic Church, with a copy to Bishop Carroll in Miami, stating that the drainage canal running between the St. Clare's Catholic Church site and the north border of Crown Estates within the Village has become filled with water due to the filling in and damming up of the canal, thus causing a health manace, unattractive nuisance and a great danger to the lives of children living in the area and attending the Church schools and asking that the Church do everything in its power to alleviate this dangerous situation. Mr, Herbert Gilden, representing the North Palm Beach Library Association of~.which he is president, requested the Council hire a paid librarian, He stated that they had located a qualified librarian and would like to apply the money budgeted last year and this year for library purposes to pay her salary. On motion of Councilman Beery, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, the Council agreed to create the position of of Librarian and that the Village Manager is authorized to hire a Librarian who will be responsible directly to the Village Manager, at a cost and use not to exceed 25 hours per week at $2.00 per hour nor a total of $1,000, which had been set aside for library purpose. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Councilman Beery, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p,m. Village Clerk J