Present: Harold w. Beery, Mayor
Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-ll~ayor
' Thomas R. Bell, Councilman
Herbert A. watt, Councilman
Leslie 0. Churchill, Councilman
Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney
Frank R. Spence, Village Clerk 8c
Village Manager
Mayor Beery called the meeting to order at 8 P. M. and requested the Clerk to
call the roll, all members being present. Mayor Beery stated that as advertised,
' the Council would now hold a Public Hearing on the request of Fairhaven Properties,
Inc., to rezone I,ot 13, Fairhaven Addition, from R-1 to R-2. Mr. Pappalard.o,
President, presented his request and plans. The recommendation of the Planning
and Zoning Advisory Board was read. There were no dissentors present. On a
motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all members voting
aye, the Council agreed to rezone Lot 13, Fairhaven Addition, from R-1 to R-2
and instructed the Village Attorney to draw up the appropriate ordinance for sub-
• mittal at the next Council meeting. Mayor Beery declared the Public Hearing
closed at 8:25 P. M. and then opened the regular meeting of the Council.
The Clerk read the minutes of the Council meetings held Oetober 13th and 20th,
these being approved as corrected.
The Village Treasurer-read the financial reports for the ,North Palm. Beach Country
Club for the month of September 1964.
The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Dean Maurer, resigning from the North Pa]m
Beach Country Club Board of Governors. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded
by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, the resignation of Mr. Maurer was
accepted with regrets and the Village Clerk was instructed to send a letter to
Mr. Maurer, stating their expression. _
The Village Managex stated the First Presbyterian Church of North Palm Beach had
inquired as to whether or not they could exercise their option to buy the addiT
tional one acre:.:of land at the old Channel 5 area ahead of time, paying half now
and the balance in monthly installments. The Council had no objection to this
and authorized the Village-Attorney to meet with their attorney and work out an
The Village Manager informed the Council that he had met with the representatives
of the Transit Company of the Palm. Beaches who appeared interested in serving
this area and if all legal problems could be worked out, they would like to
institute service by Thanksgiving. The Village Manager and the Village Attorney
were instructed to review the current franchise with the North Palm Beach Bus
Compaxm~r, Inc., to determine the terms-and exclusiveness of the present company
and to confer with the present owner to see if he would be interested in operat-
ing inter-city buses. _
On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Councilman_watt, all members voting aye,
the Village Manager and the Village Attorney were instructed to stop annexation
proceedings on the two parcels of land upon whit h the newly developed !-!Fisher-
. man's Village" has been built.
The Village Manager presented the. proposed re-alignment and face-lifting of the
Lighthouse Square Apartments which the owners felt would improve their appear-
ance, acceptability and saleability. The plan was referred to the Planning and
Zoning Advisory Board for their recommendations.
Vice-Mayor Lewis informed the Council that he had been informed that one of tie
landowners along Palm Lane might be willing to lease sufficient land for a walk-
way to be installed from Prosperity Farms Road to the new Allamanda School.
The Village Manager was instructed to follow up on this matter.
The Village Manager informed the Council that he had notified the County
Engineer's office of the Village's desire to meet with representatives of
Palm Beach Gardens, The County, and St. Clare's Catholic Church, to finalize
the alignment of the A1lamanda Drive extension to the new school, but had not
' yet received any additional correspondence.
Minutes of Meeting
October 27, 1964 - -
Page two
' The Village Manager was instructed to have the walkway across the lot on
the corner of Gumtree Road and. Lighthouse Ilrive shelled and tarred so as
to provide an uninterrupted paved bicycle path for children going to school. _
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting
was adjourned at 9:15 P. M.
illage Clerk
.` " s •
Published Every Weekday
West Pakn Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared _ Car Ol~n.,_Klgfer „_
who on oath says that`~e is ..._......._I'.eg31.,_C12TZC.._.._.._... of The Palm Beach Post a daily
newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached
copy of advertisement, being a ....._......._NOt'J...C2 o£__Hearing_-.,..,._-________- _. _-_.
in the matter of ..._._Re z.onn~._from__R-1 t o Ft-2 . __.
in the .....-.--.-.-.--.-.-.---.-.-.-~-~--._ Court, was published in said newspaper in the
issues of ......._S.~Rt~.?llb~~'..._27.~.....a,~~?y:..._.._...---....------______.., .._
Affiant further says that the said Palm Beach Post is a newspaper- published at West Palm
Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been
continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida each weekday and has been en-
tered as second class mail at the post office in West Palm Beaeh, in said Palm Beach
County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached
copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any
person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the puxPose of
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Sworn to and subscribed before me tlvs ._2~.~e.~1....... day of ._w5'Q...pY~.?..IAk2~.X._... A/~D. 19~?_~1:
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`~ Net Pu61ic, State of Florida at large
My Commission Fxpues, June 21,, 1965