10-20-1964 VC REG-MMINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEEETING VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLA. HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1964 Present: Harold ~. Beery, Hayor Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Hayor ' Thomas R. Bell, Councilman Leslie 0. Churchill, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert Gi1dan, Village Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Clerk ~ Village Hanager Hayor Beery called the meeting to order at 8 P. H. and asked the Clerk to call ' the roll, all members being present. The Village Clerk read a letter from Hr. John Hartin, County Superintendent of Public Instruction, stating that the Sch ool Board has sent a letter to the County Commissioners, urging the complet ion of Allamanda IJrive and requesting the installation of a bicycle path from either Teal Way or Pelican Way to the new school. The Clerk then read a letter from Hr. George Frost, County Engineer, stating that the Board of County Commissioners had agreed to install one or both of the walkways, provided the right-of-way was flirnished by someone else. Estimate of land costs at each area was X1,350. Finally, the Clerk read a copy of letter from Hr. George Frost, County Engineer, to Hr. Phil Lewis, stating that his office had received approval of the align- ment of A1lamanda Drive from our Village and the Board_of Public Lnstruction, but had received no response from the City of Palm. Beach Gardens, and agreeing that a meeting attended by representatives of the municipalities involved, the Catholic Church, and the Board of County Commissioners is the solution to the stalemate. The Council instructed the Village Hanager to inform these parties that the Village would be willing to participate in such discussions. Hayor Beery stated the main purpose of this meeting was to adopt the budget and set the millage for the forthcoming year and due to the fact that there ' was a 2 - 2 vote last week, with Councilman Churchill absent, another meeting was necessary. The Village Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 216 which would have adopted the 1964-65 General Government budget and which was predicated on a present nine-mill levy. Vice-Hayor Lewis moved, Councilman Bell seconded, that proposed Resolution No. 216 be adopted as read. After much discussion among the Council and from the audience and upon a roll call vote, the motion was defeated 3 - 2, with Vice-Hayor Lewis and Councilman Bell voting yes, and Hayor Beery, Councilman Churchill and Councilman Watt voting no. Councilman Watt moved, Councilman Churchill seconded, that the following version of proposed Resolution No. 216 be adopted as read. The Village Clerk then read a modified version of proposed Resolution No. 216 which reflected accordingly an additional one mill levy to be used solely for debt reduction in order to reduce the amount of bank tax anticipation notes outstanding which at present • is X100,000. One mill will raise approximately X36,700. This would mean a total levy of ten mills for all purposes. Councilman Watt moved. Councilman Churchill seconded, that this version of proposed Resolution No. 216 be adopted as react. After more discussion, from the Council and the audience, and upon having a roll call vote, Resolution ' No. 216 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF TflE VILLAGE OF NORTH PATIVI BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING AND APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1964-65; FIXING THE AMOUNT OF HONEY TO BE RAISED BY AD VALOREM TAXES; AND FIXING THE AD VALOREM TAX LEVY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1964 was adopted by a 3 - 2 vote, with Hayor Beery, Counci]snan Churchill and ' Councilman Watt voting yes, and Vice-Hayor Lewis and Councilman Bell voting no. On motion of Vice-Hayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, no amount of money will be spent except as appropriated in Resolution No. 216. Minutes of Meeting October 20, 1964 Page two On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Vice-11~ayor Lewis, all members voting aye, the Council authorized the Village Manager to accept the low bid for two police patrol cars and award the purchase order contract to Roger Dean Chevrolet, of west Palm Beach, at a net price o£ X3,146.04 after two trade-ins. On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Uice-Mayor Lewis, all members voting aye, the Council gave tentative approval to Royal American Realty, Inc. on the replat of Doolen Court in Palm Beach-Lake worth Estates as specified ' in their plans and subject to all prior conditions laid down by the Village Council and the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board, and the Village Engineer's (Brockway, weber ~ Brockway) letter of October 20, 1964, pending final approval by the Village Engineer and final acceptance by the Village Council. On motion of Vice-1llIayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting - aye, the Council gave tentative approval to Royal American Realty, Inc.; on their replat of that area of Palm. Beach-Lake worth Estates to be known as the _ Lake Colony, as specified in their plans and subject to all prior conditions laid down by the Village Council, the Planning and Zoning Advisory BoarcZ, and the Village Engineer's (Brockway, weber 8c Brockway) letter of October 2Q, 1964 pending final approval by the Village Engineers and final acceptance by the Village Council. The Village Attorney explained that in the above two cases, the developers had two choices as to how they would proceed. They could put up a performance bond and receive approval of their replat now, or they could have the work done _ subject tc final approval and acceptance b y the Village Engineers and the Village Council before the replat would be approved. They chose to follow the latter method. The Council uxsan.imously gave a public citation and commendation to Chief Dudden and his men for their excellent performance on the night of giarricane Isbell. The Village Manager announced that public hearings had been scheduled for the proposed X600,000 bond issue, at the North Falco Beac}i Elementary School at 8 P. M. on Monday, October 26th; Thursday, October 29th, and Friday,, October 30th. During statements from the public, a number of residents protested the =nrrease in the tax levy. There being no i~arther business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10 P. M., to Tuesday, October 27th, 1964, at 8 P. M. _ Village Clerk 0