11-24-1964 VC REG-M• MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE VILZA.GE COUNCIL, HELD TUESDAY, NOVIl1~ETi 24, 1964 Present• Harold W. Beery, Mayor Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Councilman Leslie 0. Churchill,_Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Clerk ~ Village Manager ' Mayor Beery called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. and asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present. The Mayor requested the Clerk to read the minutes of the meetings held November 10th and November 17th, these being approved as written. The Mayor requested the Clerk to draw up the minutes of a special meeting held Wednesday, November 18, 1964 when three sealed bids were opened for pavin of • certain areas at the Country Club. Bidders were Rubin Construction Co., 1800; Belvedere Paving Company, X1259; and Crabtree Construction Co., a no-bid. Con- tract was awarded to Belvedere waving Company, the low bidder. The Treasurer read the financial report for the Country Club for October, 1964. The Treasurer also reported that the Auditor anticipated presenting the 1963-64 Audit to the Council at its meeting on December 8th. The Village Clerk read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. .Vincent Pinto, owners of Pinto - the Village Police Toy Fair, located in the Food Fair Shopping Plaza, commending force for their action and protection. given to their store during the recent hurricane. The Village Clerk read a letter from the Town of Lake bark, stating that their Commission has adopted a policy whereby, due to the fact-that they do not have extra personnel to handle outside prisoners, the jail in hake Park can only be used for their own prisoners in the future. The Council instructed the Village Manager to write a letter to the Commission in Lake Park, thanking them for the use of tl~e jail over-the past years and stating that the Council understands and appreciates their portion. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Churchill,-all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 11Q, entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 91, CREATING A BOARD OF GOV~4NORS FOR THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, BY AMENDING THE POW>;RS AND DUTIES OF THE OF THE BOARD AND SETTING FORTH ADDI- TIONAL GROUNDS FOR REMOVAY~ FROM OFFICE was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 111, entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, GRANTING THE- TRANSIT COMPANY OF THE PALM BEACHES, INC., CERTAIN RIGHTS, -- PRIVILEGES, AND FRANCHISE AND PARTICULARLY THE RIGHT TO OPERATE A MOTOR BUS SYSTEM FOR THE TRANSPORTING OF PASS~TGERS AND PASS- ENGERS' BAGGAGE, AT~ONG, UPON, OVIl~ AND ACROSS THE PUBLIC STREETS, AVENUES, AND BOULEVARDS OF THE VIIrIAGE; REQUIRING THE FINING OF PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICIES FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC; FIXING THE MAXIMUM RATES OF FARES TO BE CHARGED BY SAID GRANTEE; PROVIDING FOR RULES AND REGULATIONS IN THE OPERATION OF SAID MOTOR BUS SYST>~I; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERF'wTTH, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES was placed on first reading and read in full. C~ Meeting of November 24, 1964 Page two • Councilman Churchill moved, Vice-lUlayor Lewis seconded, all members voting aye, the proposed Ordinance No. 109 entitled. _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PRIM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 20, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, THE SAME BEING THE COM- PREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID UILIAGE, BY RE-QOVING CIl~.TAIN PROPERTY FROM THE R-1 SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT AND RECLASSI- FYING SAID PROPERTY AS R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT; BY DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO BRING THE OFFICIAL ZO]6fING MAP UP TO DATE; BY PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT T~R~TH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES be placed on second readi~ig and read by title only. At this point, Mayor Beery had a complaint from Mrs. Richard Crandall, of Fairhaven Drive, N.P.B., whose property is immediately next to the parcel under consideration for rezoning. Mrs. Crandall complained that the owner of the-lot, Mr. V. Pappala~do, of Fairway Homes, Inc.-has not lived up to the agreement he made with her, regarding the installation of a divider fence. Vice-Mayor Lewis then withdrew his second. and the motion died for lack of a second. The Village Manager was instructed to contact Mr. Pappalardo to see that he lives up to the terms of the agreement, which at the time of his appearance before the Council during the Public Hearing, he said that he would do, so as to eliminate any opposition to the requested • rezoning. Thereafter, on motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 109 was tabled until the next regular meeting, of the Council, on December 8th. Discussion was held on proposed Resolution No. 218 which creates a permanent Recreation Advisory Board and appoints members to same. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members voting aye; the following people were appointed to the Board and their term of office set: Mr. Roger Boyer, May 1, 1966; Mr. Paul Emond, May 1, 1966; Mrw. Robert N. Phillips, May 1, 1965; Mrs. Richard Hurd, May 1, 1966; Mr. Marshall Woodworth, May 1, 1965. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members voting aye, Resolu- tion No. 218, entitled _ A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PA3M BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATING A RECREATION .ADVISORY BOARD AND SETTING FORTH ITS DUTIES AND CQMPOSITION was adopted. The Village Manager reported that the Building Official, W. G. Carver, had a fractured vertebra in his back and would be incapacitated for some time. A temporary replacement has been named so as to cont~;mue inspections. The Council requested the Village Manager to inform Mr. Carver of the Council's condolences on his injury and to wish him a speedy recovery. The Village Manager requested to know whether or not the Council desired to purchase turkeys for the employees as they had done last year. The Manager stated that funds had been included in this year's budget for this. On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was authorized to proceed with the purchasing of turkeys for all full-time employees of the Village, excluding the Village Council and the volunteer firemen. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all members voting aye, the Council also authorized. the Country Club Board of Governors • to provide turkeys for their full-time employees mho are on the Country Club payroll, if the Board so desired and if funds could be found in their budget. The Manager read a letter from Mr. Horace Miller, Uice-Mayor of Palm. Beach Gardens, stating that the Manager's letter of November 12th, concerning the bicycle path to the Allamanda School had been referred to the proper parties for investigation and he hoped that he would be able to get some action within a few day s. The Village Manager reported that he had reviewed the proposal of Municipal Refuse Service, Inc., whereby they could lease to the Village certain trash collection equipment and recommended that in his opinion the Village would not save as much money as anticipated. It was also the Manager's opinion that the service should be either contracted. out entirely or operated by the Village completely, but not mixed. The Council instructed the Village Manager to prepare specifications-and secure sealed bids on having outside private refuse firms contract to do the work. The Manager was also instructed to draw specifications on the possibility of leasing certain equilxnent if we continue the service ourselves. The Manager is to study various refuse removal systems, including the train system used by the Municipal Refuse Service, to determine the practicality of adopting its use on our own. r` u Meeting of November 24, 1964 . Page three Discussion was held regarding a large Village-owned generator which was loaned out to Industrial Electric Service some years ago. The Village Council stated it was their policy that no Village equilanent be loaned out to any individual or company. The Village Manager was instructed to get the generator back in any way he could and he could enlist the services of the Village Attorney if needed. The Village Manager was inst:rutted to again contact the County. :Engineer's office regarding the pedestrian bridge across the canal on Alamanda Drive to see if the hazardous condition has been corrected yet. __ The Village Attorney was instructed to prepare a resolution creating and appointing a permanent Library Board. The Village Manager was instructed to secure copy of any ordinance coritrolling cats and to distribute them to the Council for its consideration at the next meeting. The Village Manager was instructed to send letters to the present Library Board to see if these people are still interested in serving on a Library Board on a permanent basis. The Village Manager was instructed to have the Director of Publi~e~af:~ty make an inspection of the old Cowztry Club building and determine .if there are enough fire extinguishers available and if not, to_see that they are provided. The Village Attorney advised the Council that from now on, the Village would need to secure a written agreement between the Village and any instructor who provides specialized recreational services or functions such as teaching dancing or bridge. The Village Manager was instructed to write.a letter to Miss Jeanne Shay, presi- dent of the Exchangettes, thanking them for their services on Election day and for providing help for the Village during the swmner recreation program. The Village Manager was instructed to send a copy df his previous report on ' Village Marina costs and expenes for operation to the members of the Council and the Recreation Committee. Vice-Mayor Lewis stated the Recreation Committee desired to use the surplus money from dance classes for prizes far the "Name The Park" contest. The Village Manager said he would forward a financial report on money taken in for all classes operated by the Recreation Committee to the Council and the Coirunittee. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman ~Patt, all members voting aye, the Village Council will hold its meetings in the Village Ha11 from now on. On motion of Uice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman "PTatt, all members voting aye, The Council will hold a Public Hearing sometime in January 1965 on whether or not to create a special assessment district in Plat #4 for the purpose of installing storm sewers and filling in the drainage ditch behind Cinnamon and Buttonwood Roads. There being no further business to come bef ore the adjourned at 11:45 P.M. Council, the meeting was R. SPENCE UII,LA-GE CLRRK J 1