06-09-1964 VC REG-MMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING of -the • VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held June 9, 1964 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Mayor ' Thomas R. Bell, Councilman Herbert M. Gibson, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Manager and Clerk Absent: Harold W. Beery, Mayor Walter E. Thomas, Councilman ' Vice-Ma or Lewis c lled th ti y a e mee ng to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk to call the roll. Present were Vice-Mayor Lewis, Councilman Bell and , Councilman Gibson constituting a quorum present and absent were Mayor Beery and Councilman Thomas. Vice-Mayor Lewis stated that Councilman Thomas was on vacation and that Mayor Beery was Name sick in bed. Vice-Mayor Lewis asked the Clerk to read the minutes of Council Meetings held May 19th and May 26th, these being . approved as read. The Village Clerk then read a letter of resignation from Councilman Herbert Gibson stating that he was submitting his resignation as Councilman and Tax Assessor effective June 10th. He regretted having to do so so soon after being elected but that he was returning with his family to North Carolina for business reasons. Vice-Mayor Lewis expressed the regret of the Council that Mr. Gibson was resigning but wished him success in his future endeavors, The re- signation was accepted with regrets. She Vice-Mayor Lewis then called a special meeting of the Council to meet in executive session on Tuesday, June 23rd at 6:30 p.m. at the Village Hall to discuss the selection of a person to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Gibson's resignation. Under our Charter the Council has the power to appoint a person to this vacancy until the next regular election which will be held in March, 1965. The Village Treasurer read the financial reports for the month of May, 1964. The Treasurer also reported that the six month audit had just been received ' and was now in the Council's hands. On motion of Councilman Be11, seconded by Ca~ncilman Gibson, all members voting aye, Ordinance #90 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATING A VILLAGE RESERVE POLICE FORCE FOR THE VILLAGE; AND-FOR OTHER PURPOSES. was placed on second reading and read by title only and then read in full as amended. On motion of Councilman C~i-b'son, seconded by Councilman Be11, all members voting aye, Ordinance #90 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATING A VILLAGE RESERVE POLICE FORCE • FOR THE VILLAGE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. was enacted. On motion of Councilman Gibson, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, Resolution #197 entitled ' A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, RECOMMENDING THAT A GOUNT'Y LIBRARY SYSTEM BE INITIATED TO SUPFLEMENT THE RESOURCES OF MUNICIPAL LIBRARIES AND TO PROVIDE FREE LIBRARY SERVICE TO ALL PALM BEACH COUNTY RESIDENTS. was adopted. On motion of Councilman. Gibson, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members ' voting aye, Resolution #198 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING FRANK SP£NCE DIRECIOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE. was adopted. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL held June 9, 1964 • Paae 2. Councilman Bell stated that the Youth Activities Organisation had requested the opportunity to be heard before the Council. Mr. Edward Baggett representing the Youth Activities Organization then gave a list of activities, report and revenues and expense breakdown for this past year which showed that a total of $3,967.72 was available and had been collected and that they had spent $3,802.00 on Youth Activities mainly Little League expenses. Mr. Baggett had stated that the Village has grown to a ~o#~it where it definitely needs a full time paid recreation leader. Mr. Baagett also stated that the baseball program has many prob3ems mainly the lack of areas for ball playing in that there are not enough fields available to allow all the boyys that want to play to be hble to play. The point was made, however, by the Council that the Little League season is only two-to three months in duration and that we must worry about providing for recreational needs on a year round basis. to all age groups both boys and girls and not be restricted solely to baseball. ' `Jice-Mayor Lewis recommended that the Yough Activities Organization meet with the Recreation Committee to determine to what extent the Youth Acti- vities Organization will cooperate with the Committee and Council in organizing and operating a complete and well rounded recreation program anal to come back with these recommendations to the Council as to who will operate what. The Village Manager was instructed to contact the Chairman of the Recreation Committee to inform him of the Council's desires and to set up a meeting with the Youth A O ti iti Th i ti h c v es rgan on. za is s ould be done prior to budget hearings and reported back to the Council before then. A letter from Mr. Jack Schwencke as Chairman of the North Palm Beach Country Club Board of Governors was read stating that the Board did not feel that it was necessary to have someone in the Village-Government Countersign their check's and that such a requirement infringed upon the autonomy of the Board. The Village Attorney and Village Manager saw no great problem or object- ion to this Bequest except that under our Charter any checks written for an amount of $500.00 or more had to. have a Counter Signature by a Village Official. The Village Attorney was then directed to have prepared for the Counc.;_1 at its next meeting the necessary papers to amend the Ordinance- to show such a change whereby no counter signature would be required up to $500.00. The Village Clerk read a letter from the Village Library Board present- ing three recommendations that the Board had adopted. These were ' 1. that the Council endorse the creation of a County Library System 2. That the Village hire a summer replacement for Miss Pauline Fancher, the Librarian, to that the Library could remain open during the summer months; the rate of pay to be $1.25 per hour not to exceed a total of $400. by October, ].964 3. that the Village accept the responsibility of operating a municipal Library and to include it as a municipal function. The Village Manager recommended that their recommendation #3 be deferred until budget discussions begin next month. Vice-Mayor Lewis yielded the chair to Councilman Gibson, after which • Vice-Mayor Lewis moved that the Village Manager be authorized to hire a part time librarian for this summer not to exceed $400. Councilman Bell seconded this motion and all Councilmen voted aVe. Councilman Gibson mentioned that he had accompanied the Building Official on the structural inspection of the Old Country Club Building and stated that the building is generally in good shape although there was,. quite a bit of rotten timber in structural members discovered, some of which require immediate attention. The best area was certainly the old dinning room and the upstairs living quarters immediately over it. Since the Council had only received this report this evening further discussion was curtailed on the matter. Vice-Mayor Lewis had mentioned that he and other Councilmen had received a memo from Councilman Thomas: He stated that he did not wish to comment on the memo except for three brief items. These were that the Village record all of its fixed-assets in a card file in line with recommendations recorded in prior audits. The Village Manager reported that he was aware of these former recommendations and that he was proceeding to record such fixed assets but in a more permanent manner in a ledger rather than in a card file from which cards could be easily removed or lost. The second point was that the letter from Mr. Spence to Mr. Shay was very well cone and that Councilman Thomas would like publicly to ~otnote. Thirdly, that Mr. Ed Jacomo, the Art Center Director., be commended for a fine Art Show that he had presented this past week. Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Village Council held • June 9, 1964 Paae 3. Councilman Gibson again urged the Village to again consider microfilming all valuable and permanent records of the Village. The Village Manager informed the Council that he was in the process of interviewing microfilming companies and ' securing ~price~ to do the work. A proposal to do such work which is quite expensive will probably be included in the forthcoming budget. As Tax Collector, Councilman Be11 stated that the Tax Assistant, Mr. -_ Baarcke, had sold thirty-eight delinquent tax bills at noon, Monday, June 8th. -_-_ These were all sold to one person at an annual interest rate of 12% which is set _ and controlled by State Statutes. This now means that we have collected taxes from 100 of the property in North Pdm Beach. - ' On discussion from the floor, Mr. Bob Weaver had asked the Council what is the time and place of the Board of Governors meeting and were not these meetings to be public. The Village Manager informed Mr. Weaver that these meetings were indeed required to be public under the enacting Ordinance and that he did_not know the time and place of said meetings but would inform Mr. Weaver and the Council as to the time and meeting place. Also, on discussion from the floor there was an inquiry as to what was the status of the unincorporated area adjacent to Plat #4 and west of Prosperity Farms Road. The Village Manager stated i:~ appears that the _- • owners of the land do.not intend to request an annexation to the Village and will probably develop the area as they see fit in the County and under County Standards. In response to the question as to what could be built there and whether there could be the re-occurance of the similar building as those on Lighthouse Drive, the -_ Manager stated that this was a possibility although not a certainty, and he believed that either apartments or conddminiums would be built in that area. The Village - Attorney stated that the Village does have the power to annex adjacent areas under a certain procedure and he felt that the Village would have good grounds to annex -- such areas which were completely surrounded by Village properties. A discussion of other areas and whether thesesbsaz].d be annexed were expanded to an~lude-the -- commercial area fronting on Northlake Boulevard and adjacent to Faiihaven Addition and the tract of land which is an island within Fairhaven Addition which is present- - ly unincorporated. Councilman Be11 recommended that these annexation matters be referred to the Planning and Zoning Board for their recommendation and that the Village Attorney be instructed to prepare proper ordinances to annex all of these areas ' under discussion.,Fahd that these ordinances be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Village Council to be held June 23rd. On motion of Councilman Gibson, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. until June 23rd, at 8:00 p.m. illage Clerk ~~ 0