07-28-1964 VC REG-MMINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING +~ of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held July 28, 1964 Present: Harold W. Beery, Mayor Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Councilman Walter E. Thomas, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Manager and Clerk Mayor Beery called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m, and asked the Clerk to read the minutes of the meetings held July 14, and 21st, these being approved as read. Mayor Beery spoke on the need for the Council to set a policy in the area • of adult recreation stating what percentage the Village should or would pay to- wards a particular activity, such as the boat marina, volley ball, shuffleboard, art center, and ten nis, to name a few. Discussion was scheduled foa ihtei,-in the evening. The Village Clerk Instruction signed by Mr to require developers to submit their plats. The had any specific area in way they could. read a letter from the Palm Beach County Board of Public . John Martin, Superintendent, requesting the Village set aside sites for Future school buildings when they Village Manager was instructed to inquire if the Board mind and that the Council would be glad to help in any The Village Clerk read a letter from Fairway Homes signed by Vince Papa- lardo requesting the Council to rezone Lot 13, Fairhaven Addition from R-1 to R-2 so that a duplex condominium could be built on it. The matter was referred to the Planning and Zoning Board for study and recommendation. The Village Clerk read a notice of a public hearing from Mr. Bernard Munsey, Palm Beach County Zoning Director, to the affect that the Zoning Board would consider a request of William Grier to rezone certain land on Prosperity Farms Road, contiguous to the Village so that duplex condominiums could be built. This parcel is presently under consideration to be annexed at this time by the Village. The Council instructed the Village Manager and Village Attorney to represent the Village and present the Village's position to the County Zoning Board at their public hearing on August 6, 1964. On motion of Vice-A4ayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance M100 entitled AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING IT SHALL BE UNALWFUL FOR ANY PERSON, FIRM, PARTNERSHIP, OR CORPORATION TO TO USE WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, THE PESTICIDE KNOWN AS PARATHION OR ANY OTHER PHOSPHATIC PESTICIDE HEREBY LISTED AND NOT • HAVING LABEL APPROVAL TO USE ON LAWNS, TURFS, OR ORNAMENTAL PL,4NTS UNLESS OTHERSVISE PROVIDED. was placed on first reading and read in full. The question of how can the Village prove that these pesticides and insecticides are toxic arose. The Village Attorney stated that we can determine that these are toxic if we accept the report and recommendations of experts in the field such as the State Department of Health. The Village T4anager stated that he would attenpt to secure such a letter before the next regular meeting form the Director of Entomology of the State Department of Health. On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance ~1Q1 entitled ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 98, SAID ORDINANCEi ANNEXING CERTAIN LAND; BY PROVIDING A MORE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. • ~S'iaced bn-first reading and read in full. i ._ Adjourned Meeting Held ~JuJul--yy--28 1964 ~ a~£ - The Village Manager explained that the description of the parcel of land -described in Ordinance #98 was not detailed enough nor acceptable to the County Zoning Director, Mr. Bernard Munsey, and that Mr. Papaiardo could not file his plat. The Village Manager expressed the opinion that this was an ' emergency situation and requested the Council to waive the rules in order to allow this Ordinance to be placed on second reading at this meeting, Such a waiver requires a five-fiths vote. On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members voting aye, the rules were waived to allow proposed Ordinance #101 to be placed on second reading and read by title only, On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Thomas, all members ' voting aye, proposed Ordinance #101 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALD4 BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 98, SAID ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LAND; BY PROVIDING A MORE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. was enacted. The Village Manager requested a clarification of policy from the Council as to whether they still desired to install florescent lights in the Old Dining Room now that the Library will utilize that room. Dr, Bicknell of the North Palm Beach Library Society made a presentation to the Council requesting that the Council pay for the installation of these lights since they are greatly needed now and that the Society is already spending much money in remodeling and painting the roomrplus the fact that this is a Village owned building. After some discussion, Dr. Bicknell stated that he would see if the Library Society would have the lights installed at their expense and then request the Council to reimburse them in the next fiscal year. The Council stated that they had no objections to the Society proceeding to have the lights installed at their own expense, however, the Council made no commitment on any reimbursement. ' The Village Clerk announced that the Council will sit as a Board of Tax Equalization on Saturday, August 29, 1964, at 1:00 p,m, at the Village Hall to hear any complaints or objections on property assessments. The Village Manager read a letter he had written to Mr. George Frost, County Engineer, at the request of the Council, regarding the installation of a road or bike path to the new Alamanda School. The Council declared that they would hold a public hearing August 11, as to whether the Village should open up Alamanda Drive expecially in light of the fact that the School Board is going on the assumption that Alamanda Drive would go through to the school and that the County was almost finished in purchasing expnesive right-of-way from the school to the Village limits. After some discussion about the drainage canal .running between the Village and St. Clare's Church property, the Village Manager was instructed to contact Brockway, Weber, and Brockway to determine the best way to drain the area and eliminate the stagnant water condition that now exists. There was a lengthy discussion on adult recreation and what the policy should be on these groups helping to pay their fair share of recreation costs especially since each is usually so specialized and appeals to a small specific group. However, there are many groups. The Council decided to wait until budget discussion time to crystalize such a policy, ' There being no further business to come before the Council on motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. ~~ i age er C - ~ ~ ~`~ THE PALM BE~GH POST Published Every Weekday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA 1 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Betore the undersigned authority personally appeared ....._L.1TOlst1- Kiefer who on oath says that$e is ..........~t~l?;~,~..._C.1.eF~ .................... of The Palm Beach Post, a daily newspaper published at Wesi Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached wpy of advertisement, being a ........~R.ti..~.G-~..-._.-_- ---"____.-__._.-. ;n the matter of ......_O~~i.~,~~nc.~.._N-p,,..._Q7..; Vi,llage__ of_North--_Pa1m_._Beach in the ..-.-.----.-~--.-_.-_°----"_ Court, was published in said newspaper in the .................. issues of -_..........J1113j....1:2.y.2/fa.31.;_Atlglist_.7.a.~.6:tA :....................._....------------------- Affiant further says that the said Palm Beach Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Pahn Beach Covnty, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Pahn Beach County, Florida, each weekday .and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised aqy person, firm or corporation arty discount, rebate, commission er refund for the purpose of securing this adver- tisement for pub]ication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this .......7.t1?_.._. day of _E1U,gl1S1; ____.-_.-- A,D. yg6.L}_ way ._a Noteq PoEtlo, Efate of Florida at Car6W Iq Oeomissien exyhns Gana 3, i80L - - ~~.~ - a `~ ~ _ ~ . THE PALM BE~CH POST L Pn~ ~ ~' Published Every Weekday ~~ _~~ West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida y~~~ PROOF OF PUBlICA71ON STATE OF FLORIDA 1 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared ....._C8Y'O~,yTl_..K1ef@T' who on oath says that~Ie is _........._Iieg$~:__Clerk...._......_.. of The Palm Beac'3 Post, a daily newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida.; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a ........._....NO.t.1G.~-..-.___._ ................................._.._....._..-_-_-_-_--_-_ in the matter of ......_Ordinance.._No...._96;Village..__of-._No~~th.._Palm.._Beach in the .....-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.---C.-~ ~~_-~"Court~ was Published in said newspaper in the issues of ............slu,~.Y....1.7..,.2?~:.,.~.~,.;_AU~st...-7..,.~.9~??r .............................._......_.._.---~------ Affiant further says that the said Palm Beach Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continucusiv published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each weekday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the pock office in West Pahn Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission er refund for the purpose of securing this adver- tisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ..._.~~s~....... day of .......QSI•glx.~>:fi.......~...v//A.D. 19.~2~t: .... ~~ZOc...._.Ya~l...~.._...~C/ Nepry lobllc, BLic ti Fbrlda ai CeFSi My Ccmmltelon elgi~res dime 9.196Y. r 17iis Ordlnanee ahaIl once a week for {our weeks in n newspaper Palm Beach County, e there Is no newspaper }he ViltaYe of Norlli ,DING the 23 d8y of 3964. SECOiUD FINAL 4ND P,15SAGL`' the 14 dqy . ~ THE PALM BE~CH POST ~ DX~ - N S- I I}T8E Published Every Weekday .da- TBIS - West Palm $each, Palm Beach County, Florida - - -- ---- ---~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION m' each,m lath _ - _ - ~Aclares-fts - e ToRo~ q STATE OF FLORIDA a-t-o-sara s '!- x r-fon aCfRlrtS of appmv_aall COUNTY OF PALM BEACH - a G(uarfei~ 52o- soy~th' 4ne_' ' - 435bRth-' Before the undersi ed authori C ..O Kiefer -~~ ° m sea~a" ga ty Personally appeared ..~.~.~...........-..-......_....-----..._ . - t~_ien Le a1 Clerk - 4 -~~f~a=i°~" who on oath says that$e is of The Palm Beach Post, a daily ~°ctfon i9,' e t-3d Rs newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that fhe aitarhed - westerly -- copy of advertisement, being a ....._,NOt1Ce - - - - °-- !- ............._.._.._.._..._..._...~__.--.._. . _-...._.._ _ !ac .-uccor3in8- • e'90~.~tReltne mthe matter of ~~~..~n1.nC.~r,.._N.4....._~~..}.U,~:~,:~.,~~T,e.....4~,.._N97;'th....P-- 17R_B _Ch -a~a~orala-in ve _Itiott, a in the -,-C.-.-.----.-.~-~_: --~--~ Court, was Published in slid newspaper in the ~a ° a point - ~..-_~_ - e- l~k ~s~_ Jul - 1 2/~. 31 Au St - 196L3, a m sea°R, issues of _.._......._...._.._Y.__~.a_.._ ..a .......i.........~.......---..7,..... _........_.._.---.._.._..._------- - -s, a ana - ~st° s_!a'tveSE Affiant further sa s that the said Palm Beach Post is a new a r ~onERecly- Y sp Pe published aE Wesf Palm ce or zzo.9z Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been 7T:e'then e continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each week sautti un! day and has been entered -a rte as second class mail matter ai the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, °r Florida, fora eriod of one ear next recedin the first ublication of the atkached co nda'wmcf, P Y P g P pY of ad- verttsemenY; and affianf further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or -~-r~tn sIm_ eacfi, Palm corporation any discount, rebate, commission cr refund for the purpose o1`. securing this adver- T witSiln fisement for publication in the said newspaper. a n a, and ` a. _~.x . y.....__ _ '-__...._ s5ed ohc -~CeTc .lo~sfia v a-R1F5~1[~fu Sworn to and subscribed before me this ......,7th. da of ...._~,.~FU.~B.~ n.- a~C~rty; .4.D. 19.. //J/~' //ff~]~'/~~ y~[/~/ t n a er ..-lslt<(/JCL.~... 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