. of the
Jury 21, 1964
' Present: Harold W, Beery, Mayor
Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Mayor
Thomas R. Bell, Councilman
Walter E. Thomas , Councilman
Herbert A. Watt, Councilman
Herbert Gildan, Village Attonney
Frank R , Spence, Village Manager
and Clerk
Mayor Beery called tha meeting to order at 8:00 p,m. and requested the
Clerk call the roll, all members being present, Mayor Beery said this meeting
was called primarily to complete action on items not covered on the agenda at
the last meeting and to meet with the Planning and Zoning Board to discuss the
replating and re-zoning request by Royal American of Palm Beach Lake North
• Estates. Mayor Beery expressed the Council's appreciation at the Board's
willingness to give of their tame to both serve on this Board and to meet with
the Council.
The Village Manager reported to the Council that he had talked with Mr.
George Frost about the possibility of a bicycle path or road being installed
from and as an extention of Alamanda Road to the new Palm Beach Gardens Elementary
School. hir. Frost stated that they were in the process of purchasing right-of-
way and that he was happy to hear that the Village was in favor of such an in-
stallation. -The Village Manager stated however, that he had not received any
indication as to when the road would be built or if it would even be open before
school opened. The Council in:>tructed the Village Manager to again contact Mr.
Frost and ask for a written assurance from the County that the road would be
built and ready for use when the new school opens in the fall and that if it
was not forthcoming shortly the Council would enlist the aid of the people and
appear en masse before the County Commissioners to back up its demands.
' A lengthy discussion en>ued between the Council and the Planning and Zoning
Board on the Royal American request to re-zone and re-plat a portion of Palm
Beach Lake Worth Estates. On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Vice-Mayor
Lewis, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was to notify Royal American
that the Council does not disagree with anything that has_been presented so far,
that in principle the intended use and development of this area as an exclusive
housing development is not objectionable, that the Council has not disapproved
the drawings and specific proposals presented, but that Royal American should
follow the procedure required by our ordinances and submit a formal plat for
consideration by the Council incorporating in their formal proposal the recommend-
ations of the Planning and Zoning Board and the Council's desires that the entrance
way sign will read Village of PJorth Palm Beach, that the Village will not provide
a guard for the entrance way guard house and that we would expect development to
begin within a year if and whenever final approval is given.
The next item for discussion was the OId Country Club and feasibility of
improving it. The Council scheduled a tour of the building for Saturday morning,
• July 25,.No decision was made at this time.
The question of a boa~~ launching fee at the marina was discussed. Mr. Watt
reported on a survey he had personally taken which showed that 75o to 80°s of the
people utilizing the marina were non-residents and that he had given over 32
warnings for boats violating speed and wake regulations, all of whom were non-
residents. This, it was non-residents who had a general disregard of our laws
' and area.
On motirpn of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members
voting aye, the Village Manager. was instructed to charge all non-residents a fee
of 50¢ to launch boats at the marina and that we have someone on location to
collect this money and police boat traffic on the canals.
On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members
voting aye, Marshall Woodworth was nominated to serve on the Recreation Committee
' to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Herbert {Vatt.
On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members
voting aye, Mr. Wallis Schulle was appointed Judge Ad Lit em for the Village for
the month of August while Judge Gene Bie is on vacation.
The Village Manager was also instructed to contact the attorneys who
were considered for Village Attorney to see if they would be interested in serving
. as Judge Ad Litem.
Adjourned Meeting
He 1 d
J~~u~~l__yy___2_1_~ 1964
The Village Manager was instructed to write to the County Commissioners
to see if the County or State Road Department will put in walkways across the
Farman River along both US,S ~1 and Prosperity Farms Road,
' The Village Manager was instructed to write to the Railway.Express so
that the Village can be placed on the list to receive deliveries by them.
The Council selected the names of Prosperity Farms Park and Anchorage
Park as winners of the Name-The-Park Contest for the two un-named park areas
in the Village.
There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion
of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members voting aye, the
meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p,m, to July 28, 1964 at 8:00 p,m,