12-08-1964 VC REG-M MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL - • HELD TUESDAY, DECE~ER 8, 1964 Present: Harold W. Beery, Mayor- - Lewis, Vice-Mayor Thomas F. _ Thomas R. Bell, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Leslie 0. Churchill, Councilman Herbert Gildan., Uillage Attorney Fran7i R. Spence, Uillage Manager and Village Clerk Mayor Beery called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.]VI. and aksed the Clerk to call _ the roll, all members being present. The Mayor then asked the Clerk to read the. - Minutes of the meeting held November 24, 1964, and of a special meeting held on November 18, 196, these being approved as corrected. Mayor Beery then requested the Council to deviate from the agenda and allow Mr. Tom Johnson, Attorney, representing Mr. Gene Pulch, of the Red Velvet Saloon, to speak to the Council. Mr. Johnson stated-that his client's business was suffering greatly due to the road construction on Northlake Boulevard which has caused great - hardship and loss of business. It was requested, therefore, that one possible means of easing this hardship was to extend the hours that a bar could be open-but only as long as the road is torn up in front of his place of business. A quick review of the current ordinances controlling the hours of operation_ashowed that the present required closing time is 3:00 A.M. Mr. Johnson, therefore, requested that the -- closing time be extended to 5:00 A.M. The Uillage Attorney stated he would have to review the current ordinances more thoroughly and report to the Council his findings. However, it was the general consensus of the Couh~il that it would be - any other willing to approve any such variance in order to aid this business and business along Northlake Boulevard during the construction project. The Uillage Treasurer read the fiscal-statements for the General Fund for the month of November and stated that preliminary audit figures were distributed to the Coun- cil and that the final typed copy would be in their hands before their next meeting. The Treasurere reported that the Village had received over X200,000 in taxes already, which represented a record high in collections both.in terms of percentages and in -..-- collar-volume. The Uillage Clerk read the minutes of a meeting held November 23, 1964, by the t i h i ng cer a n ang Recreation Advisory Board, which included some recommendations on c expenditures of the Recreation budget. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all members voting aye, the Recreation Advisory Board's recom- mendations on the matter were accepted except Account #209 as listed in their minutes of November 23, 1964.' The Council instructed the Village Manager to set up a joint meeting of the Council, the Recreation Advisory Board, the Youth Activities Association, and the Little.. League, early in January, 1965. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, Proposed Ordinance No. 109 was tabled until the next regular meeting. - On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded. by Councilman Churchill, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 110, entitled _ _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PRIM BEACH, FLORIDA, A1~NDING ORDINANCE N0. 91, CREATING A BOARD OF GOVERNORS FOR THE NORTH PAIN BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, BY AMENDING THE POWERS AND DUTIES CF THE ~~5 OF TAE BOARD, AND SETTING FORTH ADDITIONA.h GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL FROM OFFICE -- was placed on second reading anal read by title only. _ On motion of Uice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, Ordinance No. 110, entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PRIM BEACH, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 91, CREATING A BOARD OF GOVERNORS FOR THE NORTH PAIN[ BEACH COUTTI'RY CLUB, BY AMENDING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE M'F~IQRFRS OF THE BOARD AND SETTING FORTH ADDITIONAL GROUNDS FOR RE-IfOVAL FROM OFFICE - ' was enacted. Both the Mayor anal the Uice-Mayor made statements on this ordinance which amended Ordinance No. 91 which created the Country Club Board of Governors, and stated in effect that this change was in no way meant to discredit the present Board and that the Council believes that the present Board has done an excellent job while sacrificing much of its personal time with no compensation. It must ~ °_ remembered, however, that the Council is responsible to the Village residents for the Club and that they cannot abdicate this responsibility or subordinance it in any way to any Committee or Board. The Uillage Manager was instructed to write a letter to each member of the Board of Governors, informing them of the Council's action and the reasons for doing so, and expressing the Council's satisfaction __ if at with the general performance of the Board, requesting that they continue _ all possible. Meeting of December 8, 1964 • Page two On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 111 was tabled. The Village Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 219 which amended the budget in order to authorize purchase of 4.15 acres of land on U. S. Highway #li adjacent to the Country Club, for $25,000. After a lengthy discussion, on motion of Councilman Churchill, secon ded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members voting aye except Councilman Watt and Bell who voted no, Resolution No. 219 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VIYsLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 216, FOR ZHE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING MONEY TO PURCHASE CERTAIN=LANDS UNDER OPTION TO THE VILLAGE IN THE BUDGET AND FISCAL V7+'AR 1964-65 was adopted. On motion of Vice Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all members voting aye, except Councilman Watt and Be11 who noted no, Resolution No. 22D, • entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PA2M BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE MANAGER TO PAY MONIES DUE UNDER AGR~RFN'r' BET-~EN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIMi BEACH AND WILLIAM W. BLAKESLEE AND ANITA F. BLAKESLEE, HIS WIFE, DATED JUZY 24, 1961, AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "C" UNDER PARAGRAPH N0. 4 OF SAID AGREEMENT was adopted. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, the following people were appointed to the Palm. Beach County Resources Development Board: Thomas F. Lewis, term expring 1965; Harold W. Beery, term expiring in 1966; Frank R. Spence, term expiring in 1967. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, the proposal of the North Palm Beach Utilities,-Inc., stating it would be willing to re-negotiate the lease of certain land in the water tower area to permit use for Public Works operation, at a cost of X1,500 per year, was tabled. The Council discussed the matter of controlling cats and decided that it would require only that cats to registered and innoculated but not leashed. The Village Attorney was instructed to draw up an appropriate ordinance incorporating their wishes. Vice-Mayor Lewis suggested that the Council meet with the Village Beautification Committee and the Library Board sometime in the month of January. The Village Manager-was instructed to determine the cost of fencing the end of Firetree Road, extending from property to property so that this route would not be used by children walking between the Village and Palm Beach Gardens. The Council stated that because of the Christmas holidays, they would schedule their next meeting for Tuesday, December 29, 1964, at 8:00 P.M. There being no • further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. until the above time and date. FRANK R. SPENC VILLAGE CLERK