• of the
August 11, 1964
' Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Mayor
Thomas R. Bell, Councilman
Walter E. Thomas, Councilman
Herbert A. iVatt, Councilman
Will A. Nason, Acting Village
Frank R. Spence, Village Manager
and Clerk
Absent: Harold W. Beery, Mayor
Vice-Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The invocation
was given by the Reverend Lee Ruskin of the First Methodist Church of Riviera
Vice-Mayor Lewis requested the Clerk to call the roll, all members being
present except Mayor Beery who was on vacation.
Vice-Mayor Lewis stated that the Council would hold the public hearing
at this time on the opening of Alamanda Drive to serve the New Allamanda School
After the Village Manager had made a presentation of the situation to date a
lengthy discussion ensued from the audience. At the request of Vice-Mayor Lewis
a showing of hands in the audience showed the majority of those present in favor
of keeping Village children here in the Village and attending the North Palm
Beach Village Elementary School and to support the position of Lake Park resi-
in their school and not have
dents whereby they desired to keep their c
to send them to the Village Elementary School. If this was not possible and
the school Board turned dawn our request then a majority of-the audience were
in favor of opening Alamanda Drive as a bicycle path and road. The Council an
all nterestdd citizens could appear to protest the transferring of Village
children from Plat 4 and part of Piat 6 area to the new Allamanda School. When
this time and place was determined the Village Manager was to print up notices
' announcing same and the Boy Scouts would deliver these notices to every res
in the Village.
After a ten minute recess Vice-Mayor Lewis called the regular meeting to
order at 9:30 p.m. The Clerk read the minutes of an adjourned meeting held
July 28, 1964, these being approved as read.
The Village Treasurer read the financial statements for the month of
July, 1964.
Vice Mayor Lewis recognized Mr. Roger Boyer as Chairman of the Recreation
Committee from the audience who requested a specific statement of policy from
the Council regarding the duties and responsibilities of the Recreation Committee.
Mr. Boyer felt that the Committee was becoming bogged down in detail do to the
lack of specific guidelines and therefore was requesting something more concrete
and specific. Vice-Mayor Lewis stated that it was his opinion that the Committee
• was created to be advisory to the Council in providing studies, advice, and
recommendations as to what types of programs and their priority order the Village
should have and to create a master recreation plan that would prevail for the
next five years or so. The detail work and the financing and costs of such pro-
posals should be left to the Village Council and Village Manager to work out.
This was the consensus of the Council. The Village Manager stated that he would
put these thoughts into writing and submit them to the Council for their approval
before forwarding this specific statement to the Recreation Committee.
Vice-h4ayor Lewis read a letter from Councilman Walter Thomas stating that
he would have to resign from the Council in order to accept the position as head
of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department of Purdue University in
Indiana. Vice-Mayor Lewis stated that on behalf of the Council the resignation
would be accepted with regrets and that these views should be pub in ~r-~~tia~ and
be signed by the Council. Such a letter or Resolution would also be sent to
recently resigned Councilman Herbert Gibson.
' Vice-Mayor Lewis called a special meeting of the Council to meet in executive
scuss a
session on l4ednesday, August 12, at 8;00 p.m, at the Village Hal
replacement for the forthcoming vacancy.
The Village Clerk read a letter from A4r. Jim Moore, 729 Alamanda Drive,
expressing a desire to serve on the Planning and Zoning Board. Since there is
a vacancy at present the Village Manager was instructed to present a list of
• available applicants including Mr. Moore's to the Council at the next meeting
so that a selection can be made.
Regular Meeting
Q~u~u~st 11 1964
The Village Clerk read a letter from Mr, James Graham, Executive
' Vice-President of Burnup and Sims, requesting that their Company be placed on
the Council's agenda for the meeting of August 25, 1964, for the purpose of
making a formal presentation and franchise request for Community Antennae Cable
Installation for the Village. The Village Clerk was instructed to place this
item on the agenda of the meeting of August 25 and to request the firm to limit
the presentation to ten to fifteen minutes.
The Village Clerk read a letter from the Florida State Road Department
regarding the four-laning of Northlake Boulevard between AlA and U.S.1, stating
' that construction should begin within 60 to 80 days after bids are let which
should occur in the very near future.
Vice-Mayor Lewis stated that in as much as the Village had not yet
heard from the State Department of Health regarding certain inquiries made about
the dangers of certain pesticides and insecticides, he recpmmended that proposed
Ordinance 5100 be tabled until the next meeting.
On motion of Councilman Tbomas, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members
voting aye, Resolution 5204 entitled
was adopted.
On recommendation of the Village Manager the Council authorized the Village
Manager to enter into an agreement to permit the Village to participate in co-
operative purchasing with neighboring cities, expecially West Palm Beach, which
sets the specifications and lets bids on various items the Village is interested
in purchasing ranging from police cars to gasoline.
On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members
' voting aye, the Village Manager's recommendation that the Village proceed with
engaging the services of Data Processing Services, Inc., to print and compute
the 1964 Tax Roll and tax bills be adopted. The Village Manager explained that
this Company did our tax bills last year, however, under the new arrangement
every tax card would be placed on an IBM card and a permanent file and roll
would be created. The cost this year would include an initial set-up charge
of $700. and would total $876., however, next year the cost would only be $183.
By using such advanced Data Processing equipment and methods for the first time
each Councilman will have in his hands a copy of each parcel of land and its
valuations within the Village before the Board of Equalization meets on August 29.
The Council referred to the Planning and Zoning Committee for their study
and recommendation three areas to be considered for possible annexation;
1) an unincorporated parcel of land east of Prosperity Farms Road, South of --
Monet Road and West of the Intra-Coastal Waterway; 2) unincorporated lands lying
Northward and Eastward of the Village all being East of U.S.51; and, 3) land Nest
of Prosperity Farms Road North of Crown Estates and South of Palm Beach Gardens.
• Councilman Bell inquired as to what was being done to eleviate the un-
healthy stagnant and highly odorous condition of the drainage canal in Crown
Estates running behind Cinnamon Road. The Village Manager informed the Council
that he had just authorized the pubchase of certain chemicals to be used in the
ditch which would minimize the stagnant smell of the ditch and that the Public
Work& Department had been authorized to proceed manually with cleaning out the
ditch as much as possible. The Village would also begin cleaning out the via-
ducts beginning on the south side of the ditch. The Village A4anager was instructed
to check a rumor that an alligator was inhabiting the drainage canal behind Dogwood
Road and if same was found to be true, to contact the conservation department.
The Village b4anager was instructed to set up a regular lot cleaning,
cutting, and check-up system to begin as soon as possible.
The Village Clerk again reminded the public that the Council will sit
as a Board of Tax Equalization on Saturday, August 29, 1964, at the Village Hall
to hear any complaints on property valuations.
A number of residents spoke on various subjects from the floor.
There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion
of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members voting aye, the
meeting was adjourned until August 25, 1964, at 8:00 p.m.
• The meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m.
Village Cler