04-07-1964 VC REG-M• MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALD4 BEACH held April 7, 1964 Present: Harold W. Seery, Mayor Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Mayor Herbert M. Gibson, Councilman Thomas R. Bell, Councilman 6Qalter E. Thomas, Councilman C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney ' Frank R. Spence, Village Manager and Clerk Mayor Beery called the adjourned meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present. The Council discussed the subject of a re-charge will for the Golf Course and heard testimony from two persons familiar with wells and water in this area, Mr. Jack P. Carroll and Mr. Fred Trapnell. They recommended that tests be run in the area to determine the chloride and salient content of the water, to determine if it is even feasible to sink a well and what would be the chances of getting good iaater. They also recommended that these be created at the golf course a total of three deep reservoir ponds as a temporary or even long range solution to the water shortage problem. On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, the Village A4anager was instructed to work in cooperation with Mr. Carroll and Mr. Trapnell in conducting these tests and surveys; to outline a system of three reservoir ponds to be all tied in together on the sprinkling system; secure electrical easement information in order to provide power to the required pumps; and, determine what the whole program will cost. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Thomas, all members voting aye, the Village T7anager was instructed to set up a water sampling schedule at the golf course of every 90 days and to submit such samples to the North Palm Beach Utility Company for analysis so that the Village will know if it's water supply is good and to be fore-warned if infiltration a5f chlorine and salt over begins so that preventive measures can be taken. ~J ~i The matter of the North Palm Beach Swimming Pool was discussed relevent to the failure and refusal of the contractors to correct certain deficiencies at the pool, namely its recoating. The Village Attorney recommended that the best procedure to follow was to have the work done by our contractors, then bring legal action to recover the costs. The Village Manager informed the Council that sandblasting and recoating of the pool alone would cost well in excess of $5,500. On motion of Councilman Gibson, seconded by Vice-Dlayor Lewis, all members voting aye, the Village Attorney was instructed to write a leteer for the Village Mamager's signature putting the prime contractor, Thomas A. Hodges Construction Company, Inc., on notice that if work has not begun on the pool by 10:00 a.m., Monday, April 13, 1964, the Village will proceed with its own contaactors and will bring suit to recover all costs. On motion of Councilman Gibson, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was authori8ed to proceed at his discretion on the sandblasting of the North Palm Beach Country Club pool if the prime contractor or his representative does not show up and to accept the lowest bid for sand- blasting. Tlie subject came up of extending the Country Club pool memberships since the pool has been closed for sometime. The Village Manager was instructed to bring the subject before the Pool Committee and North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board for their consideration and recommendation before the next regular meeting, April 14, 1964. ' Councilman Bell brought up the subject of a curfew for the lights at the Little League ball field and recommended that the curfew be set at 10:30 p.m. which to his knowledge was last year's curfew. The Council decided to postpone actions until its next regular meeting, April 14. There being norfurther business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Gibson, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. i age er