04-14-1964 VC REG-M• MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held April 14, 1964 ' Present: Harold W, Beery, Mayor Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Councilman Herbert M. Gibson, Councilman Walter E. Thomas, Councilman C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Manager and Clerk ' Mayor Beery called the meeting to order at 8:00 p,m. After the Invoca- tion was given by the Reverend Theodore Burrell of the Lighthouse Baptist Church North Palm Beach, Mayor Beery asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present. The minutes of the meetings of March 10, March 18, April 6, and April 7, were read and approved as corrected. Mayor Beery stated that upon the recommendations of the current Village Attorney resulting from the press of expanded personal business, the Village began contacting attorneys who were residents o€ the Village to see if they were interested in the position. Final interviews were held this date preceeding the Council meeting. On motion of Councilman Gibson, seconded by Councilman Thomas, all members voting aye, the position of Village Attorney was offered to Mr. Herbert Gildan, of 535 Gulf Road, North Palm Beach. Councilman Thomas ex- pressed the regrets of the Council that D4r. Burns could no longer serve the Village because of other commitments and praised the outstanding and dedicated service he has performed £or the Village for these past six years. The Village Treasurer then read the financial statements for the Village and the Country Club for the month of March, 1964, The Treasurer also read excerpts from a report he had presented to the Council reviewing the 1963-64 Budget after completion of five months of the fiscal year and forecasting revenues. and expenditures for the rest of the year. The figures show that the Village ex- penditures will be $146,635., while anticipated revenues outstanding only account for $74,623. These figures do not include the Country Club operation, nor the ' $88,608. Country Club Bond gayment which is self-sufficient. The Village Clerk read a letter from Robert Scott, Attorney, representing Northlake Properties, requesting that Lots 27 - 35, Block 40, Plat 6, Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, be rezoned from R-1 to R-2. A public hearing must first be called. On this QQoint a discussion ensued relating the Village Manager's recommendation for a $25. charge for public hearings to cover legal printing and publication costs to this request. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, except Councilman Gibson who voted nay, the Village Manager's recommend- ation was accepted that the Village will henceforth charge $25. to anyone request- ing a public hearing be called for the purpose of rezoning. On motion of Councilman Thomas, secanded by Councilman Gibson, with Councilman Thomas, Gibson, and Bell voting aye and Vice-Mayor Lewis and D7ayor Beery voting nay, a public hearing would be called for the next regular meeting • of the Council, May 12, 1964, to discuss b7r. Scott's rezoning request, but that Mr. Scott not be charged the $25. since his letter was written and in the hands of the Council before the Village Manager's recommendation was issued. The Clerk read a letter form Mr. Ray Accetta, 754 Lakeside Drive, request- ing permission to construct a dock extending ~5 feet our from the bulkhead into Lake Worth. The Village b7anager stated, with the Village Attorney concurring, that the proper steps for securing such permission are prescribed under Statutes whereby the Taustees of the Internal Improvement Fund and the Corp of Engineers must first approve. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Gibson, all members voting aye, except Councilman Thomas, who voted nay, the Village blanager was instructed to send a "To Whom It May Concern" statement for Mr. Accetta's use stating that the Village has no objection to Mr. Accetta's applying to the above named authorities for permission but that this letter was not to be interpreted ' as an automatic acceptance or rejection of Mr. Accetta ;s proposal; that the are only following the prescribed State course of action. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Kenneth Stevens suggesting that the Council consider an ordinance prohibiting the construction of a building over the Village boundary lines, and an ordinance requiring all commercial buildings have a service road or alley at the rear with access to the street. Council A1eeting held April 14, 1964 Page 2. On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, alI members voting aye, the matter was referred to the Village Attorney for study and recommendation, and b7r. Stevens was to be so informed. On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Gibson, all members voting aye, Resolution #192 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, CONCERNING CERTAIN UTILITY EASEMENTS. szas adopted. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Councilman Gibson, the Village Manager was instructed to set up a meeting between all interested parties ' involved in the drainage canal problem running between the St. Clare's Church p property and the Village limits west of Prosperity Farms Road. On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, with Councilman Thomas, Lesais and Beery voting aye, Councilman Bell voting nay, and Councilman Gibson abstaining from voting, Resolution #193 entitled . A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A CERTAIN DEDICA- TION OF LAND IN SECTION 9, TOIVNSHIP 42 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. was adopted. On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members voting aye, the Building Inspector was instructed to inform all potent- ial builders on U.S. #1 to build to Village public road standards if they intend to dedicate so as not to MAKE A REGULAR PROCEDURE of appealing to the Council for variances. The Council instructed the Village Attorney with the aid of the Building Official to prepare proper and adequate specifications £or having the swimming pool sandblasted and recoated, the work to be done during the winter months. ' On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members voting aye, the Village Attonney was instructed to amend the dog ordinance in line with the Village Manager's recommendations which includes a $2.00 impounding fee, but with a fine of $10.00 for a dog not having a license after June 1. Discussion of a possible cat controlling ordinance ensued and the Village Manager was instructed to send a copy of the Lake Park cat ordinance to the Council for consideration. The matter of the bulkhead line of Little Munyon Island as approved by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund compared with the Village Ordinance #61 along with the Brodkway engineering report was referred to the Village Attorney for study. On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members voting aye, a Recreation Committee was created and the following residents • appointed to serve at the will of the Council: Herbert {Vatt Setty Hurd Paul Emond Helen Phillips John Martin Blanche Lang Roger Boyer ' with the Village Manager as an ex-officio member of this Committee. The Village D~anager was also instructed to Brae up a description of the Committee's functions which will include: 1. Recommend a total Village recreation program for boys, girls, men and women of all ages. 2. Consider availability and usage of all Village owned buildings. 3. Recommend whether or not there should be any type of fee for residents or non-residents £or the use of Village facilities tp cover overhead and janitorial costs. Council Meeting held June 14, 1964 a'~ge ~ The possible creation of a Planning and Zoning Committee was discussed, Councilman Gibson recommended that the organization and functions for such a ' committee be first put down on paper before further consideration. The Village Manager was instructed to contact the following people, and any others that may be suggested late to see if they would be interested and able to serve if nom- inated: James Mullen, George Houck, Nallace Saltzstein, Jack Schwencke and Marshall Benjamin, Keith Nichols, Chairman of the North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board, read the minutes of their Board meeting held April 10, 1964, in which the. Board recommended that an independent Board of Governors be created similar ' to the one which currently operates the Nest Palm Beach Country Club. The method of appointment was discussed but no unanimous opinion was reached. In order to provide the Council with the greatest possible freedom in the selection of the initial Board members, the Advisory Board empowered the Chairman to tender the resignation of all members of the current Country Club Advisory Board. On behalf of the Council Mayor Beery stated that the current Board has served admirably and has helped to improve the operations of the Club over the • past year. The Village Manager, was instructed to prepare a recommended Ordi- nance for submittal to the Council. The Village Manager was also instructed to contact the fbtdowing people, and any others that may be suggested later to see if they would be interested and able to serve ifi nominated and if they were interested, to submit a resume of their qualifications. Keith Nichols Al Haig Dr. Denton Dean Maurer Mel Liegel Bob Scott Jack Schwencke Dwight Green Tom Lumbra Fred Trapnell Harold Emlein Harold Lang On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Gibson, all members voting aye, this matter is tabled until the April 28th meeting of the Council. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Thomas, all members voting aye, the Council decided not to accept at this time the resignation of the Country Clu b Advisory Board that current paid-up pool memberships be extended for one month. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Roger 0. Boyer, of the local Jaycees, submitting sample questionnaires for the Council's approval and expressing the Jaycee s desire to aid in this community survey. On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, the questionnaire was approved and the Village Manager authorized to send them out in the next newsletter and to reimburse the Jaycees for the cost of printing them at a rate of one cent (1¢) each. The Village would also utilize the services of the Jaycees in helping to get them out, • The Clerk read a letter form the local Jaycees signed by Bernard Hirsch, Treasurer, requesting the Village to contribute $300. for a joint inter-city fireworks display on July 4. The Village Manager stated that money was provided in the current budget estimates. Councilman Gibson stated that the Village would more than get this much money back in return £or all the work the Jaycees have volunteered to do in developing recreation areas within the Village. ' On motion of Councilman Thomas, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members voting aye, the request for $300. was approved, On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members voting aye, the curfew for lights at the Little League fallfield would be 10:30 p.m, in order that they might be able to fulfill their program and schedule this year. The matter of installing a re-charge tv~ll at the North Palm Beach Golf ' Course was discussed. The Village bfanager read the report and recommendation of Mr. Fred Trapnell of the water company in which he stated that a well should be installed on the east side of #17 fairway, approximately 300 feet east of the center finger of the three reservoir lakes. He also stated that using the #10 lake as a reservoir lakes. He also stated that using the #10 lake as areservoir was definitely out due to the great amount of chlorides found in the water. The Village D4an~ger was instructed to inquire about getting an easement in order to run the overhead electric lines to power the pups and to present everything that • was needed for such an installation to the Council at the next meeting. Council Meeting Held A r_p it 14, 1964 age 4 Councilman Thomas recommended that an ordinance creating a police reserve force for the Village be placed on the agenda of the next meeting. The Village Manager read a letter from Vicent Pappalardo, President of Fairway Homes, Inc., stating that_he had been paying $7.50 additional on ' each building permit for tree:> to be planted in the swale by the Village but in effect he had chosen to plant his own trees (maleucas). He therefore was requesting a refund of $157,50 from the Village. The Village Manager informed the Council that this was a >tandard procedure for the Village to plant such trees for nniformity but that Mr. ~appalardo has fefused them and preferred to install the trees himself. H<: ahd also been told by the Building Official that we would prefer he not plant malaleuca trees because of the great amount ' of trouble we have had with root infestation of water and sewer lines and that the Village was presently removing such trees for this very reason. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Thomas, all members voting aye, the request was denied. Councilman Thomas read a letter from Mr. Jack Schwencke addressed to the Village Manager, congratulating the Village and Mr. Ed Jacomo for the outstanding Village display that was put up at the Parade of Homes tent. The Village Manager was instructeci to write a letter to Mr. Jacomo commending him on the fine job he had done creating this display. Councilman Thomas recommended that the Village Manager notify the residents in the Crown Estates area in the next newsletter of the fact that the crainage ditch that passe:s through there is private property and belongs to the individual property owner backing onto it. The Village Manager wars informed that the local Jaycees had volunteered to help the Village develop the Channel 5 property as a recreation site and that he should utilize their services whenever possible. The Village Manager wa:s asked to recommend appropriate changes of a more stringent natBre of the noise and nuisance ordinance. The matter of legal recourse on abandoned swimming pools within the Village was referred to the Village Attorney for recommended action. There being no further business to come fiefore the Council the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 midnight to April 28, 1964, at 8:00 p.m. ~~^~ i age e r~ u