09-10-1963 VC REG-M• MINUTES OF A REGULAR h4EETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALh4 BEACH held September 10. 1963 ' Present: t9arren P. Tatoul, Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Jr.,Vice-h7ayor Harold M. Beery, Councilman Thomas R. Bell, Councilman, Frank J. Hahn, Councilman John Farrell for C. Robert Burns Village Attorney Albin R. Olson, Village Clerk Mayor Tatoul called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Tatoul requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular . meeting of the Village Council held August 13, 1963. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasurer's report for the month of August and the fiscal year period November 1, 1962 - August 31, 1963, taas read and distri- buted to the Council. A request from the Palm Beach County Fire Prevention Committee for a contribution in the amount of $25. to assist in defraying Fire Prevention il~eek program expenses was approved on motion of Vice-Mayor Aiello, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye. A request of F.A'. Reuter, 400 Northlake Court, for permission to erect a building structure over a utility easement located on his property teas presented to the Council. The Building Official recommended the request be denied and on motion of Councilman Beery, seconded by ' Vice-Mayor Aiello, all Members voting aye, the request was denied. On motion of Vice-h"ayor Aiello, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all Members voting aye, proposed Resolution #171 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE VILLAGE MANAGER AND CLERK TO SIGAr A CERTAIN PLAT. was adopted. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Beery, all members voting aye proposed Resolution #170 eniitiled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, • FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO SIGN AN EASEb4ENT GRANT TO FLORIDA POIh'ER AND LIGHT COMPANY. was adopted. On motion of l+ice-Mayor Aiello, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #172 entitled A RESOLUTUION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALh4 BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPOINTING A LIBRARY COMMITTEE. was adopted. • On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by IJice-Mayor Aiello, proposed Resolution #173 entitled. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH FALD1 BEACH, PALM BEACIi,COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A CERTAIN EASEMENT. ' was adopted. The matter of.informal bids received for the construction of a well at the Country Club was discussed and tabled pending receipt of more detailed specifications. The bids received were: J. P. Carroll, $1,825. Barney Hair, $4,000. The matter of altering a partition in the Country Club bar was discussed. The estimated cost figure of $850. was tabled for further study. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. on motion of Vice-D7ayor Aiello, seconded by Councilman Beery, all members voting aye. -~.~0., . Village Clerk MIt~Lr£ES OF A: REGULAR MEETING ' of the VILLAGF: COUdC J. OF NORTH PALM BEACH - held S~ptcmbur 1J,.1;63 I 1 L~ Present: Marren P. Tatoul,tJiayor ---Louis J. Aiello, Jr., Vice-Mayor -Harold M. Beery Councilman /I`homas R. Bell, Councilman 1/F`rank J. Hahn, Councilman ,/John Farrell for C. Robert Burns Village Attorney • ~lbin R. Olson, Village Clerk Mayor Tatoul Called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Tatoul requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Village Council held August 13, 1963. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasurer's report for the month of August and the fiscal year period November 1, 1962 - August 31, 1963, was read and distri- buted to the Council. A request from the Palm Beach County Fire Prevention Committee £or a contribution in the amount of $25. to assist in defraying Fire Prevention Week program expenses was approved on motion of Vice-Mayor Aiello, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye. A request of F.W. Reuter, 400 Northlake Court, for permission to erect a building structure over a utility easement located on his property was presented to the Council. The Building Official recommended the request be denied and on motion of Councilman Beery, seconded by Vice-Mayor Aiello, all members voting aye, the request was denied. On motion of Vice-Mayor Aiello, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #i';1 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE VILLAGE MANAGER AND CLERK TO SIGN A CERTAIN PLAT. was adopted. On motion of Concilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Beery, all members voting aye, proposed resolution #170 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, '.. FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO SIGN AN EASEMENT GRANT TO FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY. was adopted. On motion of Vice-Mayor Aiello, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #172 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPOINTING A LIBRARY COMMITTEE. was adopted. On motion bf Councilman Harp, seconded by Vice-Mayor Aiello, proposed Resolu,~ion #173 entitle,r~ rX'~'k~ESOL1Ji;::'yid C3F TH;= VILLAGE COUiJCIL OF THE VILLAGE Qn '•N0;2TH F'l;LM BEACH, F'A.T.,IvI B;~ACH COUNTY, FLORIIIA, ACCEPTOING A CERTA:iDi EASEMENT. y~,~.,.' was adopted. The mater of informal bids received for the construction of a well at the Country Club was discussed and tabled pending receipt of more detailed specifications. The bids received were: J. P. Carroll, $1,825. Barney Hair, $4,000. The matter of altering a partition was discussed. The estimated cost figure further study. There being no further business to the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. on Aiello, seconded by Councilman Beery, all in the Cmntry Club bar of $850. was tabled for come before the Council, motion of Vice-Mayor members voting aye. Village Clerk the village of -~ t ',ry ~t.'.®~11 Lll.l r.~<' "~,.~s" 'r; ~`lii n s ftorida MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held September 17, 1963. Present: Warren P. Tatoul, Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Vice-Mayor Thomas R. Be11, Councilman Harold M. Beery, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman Absent: C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Albin R. Olson, Village Clerk Mayor Tatoul called the meeting of the Village Council, meeting as a Board of Equalization to order at 7:30 p.m. The Council discussed the matter of tax assissments with property owners attending the meeting and tabled several requests for changes for further study. The Council adjourned as a Board of Equalization at 8:50 p.m. at which time Mayor Tatould called a special meeting of the Village Council for the prupose of considering proposed Resolution '#174 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING FRANK R. SPENCE AS VILLAGE MANAGER AND VILLAGE TREASURER OF SAID VILLAGE. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Vice-Mayor Aiello, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #174 was adopted. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilman Beery, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye. Village Clerk