05-02-2002 Smith to Kelly_Renaissance Place PUD application withdrawal'MAY —OZ -OZ 04:Z6PM FROM- Gary,Dytrych & Ryan, P.A. 5618442388 gary, 2Vf,- yC4 & ��an PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION JOHN W. GARY, III -- JAMES H. RYAN - DONALD & BICKNELL, JR. - LAWRENCE W. SMJTII ALYS NACLER DANIELS PETER M. ARMOLD JODY H. OLIVER GREGORY C. PICKEN May 2, 2002 Ms. Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Re: Renaissance Place Dear Kitty: T -201 P- 002/004 F -532 RICHARD-G- DYTRYCH - - -- - - 1915.1996 701 U.S. HIGHWAY ONE. SUITE 402 NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 73408 TELEPHONE (561).8;4-3700 FAX (66IN"2388 Via Fax: 881 -7469 Based on the information which I received from conversations with George Baldwin which are memorialized in a letter from me to George, a copy of which is attached hereto, we are hereby withdrawing the request for the planned unit development approval on behalf of our client, Atrium Development, for the Renaissance Place project development on Monet Road. This withdrawal is conditioned on the confirmation that we received from Mr. Baldwin that no plat is required for the submission of the project to a condominium form of ownership and therefore the 5% requirement in Section 36 -23 of the Village Code does not apply since we will not be subdividing the property. further, this withdrawal of the PUD application is conditioned on Mr. Baldwin's earlier confirmation that the project meets the R -2 zoning criteria and that, therefore, no minor modifications to the Code are required. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, GARY, DYTRYCH & RYAN, P.A. 4aw C CWS M i t h >✓sq. LWS /edc cc: client George Baldwin, Esq. G'\DOCS .ws\000acwS39M 400ov7z7.2uclly ►v..pd i 'MAY-02-02 04:26PM FROM— Gary,Dytrych t Ryan, P.A. pp 5616442386 oCaw O�l�rcal �arc�,c�rFrt�ch kyan PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION - JOHN -W G,ARY-ui - - -- - -- - JAMES H. RYAN DONALD R. BICKNELL, JR. LAWRINCE W. SMITH ALYS NAGLER DANIELS PETER M. ARMOLD JODY H. OLIVER GREGORY C. PiCvZN May 2, 2002 George Baldwin, Esq. Brant and Baldwin 330 Federal Highway Lake Park, Florida 33403 Re: Renaissance Place — Monet Road Dear George: T -201 P.003/004 F -532 RICHARD GDYTRYCH 1925 -I996 701 U.S. HIGH WAY ONE, SUITE 402 NORTH PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33405 TELEPHONE (56I)4w -370o rAX (561). l 7388 Via Fax: 842 -1548 This is confirm our telephone conversations of April 30, 2002 and May 1, 2002, As I told you, we have been considering withdrawal of the PUD application subject to confirmation that you agree that the project meets all R -2 zoning requirements and that it would not be necessary to subdivide the property pursuant to the Village's Subdivision Code in the event we choose to submit the property to the condominium form of ownership. Based on our telephone conversations wherein you confirmed that our client would not need to subdivide the property and, therefore, could avoid the 5% dedication in Section 36 -23 of the Village's Subdivision Code and that you agree the project that we otherwise meets the R -2 zoning district regulations, we have decided to withdraw the PUD application. I have advised Charlie Omelia of this fact and will further advise the Village Clerk. Thank you very much for your assistance. Sincerely, Y, DYTRYCH & RYAN, P.A, awrenQE mith, Esq. LWS /edc cc: Ms. Kitty Kelly client G: tDOCSu. w310000LW53000400011727 .31baldwin lumpd