FY 2010 Financial HighlightsTHE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA b; 4 if t* ; FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS +1 10 GROUP FOR THE YEAR ENDED The information presented has been derived from the Basic SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 Financial Statements and information provided by the Village. It is not intended to be a financial report under generally accepted accounting principles. About the Village of North Palm Beach The Village of North Palm Beach is primarily a residential community, having been incorporated as a political subdivision of the State of Florida in 1956. The registered population of the Village is approximately 13,000, which increases to approximately 18,000 during the winter months. Residents are generally in the middle to upper income brackets. Located in the northeastern quadrant of Palm Beach County, Florida, the Village has an abundant amount of waterfront property created by a number of lakes, canals, and the Atlantic Ocean. The governing body of the Village con- sists of a Five member Village Council, each of whom is elected to two-year overlapping terms. The Mayor is selected by mgiority vote of the Council and serves for a term of one year. Day to day affairs of the Village are under the leadership of a Village Manager who is appointed by the Council. PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS (AT SEPTEMBER 30, 2010) WILLIAM L. MANUEL MAYOR DARRYL C. AUBREY VICE MAYOR DAVID B. MORRIS PRESIDENT PRO TEM ROBERT A. GEBBIA COUNCIL MEMBER T.R. HERNACKI COUNCIL MEMBER JIMMY KNIGHT VILLAGE MANAGER SAMIA JANJUA DIRECTOR OF FINANCE MELISSA TEAL VILLAGE CLERK THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA b; 4 if t* ; FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS +1 10 GROUP FOR THE YEAR ENDED The information presented has been derived from the Basic SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 Financial Statements and information provided by the Village. It is not intended to be a financial report under generally accepted accounting principles. About the Village of North Palm Beach The Village of North Palm Beach is primarily a residential community, having been incorporated as a political subdivision of the State of Florida in 1956. The registered population of the Village is approximately 13,000, which increases to approximately 18,000 during the winter months. Residents are generally in the middle to upper income brackets. Located in the northeastern quadrant of Palm Beach County, Florida, the Village has an abundant amount of waterfront property created by a number of lakes, canals, and the Atlantic Ocean. The governing body of the Village con- sists of a Five member Village Council, each of whom is elected to two-year overlapping terms. The Mayor is selected by mgiority vote of the Council and serves for a term of one year. Day to day affairs of the Village are under the leadership of a Village Manager who is appointed by the Council. Governmental Revenues The following graph presents revenues of the Village's governmental funds for the past five years. ®Taxes IIaLLrgoveramrnsal ❑Charges Por Services ❑Licrnses &Permits ■Int-1 DOthcr 0 7M Ll zs,DO0,0oD 2o,aoa,OOD — 15,000,000 10,000,000 '.1 S S,000,OOD — — / zoos zooz zoos zaov zalo Components of revenue changed as follows: Total revenues decreased 8.6% over 2009. The decrease was primarily due to grant funding for capital projects. Governmental Expenditures The following graph presents total expenditures of the Village's governmental funds for the past five years. s 15,00o,00o sm,non,con 55,000,000 S- 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Components of expenditures changed as follows: $10,000poo Increase 2009 2010 2009 2010 (Decrease) AdWoremTaxes $11,917,359 $11,053,128 $ (864,231) Othe, Local Taxes 1,383,664 1,381,022 (2,642) Franchise & Utility Taxes 3,495,833 3,465,703 (30,130) Intergovernmental 2,199,801 653,441 (1,546,360) Charges for Services 1,664,718 1,944,245 259,527 Licenses & Permits 860,016 910,997 30,981 Interest (1,345) 280,218 281,563 Other 445,795 420,110 (25,685) Total $22,005,841 $ 20,108,864 $(1,896,977) Total revenues decreased 8.6% over 2009. The decrease was primarily due to grant funding for capital projects. Governmental Expenditures The following graph presents total expenditures of the Village's governmental funds for the past five years. s 15,00o,00o sm,non,con 55,000,000 S- 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Components of expenditures changed as follows: Total expenditures decreased 8.6% from 2009, with the most significant decrease being capital outlay. The decrease in capital outlay was primarily due to Anchorage Park improvements and the new tennis complex that were completed in 2009. General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance The following graph presents the general fund undesignated fund balance (available, spendable resources) for the past five years. $12,000000 $10,000poo Increase 2009 2010 2009 2010 (Decrease) Public Safety $ 6,835,730 $ 7,021,231 $ 165,501 Public Works 3,432,556 3,887,034 454,478 Leisure Services- Recreation 2,898,252 2,361,388 (536,864) General Government 1,970,257 2,496,342 526,085 Debt Service 1;439,460 2,254,384 814,924 Community Du. & Planning 784,486 774,121 (10,365) Capital Outlay 3,939,455 663,582 (3,275,873) Total $ 21,300,196 $19,458,082 $ (1,842,114) Total expenditures decreased 8.6% from 2009, with the most significant decrease being capital outlay. The decrease in capital outlay was primarily due to Anchorage Park improvements and the new tennis complex that were completed in 2009. General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance The following graph presents the general fund undesignated fund balance (available, spendable resources) for the past five years. $12,000000 $10,000poo $8,000.000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 x- 2009 2010 — — — $ (177,279) Operating Expenses 3,077,469 3,205,053 127,584 Operating income (loss) 327,390 22,527 (304,863) Nonoperating revenues (expenses) (222,576) (123,167) (99,409) Income (loss) $104,814 $ (100,640) -- — - 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 General fund undesignated fund balance at September 30, 2010, was $10,443,099. This represents approximately 54% of expenditures for fiscal year 2010. Country Club Operations The following chart presents the operating revenues and expenses for the Country Club for the past five years. components of revenues ano expenses changed as follows: Increase 2009 2010 (Decrease) Operating Revenue $ 3,404,859 $ 3,227,580 $ (177,279) Operating Expenses 3,077,469 3,205,053 127,584 Operating income (loss) 327,390 22,527 (304,863) Nonoperating revenues (expenses) (222,576) (123,167) (99,409) Income (loss) $104,814 $ (100,640) $ (404,272) 'The decline in the operating revenue was most prominent in the area of Club memberships, which is directly tied to the struggling economy. The increase in operating expenses was primarily due to start up expenses from the Village assuming operations of the restaurant.