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05-07-1963 VC SP-M
MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held May 7, 1963 Fresent: Warren P. Louis J. Harold W. Thomas R. Frank J. Albin R. C. Robert Tatoul, Mayor Aiello, Vice-Mayor Beery, Councilman Bell, Councilman Hahn, Councilman Olson, Village Manager and Clerk Burns, Village Attorney At the call of Mayor Tatoul, a special meeting of the Village Council was held May 7, 1963, at 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of considering the acquirement of certain land located on Lighthouse Drive within the Village in order to provide access to a proposed public park area site. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Vice-Mayor Aie11i, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution x#159 entitled A RESOLUTION OF IHE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZ- ING THE ACQUIREMENT BY EMINENT DOMAIN OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH. was adopted. In other business befare the meeting, Village Manager Albin R. Olson submitted a letter of resignation requesting such resignation be effective at the earliest date consistent with the convenience of the Village Council. On motion of Councilman Beery, seconded by Vice-Mayor Aiello, all members voting aye, the matter was tabled to be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Village Council to be held Tuesday, May 14. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Beery, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. ~~ Village Clerk TREASURERtS REPORT -- VILLAGE OF NORTH FALM BEACH, FLORIDA November 1, 1962 - April 30, 1963. ' BALANCE, November 1, 1962 $ 814.17 Receipts- Rea1 Estate Taxes $ 189,081.16 Building Permits 10,431.65 Occupational Licenses 21,50 L 75 ' Boat Area 1,087.50 Dog Licenses .43.00 Fines~For£eitures 298.00 Cigarette Tax 11,639.78 Rent, Village Hall 2,790.00 Franchise Income 2,387.72 _ Miscellaneous Income 3.610.92 $ 242,871.48 Total $ 243.685.65 General Government $ 30,916.34 Village Manager 10,648.99 Village Attorney & Court 1,655.95 Village Clerk 704.07- Finance Dept. 8,804.69 Police & Fire Dept. 29,664.23 Building Dept. 8,888.58 Parks &.Recreation 16,648.20 Operations Dept. 41,960.88 Purchase TV Tower Area 7,616.17 Total $ 156,696.01 BALANCE, APRIL 30, 1963 $ 86,989.64 ii NORTH PALM BEACH GOUNTRX CLUB TREASURERTS REPORT November 1, 1962 - March 31, 1963 BALANCE, October 31, 1962 RECEIPTS: Gol£ Course Memberships Greens Fees Electric Carts Hand Carts Driving Range Lockers Sales Tax Total - Golf Dining Room Memberships Lohak Commission Food Bar Sales Tax Total - Dining $ 102,990.55 $ 25,458.13 Pool ' Memberships & Guest $ 15,140.55 Fees Total- Pool $ 15,140.55 Total Income u 0 TOTAL, March 3I, 1963 ADD: Accounts Receivable: Golf Course Memberships Pool Memberships GRAND TOTAL, March 31, 1963 $ 42.636.75 32,692.75 16,877.50 1,638.50 8,260.05 355.00 _530.00 $ 782.00 144.00 15,863.48 8,016.49 652.16 20,420.00 6.100.00 $ 18,471.97 $ 143.589.23 $ 162,061.20 26,520.00 $ 188,581.20 J C DISBURSEMENTS Wages $ 42,615.34 Social Security & Witholding Tax 5,980.6'7 Utilities (Gas, Power & Light, Watery 8,801.30 Insurance 5,630.42 Supplies (Fertilizer, Chemicals 7,022.98- Supplies, New Equip. 5,072.22 Maintenance Operations repairs equip & supplies 8,449.92 Maintenance, repairs Golf Course 4,449.31 Clubhouse Building Improvements, Supplies 1,896.74 Clubhouse Equipment, Furniture 1,720.45 Signs & Advertising 2,437.31 Sales Tax 805.28 Electric Cart Lease 1,729.'75 Office Supplies, Printing 2,849.36 Pool Supplis 774.66 Dining Room - Operating supplies 15.758.67 Total Operating $ 115,994.38 Expenditures Lohak Payment $ 11,500.00 Bond Payment 29.389.50 40.889.50 Total Expenditures . CASH BALANCE, March 31, 1963 Add' Accounts Receivable Total, March 31, 1963 $ 156,883.88 $ 5,177.32 26,520.00 $ 31,697.32 I~dINUTES OF A SFECIC,L MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALA4 3EACH held A°~:y 7, 1963 ~_ ~ Present: b:'arren P. Tatoul, P•?ayar Louis J. Aiello, Vice-A4ayer Harold PJ. :beery, Councilman Thomas R. T3e11, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman Albin C. Olson, Villag=e Manager ant! Clerk C. Robert Surns, Villas*e Attorney At the call of Mayor Tataul, a special meeting of the Village Council was held May 7, 1963, at 8:0d p.m. fcr the purpose of -considering the acquirement of certain land located en Lighthouse Drive within the Village in order to provide access to a prorosed public park area site. On motion cf Councilman Dell, seconded by Vice-Mayor Aiello, all members voting; aye, ;,ropcsed Resolution #159 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF TFiF. VILLAGE OF NORTH PPLA.i BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTFIORI- ZIATG THE ACQUIREFiENT T3Y EMIAIENT DOA?AIN OF CERTAIN PEAL PROPERTY IN TFiE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM I:EP.CFI. was adopted. In other business before the meeting, Village P~anaaer Albin R. Olson submitted a letter of resig=n~tinn requesting such resignation be affective at the earliest c'ate consistent with the convenience of the uillage Council. On motion cf Councilman Geery, seconded by Vice-A4ayor Aiello, all members voting aye, the matter was tablet'. tc be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Village Council to be held Tuesday, A9ay 1G. There being; no further business to come before the meeting, on motion of Councilman Hahn, secnnc'ed by Councilman Seery, all members voting; aye, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Village Clerk /~ TREASURER'S REPORT VILLAGE ^F NnRTH'~PAL64 PEACH, FLORIDA November 1, 1962 - April 30, 1963 L'ALANCE, November 1, 1962 Receipts: ~.'w; Real Estate Taxes ~ 189,081.16 3uilc!inE Permits 10,431.65 Occupational Licenses 21,501.75 Boat Area 1,087.50 Dad Licnnses 43.00 Fines/Forfeitures 298.00 Cigarette Tax 11,639.78 Rent, Village Hall 2,790.00 Franchise Income 2,387.72 Dliscellaneous Income _ 3,610.92 Total Disbursements General Government $ 30,916.34 Village ManaEer 10,6118.99 Village Attorney F Court 1,655.95 Vi11aRC Clerk 70.1,07 Finance P.ept. g,g0:;,69 Police F, Eire Dept. 29,66;.23 Buildin;,- I)er:t. 8,88II.SB Parks ~ Recreation 16,648.20 Operations Del:t. 41,96x,88 Purchase TV Tower Area 7.61G.17 Total DALANCE, April 30, 1963 ~ 814.17 ~_ $- 242,871:48 4 243,685.65 156,696,01 $ 86,989 6q NORTEI PALP9 BEACH C!'UNTF.Y CLUB TREASUFEP,'S REP~P.T November 1, 1962 - March 31, 1963 BALANCE, October 31, 1962 ~ 18,471.97 RECEIPTS: -~- Golf Course Memberships $ 42,636.75 Greens Fees 32,692,75 Electric Carts 16,877.50 Fiand Carts 1,638.50 Driving Range 8,260.05 Lockers 355.D0 Sales Tax 530.00 Total - Golf - ~ 1D2,990.55 Dininn Room Memberships ~ 782.D0 Lohak Commission 144.00 Food 15,863.48 Bar 8,01.5.49 Sales Tax 652.16 Total - Dining - ~ 25,458.13 Pool Memberships F, Guest Fees 15,140.55 Total - Pccl - 15,140.55 Total income a 143,589.23 TOTAL, March 31, 1963 162.061.20 ADD: Accounts Receivable: Gnlf Cc-urse Memberships 20,420.00 Pool hemberships 6,10.00 26,520.00 GRAND TOTAL , March 31, 1963 ~ 1£8,5F,I.20 `~ u DISBURSEMENTS Wades $ 42,615.3: Social Security $ G'Jitholding Tax 5,950.67 Utilities (Gas, F'ower ti Light; Water). . 3:801.3C Insurance 5,630.42 Supplies (Fertili;er, Chemicals ) 7,022.93 Supplies, Nett Equip. 5,072.22 Maintenance Operations repairs equip $ 8,449,92 supplies Maintenance, repairs Gc~l£ Course 4,449.31 Clubhcuse Buildinr• v Improvements, 1,F96.74 Supplies Clubhouse Equipment, Furniture 1,720.45 Sicns $ Advertising 2,437.31 Sales Tax &05.28 Electric Cart Lease 1,729.75 Office Supplies, Printing 2,349.36 Fcol Supplies 774.66 Dining Room - 1 5,758.67 Operating supplies Total O1:•erating ~ 115,994.38 Expenditures Lohad Payment $11,500.00 Bond Payment 29,3£s9.50 40,8£>9.50 Total.F.xpenditures CASH BALANCE, March 31, 1963 ADD• Accounts Receivable Total, March 31, 1963 S 156,3^3."£. $ 5,177.32 26,520.00_ x.31,697.32 ,. ~ .. the vilinga of . ~ ~ORTH ~.ILM )E:ACH tlorida STATISTICAL DATA REPORT FO R MONTH OF A P R I L 1 6 3 NUMBER BUILDING PERMITS AND LICENSES ~ FEES '. - - TOTAL FEES - ~i0 BUILDING PERMITS $I ~~~ ~7~. PLUMBING PERMITS - ~'?© 00 Z~ ELECTRICAL PERMITS `~~~ ©`~ ~"' GAS INSTALLATION PERMITS "d ~~ ~ OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES ~~~_8_~_ 7~ Z t~,r~ MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES ~ ~~C~66 Z Conhractor'a sxaminat3.on !'ee . 25 QO 3,69 00 - ---- ESTIMATED BUILDING COSTS ESTIMATED cows COSTS TO DnTE ESTIMATED COST OF BUILDING DURING MONTH '~~'~~~~~ ~~ ESTIMATED COST OF ALL PREVIOUS BUILDING ~4f~4~'•~45 OO 82,x$7.27 00 __: BUILDING DATA - 9 t26~~120~ SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS STARTED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS STARTED "Q'~ COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS STARTED~rj-ng ~L'ks ~' 5 t~~I~O~/ ~ 2 HOMES COMPLETED THIS MONTH ' ,'4`~"~ TOTAL HOMES COMPLETED TO DATE O POPULATION DATA NEW FAMILIES IN VILLAGE - - - ~'~ _ _ __ PREVIOUS FAMILIES IN VILLAGE 1473 TOTAL NUMBER OF FAMILIES L4s9 ~Q98 ~ 2t1UV@~. 1479 NUMBER OF CHILDREN TOTAL VILLAGE POPULATION ~~~ ,~~1~8 4S Il~BEE 8ET $820 AVERAGE NUMBER O~F PERSONS PER I ~a~.ly +~..~~ VILLAGE MANAGER