05-14-1963 VC REG-M MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH ' held May 14~ 1963 Present; Warren P. Tatoul, Mayor Louis J. Aiello-,Jr., Vice-Mayor Harold W. Beery, Councilman Thomas A. Be11, Councilman Frank J, Hahn, Councilman ' C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Albin R. Olsoti_, Village Manager and Clerk Mayor Tatoul called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. • Mayor Tatoul requested the Clexk held April 9, 1963, and the minutes of minutes were approved as read. A public hearing was held in the located on the west side- of Prosperity Presbyterian Church. read the minutes of a regular meeting a special meeting Y~e1d May 7, 1963. The matter of rezoni.~g a parcel of property Farms Road and recently purchased by the Following a public discussion of the mattes at which discusssion no was voiced, on motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Vice-Mayor Aiello, voting aye, proposed Ordinance #78 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE #29 AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, THE SAME BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID VILLAGE BY REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM THE R-1 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT AND RE-CLASSIFY- ING SAID PROPERTY AS R-2 MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; BY DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO BRING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP UP TO DATE; BY PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. opposition all members was placed on first reading and read in full. ^. C~ On motion of Vice-Mayor Aiello, seconded by Oouncilman Be11, all members voting aye, the rules were waived, and proposed Ordinance #78 was placed on second reading and read by title only. On motion of Councilman Beery, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #72 enacted December 12, 1961, and establishing a North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board was discussed. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #79 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD; REPEALING ORDINANCE #72;AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. On motion of Vice-Mayor Aiello, seconded by Coucilman Hahn, all members voting aye, the rules were waived, and proposed Ordinance #"79 was placed on second reading and read by title only. was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Vice-Mayor Aiello, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #79 was enacted. 4 The Village Manager read the following letter of resignation: May 7, 1963 ' The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Village Council Village Hall North Palm Beach, Florida Gentlemen: 0 f It has been my privilege and pleasure for the past seven years to have been employed as village manager of North Palm Beach. The Village of North Palm Beach began with a master plan in 1956 and it has been most satisfying to have ,had a part in developing this community in accordance-with the original planning. Employment in the city manager profession is frequently as frustra- ting as it is satisfying. After careful reflection, I find my philosophies of administration which have applied during the past period of village growth now ineffective. Also, because I find it no longer possible to cope with the at- titudes and desises.of many village citizens my work is no longer enjoyable. Accordingly, I conclude the best interest of the village will be served by my resignation at this. .time. During the seven years I have been employed by the village I have always found the Village Councils to be sincere, conscientious, and un- selfish in their_ objective to forward the development of North Palm Beach as a desireable community. It had been a pleasure for me to have had the opportunity to work for and with them and I regret discontinuing this pleasant association. It is r?eguegted my resignation be effective at the earliest possible date consistent with the convenience of the Village Council. Sincerely yours, ALBIN R. OLSON Village Manager `J Following a public discussion of the resignation, on motion of Vice- Mayos Aiello, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, the resigna- tion was accepted with regret. The Treasurer's report for the North Palm Beach Country Club of -the period November 1, 1962, = March 31, 1963-; and the Village of North Palm Beach far the period November 1, 1962, - April 3Q, 1963, was distsibuted to the Council and accepted as read. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Beery, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Village C1esk L~~ r ._ u . z .. n ~ ~ ~ ~ Published Every Weekday West Palm Beach, Patin Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA 1 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared ......~.P_.C.].1...~......x211E.~T............ who on oath says that he is _.._~b~:.1S$8r__ ._ of The Palm Beach Times, a daily newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that ffie attached coPY oP advertisement. being a ._..N.QL.1C.?....flf._.He8T7121~ ............................_.._.-°-------- inthematterof .............._Zonin~__Exceptons._---__~ __ _ in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues oP ........_April..-2~a~..~6~......_.._.------ °--------- Affiant further says that the said Palm Beach Times is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, is said Pakn Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Pakn Beach County, Florida, each weekday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Pakn Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised airy person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this adver- tisement for publication in the said newspaper. /~ ~// Sworn to and subscribed before me this ......2.~Y?... day of ._~,~?Tll_,. .D. 19..~ . ~ ..._ ........---- _1~11..,f~4.~-~ /t ~ ~ f Natery Public, StatO of FiBrfda t Lgrgl~ (//1FJ UP. My Cammitsion ¢x~pif6s ~ftitu3rQ ~j 1J64 MINUTES OF VILLAGE. COUNCIL ?Nay of ~:~.~ OF tiORT't' held 14, i9G~ P?~iiT IiVG PALi•1 BEACH Present: ?`!arren P. Tatoul, Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Jr., Vice-bTayor i-tarol3 i'2. Beery, Councilman. Thomas R. Bell, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Albin R. Olson, Village h4anager and Clerk h4ayor Tatoul called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Tatoul retuested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting held April 9, 1963, and the minutes of a special meeting hold May 7, 1963. The minutes were approved as read. A public hearing taas held in the matter of rezoning a parcel of property located on the west side of Prosperity Farms Road and recently purchased by the Presbyterian Church. Following a public discussion of tho matter at which dis- cussion no opposition was voiced, on r:~otion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Vice-Mayor Aiello, all r,.embers voting aye, proposed Ordinance #78 untitled ' AN ORDIPANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NOPTH PALM BEACH, FALM BEACH COUhITY, FLORIDR, APPENDING ORDINANCE #26, AS HERETOFORE Ah".EA?UED, TF3E SAPRE BEi;dG THE COMPREEIENSIVE ZONING OFDIPdAPdCE OF SAID VILLAGE BY REPfiOVII•dG CERTh.IN PP,GPERTY FROM THE R-1 SIA'GLE FAPaILY D'MELLIDIG DISTRICT AND RE-CLASSIFY- ING SAID PROPERTY AS R-2 MULTIPLE FAMILY D1^'ELLIDIG DISTRICT; BY DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO BRING THE OFFICIAL ZONING P~^AP UP TO DATE; BY PR.OVIDIPdG FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEFEPiITH AND FOP. OTHER PURPOSES. was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Vice-Mayor Aiello, seconded by Councilman -- Bell, all members voting aye, the rules were taaived, and proposed Ordinance #78 was placed on second reading and read by title only. On motion of Councilman Beery, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #78 was enacted. The matter of repealing Ordinance #72 enacted December 12, 1961, and establishing a North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board was discussed. On motion of Councilman Huhn, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #79 entltlcd And ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH. PALA1 BEACH COUNTY, FLOP.IDA, ESTABLISHING A NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD; REPEALING ORDINANCE N 0. 72; AA?D, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Vice-P~fayor Aiello, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, the rules were waived, and proposed Ordinance #79 was glace;d on second reading and read. by title only. On motion of Cot:nci.iman Hahr., seconded by Vice-Mayor Aie Aiello, all members voting ay,, rr~poaed Ordinance H79 was enacted. The Village h?ar.ager read the follo~ring letter of resignation: 1 May 7, 1963 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Village Council Village Hall North Palm Beach, Florida -- Gentlemen: It has been my past seven vea-rs to hav North Palm Eeach. The Village of plan in 1956 and it has part in developing this original planning. privilege and pleasure for the been employed as village manager of North Palm Beach began with a master beer. most satisfying to have had a community in accordance with the Employment in the city manager profession is fre- quently as frustrating as it is satisfying. After careful reflection, I find my philosophies of administration which have applied during the past period of village growth now ineffective. Also, because I find it no longer possible to cope with the attitudes and dashes of .*.~an}> village citizens_ ' my work is no longer enjoyable. Accordingly, I conclude the best interest cf the village :vi.ll be served by my resignation at this ti*se. During the seven yca'rs T have been empl;~yed by the village I have always found tha Village Councils to be sincere, conscientious, and unselfish in their o?ijective to for;aard the development of Nerth Palm Beach as a dcsireable community. It has been a pleasure for me to have had the opportunity to work for and with them and I regret discontinuing this pleasant association. It is requested my resignation be effective at ti:e earliest possible date consistent with the ccm~erience of the Village Council. Sincerely yours, ALBIN R. OLSON Village Manager Following a public discussion of tl:e resignation, on motion of Vice-Mayor Aiello, seconded by Councilmar: Hahn, all members voting aye, the resignation was accepted with regret. The Treasurer's report Club for the period November 1, the Village of North Palm Beach April s0, 1963, was distributed read. for the North Palm Beach Country 1462, - h?arch 31, 1963, and for the period November 1, 1962, to the Council and accepted as There b~ina no fiir.ther business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman 'rEahr., seconded by Councilman Beery, ail members voting aye, the meeting was adiourned at 9:45 p.m. Village Clerk !~C^OJI~TS Pt7<;BT, V 1Ll.HGL' UY NUit'i'h: YAI~!'t t~uA::H R $ R Electric S~zrn•.••• 1,162.48 Bev Smith Ford 27,25 (Folice car rcpairs~ Trail Ford Tractor 10.60 Russell, block U Sod Co. 1,125.00 (Ball field) Palm Beach Exterminating 25.00 Gordis Corp, 23.11 (4.'~T°) Peninsular Supply 513.14 Ball Field pipe Park Center Inc. 131.19 Hardware Sinclair Refining _ 3.15.95 , . Gas U Oil f ~ Palm B;;ach County Dump 279,gp ' Patton ~ Dre~_ler 3,895.00 King Truc Rental 106.90 Hals~ F, Gr?.fL'ith, Iac. 193.20 Office Supplies / Hurricane Fence Co. 154.00 Ball Field Hughes Supply Co. 826.70 Street Lights Rubin Construction Co. 6.631.68 Ball field ACS 'JUNTS PAYAi;i,E ;bQ;~TFI PALM BEACH COUN'1 RY CLUB Golf Course Hector Turn= Su';; ly (fertilize-r.)~ Hatfield Y.lind Co. (Venetian Blinds) Uarco Business Forms Vauhn F, t4right (truck repair parts) Sinclair Refining Co. (gas F, oil) Transparent Shade Co. (office Supplies) Roy's Ice [ioase (ice) Park Center (Hardware) Palm Beach Linen Leahy Press King Electric Co. Juno Mower Service (Parts) Gea. 1V, Fowler Co., Inc (Acetylene Crystal Rock water (paper cups) $ 1, 119.46 15.00 105.99 75.36 491.00 75.00 90.30 75.28 15.16 8.00 72.62 14.18 16.33 /,, j 66.00 Dining Room Purcell Coffee Service Ray's Bakery Shop Coca-Cola Co. Mickey Plumbing Co. Don ~ Co. (Equipment) Tom Holland Appliances - (repairs) Roy's Ice House Powell Bros. Produce AlA Restaurant Supply Palm Beach Chemical - Gloanin~ supplies East Coast Paper Cu. 179.75 185.70 78.40 24.00 25.51 21.50 69.30 346.95 104.25 144.80 92.00 Dining Room - conY.`d Pa1?a B~:ach Crown Distr-i_bu?:ors 170.18 (liquor ) T~:m' s 7 7.81 Tropikist 79.05 Aber Creamery 353.64 Brace Frozen Foods 224.10 Bush Bros. 1,802.12 Chaney Bros 461.43 Fuchs Bakery 1Y7.60 Hudgins Fish Co. 164.58 7 - [)p Boiling Co. 18.00 Canada Dry Bottling Co. 46.64 Charles Chips 50.50 Souther:: Beverages 137.68 Paler Beach Crotan Distributors 185.63 (liquor) ' Ficrida Leverages - (liq;.or) 92.35 Pool Bowser, Inc. - Hose 31.50 Riviera Toy Center - swim boards 16.00 i'alm Plastics - signs 14.00 Green Photography 8.00 Clear Pool Co. 171.87 Stylwne Cc. - Chairs 720.00 rl ,... She villn9e of ~ORTli pAL,1r1~1E,ACH floritla STATISTICAL DATA REPORT FOR MONTH OF ~~ ~~~~ _^ NUMBER BUILDING PERMITS AND LICENSES FEES TOTAL FEES ~ BUILDING PERMITS ,~~}"~ y A~ PLUMBING PERMITS CiiiV ~x ELECTRICAL PERMI T.S +$~' ~'~ GAS INSTALLATION PERMITS *~} f~ ~ OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES ~~~ ~~ .6 rr~ MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES ~ ,p+wZ +~ ~. COAtC~OX~ .~~~ ~ ~~ C1Q brDly~t ~ ESTIMATED BUILDING COSTS ESTIMATED ws c o COSTS TO DATE ESTIMATED COST OF.BUILDING D.U RING MONTH ~ a ~'ar~~1~R~ ~- ESTIMATED COST OF ALL PREVIOUS BUILDING ~~t~~~1 ~~ +~rl~ aj~~ ~y • a7~9Fi'~#Yi~i~ g~yypp VY I BUILDING DATA I SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS STARTED ~ ~ L~~i+i/f~ J MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS STARTED '~ ~ ~' t ~.tr~~sirs~d! COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS STARTED ~~IIee 7 )) \~F~~rt 7i4~ _ _.~_.~p ,,.a,~~ HOMES COMPLETED THIS MONT ~x ~~+~~~ ~+F 1 i ~~ tt ay_ ~+y ~_ 1~ i w,wfrJ TOT HOMES COMPLETED TO DATE ~t q ~isT POPULATION DATA PREVIOUS FAMILIES IN VILLAGE TOTAL NUMBER OF FAMILIES AVERAGE NUMBER O~F PERSONS PER HOUSE VILLAGE MANAGER ~ - _.~. _ _. __. 1 TOTAL VILLAGE POPULATION