06-11-1963 VC REG-M MINUSES OF A REGULAR MEETING of th,e VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH ' held June 11, 1963 Present: Warren P. Tatoul, Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Vice-Mayor Harold W. Beery, Councilman Thomas R. Be11, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney ' Albin R. Olson; Village Manager and Clerk Mayor Tatoul called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Tatouh requested the Clerk read the minutes, of a regular meeting of the Village Council held May 14, 1963. The minutes were approved as read. Mr. Edward Elliott 111, Secretary, North Palm Beach Presbyterian Church Inc., appeared before the Council to request the Council consider rezoning the parcel of land located on the, west side of Pr asperity Farms Road which the Church has agreed to purchase fram the Village from R-1 Multiple Dwelling District to C-1 Commercial Distrect. The purpose of the rezoning request was to permit the Church to utilize a portion of the property for nursery school purposes if it so desired at some future time. Following a discussion of the request, the matter was tabled for further study. On motion of Vice-Mayer Aiello, seconded by Councilman Be11, all mem- bers voting aye, proposed Resolution #162 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE ' VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE 1962-1963 BUDGET was adopted. Mayor Tatoul reported to the Council his contact in Tallahassee with the Palm Beach County delegation to the State Legislature in an effort to secure enactment of a local bill amending the Village Chartei to give the village government power of eminent domain in the matter of the acquisition of North Palm Beach Utilities, Inc. The Palm Beach County delegation voted unanimously not to introduce this local bill although it pertained exclusively to the Village of North Palm Beach and no citizen of the-village opposed its enactment. The matter of the appointment of a Library Committee was discussed and the Village attorney was requested to prepare an appropriate ordinance ap- pointing such a committee. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. on motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye. C.:'~.. Village G]_erk ii b4INUTES GF ~t REGULAR ?AEETIi:G of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTN P:':LP".- BEACEI held Ju.ee 11, 1965 Present: ''•'arren P Tatoul, mayor Louis 7. ~P,:i.ello, Vice-rTayor Haro13 ~;. Beery, Councilman Thomas ?. LellY Council*~an Frank J. l~iahn, Councilman C. Robext Burns, Village Attorney Albin It. O1son,Village T•"anager and Clerk Mayor Tatoul called tine meeting to order at 8:00 p.m, and requested the Clcrlc call the rill. D"ayor Tatoul requested the Clerk read the minutes of a re6ular meeting of the Village Council held T"ay 14, 1953. The minutes were approved as read. 47r. Edward Elliott III, Secretary, North Palm Beach Presbyterian Church, Inc., appeared before the Council to -request the Council eon- sider rezoning the parcel of land located on r_:xe iaest side of Prosper- ity Farms Road which the Church has agreed to purchase from the Vi11aEe from R-2 Multiple Dwelling District to C-1 Co,::mercial District. The purpose of the rezoning reauest was to permit the Church to utilize a portion of the property fox nursery school purposes if it so de- sired at some future time. Following a discussion of the request, the matter was tabled for further study. On motion of Vice-sayer Aiello, ser_onc?ed by Courcilm;!n Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Pesolntien 17162 entitled A RESOLEITION OF THE 1rILLAGE COUNCIL OF THF.. VILLAGE OF NO P. TI? PAL"1 BEF,CH, FLORIDA, ArdENPING THE 1962-1963 BUDGET. was adopted. P~ayor Tatoul reported to the Council his contact in Tallahassee with the Palm Beach County delegation to the State Legislature in an effort to secure enactment of a local bill a~-!er+.ding the Village Charter to give the village government power of etainent domain in the matter of the acquisition of North Palm Beach Utilities, Inc. The Falm Beach County delegation voted unanimously not to introduce this local bill although it pertained exclusively to the Village of North Halm Beach and no citizen of the village opposed its enactment. The matter of the appointment of a Library Committee was dis- cussed and the Village Attorney was requester' to prepare an appropriate ordinance appointing such a c~mtnittee. ' There being no further business to come before the Council, the r.!eetin~ was adjourned at 9:45 p.r:.. on motion of Councilmar. Hahn, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye. Village Clerk