01-08-1963 VC REG-MMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held January 8, 1963 Present: Warren P. Tatoul, Mayor Charles M. Bowman, Vice-Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman Albin R, Olson, Village Manager and Clerk Absent: "Following a discussion of the above agreement on motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Aiello,-all members voting aye excepting Vice-Mayor Bowman voting nay, the propos- ed agreement made the 13th of December, 1962, was approved." Mayor Tatoul called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Tatoul requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Village Council held December 11, 1962, and the minutes of a special meeting of the Village Council held December 17, 1962. The minutes o£ the regular meeting were approved as read. The second para- graph of the minutes of the special meeting were corrected to read: The following reports of the Village Treasurer as indicated by the monthly audit reports were approved as lead: C_ Robert Burns, Village Attorney TREASURER'S REPORT Village of North Palm Beach January 8, 1963 BALANCE, October 31, 19$2 $ 814.17 Receipts• Real Estate Taxes $ 50,563.35 Bldg. Permits 1,355.30 Occupational License 318.50 Dog Licenses 7.00 Fines/forfeitures 65.50 Cigarette Tax 2,027.39 Rent, Village Ha11 465.00 Franchise, Atlantic Fuel 1,619.79 Misc. Income 470.75 Total Income Disbursements: Gen Gov't $ 5,788.91 Village Manager 1,044.95 Village Attorney 716.75 Finance Dept 2,888.22 Police - Fire 3,140.40 Building Dept. 1,238.50 Parks - Recreation 688.59 Operations Dept. 7.423.31 Total Disbursements BALANCE, November 30, 1962 56.892.58 $ 57.706.'75 .22,929.63 $ 34,777.12 n ~. TREASURER'S REPORT North Palm Beach Country Club November 1 - November 30, 1962 BALANCE, October 31, 1962 $ 18,471.97 Receipts• Memberships: I ~L_ Dining Room $ 204.00 Golf 16,187.25 Pool 808.75 7.7, 200.00 Greens Fees $ 2,002.00 Hand Carts 242.50 Electric Carts 1,304.50 Driving Range 952.60 Locker Rentals 47.00 Tax 192.09 Total Receipts $ 40,412.57 Disbursements: Payroll $ 6,008.54 Water & Power 917.79 Telephone Installation 142.70 Equipment Repairs & Mtnce 890.87 Seeds, Fertilizer 1,408.25 Driving Range Bldg. 25.00 -- Printing & Office Supplies 446.72 Repairs, Mtnce-Vehicles 282.80 Insurance 486.33 Signs, & Advertising 308.69 _ Ice 108.36 Driving Range Balls. 864.70 Ball-O-Matic Payments 60.63 Sales Tax 39.90 Freight, Supplies, Misc. 47.44 Pool Supplies 62.50 Total Disbursements $ 12,301.22 BALANCE, November 30, 1962 $ 28;111.35 The following bids were received for the expiring Workmen~s Compensa- • Lion, Comprehensive General Liability, and Comprehensive Automobile policies for the Village including the North Palm Beach Country Club: Tucker Insurance Agency $ 6,238.38 Nichols Insurance Agency $ 6,312.89 In view of the fact the. orginial bid submitted by the Tucker Insurance Agency was not a guaranteed cost figure inasmuch as one section of the policy provided fos a change in net cost, and this section was subsequently deleted, the Village Councul, on motion of Vice-Mayor Bowman, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, referred the bids to the Village Attorney for study and an opinion as to whether or not this change constituted a change in the bid. The following bids pertaining to the installation of a proposed traffic signal device to be located at the intersection of U.S. Highway #1 and Northlake Boulevard were read: ' Ward Engineering Co. $ 4,912.13 Patton & Dressier, Inc. 3,600.00 (Including left turn arrows 3,800.00 -- Hamilton Electric Co. 5,511.00 The bid of Vogt Electric, Inc., received after bid closing time was $5,892.00. -- The Village Manager was instructed to refer the bids to the Village Engineer for review and to contact the State Road Department to verify the proposal of Patton & Dressler, Inc., in the amount of $3,800.00 if approved by the Village Engineer and State Road Department. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, Requisiton #3 of the Belvedere Construction Company for Country Club paving in the amount of #3,663.45 was approved for payment. Mr. David Dollins, president, North Palm Beach Youth Activities, Inc appeared before the Council to request permission for the group to sponsor an exhibition golf game by Perry Como on Saturday, January 19, between the hours 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bowman, alI members voting aye, this permission was granted subject to the detail arrangements being approved by the Village Manager. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at IOo30 p.m. on motion of Vice-Mayor Bowman, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye. i „-- Village Clerk ,v P?INUTES OF A RF,GUALP. r"FETING cf the VILLAGE CGGIdi:Ii, bF NORTH PALM BEACH held January 8, 1963 Present: Absent: Warren P. Tatoul, r^ayor Charles M. Bcwman, Vice-A~ayor Louis J. Aiello, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman Albin R~ Olson, Vi'_lage ~?anager and Clerk C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Mayor Tatc-M1 called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerl; call the roll. Pdayor Tzto•,:1 regular meeting cf and the minutes a` December 17, F.9~2, approved as read. special meeting we "Following a discussio^. o£ the above agreement on motion of Co~ancilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye excepting 5/ice-Mayor Bcwman voting nay, the proposed agreement made the 13th of December, 1962, was approved." The folio+.aing reports of the Vil:.age Treasurer as indicated by the monthly ar:dit reports were approved as read: TREASUR"S REFOR'i recuested the Clerk read the minutes of a the Village Council held December 11, 1962, a special meeting of tha Village Council held The r:inutes of t1:e regular meeting were The second paragraph of the minutes of the re corrected tc read: Village of North Palm Beach January 8, 19E3 BALANCE, October 31, 1962 5 814.17 Receipts: Real Estate Taxes $ 50,563.35 Bldg. Permits 1,355.30 Occupational License 318.50 Dog L `censes 7.00 Fines/forfei+.ures 65.50 Cigarette Tax 2,027.39 Rent, Village Hall 465.00 Franchise, Atlantic Fuel 1,619.79 PAisc. Income 470.75 56.892.58 Total income $ 57,706.75 Disbursements: Gen Gov't w 5,788.91 Village P^anager 1,044.95 Village A.t'torney 716.75 Finance Dept 2,888.22 Police :' Fire 3,140.40 Building Dept 1,238.50 Parks - Recreation 688.59 Operations Dept 7,423.31 Total Disbursements 22,929.63 BALANCE, November 30, 1962 ~ 3$,777.12 TPA,^•c7r~r.nr5 t'°P0~?T }Jo„th Pal;a Be-ca .:'oitn;,: :ltib Nove;eber 1 - IQcv,:r!bcrs0. ).952 BRL,4NCE, October 31, 1962 Q 18,471.97 Receipts: Memberships: Dir,irg Room ~ 204.00 Colf 16,187.25 Pool 808.75 17,200.00 Grzens Fees 13 2,002.00 I'.a;;d Carts 242.50 rlt~ _C-~ic Carts 1,304.50 ~~ ;~.ng far:ge 95'L.60 i.oc'ser Reny:.s 47.;0 is.: 192>L'9 ~~ ~~ 4,740.60 iotai 'rece~p_'s $ 40,412.57 Disbursements: Pay/?'C.il ~ !.~Cr;8.5•"t ivas:Pr f. POwer 917.79 'Ielcphone Insta:.lation 142,76 EGUip;~eni Repairs r; h'znr_a 89C . C" Seeds, Fertilizer 1,403.25 Dri.•rinE ~!ang;: Bldg. 225.00 Pr..:.. a~; E Of=ice Sup;~]ies 446..`2 ' R },aai._s} PAtnce - ~le};icle, 2°2.80 Insurance 480.3 Signs, 8, Pdvertising 368.69 Ice 168.35 Driving Range E:tils 854.70 Ball-n-Pnatic Pay.~~ont 60.63 Sales Tar. 34.90 Freight, S~applies, ^Risc. 47.44 Pool Supplies e2 .5C Total Disbursemer.LS S 12,301.22 BALANCE, ~'everUer 3C, 1962 $ 28,111.35 The following bids r,*E~e recei~,ed for the expiring f-rorkmen's Compensation, Com}:_ehensiva t=e:!eral Liability, and CoMprehensive Putomobile policies for the 'tillage i^eiudinu the North palm Beach Country Club; Tucker Insurance Agency S 6,238.38 Nichols Insurance Agex+.cy ~ 6,312.89 In view cf the fact t]ie orginal bid submitted by the Tucker Insurance Agency was not a guaranteed cost figure .inasmuch as one section of the policy provided for a chnnge in net cost, and this section was subsequently deleted, the pillage Council, on motion of trice-n9ayor Bowman, seconded ry Councilman Mello, all members vot.i:,.g aye, referred the bids to the pillage Pttorney for study and an opinion as to vahet?;er or not this change consti- tuted a change i~ the bid. The following bids pertairiinu to the installation of. a proposed trafi"i~~ si.gnal da:vise to he lxated at the intersection of U.S, Highway ,~'?. and !iprthla?<e Bcalev~r?~ were read: }~dard Engineering Co. C, 4,912,13 Patton ~= Dre;s?er, Inc, 3,600.00 (IncludirQ left turn arrow) 3,SOO.GO Hamilton Electric Co. 5,~i1.G0 ' The bid of ~rogt Etect,-ic, Inc., received after bid closin;* time was ~5,ES7.,u0. The tiillage t,~;ana~er t•ras instru_ted to refe=_• the bids to the Village Engineer for revie:v and to coni:act ti' State Pond Departm~rt t.c verify the prorosal of Patton ~ P,ressler, Ir.c., with State Road Department specifications. Alsc, t}:> Vii'_aCe "^ar.ager was instructed to award. the contract for the traf':_: ligb.t installation t~ Pu~a on € Pressler, Inc., in the amoun<, ci' a3,oCi~. if approved by the 1%illage En^ineer and State Road Dep-~*•t-aent, ~~ On motion cf Councilman Hahn, seco.,3ed by Councii*~an Aiello, all members v,;`it:i~ aye, aecuisitior. „3 ni' the °elvedere Censtzuction Company fo: Ccv',C:ry C3ub pavinT in the a:^ount of 5:,,663.45 was approved for p:=;'mert, ~^r, David ~,ollins, president, ?forth Pai^ Beach Youth Retivities, aec., ap,;:ared before the Council •~o re~?uest permission for the group to sponsor as exhibition golr }*a;re by Perry Como on Saturday. January }.~; between t?:e :yours i~:30 p,m, - 2:30 p.m. On motion 0~ :.Oi::1Ci. lm 3n Ai ellGy SeCOnd!:j r~r '~i ~n..h~~jrOT BOP!man, alI members votir:g 4;-<^^., this permission t~!as grav`e' sub;ect to the detail arranfP:,,en::s being approved by the `Yii=<<e "^ananer, There being rro further ~busiriess to come before the Council, the meetinn k'a5 iid_jCllTn:'d a'c 10:30 p m, or:^.!-::'_cn of t/ice-*^ayor Bowman, seco:~d;;d h'y Councilman Hahn, all *,~emi~ers voting aye. village Clerly // [! TF.EA3U2ER'C EF0;2T VILLAGE 0r NORTcI PAL6d BEP;:.H Dece,:~L•°r 1, i?62 - Do~emoer 31, 1962 BALAA1CE, December 1, 1962 5 34,777.12 Receipts: Real testate Taxes $ 90,343.35 Building Permits 1,802.55 Occtpat3.ona'_ Licenses 612,50 Boatreys 20.00 Dog Lice: ses 5.00 Fines%: ~-rel,tures 55.00 Cig4r;.c:te Tax 2,208.60 Rei;t, Viiiage Ha11 455.00 hgiscella:.eous Income 94,64 Tom al Income ~. 95., 606 , 6,4 Disbursements: ?130.383,76 Gen Gov't ~ 3;88Z,46 Village: b~anager 's Office 1,682.21 Village Attorney 2I0,0~ Village Clerk 50 0.; Finance Dept . 11556.19 Police - Fire :,,7y4.1 Building; Dept 2ti90.28 Parks - Recreation 832,70 Operatio:~s Dept 4,560,23 N'ithol3ing Tax 865.73 Total Disbursements ~ 19,725.04 BALANCE, December 31, 1962 ~ 110,658.72 , TREA5J~F.R'S PE?'~RT ::":ORTEi PALh.? BEACf? COiJD?Ti!Y CL[?Ei December 1, 1962 - ~~ce!:~~er 31, 1962 BALANCE, December 1, 1962 ~ 28,111.35 n'lember.~. Ai i:,,S Dir.i;:g ^oo;n $ 102,00 Gol£ 6,80i,,5C P:,oI 1,391.15 8,294.65 Gree:is Fees 2,735.00 Eian? Cwrts 547.50 E1:^".~ic Cams 1,451,50 Uris'_~:g Rana;: 1,183.50 Loc}:u ;• Ranials 1G5.G0 Tax 328.31 Dini:;g iicom ' ' ~ 53.09 6,210.90, Total Receipts $ 42,616.90 Disbursements: LcP:z~ Agreement $ i1,50C.00. Payr,ll 5,324.34 Dr;ving Range Bldg. 407.75 I'dater P•~eter Ceposit 75.00 Ball-0~•A°atic Payment 60.63 Si;;ns and Advertising is"3,G0 Bcob:SceeYing - Audi t_ 700.00 Egt:i;;ment Rental 197.50 P?tnca, Supplies 8a Equipment 1.;27,19 See~ss, Fertil:~~er 8;8.85 Fire, Extended Coverage 2,2:1.24 O~iice Expenses 152.80 ?+Iit:ao:'.din~ T2:; L'eposit 611.30 Sales Tax Payr.+ent 47.58 Snrplies, Tools 357.36 Total Disbursements 23,754.54 BALANCE, December 31, 1962 $ 13,862,36 t tM villay~ of ~ORTH PALM IE,ACH tloritla STATISTICAL DATA REPORT FOR MONTH OF R+7.7<~ NUMBER BUILDING PERMITS AND LICENSES FEES TOTAL FEES BUILDING PERMITS I~~. ~~ PLUMBING PERMITS p7t CiI3 ELECTRICAL PERMITS ~Z ~ ,~ GAS INSTALLATION PERMITS ~ ~p ~~aa ~V ,~~~, OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 7.~y~SD MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES - ~,~~ .iy ~ ~ .i.uet3r~nk~ t+~~itf) ~ ~~ 4~yIC-i IKt QO ~y7. 733 ESTIMATED BUILDING COSTS ESTIMATED cows COSTS TO DATE ESTIMATED COST OF BUILDING DURING MONTH y4[iBy.6izl VV ESTIMATED COST OF ALL PREVIOUS BUILDING gn ~3s7B7i~4'i$ OO Aafy~Fy i;7 ~~ _.._ ..-_ BUILDING DATA SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS STARTED ~ ~~t'#~ MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS STARTED ~,~ „~.~~~ ~. ~t~~ COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS STARTED ""~"" HOMES COMPLETED THIS MONTH ~''~' __ TOTAL HOMES COMPLETED TO DATE ~+~~ POPULATION DATA NEW FAMILIES IN VILLAGE - PREVIOUS FAMILIES IN VILLAGE I _ _~~~ .I TOTAL NUMBER OF FAMILIES ~.~~ ~i'31! IA )~~1 I 3.ii'.~~ TMtlTNSi'R~6P^(Sl11tDRLaTW TOTAL VILLAGE POPULATION ~ ~~~ ~~k ~y _....____- ___ _ - y~y~~~ _ yr AVERAGE NUMBER O~F PERSONS PER F7C117°3L° ~~'~d ~~ VILLAGE MANAGER f9p~OS ~ 4'fCCFtP~Y ~~ f47~1'!~ G~ ~`7t11ViSltY 1§69 ~. 3 ~~~ ~~ z t~c~u~Ira i~~il~bir ~ ~~ Er~etioh 9io~ei #~ ~r ~~ • ~: ~ti~aq ~~ 1~D30rr a~:iZabli ~t~ ~~~. ~1~3,1~i }1~ ~t Bc~r Cec~ifd lto~ firal2abla ~cwr Qadrrz' Court. rvis~ir+q ibpls 'l~'f CL,ZTr i ~cisre Occupied gpmwt ,l~ilabls ~~tis VsSa~' Coact, ~ris~ihq pooU ~9= i6 s Itoici4 Occupied Itval2sbia ~sSar Coast. _ ~~~ ~lr ~ ~4 t n~= ~ ~ ~t~ Obtt7t$i ~ 9 Oc~pisd 1~r.ilsbls 1tcr~ur tle~ tart. ~eiti~eQ Too2.r r Occupied ~isl Dca~i4d fal ~ coast. ~osisr 9aSsr Cossst. ~~ ~:: i~I>p- ~~: 449 ~~ ~~ (4-~mtt,} -~- z ~6~ 1 S~ 219 -0 - 1 t6-units) 7 18 7 3 2?6 a T 3.8 3 1 td-v~sitr) 9 1 ~?4`o~~sioasi! ~" # ~omrr Oct#sd 3 __ ~ ~ ~s ~~ t~alE. ~ ~~ ~stioli 3 {~It3 - 33 ~3ts~ O~ ~~. ~, l~1~. ~licifii 9~2~ . ~ piiii i.~'bi 11[ ~i' ~n~~~r sa~~-~nr 1 _._. ~_.~ 1 249 29 8 14 • .. .- .~'~ ,`. the vi(Iage of ~ ~ ~~~~ fax ~~w~'{~Tp~p~q(~~ ` ~~~r Y'n'~k1 i%VUfJ.LY.111SLL y~~~~~ ra 4~"yL]~'yW.~'n' 4lorida January 22, 1963 T0: Villag~c Council Honoratiie C. (~obert Burns SUBJECT: Police Patrol Coverage In accordance with the Village Council's request, Chief Dudden has advised me the police patrol car pass4s each home within the village limits en avexage of three tisaes each night. Chief Dudder. also advises the doors located in the following commercial buildings are checked twice each night: Villa£?e ;:all Sinclair Gas Station Professional Building Lakeview Buildin Country Club First American Bank Remsing Building 7-11 Store Slack Uncle Bi.m's Church Buildings Shopping Center G.H. Lott Building E doors 8 doors 5 doors 22 doors 12 doors 5 doors Zi C10ars 9 doors 5 doors IO dears 35 Doors 3 doors Total 284 doors The Chief estimates two hours are spent each night checking the doors of the above listed buildings. ALB1N R. OLSON Village N(anager