02-12-1963 VC REG-M.~ u MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING of the VILLAGE COWiCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH February 12, 1963 Present: Warren P. Tatoul., Mayor Charles M. Bowman, Vice-Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Jr., Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Albin R. Olson, Village Manager ' and Clerk Mayor Tatoul called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Tatoul requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Village Council held January 8, 1963, and minutes were • approved as read. The following reports of the Village Treasures as indicated by the monthly audit reports were approved as read: TREASURER'S REPORT Village of North P'a1m Beach February 12, 1963 BALANCE, December 1, 1962 $ 34,777.12 Receipts• Real Estate Taxes $ 90,343.35 Building Permits 1,802.55 Occupational Licenses 612.50 Boat Keys 20.00 Dog Licenses 5.00 Fines & Forfeitures 55.00 Cigarette Tax 2,208.60 Rent, Village Hall 465.00 Miscellaneous Income 94.64 Total Income 95.606.64 $ 130,383.76 Disbursements: Gen Gov't $ 3,882.46 Village Manager's Office- 1,682.21 Village Clerk 50.00 Finance Dept. 1,556.19 Palice - Fire 3,794.19 Building Dept. 2,290.28 Parks - Recreation 832.70 Operations Dept. 4,560.23 V+Pitholding Tax 866.78 Total Disbursements $ 19,725.04 ' BALANCE, December 31, 1962 $ 110,658.72 ~~ r~ LJ TREASURER'S REPORT NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB February 12, 1963 ' BALANCE, December 1, 1962 $ 28,111.35 Memberships: Dining Room $ 102.00 Golf 6,801.50 Pool 1,391.15 8,294.65 ' Greens Fees $ 2,736.00 Hand Carts 347.50 Electric Carts 1,451.50 Driving Range 1,183.50 Locker Rentals 106.00 Tax 328.31 • Dining Room 58.09 6.210.90 Total Income $ 42,616.90 - Disbursements: Lohak Agreement $ 11,500.00 Payroll 5,324.34 Driving Range Bldg. 407.75 Water Meter Deposit 75.00 Ba11-0-Matic Payment 60.63 - Signs & Advertising 133.00 Bookkeeping ~ Audit 700.00 Equipment Rental 197,50 Mtnce. Supplies & Equip. 1,127.19 Seeds, Fertilizer 808.85 Fire, Extended Coverage 2,251.24 Office Expenses 152.80 Witholding Tax Deposit 611.30 -- Sales Tax Payment 47.58 --_ Supplies, Tools 357.36 Total Disbursements $ 23.754.54 BALANCE, December 31, 1962 $ 18,862.36 _ The matter of having the Railway Express Agency expand and delivery service to include the Village of North Palm Beach was discussed and the Village Attorney was requested to prepare a resolution requesting the Railway Express Agency to include the Village of North Palm Beach in their delivery area. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution 3#153 entitled ' A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, RE-APPOINTING MR. B. ARNOLD AND MR. ROBERT SCOTT TO THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD. was adopted. C~ IS e • i On motion of Vice-Mayor Bowman, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #154 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE OF-NORTH PALM BEACH, EASEMENT. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE FLORIDA, ACCEFTING A CERTAIN was adopted. On motion of Cauncilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members. voting aye, the Village Manager wa§ authorized to enter into a lease purchase arrangement with the National Cash Register Company for the purchase o-f two (2} cash registers for the Narth-Palm Beach Country Club in the amount of $2,851.39 to be paid at the rate of $59.08 per month. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Ai-ello, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was. authorized to make final payment to Atlas Aircondition3ng Corporation in the amaunt of $3,120.00 in connection with the construction of the Country Club building. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by vice=Mayor Bowman, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was authorized to make pay- ment to Wallrich Carpets, Inc., in the amount of $1,175.25 in payment for the dining room rug at the North Palm Beach Country Club. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was authorized to make final payment to Belvedere Construction Company in the amount o£ $2,401,10 in connection with the paving project at the North Palm Beach Country Club. Mr. B. V. Correll, District Manager of Florida Power & Light Company appeared before the Village Council requesting the village grant certain easements on village property located on the East side of U.S. #1 in Country Club area for the purpose of re-locating power transmission lines. Following a discussion of the proposed easement request it was agreed that Mr. Correll revise his easement request and submit an alternate loca- tion plan to the Council for its considerations. Also, Mr. Carrell representing the Florida Powex & Light Company and Earl Owen representing the Village Engineer discussed with the Council the matter of the location of certain power poles in the Flat known as Golf Course Addition. Following a discussion of the matter it was agreed that Mr. Correll would present the problem to his company engineers and submit a new installation plan to the Village Council for its consideration. Mr. James R. Branch, Jr., representing the North Palm Beach Presbyterian Church appeared before the Council indicating an interest of the Presbyterian Church group to meet with the Village Council for the purpose of discussing the purchase of a section of the land located on prosperity Farms Road for which the Village has an option to purchase. It was agreed that the Village Council would be happy to meet with the C1-~urch group as soon as the Church group had received an opinion £rom the Church area office locat- ed in Miami. The Village Manager distributed the monthly statistical data report for the month of January to the Village Council. On motion of Vice-Mayor Bowman, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. ~~ Village Clerk lJ ' ~UN NE~i'APERS ~ ' • THE GULF STREAM NEWS ~~-~3 Riviera Beach Pross Lake Park published Weekly ,Ytb476?'dCB6M~ Palm Beach County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH: Theodore S, Simpso Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sun :~rlXdCAR4AC]tXiNIU[I[t, who On oath says that he is Editor of The Gulf Stream Newsand Riviera Beach Pross, a weekly newspaper, published at Riviera Beach in palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, Legal Notice #1588___ being a---------° ------------ -------------------in the matter of--°----------- "Call for Sealed. Bids" ,~',~, ki .;.::.~ ^~.:*. ,£ . was published in said newspaper in the issues-=---- Jan. 3[stand Feb. 7th, 1963-- Newspapers Affiant further says that the said Gulf Stroam News ~ Sun Newspapers and Riviera Boaeh Press is a newspaper published at Riv- iera Beach, palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuouslypublished in said palm Beach County, Florida, each weak and has been enterod as second class mail at the post office Tn Riviera Beach, in sold palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of theattachadeopyof advertisement; and affiant further saysthathehasneitherpaidnorpromisedanyperson, firm orcorporationanydiscount, robots, commission or rofund~ for the purpose of aeeuring this adv rtisement for _ tf catiart in the said newspaper. , '~ ~ Sworn to and subscribed beforo me this ---~~~-day of-~~ ~ A.D. 19~ /~ ~~• . Notary public, State of Florida at Lerg~ MY. Commission fxpires, lan. 25, }®85 • t -1 ,yl 88 CALL FOA SEALED BIDS ~ a 1. The Village of Northlo ids, Biz Ch hae Eae [7gl f e[ of [he Soum 390.5 eat ofd Lta• palm Beach County, carter (NE 1/1) o[ the Northwest Quarter (NW I/4) oft rthat part of me Noztheaat Q I$ectipn 17, lym6 Wesi of me Ri86t of WaY of Pzoape~eo [he Eae[ 7hfeet of me ' 42 South, Aange ~3 East, Palm Beach County, Florida; Ruart¢r9 NW 1/g) of said Sx~ion l[7he Ying West o Ne Right of*Way of Prospenry C Farms Road. ~ amid sting the ezerdee of i[a option with19638 aealed[bld ,. 2. The Villago, 3 o'<lxk, P.M., on me 12th dny of February, w1ll, recel've W from tltoaeTnteres[ed m pumhasing from me Vilage marketable, unencumbere , title m portions of said land, viz.: - rdzimn[ely 700 feet an Prosperity Farina, a. A Parcel with a fronuge of aPP lload with a depm sufficient w make aug6 parcelcash[or even acres. Minimum wu m. rhle parcel ma[ wtll_be considered is 5 prts~rity Farms Road of 350 fh lf~ pith a depm e Mtnlmum bltl greeted bidders i S11 blddere must Thai meii' tiid Thal, In me ev{ :1 so to be porch 'That, in me ev ay retain me ZO',~ ~4. The Village__] all bids have been' and it also reserve =- 5. All bldg shall -c6mmisalon on [he - 6. Bid forms r `North Palm Beich, havi~ % frontage . reel aggregate mree and one- a fld~eid" to mak?-such pn ,z ~gch gf m8ae parcels Nat will be considered is j28,000 ry bldaan~nn~Qn~ Jor all of said parcels. g3ee.- -__~i-yp days fallowing [he deadline noted above. all be firm their bid is accepted [beY x111 eonaent in writing mat me, ed by them may be annexevdulnh5 ~ tygaof no[i(lcaclon to mi[~ n their bid is accep[e4 cal to 20~ of me total purchase( lc wim me Village a sum eq [o pay the halance Sn cas6 within 30 days m exchange for a. :cable, unencumbered tltl<. the Cos[ of title insurance; iP he Aeed [o ben paid by me Sellert In tha eveng~such a binder' urchaeer faBS co dose wi[hcu[ fault of [he Village, me in[[es deras liquidated damages. nee me right [o reject any or all b/da and me righ4 1n case' tied, w negotiate wim anY bidder oz omen interested person, ie sight [o waive lnfazmali[tes m any waled bid. for amooP[s net to [he Village, wimouc claims for real eataie 3 oLany person. - be obtained from me Village Manager at me Village Hall, • orida; all sealel bide should be delivered to me Village Man- aB oa or before me deadline nbced above: :pad of s Public meeting of [he Village Counei] o1963d Vtllagel ...~ ~..,.,,.b p M.. on Ne 12th day of February, _ s. January 31 and February 7, 1963. -- '7i, ~ tt~m ~ ("Zim~e~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ Published Every Weekday } ~' West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida Y1 PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared ... C.tt;~.~.~..._B ...._Ke 112,3! who on oath says that he is ........Pixkli.~h.~x _,..,,......_--_- of The Palm. Beach Times, a daily newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached Call £or Bids• copy of advertisement, being a ......_ .................°.._-----3 --------------------- ;n the matter of ..... Qpt ion... t o..._ACguire Land .._---.._._.._..------------------.__..... - ht t1'te ...-....,,-.-.-,~--- _- _~_- ~__~ Court, was published in said newspaper in the issnes ot............dan~~rp....~.}..~....Ft=hrla,.ary_....1..,2.,.].963----.._ ..............._..._---------... Affiant further says that the said Palm Beach Times is a newspaper published at West Palm Eeach, in said Palm Beach Covnty, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been _ continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each weekday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office. in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach Covnty, Florida, for a period of. one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation arty disrnunt, rebate, commission er refund for the purpose of securing this adver- tisement for publication in the said newspaper. .. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ...._~I:~h/..../..... day of ..I,'.~.eb T'U`a/~r/~7.._.._.. A.D. 19...._.~ - Natery Pablte• State of Flarlda at Lazga Afy Commission expires January 22, 1958 HE PALM BE~CH PYYIOST Published Every Weekday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Covnty, Florida STATE OF FL COUNTY OF P Before the r who on oath says newspaper puns copy of adverti: in the matter of ~~~~. in the ...._....... issues of .......SFi PROOF OF PUBLICATION A BEACH ~rsigned authority Personally appeared ._GeC~_B•... K2112p..._...___. t he is .Publisher of The Palm Beach Post. a Gaily at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the affached it, being a .......~e.~,a....~.Ox'....~.?,a.S........_.._.....--- -~ - ................................._... Court, was published in said newspaper in the v 1_2_3.1963 AffianY further s~ys that the said Palm Beach Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Pa Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretotore been continuously publish d in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each weekday and has been entere3 as second class matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Patin Beach County, Florida, for a perio of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and 'ant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any dis oust, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this adver- tisement for publica 'on in the said newspaper. ~ yyLL,, ~..J...c-- .... .,._. Sworn to and su scribed before me Phis .....jt.th.......Dday of ._Febrtlary _ A D~. l~g_/Jb~3~ ' Notary Publiu, State of Florida at LarSa My Commission expires January 22, 9956 ~~ ~s~ ,~~ .~ 5' 0 E~ to lha Village. without c7aim4 real estate commission on oxrt of am person. - Pub.: ft. OLSON ManaSer Feb. R 2. 3. b O ~-+> wiNout Claims commission on_ MINUTES OF A REGUALR MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF IdORTH PALM BEACH held February 12, 1963 I I u Present: Warren P. Tatoul, Mayor Charles P". Bowman, Vice-Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Jr., Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Albin R. Olson, Village Manager and Clerk Mayor Tatoul called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. ;_ Mayor Tatoul requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Village Council held January 8, 1963, and the minutes were approved as read. The following reports of the Viliage Treasurer as indicated by the monthly audit reports were approved as read: TREASURER'S REPORT Vi11aEe of North Palm Beach February 12, 1963 BALANCE, December 1, 1962 $ 34,777.12 Receipts• Real Estate Taxes $ 90,343.35 Building Permits 1,802.55 Occupational Licenses 612.50 Boat Keys 20.00 Dog Lwcenses 5.00 Fines ~ Forfeitures 55.00 Cigarette Tax 2,208.60 Rent, Village Hall 465.00 Misceli~neous Income 94,64 Total Income 95,606.64 $ 130,383.76 Disbursements: Gen Gov't $ 3,882.46 Village Dlanager's Office 1,682.21 Village Clerk 50.00 Finance Dept. 1,556.19 Police - Fire 3,794.19 Building Dept. 2,290.28 Parks - Recreation 832.70 Operations Dept 4,560.23 Witholding Tax 866.78 Total Disbursements $ 19,725.04 BALANCE, December 31, 1962 $ 110,658.72 TREASURER'S REPORT NORTH FALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB 1~ebruary 12, 1963 BALANCE, December 1, 1962 $ 28,111.35 Memberships: Dining Room $ 102.00 Golf 6,801.50 Pool 1,391.15 8,294.65 Greens Fees $ 2,736.00 Hand Carts 347.50 Electric Carts 1,451.50 Driving Range 1,183.50 Locker Rontals 106.00 Tax 328.31 Dining Room 58.09 6,210.90 Total $ 42,616.90 Disbursements: Lohak Agreement $ 11,500.00 Payroll 5,324.34 Driving Range Bldg. 407.75 Water Meter Deposit 75.00 Ball-O-Matic paymt 60.63 Signs ~ Advertising 133.00 Bookkeeping - Audit 700.C0 Equipment Rental 197.50 i~7tnce. Supplies F, Eouip. 1,127.19 Seeds, Fertiliser 808.85 Fire, Extended Coverage 2,251.24 Office Expenses 152.80 1Vitholding Tax Deposit 611.30 Sales Tax Payment 47.58 Supplies, Tools 357.36 Total Disbursements $ 23,754.54 BALANCE, December 31, 1962 $ 18,862.36 The matter of having the Railway Express Agency expand and delivery service to include the Village of North Palm Beach was discussed and the Village Attorney was requested to prepare a resolution requesting the Railway Express Agency to include the Village of North Palm Beach in their delivery area. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members: voting aye, proposed Pesolution #153 entitled A RE5OLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, RE-F.PPOINTING P•?R. B. ARNOLD RND i~1R. ROBERT SCOTT TO THE NORTH P.ALD1 BEACH COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD. was adopted, On motion of Vice-Mayor Bowman, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #154 entitled A P.ESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A CERTAIN EASEMENT. was adopted. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was authorized to enter into a lease purchase arrangement with the National Cash Register Company for the purchase of two (2) cash registers for the North Palm Beach Country Club in the amount of $2,851.39 to be paid at the rate of $59.08 per month. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was authorized to make final payment to Atlas Airconditioning Corporation in the amount of $3,120.00 in connection with the construction of the Country Club building. On motion o£ Councilman Aiello, seconded by Vice-Mayan Bowman, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was author- ized to make payment to Wallrich Carpets, Inc., in the amount of $1,175.25 in payment for the dining room rug at the North Palm Beach Country Club. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was authorized to make final payment to belvedere Construction Company in the amount of $2,401.10 in connection with the; paving project at the North Palm Beach Country Club . Mr. B. V. Correll, District Manager of Florida Power ~ Light Company appeared before the Village Council requesting the village grant certain easements on village property located on the East side of U.S. #1 in Country Club area for the purpose of re-locating power transmission lines. Following a discussion of the proposed easement request it was agreed that Mr. Correll revise his easement request and submit an alternate location plan to the Council for its consideration. Also, Mr. Correll representing the Florida Power $ Light Company and Earl Owen representing the Village Engineer discussed with the Council the matter of the location of certain power poles in the Plat known as Golf Course Addition. Following a discussion of the matter it was agreed that bin. Correll would present the problem to his company engineers and submit a new installation plan to the Village Council for its consideration. Mr. James R. Branch, Jr., representing the North Palm Beach Presbyterian Church appeared before the Council indicating an interest of the Presbyterian Church group to meet with the Village Council for the purpose of discussing the purchase of a section of the land located on Prosperity Farms Road for which the Village has an option to purchase. It was agreed that the Village Council would be happy to meet with the Church group as soon as the Church group had received an opinion from the Church area office located in Miami. The Village Manager distributed the monthly statistical data report for the month of January to the Village Council. On motion of Vice-6~ayor Bowman, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. VILLAGE CLERK / NORTH PALM BEACH COUDItRY CLUB DINING ROOM A4arch 12, 1963 February 1, 1963 - February 28, 1963 RECEIPTS Sales - Food $ 6,315.25 Liquor 3,727.16 Beer 363.08 Dliscellanecus 22.50 Sales Tax TOTAL RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS Purchases: Food - $ 1,703.34 Liquor 2,296.18 Less: Returns ~ 20.33 2,275.85 Allowances $ 10,427.99 241.70 $10,669;69:> Beer 412.58 Iodine 238.34 Soft Drinks b2.3i Cigars 23.46 $4,715.88 IGages Kitchen $ 2,758.96 Dining Room 2,174.36 Bar 588.84 4,783.47 Orchestra $ 180.00 Uniforms F, Linen Expense 75.79 Telephone $ Gas 27.06 Cash Register Rant 59.08 Repairs $ Maintenance 24.53 Cleaning Supplies 96.10 Miscellaneous Supplies 232.09 x Petty Cash Fund 700.00"' -- State Food 8, Bev. Licenses 183.20 Utnesils, Glassware, Dinner ware, Etc. 2,616.86 Office Furniture 84.49 Kitchen Equipment 42.00 Dining Room Equip. 67.00 Kitchen Fixtures 126.78 Signs $ Posters 46.25 ~ , 4,561.23 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 14,060.58 EXCESS OF DISBURSEMENTS OVER RECEIPTS $ 3,390.89 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB _ MARCH 12, 1963 BAR South Florida Liquor Distributors Inc. ~ 88.72 Florida Beverage Corp 6E.13 Canada Dry Bottling Co. 30.66 Palm BeacY. Bottling Co. 24.00 Southern Beverages o£ Palm Beach Inc. 100.86 Palm Beach Crown Distributors 69.33 Southern Wine ~ Spirits 126.25 Palm Bach Crown Distributors 105.65 Atlantic Liquor Company, Inc.] 67.75 Florida Beverage Corporation 180.65 Florida Beverage Corporation 53.24 McKesson $ Robbins, Inc. 51.87 Southern FYine ~ Spirits 117.24 Peel Richards 41.23 Austin Nichols $ Company, Inc. 97.04 McKesson $ Robbins, Inc. 30.56 Hartley $ Parker, Inc. 81.48 Palm Beach Crown Distributors 136.98 Southern S9ine $ Spirits 133.77 South Florida Liquor Distributors, Inc. 147.60 South Florida Liquors, Inc. 195.17 Atlantic Liquor Company, Inc. 38.44 McNamara's - Patio Umbrellas 90.00 FOOD A1far Creamery Co. 274.12 Ray's Bakery $ Pastry shop 24.70 Bush Bros. Provisions Co. 2,236.73 Brace Fro2en Foods 254.84 Charles Chips 91.20 Cheney Bros. 673.23 Fuchs Baking Company 134.14 Hudgins Fish Co., Inc. 135.45 Powell Bros, Produce Co. 304.95 Gen. Mince $ Supplies Atlantic Fuel Company 113.96 Florida Power ~ Lwght Co. 428.78 4'Jest Point Turf Grass Equip co. 409.51 Halsey ~ Gruffith, Inc. 36.43 Leahy Press 153.03 Mickey, Inc. 267.55 Palm Beach Fost-Times 172.26 Fark Center 62.32 Purity Uniform Service 102.13 North Palm Beach Utiliites, Inc. 542.20 A~ldrich's Rentalls 45.50 A 1 A Supply, Inc. (Dining Room) 770.45 Chemical Sales Corp. 62.71 Palm Beach Linen Service 293.80 Remex Corp. 79.50 Sears Roebuck - Trash containers 41.87 Florida Soil Bldrs. - Fertilizer 90.00 Palm Beach Chemical Co. - 226.80 Bev Smith - Vehicle Mtnce. 81.77 Dexter Enterpirses - Adv. 198.00 Sinclair Refining Co. - gas ~ oil .242.00 Transparent Shade Co. - office supplies 75.00 A~COUidTS PAYABLE VILLAGE ARTS $ CRAFTS COMAPNY AMERICAN LA FRANCE CO. DESIGNERS PRESS FUSION, INC. - trash containers PHILIP i-3. HOUCK - land appraisal JUNO PURE SERVICE - Police car repair KELSEY CITY LANDSCAPING MULLINS LUP}BER CO. - boat dock MINNESOTA Pf?NING CO. _ traffic signs DONALD S. LAVIGNE, INC. _ POLICE UIQiFORMS FLAMINGO MUSIC CO. - Juke box SHER}SITd-Sb'ILLIAMS - paint 305.00 487.50 34.50 48.00 200.00 52.10 40.00 148.15 478.50 398.50 175.00 46.32 _~ . - r ~ 1EIt ~• - - .~ ~ _ T~JT'XL FEES 1Utl8INa~P~1lMIT'S- - .- _- - -- .. _ - ~ 3 - PIUMtlINfl PlRMtTE ' ELECTRICAL P[RMITS 471 B5 4 GAS INSTALLATION PERMITS 14 oO s3 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 3168 50 ~~ MISCELLAN[OUS LICENSES Licenses 9 0 1 Contractare Yace~inetioa Tea 25 0 4902 40 ~WATEQ ~, C8S7S ESTIMATED COSTS COSTS TO GATE ESTIMATED COST O>< tSlTLDiNfl DUR)Nfl MONTN 34fa lfTIMATEO CafT OP ALL PRlYIOUS tUtLDIWfl 30 996,151 00 ' ~ -- 31,342,95 00 LL ,. ~ . .~ .~w ~"`"{" ` ~'~'- !iw " l 1 ' ~-- )s "r' i ~• ~ t~MlCtAL ftJILD HOMES COMPLdTEO TOTAL NOMlS COMP w~MW ~OTOL7tTi0K ~1~T~ . .: MEw PAMILIEE IN ytLLAQE _ ., ,;, ~- PxRvrous PAMILIE3rN yiLMw~ y~~~.aay~~' _ 1453 f'OTAL Pi{rMA[Il OAP FA1i1LtF.S, l1/M_ ~~~~ 'A'r!"TAL ~IL.LJtilt ~.s1F ~s 7.1" 8 .• ~' 111f~ I k. , 4 ~ t~'."r,,- 4~.S~aHR. ~c~'_a.~, t$~Y'}rt~s• '.~.~" vK -. , t, ~~' - ~,, ... c .t "% ~ '~'!'~ WLt A#E rAR wOEw y_. i, 5755 C~l.'~r$ a R'~ r S al.~tr It ~i ..l lS~c. U`t:~M~ +.li~ry.'uF ~~ 1°X?hir? 4r lEI3AU~..?: 3ti3 YLA; #1 Homes L~ccupied 444 Homes Jlvaileble -0- Ho~s ,~'ncsi Connirnction 1 ' a'~riiariaq POOla 48 ~~ '.. FLAT i2 S~aa oc led 64 ~,~tccion i {~.nnit apt, • ~ ii - 7 . ?LAT #3 Sosree ti~c~p~esl ~ 119 Homaa ]loailabla -0- Hosnse Under Ganatrnction 2 Apis (10 unitsy Pools 7 PLAT #4 Homes Occupied 330 ' Hoeies Avhilable 10 Hcxes tinder Construction 3 &xiaim.nq Pools 9 . PLAT !F5 Ho~Pa Occupied I Btorea 0CCUp1ed 7 • Hader Conatrnctien 1. Jffices PLAT #6 H4>mE:b Dcrupie$ 22~ • t 1lesilable b , _• ..... ~ Under Casrtruciina . :. 5_ -- ~Miera3nq i~oSS# 18 rvsa ~~ i~ s~.rr~ i~ . _ ~ ~ ~. ~~~ .. ao.e. x ~ . ~ Sdm4a under Ce~atruetioa 1 ()OIIN'f9iY CLLE ~ Ho~B Occupied lfi3 Homes Available 1 _ H~a Under Coaatrvetion 2 St+i~aing Paola S4 . ` YACHT CLUB: Hpafee Occupied 17 Hvmea Available '~ Bocees L:ndaY Gtipnstructioa 10 HsrinaGinq P~18 3 . t3OLT C0UR5!! a Homes L'ndtr ~eaatructioa 5 ' $rriaxnirq PO61a 1 . lQ1AIHA AIH?'He Uncles COa~tx~[c~ion ~ 2 (22 t7aits~ ~. • ' ~ ~l~$ ~ .~f1ES 1ii~lFL1181.ffi 13? l 38 • ' ~ S tJ1~iL LR ~tt8't`s 34 '!d"l~i. POOLS IN -3PH i45