08-06-2013 VC B WS-MPresent:
AUGUST 6, 2013
William L. Manuel, Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Vice Mayor
Robert A. Gebbia, President Pro Tem
David B. Norris, Councilman
Doug Bush, Councilman
Ed Green, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, Village Clerk
Mayor Manuel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present.
All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director Sarnia Janjua,
Police Chief Rick Jenkins, Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong, Human Resources Director Loren Slaydon,
Library Director Betty Sammis, Village Planner Jodi Nentwick, Building Official Jim Brown,
and Public Works Director Brian Moree were present. Community Development Director
Chuck Huff arrived at 7:40 p.m.
The purpose of the meeting was to review the impact of the Compensation Study on FY 2014
Personnel costs, and to review the proposed FY 2014 Public Safety, Library, and Community
Development departmental budgets.
Mr. Green noted the amount to be pledged toward future tax relief is directly related to
implementation of the compensation study. President Pro Tem Gebbia reported on the
conference call he and Mrs. Slaydon had with Brian Wolfe, Manager, Evergreen Solutions, LLC
regarding compensation study data. Discussion ensued on salary ranges, position within the
range, and salary adjustments. A suggestion was made to consider executive positions
separately from regular positions and to initiate a classification study for senior management
positions that would analyze and compare job responsibilities and determine the appropriate job
coding. The cost of a classification study was estimated at $4,000. Mr. Green and Mrs. Janjua
reported the budget includes $344,000 for salary adjustments pursuant to the compensation study
and $292,000 for merit increases.
By consensus, Council agreed to expand the pay ranges as recommended and to authorize a
classification study for executive positions.
Mrs. Janjua advised that removing the compensation study costs from the General Fund budget
and funding it with the Reserve for Future Tax Relief would result in a millage rate of 6.9778 mils.
Mrs. Janjua reported that compensation study costs in the Country Club budget were put into
contingency, which increased the line item from $13,000 to $60,000.
Mrs. Janjua noted the total compensation study impact, including salary and benefits, was listed
at the top of each slide in the presentation, as the final budget would be reduced by that amount.
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 6, 2013 Page 2 of 4
• $408,200 total revenues, plus $38,000 911 for call taker salary reimbursement
• $8,084,971 total expenses
• $7,373,159 personnel costs or 91% of the budget
• $711,812 operating costs or 9% of the budget
• $342,438 total compensation study impact (salary and benefits)
• $249,000 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan costs for FY 2014
• $4,911,542 total expenses
• $4,536,135 personnel costs or 92% of the budget
• $375,407 operating costs or 8% of the budget
• $214,617 total compensation study impact (salary and benefits)
• $95,000 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan costs for FY 2014 (3 vehicles)
• Personnel Changes: 1 full -time Emergency Dispatcher position added, 1 full -time
Records Clerk position deleted
• 43 full -time employees, 13 part-time employees, 5 volunteers
Chief Jenkins explained that the rise in costs for materials and supplies was due to increasing
qualification and mandatory training to twice per year. Chief Jenkins explained how the cost of
county radio access is budgeted and reimbursed. Chief Jenkins stated the personnel changes are
organizational only, with no fiscal impact. Regarding the increase in part-time pay, Chief Jenkins
advised that it was for the CALEA position, which had been reclassified and would be reviewed
with the senior staff classification study. Chief Jenkins reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan.
• $3,047,439 total expenses
• $2,837,024 personnel costs or 93% of the budget
• $210,415 operating costs or 7% of the budget
• $127,822 total compensation study impact (salary and benefits)
• $102,000 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan costs for FY 2014, includes $67,000 for
cardiac monitors /defibrillators and $35,000 for thermal imaging cameras
• Personnel Changes: 2 full -time Firefighter/Medic positions added, 2 full -time Firefighter/EMT
positions deleted
• 24 full -time employees, 18 volunteers
Chief Armstrong explained increases in operating expenses to purchase the new edition of the
Fire Code and new uniforms for the volunteers. Chief Armstrong noted increases in the cost of
workers' compensation insurance, as well as increased costs for health insurance due to
employee changes in plan selection. Regarding personnel changes, Chief Armstrong explained
that the Firefighter /EMTs had completed training and are now qualified as Firefighter /Medics.
Chief Armstrong reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan.
• $125,990 total expenses (all operating); includes $24,000 to repair leaking windows
• $17,000 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan costs for FY 2014, to replace two garage doors
Chief Armstrong discussed repairs to the windows and stonework at the Public Safety Facility.
Discussion ensued concerning replacing the fire bay garage doors. Consensus of Council was in
favor of replacing all the doors at one time, instead of replacing two doors each year, if there was
a price advantage.
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 6, 2013 Page 3 of 4
• $29,313 total revenues
• $720,405 total expenses
• $559,584 personnel costs or 77.68% of the budget
• $160,821 operating costs or 22.32% of the budget
• $13,307 total compensation study impact (salary and benefits)
• $332,484 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan costs for FY 2014, includes $159,600 for
roof replacement, $110,250 for lobby windows, and $62,634 for air conditioning handlers
• No personnel changes
• 6 full -time employees, 10 part-time employees
Mrs. Sammis reported 9,606 memberships, of which 54% are Village residents. Mrs. Sammis
noted 44% of residents have a library card. Mrs. Sammis stated the Library collection size is
44,000 plus about 10,000 e- books. Mrs. Sammis advised that approximately 2,000 patrons per
month use the computer lab. Mr. Moree reviewed the capital improvements needed. Discussion
ensued. A question was raised regarding the feasibility of installing a fagade on the Library roof
to make it appear more like the Village Hall.
• $1,148,008 total expenses
• $945,638 personnel costs or 82% of the budget
• $202,370 operating costs or 18% of the budget
• $14,186 total compensation study impact (salary and benefits)
• $124,000 capital outlay, includes $75,00 for building department renovation
• $115,730 total revenues
• $338,240 total expenses
• $242,155 personnel costs or 72% of the budget
• $96,085 operating costs or 28% of the budget
• $6,749 total compensation study impact (salary and benefits)
• $22,000 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan costs for FY 2014 (1 vehicle)
• no personnel changes
• 2 full -time employees
Mr. Huff advised that revenues had decreased due to the loss of one cell tower lease. Mr. Huff
noted that operating costs include $75,000 for an update to the Code of Ordinances.
• $1,231,903 total revenues
• $635,100 total expenses
• $538,485 personnel costs or 85% of the budget
• $96,615 operating costs or 15% of the budget
• $5,574 total compensation study impact (salary and benefits)
• $102,000 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan costs for FY 2014, includes $75,000 for
Building Department renovation
• Personnel Changes: 1 part-time Permitting & Licensing Tech position added, 1 full -time
Building Construction Inspector I position added; 1 part-time Building Construction
Inspector I position deleted
• 6 full -time employees, 1 part-time employee
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 6, 2013 Page 4 of 4
Regarding personnel changes, Mr. Huff explained the need for a full -time Building Construction
\ Inspector and a part-time Permitting & Licensing Tech due to an increase in permits and inspections
Mr. Huff stated having two full -time code officers would allow one for residential properties and
one for commercial properties.
Mr. Huff discussed the increase in revenues due to building permit fees for the Water Club project.
It was reported that building permit revenue for FY 2013 year -to -date was $812,458.
Mr. Huff reviewed a proposal to lease 2,500 square feet of space at 420 U.S. Highway 1 for the
Community Development Department, which has outgrown its current space at Village Hall.
Mr. Huff reported the lease is for five years. Mr. Green stated this would allow IT to move from
the Public Safety Facility back into Village Hall. Mr. Huff advised that $75,000 was budgeted
for the tenant build out of leased space at 420 U.S. Highway 1, should Council approve the project.
Consensus of Council was in favor of moving the Community Development Department.
Mr. Huff and Mrs. Janjua reviewed the Building Department Allocation pursuant to Florida
Statutes 553.80, which showed that the Building Department is not operating with a surplus.
Mrs. Janjua advised that the indirect cost allocation would be brought to Council for review and
adjustment prior to the next audit.
Discussion took place concerning Other Operating Costs. Mr. Brown reported that $15,000 was
budgeted for inspection services as he anticipates outside inspection services may be needed for
the Water Club. Discussion ensued regarding $4,000 for scanning fees to digitize plans. By
consensus, Council deleted $4,000 for digitizing plans and reduced the allocation for inspection
services to $5,000.
• $17,750 total revenues
• $164,998 personnel costs or 94% of the budget
• $9,670 operating costs or 6% of the budget
• $174,668 total expenses
• $1,863 total compensation study impact (salary and benefits)
• $102,000 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan costs for FY 2014, includes $75,000 for
Building Department renovation
• 2 full -time employees
Discussion ensued regarding Code Enforcement revenues. Mrs. Janjua reviewed revenues for
the past three fiscal years, and reported $39,741 in revenues for FY 2013 year -to -date.
• expand pay ranges as recommended
• classification study for executive positions
• move Community Development Department to 420 U.S. Highway 1
• Building Department Other Operating Costs reduced to $5,000 (inspections services only)
• options for funding one -time expense to be reviewed at August 28, 2014 Budget Workshop
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Cler