08-13-1963 VC REG-M• MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held August 13, 1963 ' Present: Warren P. Tatoul, Mayor Louis ,T. Aiello, Vice-Mayor Harold W. Beery, Councilman Thomas R. Bell, Councilman Frank 1. Hahn, Councilman Albin R. Olson, Village Clerk C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney ' Mayor Tatoul called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and re-quested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Tatoul requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Village Council held July 9, 1963; The minutes were approved as read. Mr. R. A. Correll, Florida-Power and Light Company, appeared before the Council to discuss the matter of relocating certain power poles presently located on the west side of U.S. Highway #1 in the Country Club area. The Village Council requested the Village Attorney prepare an appropriate resolution regarding the requested easements for the Councils consideration. The Village Manager advised the Council he had been contacted by repre- sentatives of Food Fair, Inc., Miami, regarding the formulating of certain c_ agreements concerning the development of their Shopping Center propsety located south of Northlake Boulevard. The Village Manager was instructed to request Food Fair, Inc., to write a letter to the Village Council outlining their desires. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #167 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPOINTING AN ACTING VILLAGE MANAGER AND ACTING VILLAGE TREASURER, AND FOR O"7I-I ER PURPOSES. was adopted. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Vice=Mayor Aiello, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #168 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO SIGN AN EASEMENT GRANT TO NORTH PALM BEACH UTILITIES, INC. ii was adopted. On motion of Vice-Mayor Aiello, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #169 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A CERTAIN EASE-. MENT GRANT, REPEALING RESOLUTION #159- was adopted. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Vice-Mayor Aiello, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #81 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, PRESCRIBING THE QUALIFICATIONS AND DUTIES AND OTHER MATTERS RESPECTING THE OFFICE OF VILLAGE MANAGER OF SUCH VILLAGE REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Be11, all members voting aye, the rules were waived and proposed Ordinance #81 was placed on second reading and read by title only. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Councilman. Hahn all , members voting aye, proposed Ordinance.#81 was enacted. ' On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members votin e a o d O g y , pr pose rdinance #82 entitled AN ORDINATQCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING CERTAIN LAND. was placed on first reading and read in full. The matter of enacting an ordinance rezoning Lots 11 and 12~ ' , Fairhaven Addition, was discussed. This matter had been previously held in abeyance pending a decision regarding the dedication of an appropriate alley to service the Lots in question. The Village Attorney was requested to prepare an appropriate ordinance and alley dedication for C il ounc consideration. • There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion f C o ouncilman Hahn, seconded by Vice-Mayor Aiello, all members voting aye , the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Village Clerk r1 u TREASURER' REPORT Village of North Palm Beach August 13, 1963 BALANCE, June 30, 1963 Receipts• Occupalinnal Licenses Building Permits Cigarette Tax Rent, Village Hall Dog Licenses Boat Area fees Miscellaneous 1st American Bank Total Receipts Disbursements: General GovTt Village Manager Finance Dept. Police & Fire Dept. Building Dept. Recreation Dept. Operations Dept. Transfer funds c.c. Acct. (Turbine pump) Miscellaneous Total Disbursements BALANCE, July 31, 1963 $ 48.92 $ 1,076.25 2,014.45 1,082.71 _-' 465.00 265.00 967.50 262.42 16.700.00 $ 25,789.67 1,746.37 -- 1,920.85 661.45 1,484.62 831.86 380.00 5,056.62 5,039.15 740.73 $ 17.861.65 $ 7,976.94 ~J .-- . MINUTES OF A REG~ILAR P7EETING of the VILLAGE COUATCIL OF. NORTH PALA? BEACH helc? August 13, 1963 1 Present: ?4arren F'. Tatoul, Mayor Louis J. Aiello, trice-Mayor Th-~mas R. Bell, Councilman Harold P1. Beery, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman Albin R. Olson, Village Clerk C. P.obert Burns, Village Attorney Mayor Tatoul caller! the mcetinn to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. A4ayor Tatoul requester? the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Village Council held July 9, 1963. The minutes were approver'. as read. A?r. R. A. Correll, Flori:'.a Power and Light Cctnpany, appeared before the Council to discuss the matter of relocating certain power pules presently located on the west sic':e of U.S. Highu!ay #1 in the Country Club area. The Vil?.ale Council requestec_' the Villas*e Attorney prepare an appropria*.e resolution retarding the requested easements for the Council's consideraticr.. The Village Manager <dvised the Ccuncil he hoc! been contacted by representatives cf Food Fair, Inc., Miami, r.egare'_inrt the formu- lating of certain agreements corcernin~ th^ c!e•~elepment of their Shopping Center property locator' south~af Northlake Boulevard. The Village P4anager was instructor'. tc request Foes! Fair, Ind., to write a letter to the Village Council outlir.in^ their desires. On motion cf Councilman Hahn, seconded by C~uneilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed P.esoluticn #167 entitled. A RESOLUTTON OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILL,IGE OF NORTH PALM hEACH, PALA4 BEtaCH COUNTY, FLORIDfy P.PPOINTING AN ACTING lrILLAGE f•~?AN/'.G1;R AND AN ACTING VILLAGE 'TREASURER, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. was adopter.'., nn motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by \ricc A+ay^r Aiello, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #168 entitlce'. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF N!?RTH PALM BEACH, i'AL!`7 BEACH COUNTY, FLORID?., AUTHORIZING THE L?AYQR AND VILLAGE CLERK T^ SIGN AN EASEMENT GRANT Tr' NORTH PAL!•1 PEACH UTILITIES, IP1C. was adopted. On motion of Vice-Mayer Aiello, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #169 entitled A RESOLUTION ~F THE VILLAGE COUNCIL ~F THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM REACH, PALP~ REACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTIIQG A CEP.TAIN EASET.iENT GRANT, REPEALING P,ESOLUTIrN N(~. 159. was adopted. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seccnded by Vice-P9ayor Aiello, all members voting aye, propose.'. ;rdinance #81 entitlec? AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NGRTH PALA~ LEACH, FL~P.IDA, PRESCRIL'ING THE QUA?,IFICATI~AIS AND DUTIES ' AND OTEIEP. PFATTEPS RESPECTING THE OFFICE OF VILLAGE r4ANAGER ~F SUCH VILLAGE P.EFEALID?G ALT. nRDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE4dITH AND FQR '?THEP PURPOSES. was places on first reac'.in~ anc read in full. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman L'ell, all members voting aye, the rules were waives'. and proposed Ordinance #81 was_places! on seconc! reac'.in~ and read by title only, On motion of Councilman L'ell, seccnded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #81 i,~as enacted. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconder? by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #82 entitled AN nRDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE ~F N!!RTH PALh~ BEACH, FL^RIDA, ANNEXING CEPTAIN LAND. was places! on first readin^ and read in full. The matter of enac#in~ an ordinance rezcninL Lots ll and 12, Fairhaven Addition, was ciseussed. This matter hoc been previously held in abeyance pending a decision regarding the dec'.ication cf an appropriate alley to service the Lcts in question. The Village Attorney was requester! to prepare an appropriate ordinance and alley dedication fcr Ccuncil consideration. There being no further L•usiness to come Lefore the Council, on motion e£ Councilman Hahn, seconder! by Vice-A4ayor Aiello, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjcurnec! at 9:25 I:.m. Village Clerk NORTH PALM BEFeCI~i COUNTRY CLUB RECEIPTS November 1, 1962 - August 31, 1963 GOLF ' Greens Fees 46,817.75 Memberships 58 838.60 Electric Carts 27,588,35 Hand Carts 2,557,00 Driving Range 12,681,SD Locker Rentals 382 00 Sales Tax . 1,428.98 Miscellaneous 850,57 Total GOLF $ 151,145.05 DINING ROOM Pemberships 978.00 Food 41,245,41 Bar, Liquor 17,666,76 Beer 3,494,64 Miscellaneous 445.29 Sales Tax 1,726.09 Other Miscellaneous 1,577.97 Lohak 144.24 Total DINING ROOM # 67,278,40 POOL Memberships 31,91;,60 Guest Fees 1,856.75 Lessons 83,50 Towel Rentals 1.10 Total POOL $ 33,856.95 OTHER RECEIPTS Certificates of Deposit, November 1, 1962 $ 20,000.00 Refund, Ball-O-Matic 59,08 Cigarette Sales 21,85 Sale of Golf Balls 155,88 Loan, 1st American Bank ~ 30,000.00 $ 50,23fi,81 $302,517,21 .~~ Transfer from Village --~'j $ 17 382,0 ~ TOTAL RECEIPTS $319,89_9,-21~ VILLAGE OF T•IORTH PALM BE.'1CH - GENERAL FUD1D EXPEPIDITURES November 1, 1962 - August ~31, 1963 Accounts Payable, Tovember 1, 1962 $ General Government 10,949.65 43,211.53 Village T;anager's Office 16,590.55 Village Attorney & Judge 2,570.69 Village Clerk 1,131.85 Finance Dept. 11,760.13 Police Dept. 30,211.22 Fire: Dept. 8,653.91 Village Engineer 3,241.96 Building Official 13,985.84 Parks ~ Beautification 5,605.81 Recreation t; Facilities 20,923.76 Operations Dept. 68,368.82 Miscellaneous 740,73 Payment to firm of Attorneys for land 500.00 Contingency purchase 11,511.17 TOTr'~L Expenditures $ 249,898.3& Transfer to Country Club Caceoun':; Bond Payment $ 29,389.55 Turbine Pump 5,039:15 Kitchen Equipment 17,382.00 ~~ Total Transfer $ •5~,81a.71 TOTAL Expenditures $ 301,709.0 BALATICE, August 31, 1963 $ 3,076.90 TREASURER'S REPORT VILLAGE OF NORTH PALh1 BEACIi - GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS November 1, 1962 - September 1, 1963 Real Estate Taxes $ 193,299,42 License E Permit Fees Building Permits $ 20 389 80 , . Occupational Licenses 25,638.00 Boat Area Fees 2,290.00 Examination Fees 300.00 Dog Licenses 284.00 -- $ 48,901,80 Fines E Forfeitures $ 680.50 Franchise Revenues Florida Power & Light Co. -0- Southern Bell Telephone $ 774.81 Atlantic Fuel Co. 1,619.79 $ 2,394.60 Revenue Other Sources Road & Bridge Fund $ -0- Cigarette Tax 17,938.00 Tree Planting 89.00 Rent - Village Hall 4,650.00 Recreational Fees 387.00 $ 23,064.00 Miscellaneous Income E Fees Redeposits $ 444.37 Mosquito Spray 306.25 Insurance Refunds 6 Dividends 576.18 Sales -IdPB Presbyterian Church 2,100.00 Miscellaneous 1,318.83 $ 4,745.63 Loan - 1st American Bank n n n n TOTAL, Income $ 16,700.00 15,000.00 $ 31.700.00 $ 304,785.95 NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB EXPEDIDITURES GOLF triages $ 60,055.13 Sales Tax II71.05 ' Fertilizer, Chemicals 9,013.55 Equipment Maintenance & Fuel 7,842.04 Repairs 6 Maintenance, other 7,545.15 Uniforms 1,131.50 Electric Carts 8,176.00 Ball-O-Matic P'mt 606.26 Mise, Supplies 485,76 Storage Refund 403.64 Consultant Fee 297,00 Total 96,659.08 Capital Outlay Greens Equipment $ 4,467.75 Furniture & Equipment (Pro shop) 1,142.91 Golf Balls, picker (RrZngc) 2,559.84 Total GOLF S 104.829.58 DINING ROOM Wages Food S 33,594.56 24,184.84 Liquor & Beer 13,282.II2 Sales Tax 1,957.17 Linen 1,929.76 Equipment 6 Furniture Rental 322.85 Orchestra 8 Entertainment 2,753.31 License Taxes 189.70 Operating Cash 700.00 Menbership Refund 2.00 Cash Register Fayments 220.60 Total S 79,643.11 Capital Outlay $ 23,026.30 Total DINING ROOM 5107,669.91 POOL Wages S 13,754.56 Supplies 222.40 Patty Cash 30.00 Membership Refund 124.00 Chemicals 1,213.27 Office Supplies 229,63 Repairs 6 Maintenance 884.51 Total $ 16,458.37 Captial Outlay Pool Furniture ~ Equipment $ 1,634.10 Total POOL S 18,092.47 GENA2AL Utilities, ~-*ater. 's is®a~ar Utility Deposit Supplies Office Supplies & Egtiip;k~~syt Advertisi:^_R Accountinc Sarvice Dues 8 Subscripi:ion~ Ice (D/renm E Golf) Insurance Lohal: Bond Pay?na.its ~y-.~}rw Total GENERAL ~'.t;I~TSS TOTAL EXPENDI'TJRES $ 1E ,725.18 75.00 i®283.60 1,805.40 1,805.22 2,100.00 90.00 1,243.85 5,1~~C.13 31,500.fl0 29,389.55 $ 72,077.93 $ 302,669.89 ~, > r:x '~ ~n <_ . --rsvre-~-. ~- -- itI-7t3TtCAl E-RTA REPORT Ei3~[ . ~~ ar ~~~s :«~g~~ - ;,~ ~= ~ -` e~~~~~~ES 6€ES TOTAt iFE> €~ i ~ -- - ~ OO - - 24 - rLiTk-'8i"~ f~RM1Y3 -.--__ 5 iLFG'fR1ChL ts€RsttT3 _ .. _~- ~T -_ 4 ~iwsTALtAtto*e+s~e~:t°s ~3 T5 [ - _ ~ 2b oeEC>'*Ar+a++Ai ~t~+e~rsi~s _ 14 }tt3CfLLA#€~.T! L#('~3t~3 ~ ~~€ - ~.___.1~ ff~ g ' rxo51 2 _ tractcr*s 4 '2 p , _ Z ~ C ~` esTrMrATeo cosTS to - i'3T1FtA~ btttliNNG C01t3 { _ east_s --- aAte-- - 49#,G11 - ~ €Ei'iMATfD OOST Of l~tltt-IItN9 bt17~t7G fiOfitTH _ _ _T _Y._..- __.. _ - EfT1MAtt!O 0057 Of ALL FRtvtot)S gtJ1LC7RG 34. 633 F545 0 35,;g5.556j GCS awG DAiA pti&L! FAt~t±` '~~~t#1G3 NAifT€b - ,. .~~ 1tULTittP fai~i_Y ~TtftttrrvCl 9Titi1Tla - -- 370Mrt€!li`~At ~lttLMtiG3 STAIFT€G . _ itoiaee ~M*Letea Tint MOi1Tti - -Z42B TOTAL !MMES CaM}~L!'*t0 TO 4Afi! lk- 4 a - _ rOttlLRTiaN CATk Mt[M fAMttlES IN VILLAGE T1 ~~, 34br9Z ~ _ sRCVtous fAMtLtES tw ViILAG€ ~ _~__._ 5~-- - 2531 Tat AL ittsMeER or fAMlLtES 2539 288$ 8 ~~d -_._---= ___--~ :_ _~ - __ _.__ _ TOTAL YtllA4E PS?PLSLATIQft ~~ ~~~ ~ _ __ _____ ___ ___-- ..- - AVCRAGE NVM~ER Of r[RSaw7 t-lfR~ f$~+T3,y _ .__ -~' - - - -_-- .. •- - +-0- 4 v~l~ •,[ reN.Gen