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04-01-1963 VC SP-M
• MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held April 1, 1963 Present: Warren P. Tatoul, Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Jr., Vice=Mayor Frank J. Hahn, Councilman Thomas A. Bell, Councilman-elect Harold W. Beesy, Councilman-elect Albin A. Olson, Village Manager and Clerk In accordance with Section 9, Article III of-.the Village Charter, the organizational meeting of the Village Council was held at the North Palm Beach Country Club Building at 8:00 p.m. The oath of office was administered Councilmen-elect Thomas R. Bell and Harold W. Beery. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, Warren P. Tatoul was elected Mayor. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Councilman Beery, all members voting aye, Councilman Aiello was elected Vice-Mayor. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Beery, all members voting aye, the following officers were appointed: Thomas R. Bell, Tax Collector; Frank J. Hahn, Tax Assessor; and Albin R. Olson, Clerk. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, Resolution #'161 entitled - A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPOINTING CERTAIN OFFICERS FOR SUCH VILLAGE. was adopted. The oath of office was administered all appointed officers by the Village Clerk. Mr. B. Correll, of the Florida Power & Light Company, appeared before the Village Council for the purpose of requesting certain utility easements. located on Village property in the Country Club area adjacent U.S. Highway ~#1. The easements were requested for the purpose o£ re- locating certain power poles presently located on the east side o£ U.S. #1. Mr. Correll was requested to prepare detailed location maps of the requested locations and look into the matter of using concrete rather than wood poles. There being no £urther business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ~~.. ~'l •~s~+s. Village Clerk • OATHS UNDER SECTION 876.05 FLORIDA STATUTES I, HAROLD W, BEERY, a citizen of the State of Florida and of the United States of America, and being employed by or an officer of the Village ' of North Palm Beach, Florida, do hereby solemnly swea r or affirm that i will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida; that I am not a member of the Communist Party; that I have not and will not lend by aid, support, advice, counsel or influence to the Communist Party; 4~hat I do not believe in the overthrow of the Governm ent of the United ' States or of the State of Florida by force or violenc e; that I am not a member of any orgainzation or party which believes in or teaches, directly or indirectly, the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of Florida by force or violence. farol W. eery Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~_ day of ,,,~, I963 (NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL)NotaryRublic,StateofFloridaatLargd My Commission Expires Apr. 21, 19~ii, OATHS OF OFFICE Before me, The undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared Harold 69. Beery , who took and subscribed before me the following oath: I, the above named HAROLD W. BEERY , dt9 solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of Councilman of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, me God. Sworn t`o and subscribed before me this ` day of , 1963. upon which I am about to enter, so help ~~~~ my Commission expires: rge ProtaryPub(ic, Staie of Flotid~ atLarga (Notary Seal) ?nv Commission txpires Apr, [l, 19&5 A4y Commission Expires: OATHS UNDER SECTION 876.05 FLORIDA STATUTES r I, THOMAS R, BELL, a citizen of the State o£ Florida and of the United States of America, and being employed by or an officer of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida; That I am not a member of the Communist Party; that I have not and will not lend by aid, support, advice, counsel or influence to the Communist party; That I do not believe in the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of Florida by force or violence; that I am not a member of any organisation or party which believes in or teaches, directly or indirectly, the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of Florida by force or violence. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of , 1963 T omas e - .. - -~.r..+~-~ otary u ic, tate o on a at arge --, M Commission ex ires• NotaryFublic,StateofFloridaaiLatg'9 Y P an3, Pnmmissinn Exoires Apr. 27, 19fi$ (Notary Public Seal) OATHS OF OFFICE Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared THOMAS R. BELL , who took and subscribed before me the following oath: I, the above named THOMAS R. BELL , db solemnly 'sweat that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of Councilman of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. om as R . e Sworn to and subscribed before me this ` day of ~~~'~_, 1963 - ~` ~ OLD„ otarR~GTic, tats FTori a at Large My Commission Expires• 'tiataryPubiic,StateofFloridaatLary(~ sny wmm~ssiun tAFues,vpr. ' 7, lg~ (Notary Seal) OATHS OF OFFICE Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared THOMAS R. BELL , who took and subscribed before me the following oath: I, the above named THOMAS R. BELL , do solemnly swear that I shall faithfully and impartially execute the duties of the office of Tax Collector of the Village of North Palm Beach according to the best of my ability and understanding. s '~~°.~.6.~ <~ omas R:" Be Sworn to and subscribed before me this ,_ day of ~-, 1963. 1Z ovary u ic, rate o on a at Large Hofary Pu51ic, Sfate o{ Florida at i_,rw My Commission Expires : `u,~~~,.., c~-~;..... T- 27, 190$ (Notary Public Seal) Bef9we me, the undersig~ted officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared FRANK J. HAHN, who took and subscribed before me the following oath: ' I, the above named FRANK J. HAHN , do solemnly swear that I shall faithfully and impartially execute the duties of the office of Tax Assessor of the Village of North Palm Beach according to the best of my ability and understanding. _ ~-~~ ~~ Fran a n Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of ~~ ~ Q , 1963. otary ~lic; State of Floriaa at Large • NoYsryPublic, S±ate of Flofida attsfgs b9y Commission Expires: MvBnmmiccinnfxniracdn ~~ lg~r (Notary Public Seal) C~ OATHS OF OFFICE Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths u under the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared y6VARREN P. TATOUL , who took and subscribed before me the following oath: I, the above named 1VARREN P. TATOUL , do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of hiayor'of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God, --VTarren ~`TatoT Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~_ day of , 1963. Cam.-~-~~..._ Notary u~~ic-M ate o lore as at Large My Commission Expires;~olarvPublic,StateotFloridaalLarge My Commission txpues apr. I, 1965 (Notary Public Seal) Before me, the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths i under the laws of the State of Florida, personally appeared LOUIS J. AIELLO, JR. , who took and subscribed before me the fallowing oath: I, the above named f.OUIS J. AIELLO, JR, , do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and Lat~~s of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of Vice-Mayor of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. Louis iZTo; r. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of , 1963. otaN~ry u ~'ic, t- aS~te ~F-3ori~ca at Lar e, rNuggrypublic,State of Flonda~t My Commission Expires: ~,,,r~ „mm{ssionExpiresApr•2I. (Notary Public Seal) TREASURER'S REPORT Village of North Palm Beach November 1, 1962 - February 28, 1963 BALANCE, November 1, 1962 Receipts: Real Estate Taxes Building Permits Occupational Licenses Boat Area Dog Licenses Fines/Forfeitures Cigarette Tax Rent, Village Hall Franchise Income Miscellaneous Income $163,621.02 6,263.05 17,749.50 1,002.50 35.00 109.50 8,264.05 1,860.00 1,627.99 1.091.39 $ 814.17 n 0 n Total Disbursements: General GovTt Village Manager Village Attorney & Court Village Clesk Finance Dept. Police & Fire Dept. Building Dept. Parks & Recreation Operations Dept. Total BALANCE, February 28, 1963 $ 22,916.34 7,811.70 1,343.30 129.11 6,970.99 22,056.35 6,446.76 7,265.94 25.448.90 $201,705.00 $202.519.17 $100,389.39 $102,129.78 NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB TREASURER'S REPORT November 1, 1962 - February 28, 1963 BALANCE, October 31, 1962 ~ $ 18,471.97 'Receipts: Golf Course Memberships $ 39,238.00 Greens Fees 22,771.75 Electric Carts 12,312.00 ' Hand Carts 1,279.00 Driving Range 6,265.85 Lockers 321.50 Sales Tax 378.69 Total-Golf $82.566.79 Dining Room Memberships $ 683.00 Lohak Commission 144.00 Sales (Feb.} Food 6,315.25 B~ 4,112.74 _ Sales Tax 241.70 - Total-Dining $11,496.93 Pool Memberships $ 6,567.60 Federal Tax 1,641.90 Guest Fees 55.40 Total-Pool $ 8.264.90 --- ' TOTAL INCOME $102.328.62 GRAND TOTAL, February 28, 1963 $120,800_.59 Disbursements: Wages $ 30,925.13 _ Social. Security ~ Witholding Tax 4,303.31 Utilities (Gas, Power 6,018.55 & Light, Water} Insurance 5,475.40 Supplies (Fertilizers, 5,546.95 Chemicals} _ Supplies, New Equipment 3,571.59 Maintenance Operations, ' repairs equip. & supplies7,469.81 Maintenance, repairs 3,256.42 -_ Golf course , Clubhouse Building 1,562.74 improvements, supplies. Clubhouse equipment, 1,081.20 furniture ' Signs & Advertising 1,639.21 Sales Tax 298.71 Office Supplies, 1,948.57 Printing Pool Supplies 689.66 = Dining Room - Operating 5,763.20 supplies Total Operating Expenditures $ 79,550.35 Total Operating Expenditures $ 79,550.35 Lohak Payment $ 11,500.00 Bond Payment 29.389.50_ $ 40,889.50 40.889.50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $120.489.35 -x-~ -xaF ~ ~ -~ -x-~ NOTE: Accounts receivable, Feb. 28, 1963 Golf Course memberships $ 19,150.00 Pool memberships 4.260.00 Total, accounts receibalbe $ 23,410.00 max- ~-x- ~ -x-x- ~ ~ BALANCE, February 28, 1963 _ $ 360.74 P9INUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held April 1, 1963 Present: 49arren P. Tatoul, Pnayor Louis J. Aiello, Jr., Vice-Mayor Frank J. Hahn, Councilman Thomas R. Bell, Councilman-elect Harold W. Beery, Councilman-elect Albin R. Olson, Village Manager and Clerk In accordance with Section 9, Article III of the Village Charter, the organize±ienal meeting of the Village Council was held at the North Palm Beach Country Club Building at 8:00 p.m. The oath of office was administered Councilmen-elect Thomas R. Bell and Harold IF7. Beery. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, ldarren P. Tatoul was elec*_ed Mayor. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Ccuncilman Beery, all members voting aye, Councilman Aiello was elected Vice-Mayor. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Beery, all members voting aye, the following officers were appointed: Thomas R. Bell, Tax Ccllectcr; Frank J. Hahn, Tax Assessor; and Albin R. Olson, Clerk. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members v oting aye, Resolution #161 entitled A RESOLUT ION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLt1GE O F NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPOINTING, CERTAIN OFFICERS FOR SUCH VILLAGE. was adopted. The oath of office was administered all appointed officers by the Village Clerk. Mr. B. Correll, of the Florida Power F, Light Conpany,~/ appeared bef;>re,thc Village Council for the purpose of reque tang certain utility easements located ~n Villas*e property in the _ Country Club area adjacent U.S. Highway #1. The easements were reouested for the purpose of relocating certain poorer poles presently located on the east side of U.S. #1. ' Mr. Correll was requested to prepare detailed locati-on maps of the requested locations any look into the matter of> Cusing concrete rather than wood poles. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Village Clerk ~, ~.. %.='. ,~( TREASURERS REPORT Village of North Palm Beach November 1, 1962 Balance, November I, 1962 Receiptsi Real Estate Taxes $ 163,621.02 Building Permits 6,263.05 Occupational Licenses 17,749.50 Boat Area 1,002.50 Dog Licenses 35.00 Fines/FoY£eitures 190.50 Cigarette Tax 8,264.05 Rent, Village Hall 2,860.00 Franchise Income 1,627.99 Miscellaneous Income 1.091.39 Total Disbursements $ 814.17 $201.705.00 $202,519.17 General Gov't $ 22,916.34 Village D;anager 7,811.70 Village Attorney F, Court 1,343.30 Village Clerk 129.11 Finance Dept. 6,970,99 Police $ Fire Dept. 22,056.35 Building Dept. 6,446.76 Parks F Recreation 7,265.94 Operations Dept. 25,448.90 Total $100,389.39 BALANCE, February 28, 1963 $102,129.78 - February 28, 1963 0 NORT[1 PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUi3 TREP.SURLR'S REPORT November 1, 1963 - February 28, 1963 ' BALANCE, October 31, 1962 RECEIPTS: Golf Course P.4emberships ~ 39,238.00 Greens Fees 22,771.75 Electric Carts 12,312.00 Hand Carts 1,279.00 Driving Range 6,265.85 Lockers 321.50 Sales Tax 378.69 Total - Golf- Dining Room Memberships ~ f83.00 Lohak Commission 144.00 Sales (Feb.) Food 6,315.25 Ear 4,112.74 Sales Tax 241.70 Total - Dining- Pool Memberships ~ 6,56.7.60 Federal Tax I,b41.90 Guest Fees 55.40 Total- Pool- TOTAL INCOP4E GRAND TOTAL, February 28, 1963 $ 18,471.97 $82,566.79 -' :~ i'3 L`'/ .~yi .rte. /` $11,496.93 ~ 8,264.90 . 102,328.62 l X120,800.59 u DISBURSEMENTS u Wages $ 30,925.13 Social Security $ Witholding Tax 4,303.31 Utilities (Gas, Power 6,018.55 ~ Light, Water) Insurance 5,475.40 Supplies (Fertilizers, 5,546.95 Chemicals) Supplies, New Equipment 3,571.59 P.9aintenance Operations, repairs equipment and supplies 7,469.81 Maintenance, repairs 3,256.42 Golf course Clubhouse Building 1,562.74 improvements, supplies Clubhouse equipment, 1,081.20 furniture Signs ~ Advertising 1,639.21 Sales Tax 298.71 Office Supplies, Printing 1,948.57 Pool Supplies 689.66 Dining P.oom - Operating supplies 5,763.20 Total Cperating Expenditures Lohak Payment $ 11,500.00 Bond Payment 29,389.50 $ 40,889.50 Total Expenditures ~ R * ~ ~ X R * k * # * R ~ ~ R ~ $ 79,550.35 40,889.50 $120,489.35 NOTE: ' Accounts receivable, Feb. 28, 1963 Golf Course memberships $ 19,150.00 Pool memberships 4,260.00 Total, accounts receivable $ 23,410.00 k*** k*~ k~* k k R R R* R BALANCE, February 28, 1963 $ 360.74 ACCOUta'TS PAYABLE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB April 9, 1963 Dining Room Palm Beach Crown Distributors ' Florida Beverage Corporation South F1oTida Distributors Bush Bros. Provision Cheney Bros Brace Frozen Foods Alfar Creamery Co. Fuchs Baking Co. Powell Bros. Produce Hudgins Fish Co. Purcell Coffee Co. Tom's Palm Beach Sales Co. Tropi-Kist (2} Charles Chips 7-Up Bottling Co. Palm Beach Linen Service AlA Hotel Supply, Inc. Roy's Ice House Atlantic Advertising Co. Palm Beach Paper Co. Palm Beach Chemical Co. (2) Golf ' Cycle Center Parts Designers Press Printing Florida Soil Co. Fertilizer Florida East Coast Fertilizer Co. Firestone Stores tires C. B. Dolge Co. Chemicals McNamara's Patio Furniture Uarco Forms West Point Equip. Co. Mower Sinclair Refining Co. Gas $ Oil Pool A.C.T. Co. Clear Pool Co. D $ D Marina Co. King Electric Leahy Press Palm Plastics Office Supplies Chemicals Time Clocks Printing Sings - 175.19 92.35 136.9 5 3,247.59 668.89 /~ 343.64 // 373.97/ ~ i 253.00 .~ 481.75-'` `' 356.49 ~~~ 413.5 9 49.86/' 240.45 /' ~ 97.2~Y' /i`f 64. Z0/r//.~=~ 362.70l,'~ 383.68' i J 109.00/ j~pr 21.90 `~/ ls.7o fJ~~ 229.05 \b 13.90' ~~ 18.00 7 56.64 1,274.00 22.20 81.00 231..75 88.52 560.00 242.00 11.58 142.25 48.40' 96.00 9.10 14.00 C ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH April 9, 1963 Cutler Nurseries 165.00 Trees Dura-Stress 1,131.60 Street light poles Florida Printing 109.50 Election Ballots Halsey $ Griffith, Inc. 189.95 Office Supplies Latham Ccnstruction Company 679.00 Boat Area Ramp Minnesota b4inino, $ Mtg. Company 478.50 Traffic Signs Mullins Lumber Co. 71.17 Park Products 12.00 Rubin Construction Co. 38.40 Street repairs R $ R Electric Supply, Inc 60.33 ' Street Light Bulbs Royal Palm Ice 19.80 Ice Sherwin-Williams Company 11.50 Paint Juliam Platz Insurance, Inc. 712.26 Workman's Compensation (final adjustment) Sewell Hardware Co., Inc. 47.99 Hardware Supplies Sears-Roebuck 41.87 Trash Cans Trail Ford Tractor 28.61 Tractor repair Tucker ~, Johnson, Inc. 180.97 File cabin~ts Sinclair Refining Co. 312.12 Police 113.69 Operations 198.43 Lanier Co. 25.25 Office Supplies Lindsley Lumber Co. 15.50 Palm Beach County 136.50 Dump A.C.T. Service - office supplies- 21.60 Ace Concrete Products 21.00 Street markers ' ~ ~ ~ tha Yille9a e} ~o~szz~ paL.tK ~>E,acx florida STATISTICAL DATA REPORT FOR MONTH OF KABC?~ ~.9~~ ~ Di 1: NumeER BUILDING PERMITS AND LICENSES FEES __ _- -- - - TOTAL FEES __ ~fI BUILDING PERMITS ~, ~~~ 10 ~:Z PLUMBING PERMITS - ?.87 00 ELECTRICAL PERMITS - ~~. ,Z~ GAS INSTALLATION PERMITS I.~ DO OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES ~ ]., ElP,rI 50 MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES- n.OQ ~+1s~1'a 4 O© 3 Contraletors examination 3`eior -- ~ 00 4.042 8~ .. -° ESTIMATED BUILDING COSTS ESTIMATED cosrs _ ___ COSTS TO DATE- ---- -- - ESTIMATED COST OF BUILDING DURING MONTH 801f ~~~. Q ESTIMATED COST OF ALL PREVIOUS BUILDING +~~•Z42t~~~ ~0 - 22, 244 ~~ 00 I -- BUILDING DATA SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS STARTED - - ~ 245910) l • MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS STARTED X44 t1Ait8} ~ ` (459 ~36) COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS STARTED ~~OL'V.'~.CM~ SL'S'E n8'~ 2 L ~5, 105) HOMES COMPLETED THIS MONTH Z TOTAL HOMES COMPLETED TO DATE ~ ~'~~ ~~ POPULATION DATA NEW FAMILIES IN VILLAGE PREVIOUS FAMILIES IN VILLAGE 1455 __ TOTAL NUMBER OF FAMILIES ",>f,4~~j ~,*$~ ~,~, m0~~~ ~. 4T5 TOTAL VILLAGE POPULATION ~~~~ p1,j~~ ,~„~$$ ~r~ 5a802 AVERAGE NUMBER O~F PERSONS PERK f~atm3.ly 3;,9 VILLAGE MANAGER -' NORT[1 PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUi3 TREP.SURLR'S REPORT November 1, 1963 - February 28, 1963 ' BALANCE, October 31, 1962 RECEIPTS: Golf Course P.4emberships ~ 39,238.00 Greens Fees 22,771.75 Electric Carts 12,312.00 Hand Carts 1,279.00 Driving Range 6,265.85 Lockers 321.50 Sales Tax 378.69 Total - Golf- Dining Room Memberships ~ f83.00 Lohak Commission 144.00 Sales (Feb.) Food 6,315.25 Ear 4,112.74 Sales Tax 241.70 Total - Dining- Pool Memberships ~ 6,56.7.60 Federal Tax I,b41.90 Guest Fees 55.40 Total- Pool- TOTAL INCOP4E GRAND TOTAL, February 28, 1963 $ 18,471.97 $82,566.79 -' :~ i'3 L`'/ .~yi .rte. /` $11,496.93 ~ 8,264.90 . 102,328.62 l X120,800.59 u DISBURSEMENTS u Wages $ 30,925.13 Social Security $ Witholding Tax 4,303.31 Utilities (Gas, Power 6,018.55 ~ Light, Water) Insurance 5,475.40 Supplies (Fertilizers, 5,546.95 Chemicals) Supplies, New Equipment 3,571.59 P.9aintenance Operations, repairs equipment and supplies 7,469.81 Maintenance, repairs 3,256.42 Golf course Clubhouse Building 1,562.74 improvements, supplies Clubhouse equipment, 1,081.20 furniture Signs ~ Advertising 1,639.21 Sales Tax 298.71 Office Supplies, Printing 1,948.57 Pool Supplies 689.66 Dining P.oom - Operating supplies 5,763.20 Total Cperating Expenditures Lohak Payment $ 11,500.00 Bond Payment 29,389.50 $ 40,889.50 Total Expenditures ~ R * ~ ~ X R * k * # * R ~ ~ R ~ $ 79,550.35 40,889.50 $120,489.35 NOTE: ' Accounts receivable, Feb. 28, 1963 Golf Course memberships $ 19,150.00 Pool memberships 4,260.00 Total, accounts receivable $ 23,410.00 k*** k*~ k~* k k R R R* R BALANCE, February 28, 1963 $ 360.74 ACCOUta'TS PAYABLE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB April 9, 1963 Dining Room Palm Beach Crown Distributors ' Florida Beverage Corporation South F1oTida Distributors Bush Bros. Provision Cheney Bros Brace Frozen Foods Alfar Creamery Co. Fuchs Baking Co. Powell Bros. Produce Hudgins Fish Co. Purcell Coffee Co. Tom's Palm Beach Sales Co. Tropi-Kist (2} Charles Chips 7-Up Bottling Co. Palm Beach Linen Service AlA Hotel Supply, Inc. Roy's Ice House Atlantic Advertising Co. Palm Beach Paper Co. Palm Beach Chemical Co. (2) Golf ' Cycle Center Parts Designers Press Printing Florida Soil Co. Fertilizer Florida East Coast Fertilizer Co. Firestone Stores tires C. B. Dolge Co. Chemicals McNamara's Patio Furniture Uarco Forms West Point Equip. Co. Mower Sinclair Refining Co. Gas $ Oil Pool A.C.T. Co. Clear Pool Co. D $ D Marina Co. King Electric Leahy Press Palm Plastics Office Supplies Chemicals Time Clocks Printing Sings - 175.19 92.35 136.9 5 3,247.59 668.89 /~ 343.64 // 373.97/ ~ i 253.00 .~ 481.75-'` `' 356.49 ~~~ 413.5 9 49.86/' 240.45 /' ~ 97.2~Y' /i`f 64. Z0/r//.~=~ 362.70l,'~ 383.68' i J 109.00/ j~pr 21.90 `~/ ls.7o fJ~~ 229.05 \b 13.90' ~~ 18.00 7 56.64 1,274.00 22.20 81.00 231..75 88.52 560.00 242.00 11.58 142.25 48.40' 96.00 9.10 14.00 C ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH April 9, 1963 Cutler Nurseries 165.00 Trees Dura-Stress 1,131.60 Street light poles Florida Printing 109.50 Election Ballots Halsey $ Griffith, Inc. 189.95 Office Supplies Latham Ccnstruction Company 679.00 Boat Area Ramp Minnesota b4inino, $ Mtg. Company 478.50 Traffic Signs Mullins Lumber Co. 71.17 Park Products 12.00 Rubin Construction Co. 38.40 Street repairs R $ R Electric Supply, Inc 60.33 ' Street Light Bulbs Royal Palm Ice 19.80 Ice Sherwin-Williams Company 11.50 Paint Juliam Platz Insurance, Inc. 712.26 Workman's Compensation (final adjustment) Sewell Hardware Co., Inc. 47.99 Hardware Supplies Sears-Roebuck 41.87 Trash Cans Trail Ford Tractor 28.61 Tractor repair Tucker ~, Johnson, Inc. 180.97 File cabin~ts Sinclair Refining Co. 312.12 Police 113.69 Operations 198.43 Lanier Co. 25.25 Office Supplies Lindsley Lumber Co. 15.50 Palm Beach County 136.50 Dump A.C.T. Service - office supplies- 21.60 Ace Concrete Products 21.00 Street markers ' ~ ~ ~ tha Yille9a e} ~o~szz~ paL.tK ~>E,acx florida STATISTICAL DATA REPORT FOR MONTH OF KABC?~ ~.9~~ ~ Di 1: NumeER BUILDING PERMITS AND LICENSES FEES __ _- -- - - TOTAL FEES __ ~fI BUILDING PERMITS ~, ~~~ 10 ~:Z PLUMBING PERMITS - ?.87 00 ELECTRICAL PERMITS - ~~. ,Z~ GAS INSTALLATION PERMITS I.~ DO OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES ~ ]., ElP,rI 50 MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES- n.OQ ~+1s~1'a 4 O© 3 Contraletors examination 3`eior -- ~ 00 4.042 8~ .. -° ESTIMATED BUILDING COSTS ESTIMATED cosrs _ ___ COSTS TO DATE- ---- -- - ESTIMATED COST OF BUILDING DURING MONTH 801f ~~~. Q ESTIMATED COST OF ALL PREVIOUS BUILDING +~~•Z42t~~~ ~0 - 22, 244 ~~ 00 I -- BUILDING DATA SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS STARTED - - ~ 245910) l • MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS STARTED X44 t1Ait8} ~ ` (459 ~36) COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS STARTED ~~OL'V.'~.CM~ SL'S'E n8'~ 2 L ~5, 105) HOMES COMPLETED THIS MONTH Z TOTAL HOMES COMPLETED TO DATE ~ ~'~~ ~~ POPULATION DATA NEW FAMILIES IN VILLAGE PREVIOUS FAMILIES IN VILLAGE 1455 __ TOTAL NUMBER OF FAMILIES ",>f,4~~j ~,*$~ ~,~, m0~~~ ~. 4T5 TOTAL VILLAGE POPULATION ~~~~ p1,j~~ ,~„~$$ ~r~ 5a802 AVERAGE NUMBER O~F PERSONS PERK f~atm3.ly 3;,9 VILLAGE MANAGER -'