08-27-2014 VC B WS-MMINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 27, 2014 Present: Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor Robert A. Gebbia, Vice Mayor David B. Norris, President Pro Tem William L. Manuel, Councilman Doug Bush, Councilman Jim Kelly, Village Manager Melissa Teal, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director Samia Janjua was present. The purpose of the meeting was to review changes to the proposed FY 2015 Budget and discuss the FY 2015 millage rate. Residents were present regarding the proposed increase in marina fees. Mayor Aubrey advised that the marina fees would not be discussed at this meeting and would not be voted on until first reading of the budget on September 11, 2014. Mayor Aubrey suggested residents attend one of the next two Council meetings to comment on this issue. Residents were invited to stay for the Council's current discussion of the Budget and millage rate. Regarding bills that were sent out with the increased marina rates, Mr. Kelly stated that the bills are sent out over a month in advance, since payment is due in October. Council expressed concern that bills were issued prior to final approval of the rates. Discussion ensued on the appropriate forum for further dialog with residents regarding this issue. It was determined that the Council would hear resident comments during Statements from the Public at the August 28, 2014 Regular Session and Mr. Kelly would meet informally with residents during the next week and come back to Council with a recommendation regarding the marina fees. Mr. Kelly advised that consensus changes to the FY 2015 General Fund Budget had increased Council Contingency to $768,248, which could be used to reduce the proposed millage rate from 7.60 mils to 7.0975 mils. Discussion took place concerning the budget reduction for Tennis Lease Revenue. Mrs. Janjua explained the Tennis Shop is no longer operated by a lessee, but is now run by the Village. Mrs. Janjua reviewed the projected ending for FY 2014 Country Club and General Fund budgets, based on departmental reviews to determine the most accurate projection for revenues and expenses. COUNTRY CLUB PROJECTED ENDING 9/30/14 • FY 2014 budgeted revenues: $3,804,090 • FY 2014 budgeted expenses: $3,804,090 • FY 2014 projected revenues: $3,662,727 • FY 2014 projected expenses: $3,797,895 • FY 2014 projected net loss: $135,168 • Estimated Reserve balance: $533,266 (FYE 2013 Reserve of $668,434 less $135,168) Mrs. Janjua reported the projected ending is anticipated to be 99.84% of the total budget, for a budgetary savings of $6,194; ending over 100% will require a budget amendment from Country Club Reserves. Discussion ensued regarding restaurant and golf revenues, memberships and greens fees. Mrs. Janjua reported Food and Beverage losses are estimated at $144,000 for FY 2014; additionally, golf projects totaling $108,000 were approved in FY 2014 that were not budgeted. Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 27, 2014 Page 2 of 3 GENERAL FUND PROJECTED ENDING 9/30/14 �- • FY 2014 budgeted revenues: $19,294,485 • FY 2014 budgeted expenses: $19,294,485 • FY 2014 projected revenues: $18,994,875 • FY 2014 projected expenses: $19,278,167 • FY 2014 projected net loss: $283,293 • Estimated Reserve balance: $11,059,926 (FYE 2013 Reserve of $11,343,219 less $283,293) Mrs. Janjua reported the projected ending is anticipated to be 99.92% of the total budget, for a budgetary savings of $16,318; ending over 100% will require a budget amendment from General Fund Reserves. Discussion took place concerning the Reserve for Future Tax Relief ($442,833) and the Appropriated Fund Balance ($679,573) in the FY 2014 General Fund Budget. Mrs. Janjua explained the Appropriated Fund Balance includes prior year encumbrances that were carried over into this year, plus $277,500 for matching grants. Mrs. Janjua noted the Reserve for Future Tax Relief was established to offset increases in the millage rate. Mrs. Janjua explained why these funds are not shown as revenues. Discussion took place regarding total reserves as of October 1, 2013 compared to total reserves anticipated at year -end. Discussion ensued on Capital Improvement Plan total expenditures for FY 2014, as well as the impact of salary increases pursuant to the Compensation Study and the PBA contract. It was noted that Council reduced the FY 2014 millage rate from a proposed rate of 7.283 mils to 6.8731 mils. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) FUND RECAP • Total transfers into CIP Fund (FY 2011, FY 2012, FY 2013): $1,582,942 • Total CIP items approved (FY 2013, FY 2014): $1,068,951 Mr. Kelly advised that the purchase of police radios would need to be moved up to FY 2014; therefore, purchase of the sanitation front -load truck would be deferred to FY 2015. FY 2015 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUMMARY Mr. Kelly suggested postponing four projects to FY 2016 in order to reduce the proposed FY 2015 General Fund Capital Outlay by 21% or $440,000: • Delete Public Works Improvement, Asphalt Resurfacing — Alleys: $150,000 • Delete Public Works Improvement, Service Alley Wall —East: $100,000 • Delete Parks & Recreation, Kiddie Pool Renovation: $150,000 • Delete Parks & Recreation Community Center Parking Lot Resurfacing: $40,000 Regarding renovation of the kiddie pool, Mr. Kelly stated that moving it out to FY 2016 would allow time to design a water park that incorporates a renovated kiddie pool with additional features. By consensus, Council was in favor the suggested changes to the Capital Outlay for FY 2015. A request was made to patch the potholes in the alley, since it will not be resurfaced in FY 2015. • Total FY 2015 Capital outlay, including Anchorage Park Phase 2: $3,743,500 • Total FY 2015 Capital outlay, not including Anchorage Park Phase 2: $1,643,500 Mr. Kelly distributed information on the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance: • Beginning balance: $11,343,219 • Total estimated use of General Fund Reserves: $1,811,360 • Estimated ending balance: $9,248,566 • FY 2015 Budget (7.0975 mils): $19,500,519 • General Fund Reserve as a percent of the FY 2015 Budget: 47% Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 27, 2014 Page 3 of 3 Mr. Kelly distributed two charts showing the impact of future capital spending on the millage rate and General Fund Reserves. Mr. Kelly noted that although both charts show current CIP projections for the next five years, the totals as shown are subject to change pending further assessment. Mr. Kelly suggested taking a percentage of a mil (0.2000 or 0.3000) and putting it in each year's budget and matching it from reserves in order to build a capital budget. Mr. Kelly explained that if Council approved adjusting the millage rate to include an additional amount for capital, the funds generated in FY 2015 would be carried over to FY 2016 because the full amount of FY 2015 capital is to be funded from reserves. Discussion took place regarding the use of reserves for capital funding and the appropriate level of reserves as a percentage of the budget. Discussion ensued on cutting costs and funding expenses through user fees. Council was supportive of Mr. Kelly's concept to set aside a percentage of millage for funding the Capital Improvements Plan. MILLAGE OPTIONS Discussion was held concerning the estimated increase in taxes for the average home. A request was made to hold one or more informal town hall type public meetings before October 1, 2014 for individual council members and the manager to talk with residents about the increase in taxes. It was noted that the Council held eight public budget workshops and residents would have the opportunity to attend two public hearings before the budget is adopted. Discussion ensued on setting the millage rate at 7.30 mils, with .20 mils designated for future capital expenditures, and using reserves to fund FY 2015 capital expenses as well as website redesign and Laserfiche software upgrade. Mrs. Janjua gave an estimate of the funds that could be transferred to the Capital Improvement Plan if Council approved an additional 20 mils for this purpose. Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Janjua noted that capital projects would still come to Council for approval of expenditures. Council consensus was to consider a millage rate of 7.3000 mils for FY 2015, with .20 mils designated for future capital projects. CONSENSUS ITEMS • Delete Public Works Improvement, Asphalt Resurfacing — Alleys: $150,000 • Delete Public Works Improvement, Service Alley Wall — East: $100,000 • Delete Parks & Recreation, Kiddie Pool Renovation: $150,000 • Delete Parks & Recreation Community Center Parking Lot Resurfacing: $40,000 • Use approximately $1.644 million from undesignated reserves for FY 2015 capital projects • FY 2015 millage rate of 7.3000 mils, with .20 mils designated for future capital projects ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m. Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk � 1