05-08-1962 VC REG-MMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held May 8, 1962 Present: Walter E.--Thomas, Mayor Charles-M. Bowman, Vice-Mayor Louis J.-Aiello, Councilman Warren P. Tatoul, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman C. Robert Burns,, Village Attorney Albin R. Olson, Village Manager and Clerk Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. D4ayor Thomas requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting of the Village Council held April 10, 1962; and the minutes of an adjourned meeting held April 17, 1962; and the minutes of an adjourned meeting held April 24, 1962. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasurer reported the following audit reports: TREASURER'S REPORT Village of North Palm Beach May 8, 1962. Balance, February 28, 1962 $ 50,942.33 Receipts: Taxes $ 8,194.24 ' Building permits 1,441.06 Occupational Licenses 1,262.00 Cigarette Tax 2,510.67 Other 2,042.25 X5,450.22 $ 66,392.55 Disbursements: Witholding (Feb.) $ 714.00 Palm Beach Civil Defense 300.00 Fire Insurance 504.30 C. R. Burns 1,555.00 Latham Construction 1,825.06 Rent 1,317.55 Gen. Govt. 3,832.15 • Other 9,970.07 $ 20,018.13 $ 46,374.42 Balance, Community Federal Account 10,697.48 ' TOTAL BALANCE, P4arch 31, 1962 $ 57,071.90 Treasurer's Re ort North P-aim eac Country Club January 2, 1962 - bTarch 31, 1962 ' Recreational Facilities Bond Account Receipts from Bond Sale Deduct; Payments on Country 'Club Purchase ' Purchase of Certificates of Deposit (Riviera Beach Bank) ~~ :~ x Treasurer's Report North Palm Beach Country Club January 2, 1962 - Pfarch 31, 1962 ~~ Cash on hand, January 2, 1962 $ 00.00 Receipts: D4emberships $ 34,226.75 Greens Fees 19,622.50 Play Books 10,415.00 [Iotels 3,594.00 Cart Rentals 17,274.86 Driving Range 5,112.80 Lockers 371.00 Dining Room Concession 482.42 Other 555.86 Total Income $ 91,655.19 Disbursements: lJ 1 Total Disbursements Balance, March 31, 1962 $ 1,015,000. 360,000. $ 1,430,162.80 $ 1,375,000.00 $ 55,162.80 ~~ $ 14,494.42 1,338.10 1,900.17 400.00 3,394.58 567.60 1,401.30 617.26 668.34 446.25 706.20 339:85 3,383.09 Certificates of Deposit Balance (Operating Fund) March 3I, 1962 Payroll Utilities Repairs, Maintenance Petty Cash Insurance Golf Cart Rental Fettiiizer, etc. Electric Cart Repair Advertising Driving Range Supplies Payroll, Taxes Sales Tax Other $ 24,657.16 $ 61,998.03 50,000.00 $ 11,998.03 R~~ Minutes of Meeting .May 8, 1962 • P a~3 On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, the Village Manager was authorized to arrange for the Village of North Palm Beach to join the Tri-County Governmental League. Mayor Thomas discussed a communication received from Flotilla S1, Auxiliary, U.S. Coast Guard, requesting the Council consider making available a site for the Auxiliary's use. The Council agreed to look into the matter of available sites and to advise the group of its findings. A request from Carmen and D4atilda Labrutto that their property located adjacent Plat #3 be annexed to the Village was referred to the Village ' Manager for report. A public hearing was held on two zoning matters. A request from Raymond F. May Company, SYest Palm Beach, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to permit the operation of funeral homes in areas zoned C1A Limited Commercial District was discussed and statements made by the public. • The Council expressed its reluctance to amend the original zoning ordinance and on motion of Vice-Mayor Bowman, seconded by Councilman Tatoul, all members voting aye, the request was denied. A request from Fairway Homes, Inc., North Palm Beach, that lots 11 Fairhaven Addition, be rezoned from R-1 Single Family Dwelling District and 12 , to C1 Neighborhood Commercial District was discussed and statements made by the public. The matter was tabled for further sandy and to give the Council an opportunity to view the site. On motion of Vice-Mayor Bowman, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #I35 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACEI, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE MANAGER AND CLERK TO SIGN A CERTAIN PLAT. was adopted. On motion of Councilman Elahn, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #136 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE MANAGER AND CLERK TO SIGN A CERTAIN PLAT. was adopted. A request from Scott and Burk, Attorneys, representing Northlake Properties, Inc., that certain lands in the Marina Addition plat be rezoned . was read. The Village Manager was instructed to advertise a public hearing on the matter to be held June 5, 1962. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bowman, all members voting aye, the payments of $12,852.00 to Charles M. Graves Organization for work in connection with the Country Club project was approved. ' On motion of Councilman Tatoul, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all 00 to theTthomas Hodges f $23 341 , . members voting aye, the progress payment o Construction Company for the month of April was approved. On motion of Councilman Tatoul, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, the Village Attorney was requested to prepare a resolution t #4 l . a ratifying and confirming the dedication offers made in connection with P The list of accounts payable were approved for payment on motion of ' Vice-Alayor Bowman, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. to meet again at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 15, on motion of Councilman }Zahn, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bowman, all members voting aye. ~ (~~~ .~ Village Cler Y ~ . ~ ~ ~~.~ ~C~If ~tttm l~rttrli ~timrs Published Every Weekday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared ....__CeC11 BR..-Krr„~,,.~~.,x_. who on .oath says that he is PU~J Z.15h2D .,,,,,._ of The.Palm Beach Times, a daily newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a ._..~.A.t~..CE...._...._..__......._._...._...--...._._.~. _ in the matter of .....,. Zonis-Change s.........__.__.... ~..._ in the =.~.'_-"""""""""= Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of ....._.._......A.pr..i.l_2']..,14b2-_.__-. _-.-.----- -._r_- Aunt further says that the said Palm Beach Tirnes is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has here- tofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each weekday and has been entered as second_clasa mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that ]re has neither paid nor promis- ed any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the pur- pose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. a o-.- ~Q Sworn to and subscribed before me this ..2~.t h... day of ...._A~rll .........-.--.-... A. D. 19-~?2 ~~=. Notary Puhfic, State of F3orida at Large h1y Commission expires January 22, 7966