08-20-2014 FY2015 GF Depts - Library_Rec_PWI 'm L' f W-1 L. PROPOSED GENERAL FUND BUDGET VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FL FY 2014 -2015 What we hope to accomplish this evening: TONIGHT'S - To do List! 1. Housekeeping items: General Fund Budget Changes Health Insurance Costs — Last 5 years 2. Workshop the PROPOSED FY2015 Budget as it relates to the following departments (including each department's Revenues, 5 -year Capital Improvement Plan and FY 2015 Capital Outlay in priority order): Library Parks and Recreation Public Works FY 2015 Budget V Housekeeping Item: General Fund Budget Changes Beginning Council Contingency $ 115,779 Consensus Chanaes: Total I Proposed Millage of $7.60 mils could be Ending Council Contingency ! reduced to $7.198 mils... 498,845 �$ 614,624 3 Increase/ Description Workshop Decrease Personnel Costs updated (Updated Personnel Costs with most recent payroll data 8/6/2014 111,393 Newsletter cost estimate increased 8/6/2014 5,000 Additional Professional /Contractual Services in Village Manager's Budget 8/6/2014 13,500 Attorney Fees Reduced 8/6/2014 20,000 Online Performance Review Software to be funded with reserves 8/6/2014 25,000 Website Redesign & Laserfiche upgrade to be funded with reserves 8/6/2014 102,000 Consolidated Dispatch 8/14/2014 243,952 Zoning & Annexation Fee Revenue Estimate Updated new fee schedule 8/14/2014 15,000 Total I Proposed Millage of $7.60 mils could be Ending Council Contingency ! reduced to $7.198 mils... 498,845 �$ 614,624 3 2,0000 1,800, 0 1,600,0 1,400,0 1,200, 0 1,000,0 800,0 600,0 400,0 200,0 Housekeeping Item: Health Insurance Costs ■ Budget ■ Actual n FY 2015 General Fund Department Summaries: • Library • Parks and Recreation: 1. Recreation and Special Events 2. Tennis 3. Pool • Public Works- 1 . Public Works Administration 2. Facility Services 3. Vehicle Maintenance 4. Streets and Grounds Maintenance 5. Sanitation FY 2015 Budget 5 Adult Services Librarian 1 FT LibFaFy Gle4 0 PT ( -1 PT) FY 2015 Budget Library Director of Library Youth Services Senior Library Assistant 1 FT ( +1 FT) Note: 1 FT Circulation Senior Library Assistant Library Assistant Library Clerk Library Page The changes in this department are primarily due to the re- instatement of the Youth Services Program Administrative Assistant 1 FT 1 FT 5 PT 3 PT Technical Services imam Senior Library Assistant 1 FT Library Page 1 PT Summary: Change: FT= 7 +1 FT PT= 9 -1 PT Summary of Position Changes - Library Note: The personnel changes shown below were implemented temporarily in FY 2014. Current New Comment Increase / Position Position (Decrease) Library Assistant Senior Library Youth Services Division re- instated $5,185.86 (FT) Assistant (FT) Library Clerk (PT) N/A Position deleted $(12,803.44) In Summary, The Employee in the FT Library Assistant position was promoted to a Senior FT Library Assistant Position. That vacated position was filled by the employee in a PT Library Clerk position. A PT Library Clerk position was deleted. FY 2015 7 Budget Library Revenues A C # Description FY 2014 Budget FY 2015 Detail A2127 -03110 MEMBERSHIPS - LIBRARY $15.00 $45.00 A2127 -03111 COOPERATIVE MEMB STATE AID 20,023.00 26,227.00 Estimate from State Library A2127 -03120 COPYING- LIBRARY 1,500.00 1,520.00 Copy commission, faxing fees, copy fees, lost cards A2127 -03140 LOST BOOKS- LIBRARY 500.00 535.00 Lost materials, including processing fee A2127 -04100 LIBRARY FINES 7,000.00 7,000.00 Fines for overdue items A2127 -08205 LIB GIFT ACCT INTEREST EARNED 275.00 250.00 Interest on Library Gift Account Balance TOTAL REVENUES $29,313.00 $35,577.00 FY 2015 Budget Total Revenues = Total Expenses = $35,577 $790,961 Current Gift Account Balance = $43k PI pr r,rmmal.l STam F -gular 3d621�i6 ovff mtppv $622,336 "n—r- 934,1 .6 PIP 1r:: or 79% Fnadrh Tn4mmnrn �rli i T FTcia "1. k% m N LTr Iams �} ?,Si3 L LV1 1.,7[e- I11�}3 ❑ DFke: C- DMP3rati(M OMN Owl mg 49,705 JLx3k:. Dk3bLir3ta�: de wbcr s $ 168,625 `-D� WMEE Iabcmy ccamc mm: or 21% �,Lrlin[Firnal3.fatarialc HUMS +9, L22 F1cca�c Rc�wet r✓ 34.31" iR,R9� ;�r�e MLn 1al -my Gift Arrxmr 4i,S3 3 IiLrslA!,& T'e 34,jSP ilax,.,;a :; & 7MRAiQc 311,514 PDMM 21 2A 40% l2 Ppa rr4 Jr Mandarurra 2kwd C-mfix e L L:* & 9esuirst s lwwn r�hipc A Dmc Trm?i a TraL=g 1,5Y3 Uc]m= 909 UEtiffLtemmz L�Fm iGKv C spiul f "Mn r TinLl nm A' SrLSvrrra C4M,41LAILIM & N6ju Rr_mrA dLRM Naha_ & E:Tmpmmr Tstl IxpwLua FY 2015 Budget ' TL4i VW ape *f *_i arM Palo Be arb FY 2014-201 S C-E11L'! 22 F u u d SL.LdAt L Lium xL r " mrre•sse FY1014 (Decre¢c)*vex AdW tea Hl» Jk3: 21) 14 BMAUW Expenses i�iuv.L ,La.a d.L..1 09.3p.1S Ia FAU 4!.01111 � 3SiL�DI � 3d621�i6 t 7,4,6LP ! 2di ;�5D S 934,1 �} ?,Si3 �].J+t I11�}3 77,44- 49,705 L04,S3fi G{SC$ 5 .179 +9, L22 W34 34.31" iR,R9� 47.NK 441M 4i,S3 3 56.51ifi 34,jSP 311,514 2A 40% Y7,-b3 2kwd 1,711 I'M 1,163 1,5Y3 1,5T 909 322 xji E9w b95 11,40' 7�G6J 9�7T a�4.3 d�6 1�p.19i CU.JIM S F Syvo 12.DLIND i M9,3R ! M.417 i a "!RP 453 443 4m 3185 4w M272 30,221 'Lb,j14 :N,13) m.r2P 1� Rm )-kRw 10,411 1003V 79:R44 3{U0p 31-400 29,734 K724 32.447 lc,coo 2D_W 13, 7&1 12,83 1 3,746 ILU a_91R1 2653 2.142 2961 CUM 6.400 7,M G *+9 6.154 0 n 6 1 is" 7.114 1,38 1_fl i 1,472 IA" 277 11,900 11,460 11,473 1MAU 1,1Cfi LIM 1.944 1,V1J 7,70.5 1, }35 4,1)00 ENO d 402 13,3>� %ml R,iflfl n SSR 1i{dri 1137R 4CO 310 273 375 4 3,1i-,?& 3-070 m sls 410 19"3 2U 1" 'AU j91 -m,2T 21.717 21,95'! '25,43.3 25.06 �tF U {cl 64 q 34&,4M 1mxl ASb#i > err 17>;ras 1s*soa 0 0 0 n n n a 0 0 4 J G a 4 4 9 C 0 0 0.00&4 4 d 4 D s 60,79o- S 61 -6.1-i Y 43x,461 $790,9161 Budget is up 10.42% or $74,670 9 I I Oorgiry � �Ii gup of Niali Pallm Pfnrh a Yeu Ci#! l ImFummE QLiu FY W -NIP FY 2015 = $62,634 FY 2016 =$0 FY 2017 = $0 5 year total = $62,634 FY 2018 = $0 FY 2019 = $0 .,i awrA Fai =u - J�eui I' pia Gr,•r� H I( 2W ]YES F? 20 T .k. IlmdpkDn L.-Or;mrIuamry F nw; rE: U,� [AV-%r!�LP A bW kbtti•wtikY'i!� r M? y iY i ILD r CO- dN-0� err ii "-pvY II.A ,I 'butLTrI Cyst I rw - - 3 6:bb - Fu,d!o,,'Sainte IT NE A4rYNrffarF EVEY 7wkiE 1 :•:r.1 i,r =x; 7w ITWkf, rv. eAmp4 Tai i - ����!� FY 2 b Budget 10 Libro FY 2015 Capital Outlay (in priority order) Priority Brief Description Total Amount 1 Replace A/C Handlers $62,634 Total $62,634 Detail: Replace A/C Handlers Total Cost $62,634 In FY09, a request (unsuccessful) was made to replace the two (2) air handlers in the attic. In FY10 the library was budgeted for the two air handlers but it was decided to wait and do all six (6) at one time. These are the original air handlers with over 40 years of service. Longevity and efficiency are the concerns here. The condensers have already been replaced. This would complete the project. FY 2015 Budget 11 Parks & Recreation Director of Parks & Recreation Recreation Superintendent Marina Wet/ Dry Storage, Anchorage Park, Camps, 1. C. Programs and Instructions, and Special Events 1 FT 1 FT Osborne Park, Lakeside Park, Community Center, Pool and Tennis Recreation Supervisor 1 FT Parks / Facilities Manager 1 FT Recreation Assistants 4 PT Y„„ +h AFt lRGtFWGtGF 0 PT ( -1 PT) Recreation Supervisor 2 FT Camp Counselor 10 PT Recreation Assistants 9 PT ( +2 PT) Event Coordinator 0 PT ( -1 PT) Pool Lifeguard 20 PT Summary: Change: FT =6 PT = 43 FY 2015 Budget Summary of Position Changes - Parks and Recreation Note: The personnel changes shown below were implemented temporarily in FY 2014. Current New Comment Position Position Youth Art Instructor Recreation Position Reclassed (PT) Assistant (PT) Event Coordinator Recreation Position Reclassed (PT) Assistant (PT) FY 2015 Budget Increase / (Decrease) No impact $(10,924.80) 13 Recreation & Special Events Revenues Budget Continued on next slide... 14 FY 2014 LC # Description Budget FY 2015 Detail -A A2128- PROGRAM 03210 ACTIVITY FEES 21500.00 2,500.00 non - resident fees A2128- ARTS AND 03250 CRAFTS 500.00 500.00 Recreation run art classes RECREATION A2128- PROGRAM Recreation Classes: 03280 REVENUE 30,000.00 30,000.00 70% instructors 30% Village Summer Camp = $66,000 CAMP Teen Camp = $14,000 A2128- PROGRAMS Spring /Winter =8,000 03281 REVENUE 88,000.00 88,000.00 Note: Camp Program Expense = $56,000 Ghost run ($2,300),Halloween ($0), Veteran's Day ($0), Arts & Crafts ($2400), Turkey Shoot ($300), Trolley Rides ($500),Tree Lighting ($0), Puppy Love ($0), Fall and Spring Garage Sales ($1500), Fishing Tourney ($5000),Summer pool RECREATION parties (0) Movies in the Park ($800), Egg A2128- EVENTS Hunts 0 ; Note: Recreation Event Expense = KOA�q2 REVENUE 25,000.00 13,000.00 $12,800 Budget Continued on next slide... 14 Recreation &Special Events Revenues (continued)... FY 2oi5 Budget Continued on next slide... 15 FY 2014 LC # Description Budget FY 2015 Detail -A SPORTS Fall soccer ($16,000), winter basketball ($16,000), A2128- LEAG U ES Summer basketball ($5,000), Flag Football ($15,000); 03283 REVENUE 55,000.00 52,000.00 Note: Sports Leagues Expense = $52,000 A2128- TRAVEL TICKET 03284 SALES 10,000.00 22,000.00 New bus doubles total revenues A2128- YOUTH SPORTS 03285 REVENUE 6,700.00 Youth league donations A2128- HERITAGE DAY Sponsorships, business expo and ride ticket sales 03290 INCOME 30,000.00 25,000.00 Note: Heritage Weekend Expense = $57,000 Dry Storage: 15' space @ $600 (8 * 600) = 4,800; 20' space @ 650 (31 * 650) _ $20,150; 25' space @ $700 (85 * 700) _ $59,500; 30' space @ $750 (33 * 750) _ $24,750; 35' space @ $800 (15 * 800) = $12,000; 40' space @ $850 (13 * 850) _ $11,050; Total = $132,250. Wet Slips total (35 * 1,886 = $66,010 full capacity. A2128- Total revenue $132,250 + $66,010 = $198,260 full 03910 MARINA 162,000.00 183,000.00 capacity FY 2oi5 Budget Continued on next slide... 15 Recreation &Special Events Revenues (continued)... Total Revenues = $489,800 B dget Total Expenses = $1,105,811 16 FY 2014 LC # Description Budget FY 2015 Detail —A A2128- 03920 MARINA DECALS 16,000.00 13,000.00 216 decals $60.00 each A2128- Court, gazebo, building and field rentals to 08130 FACILITY RENTAL 47,000.00 50,000.00 local schools & organizations A2128- COMMISSIONS- Vending machines at Community Center 08980 VENDING MACH. 1,400.00 1,400.00 and Anchorage VETERANS PARK - A2128- DONATION 08989 REVENUE 1,500.00 bench /brick /tree memorial donations A2128- 08995 DONATIONS 1,200.00 bench memorial donations TOTAL REVENUES1 $467,400.00 $489,800.00 Total Revenues = $489,800 B dget Total Expenses = $1,105,811 16 Proposed Fee Change - Marina Current Fee Schedule Proposed Fee Schedule There is still no lower rate than this. Description, Number of Spaces Monthly Rate Annual Rate Total Revenue Monthly Rate Annual Rate Total Revenue % increase $ Increase 15' S ace 8 52.75 633.00 5,064.00 65.00 780.00 6,240.00 23% 1,176.00 20' S ace 22 57.41 688.92 15,156.24 65.00 780.00 17,160.00 13% 2,003.76 25' S ace 70 61.83 741.96 51,937.20 78.00 936.00 65,520.00 26% 13,582.80 30' S ace 30 66.25 795.00 23,850.00 97.00 1,164.00 34,920.00 46% 11,070.00 35' S ace 15 70.66 847.92 12,718.80 118.00 1,416.00 21,240.00 67% 8,521.20 40' S ace 11 75.08 900.96 9,910.56 127.00 1,524.00 16,764.00 69% 6,853.44 Wet Slips 35 1 166.60 11,999.20 69,972.00 1 300.00 3,600.00 126,000.00 80% 56,028.00 Total 191 $ 188 608.80 $ 287 844.00 $99,235.20 This change, along with the previously discussed changes could further A FY 201rj reduce the millage rate to $7.1294 mils. Budget 17 �0� a� t5 ie Rec /I e 3�.. SP Fk� P?. - K+uutm Pu Prima Pas "a $638,919 :mM=a C.3. ]kLcsa or 58°/ TI:'a -� o :jUU 4. -C-k W33C :ldw L 3M Tie V lulgi 4 NorL13 rilm eta LL F+r 2101 4- 2 41; LLr91 FTmd BudvT Aficrmtloll Events 1 337,#80 8„800 L L L, 083 d3,F,361 49,54 -4 6%456 34-M %452 433 9-3 M,558 $ fik #14 n.1014 Derre•seD aTer Adapted Rwd.d PS- .1O1d33hAw # 31S,4G1 114,410 &_'21 &,477 1,4M 435 0,165 # fflT- w 33 % Expenses Lfr��l A-1 kHnr 09PI f1} 69j3m2 CW36'Li S 3rd.4F3 r 31 950 # ILIJU 1 p,R63 5,3 L4 3:M5 K 116 I-M.5 L I 1 L5.626 615376 -6L,3 L7 65,79 645233 49,1140 40 -09 2%09 'A:?39 31 AR 3,235 L*92 1,793 414 X04 537 9,333 6,477 6.998 - 76 3716 S 4M49% ; IMIIAE f 417 -194 C11p'r■ ^� i,ri�nrticino '} 'j] 7pL1L1 1774 I.Sia 1 -177 Bank s Fahkc a13ms A 5a.bic�60 n: 41 fl 6 is 13 n,�sfrrlF— 'l-IM 1:)%m {fa4 QT131 asm caa mICmS r: 1 -250 3 A - 4 3716 {'rnFrxrtml!'�isirnc R -9517 kIrM 7},IAl 4AIR 7117 DQ.vc kMar Fooc 3TVmm 1, 41 D 1.532 7.745 13 c',n4 nil .k T. T"mnt: 9= 4flrpn 7j" \{sir aLc GS Jiss .32:w -k 1n 7iRRl3 13., SS 17 -T19 $466,892 1{ MmNrs > do Dml 1 40 3.2M 470 ire MD > 6H WA Jm IB or 42% ] F do w -ffi -g c`-0 '_SG 6-4 157 211} P(MfMli®r1SULiMl 1 7 3�_AGp 11.9139 6.11104 13 RM U= EXPmm LS5.060 lejxl6 IXZ!6 1704355 394912 Rzpa-7 k_MLi0=mnr3 8060 &DM 3.932 3.3L9 5.322 ip&;_'r• foam 9 L__-0J 9(000 W3 339 %m m 76 .00 Tram] & Tnino .9 }3 LOO 3.Z% 392 13 umifi=6 ._,�D 3 ?5p PU 1.975 1005 MdLmD: LOt. 992 9&3&; 115547 l 2347 141.2" CrIhm 4pww&u CA Its 300 D 4,38 1095 0 444 "t 4JSa s1 f =?S4 WSAM +Tye 4111,431 Capfta A.1 -uLr E D 4 4 18:m IE_ ti-0MF_-O<r:L -dw= & 513CMMM m G 4 V U {ail LL1IJILL13LL.Sc TAa�w IL. -L.Li— E D U 4 13 37 3TGWplrrkx'� o-Gaplul o a 2w.VEi 44,44b u Lm3LLrm di rt,I,LV 6 o G v v }NUJ 1{ rte} & =twat¢ 9 G u u u FWym lmdd Om7,18a Lcrspmtw 9 G u u u G i..it6!i M -W 4tAM ANA edazir is 3 l,u =b..l 4., 91 s IIiJS7 S. MMAM s 1Id1.64 FY 2015 Budget~. $1,105,811 Budget is up 4.70% or $49,635 Tennis Revenues FY 2oi5 Budget Continued on next slide... 19 FY 2014 A C # Description Bud &et FY 2015 Detail Ladies member Guests ($1500), Men's Club Championships ($360), Women's Club A2150- SPECIAL EVENTS- Championship ($720), Super Saturday (0), 03241 TENNIS 3,580.00 Junior banquet ($1000), Misc. (0) A2150- GUEST FEES - 03261 TENNIS 18,000.00 19,000.00 Increase due to projected revenues A2150- RENTAL OF Decrease due to court availability (no room 03262 COURTS 250.00 200.00 for block rentals) Family 12 at $525.00 = $6,300, Single 55 at A2150- MEMBERSHIP - $410.00 = $22,550, Junior 8 @$105= $840, 03641 RESIDENT 27,680.00 30,000.00 Golf Plus 3 @$150 =$450 A2150- MEMBERSHIP - Family 13 @ $700 = $9100, Single 94@ 03642 NON RESIDENT 50,015.00 60,000.00 $525 = $49,350, Junior 14 @ $110 = $1540 A2150- LESSONS Clinics, lessons and camps 03643 REVENUE 300,000.00 230,000.00 (80% /Head Pros, 20% /Village) FY 2oi5 Budget Continued on next slide... 19 Tennis Revenues (continued)... Total Revenues = $489,567 FY 2015 Total Expenses = $561,558 Budget 20 FY 2014 LC # Description Budget FY 2015 Detail —A A2150- PBC women's league lessons revenues 03645 LESSONS- TEACHING 40,000.00 110,000.00 (80% /Head Pros, 20% /Village) A2150- 03646 TENNIS SHOP SALES 8,500.00 Tennis pro shop taken over by Village A2150- CAMP PROGRAM 03647 REVENUE 40,000.00 40,000.00 Youth camps throughout the year A2150- TENNIS SUMMER 03648 MEMBERSHIPS 3,800.00 3,800.00 Summer only memberships May 1- September 30 A2150- TENNIS LEAGUE 06626 MEMBERSHIP 750.00 1,000.00 League only player membership A2150- Tennis pro shop taken over by Village 08400 TENNIS LEASE 9,072.00 9,000.00 (Expense $7,500) TOTAL IREVENUESI 1 $489,567.00 $515,080.00 Total Revenues = $489,567 FY 2015 Total Expenses = $561,558 Budget 20 le 0015 Per3amd $140,214 5" �" P`), 1 �0� ; 46,381 3 4#.10-1 31 4$740 s X11.293 vrr;trw na1 - -S or 25% -time Pay 52,262 Im,3ll 51,143 39j653 34,122 NOT7 alemmIn 1yzm f,6 3 M1'2ii J i,91�f Rwzhh-r-o .'a 1$,734 12 -529 13,112 11 33 14,;35 TIC-A261edi= 7,827 7, "71 14530 5,Om 1133Inmrmiu� 216 299 IN 251 241 Li& Trsm-mce 97 87 89 1fB Im WvAr's Ctrl 2 815 2,734 21W 1 ,593 1.01 37-W3 - - - s Iwo 131 4 4-4916b 11a-M l~ 1na,244 s Kim Opentiag Am, ng 596 5w 315 132 420 �'A��•&rdree 9,W(F -�,OLRF aoua �4r,� 5,4� C ¢ acmal !Mice 2,OW 1,99b m 0 9 $421,344 r CW ,�T., ;�p o a n d a 1IQ & 5 applies 23,454 12 4W 19.M 17,230 I& M or 75% & 1 104 19G OT 163 -D -VM=3g & RMaMarg 300• 250 35 37 215 ?rQ& acnal 5!¢tives MOM 31LOd4 315.000 37327 3G5m Pragaml 29D 279,222 25:4" 3D7432 M9.493 Rep aim &Mm nee 35,5m 18,00 1D.602 1413 3.313 Iw.Uk6 }iri 7,jw 0 0 m 957 LIMf3= .LCD 4w 360 S5:5 305 ULL"s 20,644 14,943 14.495 13,113 13.9m Oltia OPsaURg COSH 4,40U LOW 95 743 09l 411,1 3KO43 9 -71" 345X 34Ba $8 sm {.apical r6omah�� 9 0 U U O C;3=P %= I 'k. C, 0 0 a 0 fl CjD=m ,k VAW 1mnatkm 0 0 9 10 O Fomitmg -k Fi=& 0 0 0 0 O M-1-Hy -1k Fq -pn- 0 0 9 U 17,941 Plag'FDMd & OML4e =quilir]CM O 0 0 0 9 0 0 O -DM 0 0 L?.4J1 i'aril Elp— S 641, S 518,257 &RWb S a5R w. 311 S 396.939 FY 2015 Budget $561,558 ° Budget is up 8.35% or $43,271 the Village of NarrhFalm Beach FY 7014 -201c Geaeral Fund Bud¢et Ie ani s " Increase r tY lU1J juKreasej wff PY20F5 &.},rF - ldopted [Lvdget FY 2014 Ftvdgat Expenses mija ,13 WMID 4OAMI 21 Pool Revenues FY 2015 Total Revenues = $200,500 Budget Total Expenses = $336,324 22 FY 2014 A C # Description Bud &et FY 2015 Detail A2151- POOL CONTRACTOR Pool Contractors Act revenue 03235 ACTIVITY REVENUE 140,000.00 140,000.00 80% /Contractor, 20 %Village A2151- 03243 POOL RENTAL 2,500.00 2,500.00 Team /Special events/ Party rentals A2151- 03247 DAILY FEES 35,000.00 28,000.00 walk -in fees Family 15 @ $345 = $5175, Single 20 @ $175= A2151- MEMBERSHIP - $3500, Junior 15 @ $95= $1425, Master 12 @ 03631 RESIDENT 11,000.00 11,500.00 $115= $1380 Family 10 @ 520 = $5200, Single 9 @ $260= A2151- MEMBERSHIP — $2340, Junior 8 @ $115= $920, Master 20 @ 03632 NON RESIDENT 10,000.00 10,800.00 $115= $2300 A2151- POOL SUMMER 03633 MEMBERSHIP 1,000.00 Summer only memberships A2151- 05234 TIKI HUT RENTALS 2,000.00 2,000.00 Hourly tiki rental fee TOTAL REVENUES $200,500.00 $195,800.00 FY 2015 Total Revenues = $200,500 Budget Total Expenses = $336,324 22 Pool Yers��auel $96,057 or 29 %11 � ih ,T LD Li& W& fl m Dthr1 0rrattme PW mu PSY nmce , f "rm-p Luar u lasaumc c r fiCga C M-d Faa r 1OQL $240,26 a 8e L1ria U Lir or 71 71 /�ax> A DWS 1IMPMEXPEEM Repairs .1¢ hlmi3 e C:nffollm LdId.es fiber Opaatmz Caslm l.rpital ALi-zrx)tn)2 Camp¢Ge< -Ha-dame Lrr Mme Crmcrnrlim 3r _l:Wcrr PjE3m-,Ttiom D nmlap3 Fees FEIDMEE- apial TinrLirHc r, - -glnral rua ;arm & Fib t,ja,ihm-7& t•.mr r Playgma i t ode Lgtxpaa= Total Eqmnses FY 2015 Budget Ile V ALLve of North P aLm Beach FTi 201 -4-201; CausralFand 13-aag4t PULL FV 2 &15 Skw&ffel s sfa� a7 e 1,466 8,3W 5 U�7 S[I(F 5,327 4 4 230 M,450 25G 112,UM 230 1,000 34,490 4 lncrmlamr r KY 2014 cDearcm -c) O er AdUpLe+l$ulth�rL Fi- 2014 Bm[ p1 8b ,320 152 S 9t.17-6 2. W% S[FfF �,CaE 3 4 4 2:50 34,9X 200 11 -Lm 2,250 1rUP0 4%66 500 La IM 33 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 4 l b 0 4 0 4 0 0 4 $336,324 - 1M?ft Expenses A&" ?MI" -ViUal 0930+13 �9r3Q•11 Od�.•3Q•11 3 713 3 I-44 S 218 SE,-79 91.233 SZ15-1 fi R41 7 471 6 -}R5 1,394 I,QS7 421 $ 9'f. ?d7 $ lOd,'TE# S 69rr61 Ni MR TD3 40.DB 49.512 MS 0 6-OW 0 0 0 0 0 250 274 38,107 2UP s C:mmp= Sao r fiCga C M-d Faa r 1OQL $240,26 a 8e L1ria U Lir or 71 71 /�ax> A DWS 1IMPMEXPEEM Repairs .1¢ hlmi3 e C:nffollm LdId.es fiber Opaatmz Caslm l.rpital ALi-zrx)tn)2 Camp¢Ge< -Ha-dame Lrr Mme Crmcrnrlim 3r _l:Wcrr PjE3m-,Ttiom D nmlap3 Fees FEIDMEE- apial TinrLirHc r, - -glnral rua ;arm & Fib t,ja,ihm-7& t•.mr r Playgma i t ode Lgtxpaa= Total Eqmnses FY 2015 Budget Ile V ALLve of North P aLm Beach FTi 201 -4-201; CausralFand 13-aag4t PULL FV 2 &15 Skw&ffel s sfa� a7 e 1,466 8,3W 5 U�7 S[I(F 5,327 4 4 230 M,450 25G 112,UM 230 1,000 34,490 4 lncrmlamr r KY 2014 cDearcm -c) O er AdUpLe+l$ulth�rL Fi- 2014 Bm[ p1 8b ,320 152 S 9t.17-6 2. W% S[FfF �,CaE 3 4 4 2:50 34,9X 200 11 -Lm 2,250 1rUP0 4%66 500 La IM 33 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 4 l b 0 4 0 4 0 0 4 $336,324 - 1M?ft Expenses A&" ?MI" -ViUal 0930+13 �9r3Q•11 Od�.•3Q•11 3 713 3 I-44 S 218 SE,-79 91.233 SZ15-1 fi R41 7 471 6 -}R5 1,394 I,QS7 421 $ 9'f. ?d7 $ lOd,'TE# S 69rr61 Ni MR TD3 40.DB 49.512 MS 0 6-OW 0 0 0 0 0 250 274 38,107 2UP 244:3 :gyp 364 130 10,M4 pup mm 2,M VD I 3,452 D79 963 743 29,M 27y37 3b,434 0 0 -1 0342 atdq�DW 2,1j.%* 2UJIZ47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136AD1 4_1S0 0 n 0 u 0 0 10.'30 0 C. _ 0 0-0% 11.3-q 0 136,631 5 3-M.15 -0 -GS% S 3.1.7M 3 314-12¢ S AACL8:P Budget is down 0.65% or $2,191 23 T6c VilbSc of*nr+h Fabn Rear FY 2011 -]015 +.mar[ a] F o e d Bodigrt ParLu & PAcrmiak -d fc o mhm ") Fl: - tdopoed tlnQfr[ 11 dJllt# �3,Fr13 1,829 li�l u -ion G 3ck-6 ICCO iAm n 9,= 21W niin 3, 306 Q 75n 30a 33,OX W(4on 2A2 X EQ300 1.6m A LM 113,DW VA I3 3eD&F6SOL s -1.1•; Expenses .%_r a A a 16.607! OLM12 ft07117t 7 yd }, YJ-A rk : U b Jio dW of ]J4ra��mri 11.141 Sa3m : I%y S 367, W $875,190 �° ' R. IJ� aL•LiurPa} 23112 #d7r'�il or 44% Max 01,1+11- Ob"43 �lini•TIO �1 Si: al<LM LY,-�Yl L6 �'S7GL7 �%a� 514c1�s �.'t�pca�a3ao ld. S� } G17 INS L" lk 121 C'Pa'mmC r-R JM heo�fi tirg �, MCI mpft;� PmbdG irnt S RIlb 0 CLast c a .. L?, 704 Canhmz. m & 5uxbr-. 1.21-10 C�mj&3 �rma:u CJ27- nl7'�FootFnl m n $1,128,503 `'mi3��r Fm b 6' 354 al =.t list Rli,l�[3 or 56% d b 7,504 � 7Y1 - }, 133. 3�odFii�o1 f'st7or Y i�l, 7S4 PYngan Fgmfa i T7, �fl App=• m3d umam-a 7fi T4� Ep,i.l Et-umh 7D, SO4 LmgJ d'Lrxmd 1.147 Umi.ru ],130 Lwi h= 162, Las 1 i•1w 1 omrxWO • &w.; Slk Po12 hEY Fl: - tdopoed tlnQfr[ 11 dJllt# �3,Fr13 1,829 li�l u -ion G 3ck-6 ICCO iAm n 9,= 21W niin 3, 306 Q 75n 30a 33,OX W(4on 2A2 X EQ300 1.6m A LM 113,DW VA I3 3eD&F6SOL s -1.1•; Expenses .%_r a A a 16.607! OLM12 ft07117t 7 yd }, YJ-A S 3G39-45 'J 1.53-e"T 11.141 %,1m 1,-Ai 114, MN L54,LC15 U!�5cla VAN SM46 Max 01,1+11- Ob"43 m-"S i1% al<LM LY,-�Yl J,41Y J,U4! ILLLS4 1231 G17 INS L" lk 121 Smo r-R aI - 3 Hasa 3 rrr 3 177 1, 9a4 1.07 -1 1 r1�s —o-ac rya ft - I3.-AW 17,74., 16,734 - - 176 d b kL,37] ia7 Iik11S - }, 133. J51J14 AWJ! km 374 7fi T4� -M Ll4 4;Y,k44 h'M J.S; S IMLI - al idT 0'4 Slk Po12 hEY 1 413. 96,,17} i4,1 £7 vyviS Sh T*mL 17T,1 7S 10-Sr#1 14 MZ T'W I lj, — 0k1" ftT7Y 7i5i�1 3. L% !91 - 1,n7l 3y6L.J 3oJ3 Jft 171 3-N3.7P7 343AM 4, M 1%3 C23) LALJiT *LFM4 44%pm L pmL iui u�t5v 0 U a 1Li74 C WOF � X=6-.... t kfim o 4 d a a Lbn:_J43m K 3•�Xmmnznam 4 U d 6 3X" OrtvltjmTm&ZL Lw- r;r_m'.i 0 D ]L1% L71• Loy+ o Ocosxas Mzpm -{MFaJ 4 D r, tar. b a r1�s —o-ac rya J U d b SiYtl Lis•...rck BC��••�• •7 � d b kL,37] P. _ d JL Ocr� EgL:p s 0 3 b 6 0 FY 2015 T—d K-F— IS 4wa, em s 1 'P3 Z�r6 4.74% Budget $106550 Budget is up Z"IXS1 r+v� d ILAW S f dk4�2& S 1, i,tw&W.15 4.74% or $90,715 24 04 t' FY Bu( � -d13�� of �ffrth Pales Beach l� o 0 /'� Yeir � gpitgl hnpratiement PI le ��� AV -� i r W FY 2015 = $2,377,000 FY 2018 = $15,000 EY 2016 = $92,000 FY 2019 = $45,000 FY 2017 = $0 5 ear total = $2,529,000 vo peril Fomd Dopmmxx : PR& & ua7 m&m ICwii� ?,D DuLiw C -st bsCI?Year ry a1.L P1i 2m }3f a117 FF aD19 FY .101.9 7oi.-d }ear eae —0 i+ 3) fyenro 5 Dmcriydon Cirreat Inreoflaef Esfimaled Life _�mmaoFr: T�li7Bs lomda: E}amr 2011 Lp 5 lfimeFlas = X703 2014M 9 - vm*in ', FwAaaACCar. 20010 3dQ? ]?rA, 2tiOx S ' }No L -FW o-7{tcianSiumo 2003 : - - -3 ywy. S 1i00G Pax - BLOM 3mm 3 NOW ys]oeimumtxdu :9S' :J ULOX :nmDi-.iia ]9i' 20 yws L5 ]iC 5 1 ?.:OU Cw-m „Tr"QmJai:.: - 3989 ]S ?m 5 1 =_00 20H 5 -J.L= 4 va 2012 M S Fla L #Csb=DPm c moed3 0-13dr .-.-f: PLa . Bcuod = =xsnc 5 anc:' = rr . *AM 45 J00 5 MON smhmdRa% . & ow.n& LF r-Mm 43" $ 90" Cormb rassoe & ±r ' Jinemrima ^. Rideb Pao-] Rmaamm 20 ywc. OILM 5 1::Qm Pea_ 3n:aine 20L1 ]S?DM 5 P= ROM3 Fm ZDM 20L] = ` �S 5 l imxx, • Pslc 20 L' 5 ;n:bwmmFai-,Id�=[L- -ate? M SaaoolY _ OC.i:: 5 lU OOU 5 Sa�6mda� f�oeflryrmases 4r J4rieoYmaioA 2,290.O11p #�9d. *]p - Y'7�'YFf .i FJL'dl'f5: Sm%m 1 .Fmium e I Fvmues 1;hamlediemlCon 5 U 71M i vz" S 1 =,pMl S 4 000 S UnrW0 Fnndms Source FY ail{ FY .IM FY M7 FY MI FY 2019 ioml lean `-1 eve —N eyrie ear + = >u.e 2?7 1? pCn 4 ?000 5 49 000 GUM Z,lfIGL090 5 UKWD OwTebyer {amaihauom 5 cdwc F-rimW7ow:euix. 5 �3?',04p $ v2r000 $ S 1?,OCU 5 45000 S �d,000 3h1l. Sr wl .p'rO"ie a_ gramr muc� - egmremeu: .pae wd& -:knao of Za- ipprt : get 2 o00r Irp 0 0 f� ) NCO rip FY 2015 Capital Outlay Summary (in priority order) Priority Division Brief Description Total Amount 1 Recreation Gymnasium Divider $151000.00 2 Pool Chlorination Feeder $151000.00 3 Pool Kiddie Pool Renovation $1501000.00 4 Recreation Air Handlers (2) $221000.00 5 Pool Pool Heater $351000.00 6 Recreation Community Center Parking Lot Resurfacing $401000.00 7 Recreation Anchorage Park Phase 2 $211001000.00 Total $293779000.00 FY 2015 Budget 26 $00 (00011;1 FY 2015 Capital Outlay Detail ® a (in priority order) to v R o� Priority #1: Gymnsium Divider Total Cost $15,000 Replace the existing gym divider at the Community Center. The present divider was originally purchased in 1982 and has been repaired multiple times throughout the years. The divider splits the gym in half giving the facility multiple options of use. Priority #2: Chlorination Feeder Total Cost $15,000 Replace the existing automatic chlorination feeder at the pool. The automatic system now being used is starting to miscalculate. The existing unit was purchased in 1997 at a cost of $9,000 and the life expectancy is between 10 -12 years. The original unit was warrantied for 3 years. FY 2015 Continued on next slide... Budget 27 $00 (00011;1 FY 2015 Capital Outlay Detail ® a (in priority order) ... continued R o� Priority #3: Kiddie Pool Renovation Total Cost $150,000 The renovation would use the same basic footprint as the existing kiddie pool, but would upgrade to beach type entrances on two sides. This also would include water features to try to increase the pool function ability and make it a draw for families with younger children. We would also install its own filtration system to bring us in to Health Board compliance. Currently the pools are filtering through the main pool system. Priority #4: A/C Units Total Cost $22,000 Replace two of the existing AC units at the Community Center. The units were originally purchased in 2002 and have been repaired multiple times throughout the years. The AC units are two of the four that provide AC for the main gym. FY 2015 Continued on next slide... Budget 28 Pg�� �� FY 2015 Capital Outlay Detail R� (in priority order) ... continued tG� Priority #5: Pool Heater Total Cost $35,000 Replace one of the existing gas heaters at the pool. The pool is being heated by one unit at the present time. Two units were purchased in 2007 at of a cost of $60,000 and the life expectancy is between 5 -7 years. The original units were warrantied for 3 years. Priority #6: Community Center Parking Lot Resurfacing Total Cost $40,000 Resurface the Community Center parking lots. Both north and south lots are the original surface which was installed in 1998 and has become a maintenance and safety concern. The project would include all new striping. Priority #7 Anchorage Park Phase 2 Total Cost $2,100,000 This is the construction work for Anchorage Park Phase 2 This request is contingent on the securing of a State or Federal grants to defray the cost of the project. FY 2015 Budget 29 0 FT ( -1 FT) Position transferred to the Finance Department Fleet and Facilities Division Supervisor Senior Trades Mechanic Trades Mechanic Mechanic FY 2015 Budget Public Works Director of Public Works Sanitation Division 1 FT 1 FT ( +1 FT) 1 FT Supervisor 1 FT 3 FT Sanitation Driver /Operator 6 FT 2 FT ( -1 FT) Sanitation Collector 11 FT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT Streets & Grounds Division Summary: Change: FT= 35 -2 FT PT= 0 ( ) Supervisor 1 FT Equipment Operator 2 FT Senior Irrigation Tech 1 FT ( -1 FT) Irrigation Tech 1 FT Grounds Maintenance Worker 1 FT Street Maintenance Worker 2 FT Summary: Change: FT= 35 -2 FT PT= 0 ( ) Summary of Position Changes - Public Works Note: The personnel changes shown below were implemented temporarily in FY 2014. Current New Comment Increase / Position Position (Decrease) Mechanic (FT) Supervisor — Fleet Supervisor position needed $5,352.26 & Facilities (FT) Sanitation Collector N/A Position deleted ($27,143.25) (FT) Project & Project & Position transferred from Public No impact Procurement Procurement Works to Finance Manager (FT) Manager (FT) FY 2015 31 Budget Public Works Revenues Total Revenues = $429,500 FY 2015 Total Expenses = $4,348,066 Budget 32 FY 2014 A C # Description Bud &et FY 2015 Detail A0618- FEES - REFUSE Commercial account sanitation collection 03400 COLLECTION 365,000.00 380,000.00 charges. Revenue generated from the collection and A0618- CARDBOARD commodity sale of cardboard to private 03410 RECYCLING 7,500.00 vendors. A0618- REIMBURSEMENT Reimbursement of non - routine repair and 03618 CC SERVICES 12,000.00 12,000.00 maintenance expenses. Revenue generated from the collection of recycling material. The Village receives revenue from SWA for recycling based on SWA RECYCLING tonnage collected, prevailing commodity A1500- REVENUE rates, and residual distributive share to 02223 SHARING 40,848.00 30,000.00 municipalities. TOTAL REVENUES1 $417,848.00 $429,500.00 Total Revenues = $429,500 FY 2015 Total Expenses = $4,348,066 Budget 32 P /0P 0 r104,- p/h O ovo of` ; F4rsomnel The ViLlfise OFYarth Pales Eke AOL FY 2414-:01 Ge meral Fund Budget Public 15 orls-� (combined) % ion-me I t 1 ZU14 (u Kre m) riff ?,l4pie!d llacW TY ZU14 Gadget Expenses Ac tail ActaaL ACM21 0! N-13 09.3D -12 U4.3p•11 33 RE *Par % 1,571 925 $ 109,590 # 1,5A$73 # 145S,149 # 1,63MV [14'e= AV 20.]w 17,45U 1 4,379 3.945 $2,547,561" -' � - - laMIx Or 59 °/ Pen-" 30CL.410 315,97 293�i3 312,&3 319 0 HealrriLnsmraace• 424.1104 4N.39i X109 365,039 383.364 FI.^k-medi,cane 121,a23 124,735 111,523 118,340 115 75 L.FJ) Msurame 0.ICL Fim 6,236 9,533 9.468 L6L.hammce 31.045 3 .219 3,117 3,41p 3.946 WckME's L-ommm mr-Do l"jv 319366 '393' - 7437-6 Otb¢ - 9;0,136 - (1DD) (95) CM5j � 2.157,:+107 $ �,G2 L341 - �.814i S 2,ii3�3� S 2diF1 3 ��07 iii Operating Advertising 0 1.590 1,733 1,103 I.lfl 3 CIM ll ; rhmll Si-Ml rPS 71'k w siW Rl7fl wl:.k # M444 rn-MR Emplm ee FaLy ams lfl4 100 RrpnpmanrRnntrl iim ;56.'1 77R I.taW 1II4R Gas, Oil & Lubrkamt; 1254'1]4 133A00 118,863 124-983 118.#8# $1 790 505 °`& Feat 1.950 12W M5 3-07 3.011 7 7 } l;&Sup� 317,504 274350 233,737 271-99# 496.547 Or 41 % 1��° &Dua; 1.004 1,3w 7m 1PS 15 NP MS PmUttmg 19004 15AI74 11 ,21.6 9,0M 10.965 Pasta v ]so 250 76 1.11 365 Prmumg&Bmdmg 204 125 tad dP '_b PmFemkmalOmr7icn 454000 119AD4 2,933 4,05$ 207 Repairs &- rmmmce 251,500 164 ,500 X1,943 111,853 113-494 &D ad Wulz Iiis""I 76400o- MOW 66,26D 39,170 43,165 Unifarma 9.501 4.9ao 10,341 11,444 12,077 ULLUE. 189,73] l(M -Zj4 1101,936 119-997 101,730 offin 7p¢atmgCASN 57,150 kow 4r2M 919 109 LSQ4 1AIA750 11-021155 IARLM CJDIW Auk 0 0 fl a fl 1A .FM $10,000 6 E�� &s ue 0 a a {�JIII am,, Via Yrr PP►rli'.7tvm A 0 41 n ..1 YalAmEiy&Egnipnlent 0 0 Q 25,437 D LU,UUU U U.UUa4 fl 23,437 D TOW12 pracen S 1.445 O F i 4 194 2.W.4 3 3.7W.M 4 3 -*L?JM 8 4, f,+z FY 2015: Budget t $4,348,0660 Budget is up 2.69% or $113,966 33 0 4jolo 1 $207,560 R gulal Pay or 82% MT )MflmePav P -time Pa} Tm- 3 21d,3d0 S -Ammm i3fealth LssuranCe i 2435 FICk• 'NCrs e LID In mmK e 172 Life hnuanca - WcwkprS C.i Tmjwf14Afl nn 1413230 Other -IL, $45,6 0c s. -.. Em e R alarians Ga Oil & Lulmiants or 18% s & Fees Suppbmi Nfeu usurps k Dum mouse Pnntazg & Binding Repm & biambmance I mi firms S Irib ies Other Operating Costs capital A=Dm= e Camber Hard%are & Sofmme Umsmactum & Major Renrn -stiam 142d n,ery & Equipment FY 2015. Budget The Vilhp of North Pahn Beacb 11 2014 -'H;' L-enemltumdB-udget Puiblic Ivorks , miuistratiou FY 2015 Budget 4 Lncreaser FY 2014 (Ikecrease) c %W AdoptedHmd;jO FT IUA tlndget Expenses Acdaal Ritual Ad=] v.s JU Ij UOY JW]2 u9JAM 141 ,230 3 201, }421 3 21d,3d0 S 255,M i 2435 - - 172 - - - 1413230 - - - 22,625 32,T4 7 31169 4113 41,1315 31,971 31,140 29940 30-09 27.810 10, 05 15 ,395 11-Oiz 13 .32g 16,197 600 E194 678 1,315 1,345 174 261 222 324 324 757 177 1,111 I,MI 1 ,TA - 166ri.46' - - - - " 21G765 S 281,591 -i!6 294ri 'j 293,953 S 359,642 S 316,170 17,500 18.500 6-730 6,306 4,413 100 i 00 0 0 0 800 0 0 0 a 1,000 ?30 240 0 7,798 2,450 3.000 10.188 1,139 1,114 1,000 1,400 750 195 15 254 250 78 IMF I 3155 200 125 286 d9 25 0 0 0 0 D b DNS W N I IM 14,$90 21,0@7 21576 23,128 23 ,967 2,350 1,300 111-54% 3 -449 0 P 45�Zn 0 -0 2Lt, 'U'647 31:2-RD 3S.Om 0 0 - - - 0 - 0 - .3 ] - - 4 0 0 -01F4b 0 4 4 i 253,20 5 3264 &13 - 22,624 5 331,600 b8 "I 5 3 ±3,219 $253,205 Budget is down 22.52% or $73,608 34 old' F �gG Fer�Lgl $296,578 aRegLIMpay or 45 °/ °K,� °pay ° Fmt -riEm F3v : pe=iam Heath 13S rMNIE FIC AL -dizazE LTD inr,uanra LAB lnSHanca W.1..-3 C.P.- 104 Offs T $346,4ra or 53 %�° Em pn= Rmnl Cww, NfAff1 ls& Szppb S Repair & I~ aunbma , -e Solid Wasm Eup r.A [,n&ar= DthEZ OFerating Cost ("W ital 1`2 0 0 4 0 0 $10,000 Cap. 10,040 0 a 0 0 or 2% C Haulwae A S a&aare 0 0 a 0 0 Coa &lCtiM & Major Rmo atim 0 0 a a & Ent 0 0 0 o 10.000 0 O,m% 0 a 0 M E-1p aw S 6i;_9 - 5 60:.8'.9 131% 176.121 S ��3,3{�t 5 5aS�ti1 FY 2015 Budget $652,978 Budget is up 8.31% or $50,099 The Village of North Palm EeaCll FY2014-2015 Generil )Fund Budg-et Facihty 5emices S 1 #2:221 193.721 38.661 #1_f20 14.920 S27 =49 6: "E1 �y p 102,8o- 7 150:OD0 1.OD0 11:OD0 150 28:550 31.°00 26.[40 1.040 #7.`00 S !96478 346AR 14 lacrrnse F4 2014 (Decrease') -D',-er idc�ted Sud�er F5' ; 014 Budget � 11:042 l :5+p0 Expenses Adml U-nLw Adud t19rMU 119 wil •09!3671 � 17x:131 � 2CO,T5 $ 183,883 765 1,M6 1.166 3LSS7 34594 34,9E3 39 d3? i2L6 3 32.W 34 ,M5 31915 13,9b5 11843 14,1` 1 12943 8l3 t? 1,112 1J379 i 345 4=2 432 25.9w 5:445 4.2M-? 4.455 i 286,4=4 154% 1 �:aaa 1.500 1D:1�00 f35� 100 6L5@0 29.000 900 1.500} 316raaD 9.46% $ Z56-%7 S 297 $ 1850.60 123:474 1-0. 7[ 1 149,£S9 128 1,24 9619 14.727 10,8 =5 10268 75 Y 5 "5 14:724 29,9{[ 29:48? 42:054 H,817 46526 2'7:411 27,MO 25.9w 435 944 959 4 660 (ql L P.734 265,k4 1631004 35 ,ple TILe �-lllage of. orth P.Am Beach Expenses vehl "CIO F3<-'_014 -2015 Gene ia] Find Budger Vehicle mailacuallce tOO6 jxcr@as @. % a�0 T =514 (1lecmue� arer #cmj Acteal Actmd FY 201 $udg¢t AdaptedRud o FY2014$vdgPi WfA-13 49IM12 09iMll noel $212,827 l�ar': pleeu!r Pay 145,P38 i 142,743 F 136 -623 5 130.930 5 126.042 .e�Pti-f IY00 1,500 1.0112 -9S 491 Or 50% Part -time Pav_ - 147,338 - - - Bimefit -: Pe Lm 29,09$ 31 -8$7 29,053 27,424 27,316 Health lustr=e 2C,-, 10 39,899 18,141 17,168 16,717 FICAjIhm wm 11,272 11 -035 9,878 9,145 99n LTD fnsmmce X28 641 Sid 569 738 Life h-aance 261 261 262 124 324 WOO &5 CIMPEIl MaT 3,02 32ig 2-186 2�0 t - 6�A S9 - - - - $216,100 5 ;1,.8;' S ;31,031 - 7.SP -• S 198,810 S 183.1m 5 ]aka or 50%4rFk b S Cox tmchw Se -ices 4,000 5,000 1.624 1,104 1,778 Gas, DO & Lmb=amm 1,404 2,800 2.207 3.442 3,117 Lxen;es &. Fees X00 400 5a 222 138 mituia:5 & kppbes let' U 173,500 141,20 171, 45 13 ,714 F--pairs & Mmurem =e 43,000 57 -007 33,146 44 ,913 30,q68 UalkT s 1100 7$0 1,058 07 4V54 Utilities 300 `_'00 178 0 0 Other Cpa t g Com 2)00 1-20D ) 0 177,5 ?2 229,442 373,440 C apical Amomcnv@ 0 0 0 0 0 C =putu Hwdwme & Sadtvarf 0 0 4 0 Cam.struz6oa & Major Renarah -m 0 0 0 .5 0 hfarhmery & Egmpmeut 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0,06°0 0 4 0 To(-Li Expenses 5 419. S 4'1.911 AIM1 S 378,352 S J18,166 S 3.�b730 FY 2015 Budget $428,927 Budget is down 9.11 % or $42,984 36 �� AsAca Ms10t Per, e1 $511,443: 15,840 69M Re�llka- P� °/ or 34% °`�" 23,420 Pmt -time Pa; 1768 Peoam 616 Hedtth��l L`urmce &64 JIi..l" -Nb&cue 13.1' ITD luamLe ]d.T8 I& I»unwe 36,563 W saes C 204' ce" $1,005,86 5e :368+59 66% ,Q=dUaa or SM y� p P4 0.� 7TH . Ofl Il.byld1 b mAa, h& Supplies =S Pe2ma" PkfiEmonal &Enmm- RqOi,2 & Rfa=ffme Unif` 71W amities Dther Dperaw a= Capital Amknctmm Czmp.mk-- Hml am & Sofn -am Cmsvuoaan &- � 3l w Rm :atom hdachi —• & ET- L -soert Thei -Mage of -'�orlltPilin BeaA FY ? 014--2D 15 Geiteral Fuld Budget Street. S Grounds 4b IlmL. st . F7-1014 (Dt 7evA) wa FY NU Bud-pt -adopted Badeer FY I-M Bedlet $ 315;543 $ 287;764 - 31803 - 5L674 88,4 -M 26366 1317 6M 19,425 s Slly�13 LOW 12000 95,700 12.000 45.000 127.000 1.3m 164.$03 3.4]0 0 U 0 0 0 FY 2015 Budget t $1,517,308 4 °.191 97,9$3 2L244 1.233 646 16.138 S 476,.0 7.3PA 450,400 2.400 20.400 4 -..000 1 ".000 L 1[�.00Ct 45.000 �.OUb 14,'.957 ]m 53-1 %7 30.47% 0 4 b b 0 R. WA Expenses ."21 AAM31 Ict3l31 01130+13 8938.12 0.134111 i 293,gM S 114.135 F 327,792 2,115 1 653 I'm =4,711 5'7.414 415,138 15,840 69M 87,260 ll,d#1 22—UM 23,420 1 1768 1 ,910 616 814 &64 ]IMP 13.1' 14,4x6 $ 133, 63 $ 4W373 9 510,01 429,d53 421UK 415,138 120 69 ]5,;4 1441: 21,473 6.14 4V37 . 246,609 11,216 9Q46 14,985 2.935 40w 2,817 ]d.T8 2M 36,563 1,906 204' 2,178 140,184 :368+59 137,718 250 4 M 61b P{1,m Wm 0 0 0 6 G 6 a o a 0 1 0 S 1.311.: a- 1 .'1'h $ 1,LKQ, $ 1,151,774 S ],#]3,441 Budget is up 15.71 % or $206,051 37 sanitation $1,319,1¢ .: or 88% Ch. tmePa-f Part -tone Pay Bit: ?es;iau -1eiltE Immame ?ICA.'b fAme - T-i Lammece Life Isvrance 4Wcrlr&s Ccoypem tao $176,500 °i'- or 120/"en, tiff v wing CantnctLul Sanizes Gm, OM Lubricants Matari & Supplies R 2paim & Mambma --e SdidWaste Uispxal ULzarms Otis Operating Cafn C ipital AU=Dti %-E Cmnl7utu Hardware & Soft -are Cmistrumm & h{aj ar leun- mn MuAmmy k Etltipumt `� >..TrtaI Fsgeases FY 2015 Budget t The Village 4Nor&PalmBench Expenses FT 2014 -20L: General Fund Budger �i'4 I�craase Fi ;OL4 (Decrease) *vier Anaal ALU&L Aistvid FY :01: Budget _ doptei Buter FY :014 Budget MI-31U 4lr.M12 [5 ML I '7 -77,13] $ 797A3 'F 761,577 762,410 T 755.335 '4,50* 14, ;40 13,355 14014 5:235 - 791r6M - - 157,35fi 170,022 147,471 147,457 1#6,414 241,73" 241,e66 214,421 2g4P 216,162 60 -560 62,106 54 ,319 9132 53,340 3,3-42 1;80 3,ar A3tin 4, 435 1,566 1,653 1,643 2,-016 2,152 62,954 i5,t7O 61,951 54933 51,77711 - 527.919 5 1,319,14B 5 1,3Z,S90 - 1.99% � 1�aa,�� s 1,246,327 s 1,21-4614 (F 1,=,00 1,733 LICG 1,103 LON 1,1C0 1,763 4 5,)" 100,006 100,(00 96,044 91:'_87 n U -6 .7t506 15,150 8,314 14,969 12,131 0 0 4 4 0 30,006 50,CU 36,6{9 14370 L7,29r7 6,004 .6,wo 6 ,214 1,137 SW 2.ON l,C{]0 557 254 LOO 17 51N1 17.,_'n, 0 347,271 02}4115 lts,.129 (F (F (F 4 S 1,49a�6#$ $1,495,648 0 0 0 0 0 1] O 4 ] O 4 1] O 4 25,4, 0 0 2k457 O S 1,497,595 5 1,)97 ,Q99 S L M,455 Budget is down 1.68% or $25,592 38 Alternative Opportunity - Sanitation Revenue (SWA Rates) SWA 2009 Rates Description Fees - Refuse Collection Cardboard Recycling Total SWA 2014 Rates Description Fees - Refuse Collection Cardboard Recycling Total Increase Revenue due to change in SWA Rates Additional Revenue Increases: Pick Up Current Private Haul Accounts SWA Recycling Revenue Increases Dumpster Revenue Lease Total Revenue Increases Staffing Levels Business As Usual Alternate Opportunity Change Salary /Benefits of 1 FT Sanitation Collector (FY 2015 = $49,647.61) (assumes 3.75% increase each for FY 2016- 2019) ( *) 1 position already eliminated Operating Budget FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 Total $ 380,000.00 $ 380,000.00 $ 380,000.00 $ 380,000.00 $ 380,000.00 $ 1,900,000.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 37 500.00 387,500.00 387,500.00 387,500.00 387,500.00 387,500.00 1,937,500.00 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 Total 477,280.00 498,757.60 521,201.69 544,655.77 569,165.28 2,611,060.34 7,500.00 25 000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00 107 500.00 484,780.00 523,757.60 546,201.69 569,655.77 594,165.28 2,718,560.34 97,280.00 136,257.60 158,701.69 182,155.77 206,665.28 781,060.34 35,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 175,000.00 42,500.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 207,500.00 37,500.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 262,500.00 $ 97,280.00 $ 216,257.60 $ 323,701.69 $ 382,155.77 $ 406,665.28 $ 1,426,060.34 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 (1.00) (2.00) (3.00) (4.00) (4.00) (4.00) F- ( *) $ 104,950.39 1 $160,395.43 1 $217,919.65 1 $277,601.03 1 $760,866.51 The revenue increase ($97,280), along with the previously discussed changes could further reduce the millage rate to $7.0658 mils. 39 Alternative Opportunity - Sanitation, continued... Business as Usual Rear -Load Collection Truck Grapple Truck Jitney Replacements Total Alternate Opportunity Front -Load Collection Truck Grapple Truck Commercial Dumpsters Multi - Family Dumpsters Jitney Replacements Total FY 2015 Budget Capital Budget FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 Total $ 220,000.00 $ 225,000.00 $ 227,000.00 $ 230,000.00 $ 232,000.00 $ 1,134,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 180,000.00 $ 350,000.00 $ 225,000.00 $ 317,000.00 $ 320,000.00 $ 232,000.00 $ 1,444,000.00 $ 255,000.00 $ 257,000.00 $ 260,000.00 $ 262,000.00 $ 1,034,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 110, 000.00 110, 000.00 135,000.00 135,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 180,000.00 $ 495,000.00 1 $ 392,000.001 $ 350,000.00 1 $ 352,000.00 1 $ 0.00 1 $ 1,589,000.00 .s r 10-0 c K$ 061010 gLdh,sj&xj) 041 FF up ( ILO I lwanl F'uJ Y 201; Budget V age of Norte P� a o Yearcapdal Impro emmt Fi ao]tiaoio Fe FY 2015 = $1,104,500 FY 2018 = $505,225 FY 2016 = $964,500 FY 2019 = $85,000 FY 2017 = $560,125 hr.— OF {9S �'CP T!!F F4 a1 n- Pm F F7 ! iV1919 211 T�1 Vill —d.4 Df xTpdp3a €4=1Im =Darr• 1.iL•.r`j Li �m�r1c IJid4 9mranm= Tr= ,M[lp s 14it .-k.bCa16— Tr - 1. S 7u'm 41; tam 1 Y '' S24m1*F X47 '+` '' 3l T,}tb 20ju} - 7 3A" t7 {a�� Tam :OflS i dm 14 Way •ell d }' f Tc� 1 . va+ 15a(l7 i fd,Yf F48 Cm. Gh 1rmk I!,— i Vift L'.6 -6 N.Lw rr—k IL i 7 r sx, RAM Ia i T-d -ti i -} 117— d t—d" r 2sx, sb- . :--w 111 lol— "P i hift F'nUWlfI. emwr " 1',+a, ! FJ533wri3c V= W f 20RA71 i FaaPiiG Hkw Tam i F" T rai Tro . 991 [1; i d II.- 7}Of 2WR13 15 1 F7'A T—L Tao .993 i' 1! roc- - 1 - FaaF19d Hkw Tam i e+e.w e'hu-1 a.j l_I 7 7FJF :.�.ml. i AfirrlF�•i• oQnbm kcbcfdi 2C : W iM IQ?mt _ML N=w t kmr6=t 16 ! 1 14 Ph.LL P- 1 —RSkd. X I I IC T— ! 4r JWF x feria ILA Lm A I! IC ym IUAW cc.>sAJ=% Ku x i z Y1bVC%&.9•w%u AI: - d Elm I' ".hc'hrt F2., I YJ7F Y-r.Ki J mo 4 7.1 KAO vad C . ,.. ._`.4 Cc:L ac: c 5d,fr00 J.'. i IRhF F„aLi IBLIVI d 'eed}Yip �.-T7o<it-b-6s 1 s i Fkb3&S-' S V ! bkwHd6dTrm:ia< 1 vn i Fi bw bmmhm hm 8a>m N r ! III V* Vwkm? di JF;XL - [rmlw i o-ai 4�m: 1 w,� 1 iae1,}rY f i�r,di s !}rY i k 1 +xx = rmm{r PY �17!1 FVJIM n1.131 FYLYlr r1 rOr15 rd.1 V—*.cf LF iVirlti O.reldr (T. 0 4 -,r—&!4 '4i1h .cr.I k�,.l� 1 44 !A 7r4,w1 sm -, a i 4raci ! ear. i rr.fW �c 1�•:.r I,ca.. I.FI m 5 4wcu 5 .W '' -R 7 .'11R -'S 3 7 7 19,350 Ef S FY s Outlay Summary ��b(n pr ority otler) ! Machinery & Equ pment C,Ilc,#O Priority Division Brief Description Total Amount 1 Sanitation Front Load Sanitation Collection Truck $ 255,000 2 Sanitation Front Load Dumpsters — Commercial Accounts $ 110,000 3 Sanitation Grapple Collection Truck $ 1301000 Streets & Grounds Carolina Skiff J Series Platform Boat $ 121500 4 Streets & Grounds Ford F450 Crew Cab Truck $ 571000 Total $5647500 FY 2015 Continued on next slide... Budget 42 ,NO (Ito IV 011C .10j) (CO FY 2015 Capital Outlay Summary (in priority order) - Improvements Priority Division Brief Description Total Amount 1 Streets & Grounds Earman River Irrigation Pump Station S 8000 2 Facility Services Energy Conservation Retrofits S 3000 3 Streets & Grounds Asphalt Resurfacing - Alleys S 15000 4 Streets & Grounds Service Alley Wall - East S 10000 5 Facility Services PW Site Drainage & Lot Resurfacing S 13000 Facility Services Public Works Vehicle Work Bay S 5000 Total $5407000 FY 2015 Budget Total FY 2015 PW Capital = $1,104,500 43 nK 00 s d) FY 2015 Capital Outlay Detail Wfnlo � (in priority order) — Machinery &Equipment t�o Priority #1: Front Load Sanitation Collection Truck Total Cost $255,000 The Sanitation Division fleet is proposed to be converted from Rear -Load Packer Collection vehicles to Front -Load Collection vehicles. Front -Load Collection vehicles provide greater flexibility and insure our capability to continue the Village's unique sanitation collection service. This conversion will reduce annual operating expenses and allow for the development of new revenue sources. Once the conversion is complete, we anticipate a reduction in fleet size by one (1) collection vehicle and reduction in staff of 20% or four (4) FTE. Priority #2: Front Load Dumpsters Total Cost $110,000 In conjunction with the Sanitation Division fleet conversion, it will be necessary to complete a full route conversion from rear -load to front -load dumpsters. Public Works proposes that the Village follow the traditional route management practices of other local municipalities and private sanitation collection vendors. The route conversion would eliminate the costly expense to businesses and multi - family buildings in purchasing and maintaining dumpsters. Additionally, the conversion will reduce Public Works annual operating expenses and allow for the development of a new revenue source. Salvage value for replaced dumpsters is anticipated to be $20,000. FY 2 °15 Continued on next slide... Budget 44 phi$ P0 rK j Y 2015 Capital Outlay Detail (in priority or der ) — Wfp100 Machinery & Equipment ... continued iG o0 Priority #3: Grapple Collection Truck Total Cost $130,000 The Public Works Department Sanitation Division is responsible for the collection of all bulk trash and residential vegetation debris. Historically, this task has been completed by sanitation collectors utilizing rear -load trucks and (1) 2003 grapple truck. During fiscal year 2014, Public Works implemented changes to our collection method for the purpose of reducing workers compensation claims associated with push /pull or lifting injuries. The results associated with the changes in collection method have confirmed Public Works position that a second grapple truck is needed. Utilizing a second grapple truck is anticipated to reduce overtime expense and workers compensations related injuries. Carolina Skiff J Series Platform Boat Total Cost $12,500 The Public Works Streets & Grounds Division is responsible for maintaining the Village's storm water system, which includes sixty (60) outfalls to our waterways and two (2) tide flow checks for the Country Club. As routine maintenance, these outfalls should be inspected twice per year for barnacle buildup, blockage due to sand and debris exiting the pipe, and seawall /bulkhead integrity. Our historical inspection pattern and practices are less than acceptable. To access the outfall, our inspection practices included staff gaining access to the outfall location seawall by easement, placing an extension ladder over the seawall in the water, tying the ladder to a tree, fence post, or dock, and climbing down to the outfall. Public Works proposes the purchase of a 2014 Carolina Skiff J Series work boat. The boat would allow water level access to outfalls for the purpose of inspection and maintenance. The boat is designed for confined area swallow water work. The proposal includes boat, 30HP motor, and trailer. The boat is equipped for working and storage of equipment and gear. It does not include rod holders, FY 2bOM wells, coolers, or a fish box. Budget Continued on next slide... 45 n11 FAY 2015 Capital Outlay Detail (in priority order) - P r r® M hin wf�l ac a ry iG o0 Priority #4: & Equipment... continued Ford F450 Crew Cab Truck Total Cost $57,000 Public Works Streets & Grounds Division vehicle #34 is a 2000 Ford F450 Crew Cab Flatbed. The vehicle will be near 15 years old at time of surplus and has met the anticipated life expectancy. Additionally, due to changes in operational means and methods, this vehicle is operationally obsolete. The proposed replacement vehicle is a 2014 Ford F450 Crew Cab High -Wall Dump -Bed. The replacement vehicle has a greater towing capacity, high -wall aluminum bed, and the ability to dump the bed. These options provide greater capability and reduce staff time dedicated to tasks. We anticipate recovering $7,000 with the surplus sell of the existing vehicle. Continued on next slide... FY 2015 Budget 46 ph i$ P ,� r K J)Y 2015 Ca ital Outla Detail � in p riorit order ) — r°p1 r® Improvements iG o0 Priority #1: Earman River Irrigation Pump Station Total Cost $80,000 The Village relies on a single (1) 40HP pump and motor to draw water from the C -17 canal (Earman River) for irrigation. The irrigation locations include Osborne Park, Lakeside Park, Public Safety, Village Hall, Library, Veteran's Park, U.S. 1 medians, and Country Club golf course. The Village has a contractual relationship with Seacoast Utilities for 300,000 gallon per day of reclaimed water. The Country Club water demand is 550,000 gallons per cycle and an additional 200,000 gallons per cycle for all other locations. The existing pump is manually operated and with no remote capabilities. Public Works proposes the construction of a dual pump station in place of the existing. The proposed station would provide redundancy for pump operations and significant reduce the risk of running out of water or being required to scale back water dramatically. The station would be remotely operated and monitor the golf course irrigation lake levels on a 24/7 system, reducing concerns of overfilling or pump cavitation from low levels. The project will salvage and reuse the existing pump installed in early 2014. Priority #2: Energy Conservation Retrofits Total Cost $30,000 The Village's annual operating expense for electricity is approximately $400,000. Following the completion of an energy audit, Public Works seeks to reduce our overall operating expense for electricity by a minimum of 20% or $80,000 annually, upon completion of final project phase. This will be accomplished through the installation of energy conserving components such as LED lighting, occupancy sensors, and time -of -use control clocks. Public Works fully retrofitted our operations complex prior to the 2013 -2014 fiscal year to serve as a test location. Our electric consumption has been reduced 45% through the first half of the fiscal year. FY 2 °15 Continued on next slide... Budget 47 NVIO J)Y 2015 Ca ital Outla Detail � in p riorit order ) — Wf p r® Improvements ... continued to 000 Priority #3: Asphalt Resurfacing -Alleys Total Cost $150,000 Public Works proposes the milling and resurfacing of the select portion of the west U.S. 1 corridor alley. The condition of the alley in select locations has deteriorated and warrants maintenance. The road base material does not appear to have been compromised at this time and the most appropriate repair method is by removing (milling) the top 1" of the existing pavement and replacing it with a new layer of asphalt. This repair method should extend the select alley sections useful service life by a minimum of 10 years. Priority #4: Service Alley Wall - East Total Cost $100,000 Public Works proposes the gradual removal and replacement of the existing privacy wall for the east U.S. 1 corridor alley. The existing alley privacy wall is a post and panel design. The design is very fragile and easily damaged due to inadvertent vehicle contact, such backing in to the wall. We have a limited supply of replacement panels and the original manufacturer no longer makes the panels. The west alley wall has been replaced with a concrete block wall, which is more durable and requires less maintenance. Public Works proposes to replace the existing east alley post and panel wall with a concrete block wall over the next two (2) fiscal years. FY2 °15 Continued on next slide... Budget 48 NVIO J)Y 2015 Ca ital Outla Detail � in p riorit order ) - Wf p r® Improvements ... continued to 000 Priority #5: PW Site Drainage & Lot Resurfacing Total Cost $130,000 The Public Works Complex has several long- standing maintenance and operational issues. Those issues include flooding, pavement condition, and space utilization. During a typical summer afternoon rain event, the Public Works complex floods in three (3) locations. The standing water depth ranges 12 " -20" and requires 24 -72 hours to dissipate. During periods of flooding equipment must be moved and those areas are not useable space. The pavement condition in the sanitation collection truck parking is deteriorated and requires replacement. Space is a premium within the complex and site expansion is not an option. This project will recapture underutilized space and increasing our vehicle and equipment storage capacity. PW Vehicle Work Bay Total Cost $50,000 In conjunction with the Sanitation Division fleet conversion, it will be necessary to construct a vehicle work bay at the Public Works complex. The existing facility is not equipped to maintain front -load collection vehicles and requires a retrofit. This work bay will also be utilized in the repair and maintenance of Public Safety Fire Rescue vehicles. FY 2015 Budget 49 FY 2015 Budget Workshop Schedule i Day Date Time Sub)ect Wcdncsdayf May 7, 2014 7 - 10 pm Council Goal 5ctting, Mid Ycar Budget Rcview, CIP Review Wednesday July 16, 2014 7 - 10 pm Budget Overview - General Fund & Country Club Thursday July 24, 2011 7:30 pm Council Meeting Manager's Proposed Budget Presentation Wednesday July 30, 2014 7 - 10 pm Country Club Departmental Budgets: Golf/ Resta Lira ntfAdministration Wednesday ALIgU1t 6, 20L11 7- 10 pm General Fund Departmental Budgets: CouncillClerk /Village Attorneys Village Manager /HR /Finance /IT /Debt & Other Gf -m-ral Fund f)Ppartmf-ntal Rijdget_q: Thursday August 14, 2014 After Council Police /Fire Rescue /Community Development hlle�ting Wednesday August 20, 2014 7 - 10 prr General Fund Departmental Budgets: Public Works/Parks & Recreation /Library Wcclncsday August 27, 2014 7 - 10 pm Budget Rccap and MI I lagc Discussion Motet The FY2015 Budget Workshop schedul-e has been developed to serve as a guide only, dates and times are %ubject to thange.. FY 2015 Budget 50 Questions &Answers ?. X *' M*-N FY 2015 51 Budget