12-12-1962 VC REG-M• MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held December 12, 1962 ' Present •_ Walter E. Thomas, Mayor Emery J. Newell, Vice-Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Jr., Councilman Charles M. Bowman, Councilman Frank J. Hahn, Councilman John Farrell, for Village Attorney Burns Albin R. Olson, Village Manager and Clerk Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll. Mayor Thomas requested the Clerk read the minutes of a regular meeting • of the Village Council held November 14, 1961. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasurer reported the following receipts and expenditures for the month of October, 1961, as indicated by the monthly audit report. TREASURER'S REPORT December 12, 1961 Balance, October 1, 1961 $ 2,786.81 Income, October 1 - October 31 11.813.11 $ 14,599.92 ' Expenditures, October 1, - October 31, 14,232.76 BALANCE, October 31, 1961 $ 357.16 Mayor Thomas expressed his desire to be relieved of .duties as T.ax Assessor in January and requested the Council consider a replacement. The Village Manager read a letter from Northlake Properties, Inc., offering to sell four lots located adjacent the Lighthouse Drive bridge to the Village for a total price of $27,500. under a lease-option arrangement. The Village Manager was instructed to advise Northlake Properties, Inc., • the Council considered the land of no practical use to the Village other than aesthetic value and the price was excessive for such value. On motion of Councilman Bowman, seconded by Vice-Mayor Newell, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #72 as amended was placed on second reading and read in full. On motion of Vice-Mayor Newell, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance #72 as amended was enacted. The Village Manager was instructed and authorized to offer and awarded five prizes to the five homes judged the best decorated during the Christmas season. The cost of the prizes was not to exceed $50. On motion of Vice-Mayor Newell, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, the Village Clerk was instructed to have the members of the Town of Lake Park Police Department sworn in as members of the North Palm Beach Police Department in accordance with Resolution #120. On motion of Councilman Hahn, seconded by Councilman Bowman, all members voting aye, the following amendments to adjust the 1961-62 tax roll were approved: • Property Corrected Assessment Lot Blk Plat Amount 8 17 1 _ $ 9,800. 4 18A 1 13,050. 37 J 4 5,550. ' 6 31 3 10,800. 19 1 C.C. 13,850. 23 1 C.C. 14,125. 1 2 G.C. 22,525. 18 27 2 19,100. 10 28 2 4,675. 11 28 2 4,675. 7 10 C.C. 6,460. 32 26 2 3,400. ' 20 49 6 5,600. 11 5 G.C. 14,420. 7 6 C.C. 5,500. 29 1 C.C. '3;-300. The Village Manager was instruc ted to secure an estimate of the cost of providing a B l traffic signal at the inte rsection of U.S. Highway #1 and North- lak e ou evard. On mo tion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Vice-Mayor Newell, all members voting aye, the list of accounts payable was approved for payment. There being no further business to come before the Council on motion of Vice-Mayor Newell, seconded by Council man Bowman, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. 1 Gs,~.:-~..~. Village Clerk