08-06-2014 VC B WS-M
AUGUST 6, 2014
Present: Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor
Robert A. Gebbia, Vice Mayor
David B. Norris, President Pro Tem
William L. Manuel, Councilman
Doug Bush, Councilman
Jim Kelly, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, Village Clerk
Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present.
All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director Samia Janjua,
Human Resources Director Loren Slaydon, and Information Technology Director Michael Applegate
were present. CEO Kurt Gehring, Senior Benefits Consultant Shawn Fleming, and Risk Management
Director Ellen Jones were present on behalf of The Gehring Group, the Agent of Record for
Village’s health, dental, life, vision, disability, accident, and workers compensation insurance policies.
The purpose of the meeting was to review the proposed FY 2015 Village Council, Village Clerk,
Village Attorney, Village Manager, Human Resources, Finance, Information Technology,
Reserves & Other, and General Services – Village Hall departmental budgets.
Personnel: $50,468
Operating: $79,615
Total expenses: $130,083; 8.31% or $11,797 decrease from FY 2014
Discussion ensued on the cost allocation for the Inspector General. Mrs. Janjua advised that this
line item would be funded when the court case is resolved.
Personnel: $290,204
Operating: $32,160
Total expenses: $322,364; 0.15% or $485 increase over FY 2014
No personnel changes
3 full-time employees
Total Operating: $140,000; 12.5% or $20,000 decrease from FY 2014
Legal Services – Village Attorney: $115,000
Legal Services – Special: $10,000
Legal Services – Labor: $25,000
By consensus, Council decreased operating expenses in the Village Attorney budget from the
proposed $160,000 to $140.000, based on previous year’s expenditures.
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 6, 2014 Page 2 of 3
Personnel: $285,918
Operating: $30,700
Total expenses: $316,618; 0.03% or $91 decrease from FY 2014
No personnel changes
2 full-time employees
Mr. Kelly requested that Village Manager operating expenses be increased by $13,500 and split
between Professional Services and Contractual Services in order to provide more training to
senior staff. By consensus, Council approved the increase.
Personnel: $255,397
Operating: $56,307
Total expenses: $11,704; 6.23% or $18,285 increase over FY 2014
Personnel changes: 1 part-time Human Resources Administrative Coordinator position added
2 full-time employees, 1 part-time employee
Discussion took place regarding the need for a part-time position.
By consensus, Council reduced operating expenses from $81,307 to $56,307 by deleting the
$25,000 expense for online performance review software; cost to be funded with reserves.
Personnel: $676,535
Operating: $52,400
Total expenses: $728,935; 25.91% or $149,983 increase over FY 2014
Personnel changes: 1 full-time Project & Procurement Manager position added and 1 full-time
Accounting Clerk position added; 1 part-time Finance Intern position deleted
7 full-time employees; Finance Director also oversees 1 full-time Country Club
Accounting Clerk
Discussion took place concerning personnel, including salaries, overtime, and changing the part-time
Finance Intern position to full-time Accounting Clerk. Regarding the Village Manager’s
authority to grant temporary, six-month personnel changes, Council Members directed that they
be advised in April when the changes are made.
Personnel: $303,023
Operating: $26,200
Total expenses: $329,223; 5.43% or $18,899 decrease from FY 2014
No personnel changes
3 full-time employees
Mr. Kelly and Mr. Applegate reviewed IT projects for FY 2015, including redesign of the
Village website, upgrade to Laserfiche electronic document management system, virtualization,
and LPR cameras. Mr. Kelly distributed information on NDI Recognition Systems license plate
recognition cameras used by the City of Lighthouse Point.
By consensus, Council approved the IT projects proposed for FY 2015. Consensus of Council
was to reduce operating expenses from $128,200 to $26,200 by deleting the $102,000 expense
for website redesign and Laserfiche upgrade; cost to be funded with reserves.
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 6, 2014 Page 3 of 3
• Debt: none
j- • Reserves & Contingencies: $115,779
• Property /General Liability Insurance: $373,974; a 15% increase over FY 2014
• Total expenses: $431,223; 52.99% or $169,623 increase over FY 2014
* Changes made to the proposed budget change the actual amount of Council Contingency.
Mrs. Janjua will provide an updated total at the next Budget Workshop meeting.
• Operating: $118,303; 6.23% or $6,943 increase over FY 2014
• Capital expense: zero
Mr. Kelly requested operating expenses in the Newsletter line item be increased from $30,000 to
$35,000 based on current trend. Mr. Kelly discussed adding another page to the Newsletter for
additional advertising and offering quarter -page ads. By consensus, Council agreed to increase
the Newsletter line item by $5,000.
Gehring Group representatives Shawn Fleming gave a presentation entitled "Health Care Reform
Recap and Renewal Review." Discussion topics included a recap of healthcare reform and industry
related fees, claims history and insurance projection, medical insurance renewals, current and
recommended schedule of benefits, and additional cost cutting strategies.
Consensus of Council was to renew medical and dental coverage with Cigna, and to accept the
alternate renewal at 3% with the added imaging copay of $150 and higher copays for Tier 2 and
Tier 3 prescriptions.
Gehring Group representative Ellen Jones gave a presentation entitled "Workers Compensation
Overview and Renewal Review." Discussion topics included three -year rolling claims history,
experience modification factor, safety reviews, renewal options, claims and insurance projections
for policy years from 2010/2011 to 2013/2014, and total incurred losses by policy year.
• Reduce Village Attorney budget by $20,000.
• Increase Village Manager budget by $13,500.
• Reduce Human Resources budget by $25,000.
• Reduce Information Technology budget by $102,000.
• Increase General Services budget by $5,000
• Renew medical and dental insurance coverage with Cigna at 3% increase.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:01 p.m.
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk