FY 2014-2015 Proposed General Fund Budget_Community Development & Public SafetyWhat we hope to accomplish this evening: TONIGHT'S - To do List! 1. Housekeeping items: Personnel Cost Analysis — Health Insurance & Workers' Comp Health Insurance Employee Breakdown Country Club Budget Changes General Fund Budget Changes 2. Workshop the PROPOSED FY2015 Budget as it relates to the following departments (including each department's Revenues, 5 -year Capital Improvement Plan and FY 2015 Capital Outlay in priority order): Community Development Fire Police Note: Each department's personnel budget has been updated with the FY 201 fevised Health Renewal Costs Budget 2 Housekeeping Item - Personnel Cost Analysis Health Insurance & Workers' Compensation FY 2015 Budget vs. FY 2014 Budget Description Sum of FY 2014 Budget Sum of Projected Ending 9/30/14 Sum of FY 2015 Council Amount Increase/ (Decrease) Increase/ (Decrease) Comment Based on current selections (Changes processed during open enrollment will not be complete prior to budget completion); Vacant positions budgeted at Employee Plus One Health Option for Medical and Family Plan for Insurance 1,813,026.00 1,719,393.02 1,892,802.00 79,776.00 4% Dental Calculated based on annual salary plus overtime (FY 2014 budgeted amount is lower than the current payroll) ... the FY Worker's 2015 increase is 18% above FY 2014 Compensation 242,239.00 256,748.86 303,263.00 61,024.00 25% estimated ending amount) FY 2015 Budget 3 Housekeeping Item Health Insurance - Medical Description Number of Village Cost Employee Total Cost Employee Employees (Monthly) Cost (Monthly) Cost as (Monthly) percent of total cost +1 HMO 31 $1,053.75 $110.28 $1,164.03 9.47% FAMILY 59 $1,519.36 $226.68 $1,746.04 12.98% HMO SINGLE 50 $612.63 $0.00 $612.63 0% HMO TOTAL 140 Budget Assumption: Vacant positions budgeted at Employee + One option FY 2015 Budget 4 Housekeeping Item Health Insurance - Dental Description Number of Village Cost Employee Total Cost Employee Employees (Monthly) Cost (Monthly) Cost as (Monthly) percent of total cost Family 62 $41.40 $5.86 $47.26 12.4% Managed Care Family PPO 32 $41.40 $53.26 $94.66 56.26% Single 37 $18.02 $0.00 $18.02 0% Managed Care Single PPO 13 $18.02 $13.48 $31.50 42.79% TOTAL 144 Budget Assumption: FY 2015 Vacant positions budgeted at Family Managed Care Option 5 Housekeeping Item: Country Club Budget Changes Beginning Council Contingency (MOM Q: Mum W&4 fee armed a?em: Nwal host Up &W F 2414 \kt ada to kctual &I hmme Uc) Net Biketuy Ending Council Contingency FY 2015 Budget 19,371 D wussim zd i ukaary 19! Housekeeping Item: General Fund Budget Changes Beginning Windl Contingency coeasus Cb w,,g: Ruenum: gym: Pe oxml C'o% Updated �E� FY 2014 ]i v ad to actual, Health h uaaae N Metter Cast E!st to mumEd based as trend .0 It mal ProEnsiamal S(njCes II1V L1l8ge Ntmge ?s burly° t :additional Contmima15enices m Villap2 N-Lm ws b e Reduee:ktborne} fees Online Performance R:eliew 0oftw -Je to be fun with resMes Website Rke, p any - aseifde uppde [o be ftmLA akjth resenm Net Budgetary Impact Ending Council Contingency Discnaa and & P"M d Consensus L Reii:ed 14,859.X (111.390 14.4"j.569 ] , 5.000 35.Q 3,20D 6.000 9.200 ? 3+w 500 9.800 160,006 (20.000} 140.000 ?5,4f1D (25,00} - 102, (10:,000} - FY 201.5 Proposed Millage of $7.60 mils could be reduced Budget I to $7.3674 mils... Bud -Yar impact 239.803 S 115.779 239.893 $355,672 7 FY 2015 General Fund Department Summaries: • Community Development: 1. Building 2. Code Enforcement 3. Planning and Zoning • Police and Fire: 1. General Services — Public Safety Building 2. Fire Rescue 3. Police FY 2015 Budget $ Community Development Director of Community Development Planner 1 FT I I Building Official Permit & Licensing Tech 3 FT 0 PT ( -1 PT) ( +1 FT) FY 2015 Budget 1 FT 1 FT Code Compliance Officer 1 FT ( -1 FT) Zoning Compliance Officer 1 FT ( +1 FT) Senior Building Const. Inspector Building Const. Inspector 2 FT 1 FT Summary: Change: FT =11 + 1 FT PT =O - 1 PT E Summary of Position Changes - Community Development Note: The personnel changes shown below were implemented temporarily in FY 2014. Current Position Code Compliance Officer (FT) New Position Zoning Compliance Officer (FT) Comment Position reclassed to enhance compliance with all zoning regulations Permit & Permit & FT position needed to meet Licensing Tech Licensing Tech increased demand for (PT) (FT) building permits and maintain service Increase / (Decrease) $1,971.69 $18,161.94 FY 2015 10 Budget Building Department Revenues 1' 1 GV1a Budget Continued on next slide... �� FY 2014 A C # Description Budget FY 2015 Detail BUSINESS TAX Projected increase due to new 0619 -01100 RECEIPTS 224,000.00 235,000.00 businesses CONTRACTOR Do not expect a change in number of 0619 -01105 REGISTRATION 2,100.00 2,100.00 registration Decrease due to reduced revenue 0619 -01120 BUILDING PERMITS 862,825.00 800,000.00 from the Waters Club BUILDING PLAN Decrease due to reduced revenue 0619 -01125 REVIEW 105,412.00 88,780.00 from the Waters Club NON - DOMINCILE BUSINESS Do not expect to change in number of 0619 -01130 REGISTRATION 1,500.00 1,400.00 registration Increase due to new construction & 0619 -03500 RE- INSPECTION FEE 3,048.00 3,500.00 renovation Decrease due to reduced revenue 0619 -03501 TRAINING 9,682.00 7,935.00 from the Waters Club Decrease due to reduced revenue 0619 -03502 DIGITIZING PLANS 3,861.00 3,500.00 from the Waters Club UNSCHEDULED Increase due to increase new 0619 -03503 INSPECTIONS 4,000.00 4,800.00 construction & renovation 1' 1 GV1a Budget Continued on next slide... �� Building Department Revenues (continued)... A&—# Description FY 2014 Budget FY 2015 Detail CHANGE OF Do not expect a change in A0619 -03504 CONTRACTOR 400.00 650.00 number of contractors LIEN LAW Increase due to increase new A0619 -03505 NOTIFICATION 2,900.00 3,500.00 construction & renovation Estimate of 6 commercial A0619 -03506 TEMP CO /CC 800.00 600.00 properties request Temp CO /CC Estimate of 3 commercial EARLY POWER properties request early power A0619 -03507 RELEASE 300.00 300.00 release Increase due to new A0619 -03508 DOCUMENT SEARCH 100.00 155.00 construction & renovation BUSINESS TAX Decrease due to new businesses A0619 -04930 RECEIPTS PENALTY 8,075.00 5,000.00 relocating to the Village SURCHARGE/ INSPECTOR Based on building permits & A0619 -08923 DISCOUNT 2,900.00 2,400.00 plan review fees OTAL REVENUES $1,231,903.00 $1,159,620.00 Total Revenues = $1,159,620 udget Total Expenses = $675,516 (Direct Costs) 12 TheVilhge of North Palm Beach r FY 2014-2015 Genera I Fund Budget Expenses ICO B Addition of one FT 0900' position in this budget. 14 re2re FY 201A {Decree �e) over Actual Utaal Artm,l FY201SBudget ukptedBadpc FY201 #Sfd0 091'34"13 0913412 44:34. +71 Personnel :" 8alars- Repulaa Fa41 Bum c74-ettime Fay 179 Fuz -time Pay* $5833008 Dams dhtim 4,4fl0 or 86 °/ Healf& 0 FI1~.4 Me&cam 49,069 LTD In ff mn [e 53.340 5 Life Innumme 5 W"Wkez's CbU4* amm Oth,a ratiu� &ms $92,508 e s. Fubli[ati[ma 5e 5,�hsflam CLazge Card Fees or 14% f'{lnEwJanres $e s- fiinrrarinvl r 7[E5 17115: Labi[amef M2UMa1s & Sapplies Nfembemhms & Dues MUNIS = $4,400 :" 1,116 Bum 5,100 179 Office Lease = Igti9;$E T-inim $21,900 dhtim 4,4fl0 Gating C- Capes AlbDmotn L. Cz $ Hu p. -ate s -x LL C%Huuuc= & Major Bois%- on 14t3[hmer, & Egmpnxat Tfftad Eapemes FY 2015 Budget F 399 ,363 - 399ri63 69,233 75,565 30 -552 1,718 6W 56 - 1A"5 # man 1,400 1 332930 S 1,116 $ 243,687 5,100 179 8 - 34,80 17171 4,4fl0 300012 6,5fl M912 712 49,069 LOW 53.340 5 Inspection / 5 Plan Review 6,410 Svcs = $15k 1,5fl0 1.217 13,900 92,548 1} 1} 0 1} 4 S 67'5 516 1$675,516 $ 3111,992 1 332930 S 313.745 $ 243,687 - 179 211 - 22,696 17171 35.7 44 300012 63,829 M912 55.346 49,069 56,160 53.340 47 -531 77 29,426 25 S49 2j -612 '- 3,' -S6 1X3 1.217 1.704 1,693 522 466 567 540 5 ,215 5.034 4178 4,325 S 50,M 7-r% 5W 863 5,075 870 42,500 4,000 2,500 697 400• 304 0 8,410 2_,740 11,200E 5,000E 82,613 11-07% 1} 1} 0 1} 4 4.0D4g S 626,492 7.5944 i 4r. JA9 3 487,522 S 451,5',2 1.065 0 0 323 1.130 570 4146 1107 4 349 349 300 2-250 6-0m 1,346 2.764 3-753 2 3'99 2.691 i7p8 1,59 822 41}7 439 242 208 0 0 5 485 60 0 0 1.195 1.553 " -.500 269 537 5 -7 225 342 303 15.427 554 0 31,54 17,3x, NAN 0 4 4 Budget is up 7.89% or $49,424 13 Building Department Allocation OP (FSS 553.80) FSS 553.80 provides that a local government shall use recognized management, accounting, and oversight practices to ensure that fees, fines, and investment earnings generated through the enforcement of the Florida Building Codes are maintained and allocated or used solely for the purposes of "enforcing the Florida Building Code. " The phrase "enforcing the Florida Building Code" includes the direct costs and reasonable indirect costs associated with review of building plans, building inspections, re- inspections, and building permit processing; building code enforcement; and fire inspections associated with new construction. Total deficit of $1,416,564.55 over last 5 years... FY 2009: ($335,277.47) FY 2010: ($317,726.17) FY 2011: ($266,332.98) FY 2012: ($339,268.48) FY 2013: ($157,959.45) ($1,416,564.55) Allocation needs to be reviewed and updated with Council due to recent relocation of Department... FY 2014: $(27,353.55) ( *) FY 201.5 ( *) actual amount will be available in March 2015 (afterFY2014 audit is complete) Budget 14 Building Department Allocation (Current Method Position Title F.T. Building Official 1 Building Inspector 2.5 Building - Clerical Support 2 TOTAL EMPLOYEES 5.5 Building Department Direct Costs: Indirect Costs: Employee (Salary plus benefits): Director of Community Development ** *total supervision of 8 FTE employees, 68.42% spent on Building Department activities * * ** Fire Inspector Code enforcement officer (building inspections) Service Departments (cost of dept less capital): Village Attorney Village Clerk Village Manager (Total 8 dept heads -12.5% each Finance Department Human Resources IT Vehicle Maintenance (4 vehicles) FY 2013 Depreciation: Village Hall (520 sq. ft / 1038 sq. ft total) TOTAL EXPENSES: DEPARTMENT REVENUE: SURPLUS /(DEFICIT): FY 2015 Budget FY 2013 $519,105.38 % Alloc. Cost Allocation 68% 132,595.19 $90,721.63 15% 79, 536.17 $11,930.43 50% 92,276.14 $46,138.07 10% 128,381.31 $12,838.13 10% 285,249.18 $28,524.92 13% 266,456.03 $33,307.00 10% 545,919.38 $54,591.94 2% 268,542.54 $6,492.24 5% 338,819.30 $16,940.97 4% 378, 352.09 $13,758.26 5% 72,391.95 $3,626.22 $837,975.18 ($680,015.73) (157, 959.45) 15 Building Department Allocation (Proposed Method Position Title F.T. Building Official 1 Building Inspector 3 Building - Clerical Support 3 TOTAL EMPLOYEES 7 Direct Costs: Building Department (Preliminary Year -end Projection) Building Department Relocation Costs Purchase of Vehicle Total Direct Costs FY 2014 (Preliminary) $ 621,490.50 74,745.14 26.499.08 $ 722,734.72 Indirect Costs: % Alloc Cost Allocation Employee (Salary plus benefits ): Director of Community Development 64% 132,449.71 $84,286.18 ***total supervision of 11 FTE employees, 64% spent on Building Department activities'"" Fire Inspector 15% 86,957.41 $13,043.61 Code enforcement officer (building inspections) 50% 36,054.30 $18,027.15 Service Departments (cost of dept less capital): Preliminary Year -End Projections Village Attorney 10% 124,805.96 $12,480.60 Village Clerk 10% 305,343.97 $30,534.40 Village Manager (Total 12 dept heads -8.33% each) 8% 280,778.71 $23,388.87 Finance Department 10% 623,976.18 $62,397.62 Human Resources 2% 291,444.62 $7,234.44 IT (increased since relocation) 10% 351,887.57 $35,188.76 Vehicle Maintenance (4 vehicles) 4% 309,905.30 $13,622.21 FY 2014 Depreciation: No allocation since rent & utilities are included in direct cost $0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES: $1,022,938.55 DEPARTMENT REVENUE (Preliminary Year -End Projection): $995,585.00 FY 2015 SURPLUS /(DEFICIT): (27,353.55) Budget 16 Code Enforcement Revenues A C # Description FY 2014 Budget FY 2015 Detail NUISANCE Nuisance Abatement expenses A0620 -03613 ABATEMENT FEE - offset by Nuisance revenue ABANDONED PROPERTY Approximately 30 properties @ A0620 -03635 REGISTRATION 6,750.00 4,500.00 $150 ea. A0620 -03636 CODE CITATIONS 1,000.00 1,000.00 Based on current year trend CODE ENFORCEMENT Collection of outstanding code A0620 -04940 FINES 10,000.00 30,000.00 enforcement lines TOTAL REVENUES $171750.00 $35,500.00 Total Revenues = $35,500 Total Expenses = $152,222 FY 2015 Budget 17 cue pforceoiept Persn®ed 98.118 SaLarv: S 53,147 $ R%-hw Pay - (Xwume Pav IN Part -time Pair $132,952 � - Pennon Pemsioa o r 8 7 °/ Health I,3 w e o FICA, - Medicare 14.392 LTD Insurance 11 ,215 Life lumsamce 37.036 ik odei's Crmpensaaam Operating 13.867 6;09'6 Eaai s, Pubbradms & Subsaiptvm 5.839 Ch1.1.LCLmces & Semwrc 3,596 Cauracm. 0 Seni€m 437 fxa-a` &.Lubri€aems $193270 idtate�rl -`: Supplies or 13 °/ benhp5 &> 5 o m tw & I indim ; 14a Repaim &- li2ina3=e 1..796 1.735 Tra vl & Twining 1,396 L:nifo= - L dbdes - OdWT Qper "g }Juste Cmpkal Auu maaavL- CaazpuGerFtardWUeS: Saftsp are Camtucbaa,& Majorl?eDm -abaa M2Eh ly & lmlal Exases FY 2015 Budget The Vilb-ge of North Palm Bearb FY iUlA-2015 G=eneral Fund Budget Code Enforcement o -a Ia€ €ea: -e: FY 2014 Oereea-e) ovtr FY2015 E>dget Adapied BndLec FY 2014 Sadget Expenses #ciaal Actmal Artml 44.'36.73 030.11 x.30.111 S 79,682 98.118 3 ?6979 S 53,147 $ 51,095 - - IN - - - 7% %32 - 6 -733 6,917 05a 13.393 19.616 14.392 11,' 1 11 ,215 31,591 37.036 13.4@2 16,185 13.867 6;09'6 7.306 5.839 4,387 3,596 343 437 303 311 341 174 174 132 108 14a 1,673 1..796 1.735 970 1,396 - 33,270 - - - 443 $ 132X2 5 164,733 - 19.2946 # 119,723 S 9;,506 t &5, {a9 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 4 1 I, M U N I S =$2, 200 4.300 952 2,094 665 3x00 3.200 1 -7a0 2,334) 2,159 70 340 757 35 2,2.x3 37-D Office Lease = 120 1'_.5 55 130 50D $7,300 100 131 M2 D 20D 0 897 0 2,M 40D 754 1,0®8 684 411 60D 600 324 172 193 2 ,30D 300 69 75 94 0 0 (730) 1,037 1,118 19,270 9,67@ 99 -2846 5,273 6; m 9,795 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0."" J 0 162,222 1 ?4.403 - 1_*.72a6 i 1.- .GO: 5 104 099 5 �e $152,222 Budget is down 12.72% or $22,181 im Planning and Zoning Revenues A C # Description FY 2014 Budget FY 2015 Detail ZONING & Annexation, zoning, variance A0526 -03200 ANNEXATION FEES 3,500.00 2,000.00 application fees 3% increase each year; Adjust RENT — rent $36k for New cell tower A0526 -03700 CELL TOWER 112,130.00 151,495.00 located at Osborne Park TEMPORARY 50 commercial banner A0526 -03602 BANNER FEE 120.00 500.00 application @ $10.00 ea. TOTAL REVENUES $ 115,730.00 $ 153,995.00 Total Revenues = $153,995 Total Expenses = $365,034 FY 2015 Budget 19 Planning and Zoning Proposed Fee Change Descriation: Current: Proaosed: Zoning Variances not including advertising, legal, etc. $ 200.00 $ 500.00 Sign Variances not including advertising, legal, etc. $ 150.00 $ 500.00 Comprehensive Plan Amendments application fee (not including advertising, legal, etc. ) $ 300.00 $ 1,500.00 Rezoning application fee (amendments, modify, supplement or repeal) $ 300.00 $ 1,000.00 Planned Unit Development (PUD) application fee (not including $100.00 per acre or $ 2,000.00 advertising, legal, etc.) fraction thereof Landscape Permit which includes up to 2 zoning inspections) $ - $ 150.00 Planned Unit Development MajorAmendment application fee (not including advertising, legal, etc. ) $ - $ 1,000.00 Planned Unit Development MinorAmendment application fee (not including legal, etc. ) $ - $ 500.00 Site Plan Major application fee - Multi-Family & Commercial $ - $ 500.00 Site Plan Minor application fee - Multi-Family & Commercial $ - $ 100.00 Site Plan amendment application fee for previously approved by Plannina Commission and /or Council $ - $ 100.00 Zoning Confirmation Letter $ - $ 50.00 Zoning Rein section Fee $ - $ 25.00 Proposed Fee Changes are an average of other similar FY 2015 municipalities and would increase the FY 2015 revenue estimate Budget for "Zoning & Annexation Fee" from $2,000 to $17,000. 20 0 000 Oro. `® Oro J0 Oro Persrjnnel 5d1:�•: R %,W Pa} Pas• $257,184 e`' or 70% = .ithT.. CXN LID Imumm`)e Lifee Innumce -WOAD L' C X o ticm Chher ot—timo 29 ,315 37,454 37,856 Publm =.am & 5vtr riFtic�4 $1073850 `�� 'V5 30% 174 or 311 255 r- igubBRnnE Fees - C,an� Oil & Lubnc;a= CCO mmrials & SUPPRes & 1u5 il5y+!-'a�O�l��''�'-h+ps Pn� & 13im,g Pro m6cwal&nIcs 1?epain & 11 mtea:n,ce S=,11 3ummess G-rn_ TmWmE a a L:-Lbtiei aa[r Crber OpEr3uog Casts Capital C mputEr saraRare & Scftvimm Total Fspenses FY 2015 Budget the Village of North Palm Beach FY _014 -2015 General Fund Budget C.OMMUnilry Planning 'L6 Increase: IFY 2411 rDecrewe) aver F§- 2011 Budw _-kdo-pted Bud-et FY MIA Budget 174.258 5 :54._56 - 17 59 - 30-901 29 ,315 37,454 37,856 13 ,331 12,183 750 315 174 174 311 255 - 12-926 - S 257,184 S 2M Q:54 35+] 1 150 0 107 {m mom S 36� 83.4 $365,034 7.0% 12-U% 0 4 0.00" 5 335,839 89541 Expenses _Actual JAMaL 3au5Ll 09138,13 093QI12 44:3Q °ll 1 161,34'3 S 143,815 S 137 .219 2%Sld 22.640 11)-ma 33,a56 32,456 31.73] 11,5399 M534 9.K5 608 932 a 176 215 216 297 219 217 ' L241 W S 214,721 S 10,146 X97 533 5.007 39 0 a I,5a0 0 ION 60 a a 1,9m 2345 '_.929 4,02 a a 0 0 a 4,070 3,554 2.552 . 059 2,361 6.M] 561 421 501 62 17 123 II,A#I 4 7.31a 0 0 a 10,645 10,420 ]_00a I,W 4 a 677 834 1.023 129 '7 8 44,315 296 33,137 a a a 1,500 73;271 a.323 L." w' 'I s S 281),614 5 3w,-748 S ml.t2s Budget is up 8.95% or $29,995 21 MUNIS= $2,200 l l M l,c Office Lease = $7,300 2 CCO 11,U00 � �, 0 4 4 a a aa[r l �� 4 40CF .. 6 66.E _. X X0 0 75,(0 Y 8 8 C O Ord. Update = $75k , 8 ST C FEMA Maps = $5k , 8 0 107 {m mom S 36� 83.4 $365,034 7.0% 12-U% 0 4 0.00" 5 335,839 89541 Expenses _Actual JAMaL 3au5Ll 09138,13 093QI12 44:3Q °ll 1 161,34'3 S 143,815 S 137 .219 2%Sld 22.640 11)-ma 33,a56 32,456 31.73] 11,5399 M534 9.K5 608 932 a 176 215 216 297 219 217 ' L241 W S 214,721 S 10,146 X97 533 5.007 39 0 a I,5a0 0 ION 60 a a 1,9m 2345 '_.929 4,02 a a 0 0 a 4,070 3,554 2.552 . 059 2,361 6.M] 561 421 501 62 17 123 II,A#I 4 7.31a 0 0 a 10,645 10,420 ]_00a I,W 4 a 677 834 1.023 129 '7 8 44,315 296 33,137 a a a 1,500 73;271 a.323 L." w' 'I s S 281),614 5 3w,-748 S ml.t2s Budget is up 8.95% or $29,995 21 Budget is up 8.95% or $29,995 21 0,1�y,t �,� 00 00 000 -opt d) `�O Fer:aanel Reeulu Pay 0%4nme Pay time Aw $973,144 or 82% CA.d are TD lasaam,ce 1 i-- LLquame W atwr LZnn mead G OLJ$ ()P -Sdw A&-d-g Book, Pbhcffb s & &b n*pams bap Cmd Fees io&'�L 4 $219,628 Services or 18% Fees uixxa= 'dstmWsA &WLim l& mber-.h¢Ps & Dues po=;m e AmU4 & Bing PrafimiaanL Fes ReW. & MunDmmce Small B* sma s C-ffm I1aue1 &- InMU3 -. lbff) `= Unl aus Cw3w OaeIIhnv Cnslz CapWAl Gr Harda -e 'tee 5r► rnzamr= & V&jorRffl arativa -M -h w, I-- Eqap--!M FY 2015 To"Fspe�ses Budget The Village of 'North Palm Beach FY 2014 -2015 C:eneral Fund Bad-pt Community Development(eombined) Expenses $131923772 Budget is up 5.04% or $57,238 22 10 Increase. FY 2ik11 LDerrease) over {tnLLL lfad Airr■l F .'VlFB3deet AdoptedBudgec F1 .D11 Budget {9 i4.lt {qLRL12, 4dFJS m S 6.3._ 3 S 619,3 i 571,310? # 518,768 1 463,071 - - 282 211 - 6U)w 22,699 24j)w 43,364 31,397 113 �3 113,790 9_ €LS- 69,117 79,492 144.613 132,292 L `I M-1 ,3 M-M 49979 49,117 +91s.? 40,433 XW410 1811 2,375 __124 , 957 870 890 SE4 7952 7,266 '.arcs 5,828 319.Ml 443 S 973.111 S !F1?.1dd 1744A t SzR-q 1 3 7"" 3 7347% -060 1,±•00 13 533 5,1r 1.116 853 347 L170 570 5 -100 5,075 4-146 L18 31060 2,000 1,10410 3,p47 1.3710 1,370 4M 349 3D0 56.SO4 51,700 4,W 1M•S3 A.642 0 4 9A_ .2 - 0 0 7 7?AO 1 2,400 8,614 6.641 7,539 k_Ow 3,700 4277 5.104 M737 1.832 1,482 1,518 883 1,Q-7 1.000 400 242 208 0 1?00 600 IV M K9 84.000 5, Ow 1134L 0 7,318 '40 0 9�6 0 2,489 0 0 IOJS45 10420 5,L100 11.6190 13,410 WL ,.,-;4 2,711 ' -.140 3,300 493 694 615 is-I 0 13,12D 971 L201 1,4123 15.350 5,156 14126 1,615 1,110 214,42 1 970 16ap4t WI 4S.r 50a 0 0 0 7 0 0 1.444 73 M 6,313 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 1---44 73,271 8=3 1,192,772 S Ll .EM :.41?# X614 3 918,.447 5 '99,2ba- $131923772 Budget is up 5.04% or $57,238 22 0 moft g -00 o- 00 0to avo ArO47 04ve 0j) 'Ara 00 t-0 47 I'Mage of Nook Fahn Beach Ye. Inelit ear Capital Improve PI ry 2015-2019 FY 2015 = $5,000 FY 2016 = $20,000 FY 2017 = $0 5 year total = $25,000 FY 2018 = $0 FY 2019 = $0 :LL C-uml Fund kHmeat: -Ummkv Ek"Tgopmat Didim: U Dhi�ans CO: I bl. CIR Yen FY 2011, FY 2010 FY IN? FY"013 FY"019 Too] Bidgd Year (YeK 11 Tear 11 ffw;3) (Yur 4) (•ear Desc�p6m C-urrem InvatoiT Esdmted LA4 F! 50 PAM 2013 (1); 2014 (4) 7 Yen ICI (s L Ompmerr �.O-R, All Smkafal (j?y;fAr Ha7&m & so s Ifarkh" & ly.piat s P12T 111411f3 10 Yean s Z..'I SgbroW.Vachbm- I Equ me! 5.0@0 s ;IX (mrjf,*R DuLm CIPma jumnim, IN 4 5 ym Sgkoral (jundon J lemkoft Li�w k Toul C Dst Is 51000 1 s im I s I s Is Is Y.0 N n� 201-51 ff 2014 IT IN I T12018 FY"019 TOW Hdgk YEar (Yw # 1) (Vw ; 1) (Yw g 3) (Yur;;A) (Year I-Im 5,ovj -110.0vi 5.0 A Draw Othfr L-dwtOwl F din D.-K,', s Y.0 A 5 FY oi 23 city ,t G97 040pp e�? G ai o v o00 FY 2015 Capital Outlay (in priority order) Priority Division Brief Description Total Amount 1 Building Printer / Plotter $51000 Total $59000 Detail: Plotter Printer Total Cost $5,000 Purchase a plotter printer to have the capability to print large scanned 24x36 plans for residents and businesses. FY 2015 Budget 24 FY 2015 Budget Fire Rescue Fire Chief 1 FT Fire Captain 1 FT Fire Inspector 1 FT Volunteer Firefighters 18 Fire Rescue Shifts: Fire Lieutenants 3 FT Firefighter /Medics 17 FT Firefighter /EMT's 1 FT No personnel changes in this budget. Summary: FT = 24 PT = 0 Volunteers = 18 Change: 25 Fire Rescue Revenues A C # Description FY 2014 Budget FY 2015 Detail Fees collected for business tax receipt inspections and A0911- other new or existing building 03105 FIRE INSPECTION FEES 35,000.00 35,000.00 inspections Fees collected for plans review of new projects or A0911- FIRE PLAN REVIEW existing building 03106 FEE 18,000.00 18,000.00 modifications A0911- Fees collected for ambulance 04600 AMBULANCE FEES 275,000.00 275,000.00 transport to medical facility FF Supplement $$; State A0911- money paid to FF for college 08999 MISC. REVENUES 8,000.00 11,400.00 degrees TOTAL REVENUES $336,000.00 $ 339,400.00 Total Revenues = $339,400 udget Total Expenses = $3,171,211 26 ro(oee do s The Village of North Pihn Beach Fri- 2014-; 01:� Geuer al Fund Budget Fire Re_cue ?* 1wrr »r F!- 2014 (Decrease) oreF FT 2016 30dw Adopted Budget F4- 241 Buftt Expenses Aammirmsj Acm Sj W3 4V W3*42 OP.M +11 27 Persannd sgl�,r R.egalarPay ' 1,873,6fi1 1,772938 s L,€U96- 3 1,612-714 S 1,490,479 Dve =u I ag 43,400 93 -9C#J 8' 86: SS SU9 71 3pG $2,958,001 P`t� Becehu: 1":001 - - 93 °/ Zsw- m 419,05 394 -saa 37%M 354,437 304,81: Or 0 Healrb lmwance 336,173 330.701 28&423 233,7Q 254,436 F1CA.Medic a 150,71' 142.745 127,103 122-384 120 <41 LTD lunaw a 5,073 7337 654; 9.08D 6,694 LiSeInRu3nce 2,085 2,988 2,126 2,563 2,565 Rork&S Campensmmm 71,'_ -74 56.81-& 61:68 41,316 36,322 Cnbe3r 98'.420 - - - S 2,945,001 2". K7 # 5-76% S 2)130" $ g UXI 3 4.M.M CIp 51cm! Booki. Pubhcatow & Subgoiptiam 1,295 1 -795 855 1,064 633 C On5U CEr3 &Z• S EMM , rc 0 4 0 0 4 Conu cmalSenices 3000 28.M 30,962 26,143 23,176 Gai. ,O12tiLubaicuas 32,974 30.930 22-0 6;' 22-M 22,1D2 $213,210 Licenses & Fees 2,825 900 1,626 115 1,620 NkDmab & Suppbes 62,550 62-.640 54,491 63914 45,716 or 7% m & Dwes 1,070 965 800 662 494 Pt =a Bmdiag 500 500 452 470 2P PrO&HjMd SeJVicea 15,400 15-)W 1 5,180 1%496 14,911 RAMa 1,300 1.600 1.4311 331 4 gds z Madmozac e 12,125 1216M 8346 13,530 5,959 Inmel dr Trammg 21,335 24.200 I"P Ii -p9 MAN Ludarms 30,391E 24 -SM 8,151 12- -W 10,565 1:1&nei 840 775 652 609 737 Valumeer FuefloicEff Lail] Pay 0 $_900 3,000 9 „51 6,475 CqbeT upM=nz Com 150 50 69 60 M 213.110 214,415 1.3344 1lfi,M7 I&L4 + 14379 Capital Auonmadue 0 0 p 0 4 Audio_ VisuaL 8r C ai=m. Sys 0 4 0 0 4 Computer Hardaale z 5udxu+lare 0 0 p 0 4 Consw tmu-1k YajarRmaamwn 0 4 p p 4 '-a- F --T- 1rhrFr.Yry 0 0 p p 4 0 4 0.444v p p 4 TotdErpemes Az 3.11.211 S 34M.418 5.45" S 2,94341M S 2,�XC7 S k:, ,161 FY 202-5 Budget $331713211 Budget is up 5.45% or $163,793 27 fee �O ass MAI Villap of North PahnBem 5 Year Capital Improvement ry 2015 -2019 FY 2015 = $166,000 h FY 2016 = $272,000 Y 2017 = $700, 000 FY 2018 = $35,000 FY 2019 = $117,000 5 year total = $1,290,000 Fund: GeueralFuud Department: Fire Rexue Didjw ? A C b4CIPYear FY 2415 FY 2O16 FY 2411 FY 2.418 Fi.- 2 01.0 Tatil Bidget Tear "ear #1 (Year 02 'ear #3 'w #d ilea I Dncription CmTmtl ym" Estimated Life Fire EuEme 1463 21} vemm ra S - YAM 2MD4I 14 35.046 S SEW Tahoe 2013 (1) 10 rears S York 19v I 36 rem 140,0 + 5 144,040 5-10 P1dc Trad 1,002(1) 13 reM 27,000 S 1 ?.040 Fire Appum 1597 (1) 20 rear 600.00} 5 640.040 i',mhbulmce 2603 (1) 2410 (lj 6 are = 10.000 S 140.040 A Nord I.drr?offiAV- 21.000 14.000 166.000 35.404 1.011 �6 .1 {xlTf.'7 m 4:.Egh.rp.m Bllf. Eta C mgmi&ff 1999 (1) 211rem 52.ow 5 iWo Cardiac VIc- 1cr.DA -b ill= 20x2 (1) 2OD4 q 2609 51wi 61.000 5 b ,040 S9ftorAmedBmvImE.4paTaIw 2013 12 YQM S H4dta»licEmirtiomIuvla 1443 M 11reM 5 72040 Pow er Strettheri 1408 ? )Wi 67.000 5 P.640 Thminl k=g ? mm 2414 11 reOI] 5 Automtc E,;DmW sefi'ar': x:> i= 2069 1 7 YM 5 21.4 0 S�d�rvr1'aeJha�rnFax�rnr 139.000 ?1.000 - 1194 5 1'x.046 Estimated Total Cost is 166.000 S 1 ?:.060 1 S 704.000 1 S 354O4 is 117404 Is 1190.0 F1.2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 IT HIS FY 2419 I�Vear#2) (year n3) (i'earad) (Year I;4) (Year #6} Iow 3 i4age 156.000 172.060 '08.000 34.046 117,404 5 1. .V0,046 G mt S Other S Estimated Total Fling 166.000 S 272.060 S 400.000 S 36.404 s 11'.0 I S 1.190.0'* Budget ; FI G06 ass FY 2015 Capital Outlay Summary (in priority order) Priority Brief Description Total Amount 1 Power -lift Stretchers 671000 2 Hydraulic Extrication Tools 721000 3 Pickup Truck Replacement 271000 $166,000 FY 2015 Budget 29 e FY 2015 Capital Outlay Detail F��10e (in priority order) 090 Priority #1: Power -lift Stretchers Total Cost $67,000 The manufacturer of our current power -lift stretchers has informed us that they have put a seven (7) year life cycle on these units following an FDA inquiry. Our units have reached that threshold and will no longer be supported. The funding requested is to replace the two power -lift stretchers currently in service with a second generation stretcher that not only lifts the patient to the loading position but lifts its self into the ambulance removing a number of the dangers of patient transfer and lowering the risk of injury to the crew lifting the patient. Priority #2: Hydraulic Extrication Equipment Total Cost $72,000 This purchase request replaces two (2) sets of hydraulic extrication equipment that are no longer capable of performing at the level necessary. New automotive materials and manufacturing methods have made the current equipment obsolete. The modern equipment we are recommending as replacement have a far greater prying and cutting force necessary for use with these new materials, but at the same time are smaller and lighter reducing the physical requirements of the operator. FY 2015 Budget 30 re (1 c 0e 00 0 Priority #3: FY 2015 Capital Outlay Detail (in priority order) Pickup Truck Replacement Total Cost $27,000 This request replaces a 2002 Chevrolet S -10 pickup truck with a full -size pickup truck. The 2002 S -10 came to Fire Rescue as a hand -me -down from Public Services. It is utilized daily by the fire inspector, and after hours and weekends by the shift personnel to take equipment for repairs, pick up parts for service and to gather equipment at emergency scenes for transport back to the station. This vehicle was well used before life with Fire Rescue and has seen additional wear and tear as a fire service vehicle, maintenance costs are increasing, and after thirteen years of service it is time to replace this small pickup with a more appropriate sized model. FY 2015 Budget 31 CALEA Manager /Captain Professional Standards 1 PT — PtR*uSarety Police Service Aide 1 FT ( -1 FT) Summary: FT = 43 PT = 13 Volunteers = 32 Change: Police Chief of Police Captains Clerical Specialist 1 FT Operation / Patrol Sergeants 4 FT Police Officer 14 FT 1 FT Administrative Coordinator 1 FT 2 FT Operations Support Division/ Criminal Investigations: Crime Intelligence Analyst Sergeant 1 FT 1 FT ( +1 FT) Detective 3 FT Detective (Crime Scene) 1 FT Special Operations Sergeant 1 FT Police Officer (K -9) 1 FT Police Officer (Marine Unit) 1 FT Police Officer (Motor) 2 FT Emergency Dispatcher 7 FT FY 2015 Records Clerk 1 FT Budget School Crossing Guards 12 PT Reserves 23 Non -sworn Volunteers 3 Explorers 6 32 Department Police Police Police FY 2015 Budget Summary of Position Changes - Police Current Position CALEA Manager (PT) Public Safety Aide (FT) Public Safety Aide (FT) New Position CALEA Manager / Captain Professional Standards (PT) Comment Title change only Police Service Aide (FT) Title change only Crime Intelligence Position reclassed Analyst (FT) Increase / (Decrease) No impact No impact $7,880.91 33 Police Revenues A C # Description FY 2014 Budget FY 2015 Detail BICYCLE A0911 -01100 REGISTRATIONS 200.00 150.00 ACCIDENT A0911 -03100 REPORTS & I.D. 1,200.00 800.00 Report requests Miscellaneous fees having to do with A0911 -04100 COURT FINES 40,000.00 20,000.00 tickets and arrests County radio access fee (Expense = A0911 -04105 $12.50 REVENUE 15,000.00 $36k) FALSE ALARM A0911 -04110 FINES 8,000.00 8,000.00 False security alarm fee ALARM USERS Each resident with an alarm is 0911 -04111 PERMIT FEE 21,500.00 21,500.00 required to have a permit A0911 -04130 PARKING FINES 300.00 1,000.00 Parking fines SEIZED TAG Seized tag payment received from A0911 -04140 PAYMENT 1,000.00 300.00 the state for seizing tags 911 -SYS. A1200 -02190 ENHANCE. PROG. 38,000.00 30,000.00 911 Call taker salary reimbursement TOTAL REVENUES $110,200.00 $ 96,750.00 FY 2015 Total Revenues = $96,750 Budget Total Expenses = $5,317,820 34 FOI'l ce Persmiml $4,907,660 �>��. +�Jf'ii Pa }' or 92% Hem-& ID.-m=e FI NI&dECare LTD Insi=e Life ISLRUMce WOA of s C'�adan O&ff OP-aft Afh --g Boakc Public: -Dm & 5abD=4 i w amfet ces & Semmm ti .SUVLC Es. $410,160 LayeeRP5rn 59,4 Od de T u1m.mc or 8°/ Li€ & ' -Fees 0 - Be Nlemba&bips #Dins REMng de Bmd :mg gpffi1 Repw-. &Z bAEM MMEe TMTJ a- Iram= T;nrfo= UIMIRies 0dff OPMh ^a Case CRPFUI Tke VMage of Harsh Palm Such FY 2014-2015 General Fund Budget P€,li€ e F. 01- Budget � 3,11s,7�a 159,000 94.324 3- MS,121 F3,773 54A,496 257,652° 13,411 3,741 8'2,457 15D 700 900 28. -820 1.790 118,000 0 600 11', -,w 2 -240 3.000 ?0,950 512'70 25,000 24,700 15,000 I{)0 414,160 e : Im rea~e FY -M4 -Deaeasei aver AdopCEd Bukw Il 20 ]a BndgPt 1505000 95,628 6.14,E 4a$455 237,2_09 12.337 3,741 63.779 S 14,743 8.1044 150 700 700 28.8;'9 1,700 113,000 0 42-ZO 1041,737 1,180 3,100 2$,900 48�D0 18,900 ,11,500 12,#0 a 375,4r. 926% Expenses 3cr3a1 Rdd Acmil :9 MA3 09 -WIR fAIM l S 2933.926 1 2.629,690 1 2,5 9,854 n785 221,575 13#-751 43s729 53.596 W342 597.55# 542,432 25 424.993 400,1500 36742 223.679 2141353 201,851 10,201 14.213 147 31541 4,344 4,4{9 73;054 49.617 46283 4.006 4.953 1640 25 Z4 25 4IG 74 681 1,464 4 0 K116 17,344 6,. 73 7,307 L,254 212 11 3,512 L01,946 69,8.5# 4.006 7.915 4,C►50 1.524 347 568 M%356 39,746 25,9 93' 607 1,0-4 2126 1,101 918 7548& 9,1573 6,440 27,220 44.927 431462 27614 12,335 13048 17.501 12,651 I; 79 11,742 10,68# 9,147 25 34.475 1.792 311.023 295,683 2 15" Atmra xvm e 0 0 4 57 2 1E7 Aida V isaA A Comm Sys 0 0 a 0 0 CL"-Enfm ecaeE Must 0 0 4 0 0 Gmvamr Huft-me dr 5 e 0 0 4 0 d -3mRTd--wn de 3dajor RjEon dm 0 0 0 0 d Mach npR' Egaipn22m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.047E 0 5 ?1562 'L]- TafW Expenses . ALMAM 4,186.x9 1 -1.- dK3 FY 2015 Budget $5,317,820 Budget is up 8.75% or $427,670 35 Alternative Opportunity — Operating Budget Savings Village Operated Dispatch: Estimated Position Cost (7 Full -Time Employees) Contract with PBC for Radio System CAD Software Maintenance Total Consolidated Dispatch: Estimated Payout of Vacation /Sick Balances of 7 FT Employees Radio System CAD Software Maintenance Shared Cost Total Net Savings (Operating Budget) Emergency Dispatch Updated Slide FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 Tota I 36 $ 610,789.40 $ 633,694.01 $ 657,457.53 $682,112.19 $ 707,691.40 $ 3,291,744.52 24,500.00 25,000.00 25,500.00 26,000.00 26,500.00 127,500.00 7,244.00 7,515.65 7,797.49 8,089.89 30,647.03 635,289.40 665,938.01 690,473.18 715,909.68 742,281.29 3,449,891.55 $ 60,172.04 $60,172.04 15,563.00 16,146.61 16,752.11 17,380.31 18,032.08 83,874.11 7,244.00 7,515.65 7,797.49 8,089.89 30,647.03 315,602.00 327,437.08 339,715.97 352,455.31 365,672.39 1,700,882.74 391,337.04 350,827.69 363,983.73 377,633.12 391,794.36 1,875,575.93 $ 243,952.36 $ 315,110.32 $ 326,489.46 $ 338,276.56 $ 350,486.93 $ 1,574,315.62 36 Alternative Opportunity - Emergency Dispatch Capital Budget Savings: Village Operated Dispatch: Radio System CAD Software Total Consolidated Dispatch: Radio System CAD Software Total Net Savings (Capital Budget) FY 2015 153.066.00 511,894.00 664,960.00 153,066.00 70,000.00 223.066.00 $ 441,894.00 Updated Slide Total FY 2015 Savin s: Operating Budget Capital Budget TOTAL SAVINGS FY 2015 Millage Rate could be reduced to $7.2078 Mils. FY 2015 Budget 37 $ 243,952.36 $ 441,894.00 $ 685,846.36 Millage Rate could be reduced to $7.2078 Mils. FY 2015 Budget 37 0 CO poll Vala a of North Palm Bea( Year Capital lmprovemenI FY:F11F -±019 FY 2015 = $839,500 FY 2018 = $136,000 FY 2016 = $235,000 FY 2019 = $238,000 FY 2017 = $244,000 5 year total = $1,692,500 FLLO: Ceatraffabd Depirtnem: FchnDeputmew DffimL N'.A /y `.V.t b,- C IP Yeir y pMON FY20I6 FYPDyI? FY2019 FY 200 Toil 17U eC Yefr glegr R l' 'N.Pr 21 eu# (YurR (YEU4 Descrl a n Current luverit0! -' Esti mted.) Life eiIIPR9rpfhT. Pool VELdes 2010 raj; 2! (1 2507 '. ?{39 7 flr105.040mi]ea ,'_r]Oa 13L)w 144,005 152;905 136.:: -: ;&Op0 Pa trot Beat 1999 15 yem c - umbff � Whkles 2014 (1);'012 (' 1: ' -5N 1 2507 :2W 1 ',iM or 100,000 ni]ea RON 95.505 70;005 341704 IflION c 338-000 MEN Uni Trick 2OD2 7 Years or 105.000 mi]e: 3 .515 s AM M 4ebxl2=. :00 1' 7,i aM or 105.000 miles 36.505 S M.M CnMR S�M2 vakle 1996 11 1 C. a-> - c _ a5fcsri . r atiGr: 1JLM 235.505 1-44,M COIM�+�lr£rHCPCk�'f ��0(.h�dF�; C. C.UI S -.m SLOW S +12100 5u5trrrd.Varkhen- Lf ti2cckrim- S 2'v>, ` mew: ? •bcmeL� 6a , E=-2- '' -G09 1" 3 rear 32M 5 32 440 Paiic, S -C EL _003 10yeus 134,{259 i IMAO WfaraWafkiaen & Lponiaar ]KOH Imp EsdwsedIoialCost 5 839:00 3 23.005 S 24U00 3 DOW 5 23 004 3 110140 Funiliu¢ Source FY M15 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 701& rY 201R IUNI Budget Ym ( eu k 1) Bien 4 2} (Year-4 3) I'Vor" a} (Year O i 6b--e MM 23LON 2V.106 136M 238,404 3 1.01-0 Grnot S - Oiler 5 - Esti uhdTvLaIramdroQ 5 0. ;x.:44 s 23000 3 ?-WOO s 136.00p 's 238.000 5 1.02. D0 Budget P0 I'l Ce FY 2014 Capital Outlay Summary (in priority order) Priority Brief Description Total Amount 1 (1) Unmarked Taurus $331000 1 (1) Black/White Explorer $361500 1 (1) Black/White Taurus $351500 1 (1) K9 Black/White Explorer $361500 FY 2015 Budget Continued on next slide... 39 F0 I'l Ce FY 2014 Capital Outlay Summary (in priority order) ... con tinued Priority Brief Description Total Amount 2 Boat Engine Replacement $321000 3 CAD System Replacement $5121000 4 Police Radio Replacement $1541000 Total $8399500 FY 2015 Budget 40 FOI'l Ce Priority #1: FY 2015 Capital Outlay Detail (in priority order) Unmarked Police Vehicle Total Cost $33,000 Due to the mechanical condition and mileage of our current vehicle; a 2008 Ford Crown Victoria, I am requesting the purchase of one (1) unmarked 2015 Ford Taurus vehicle that is listed on the state bid pricing. The vehicle would arrive fully equipped with the unmarked police package. The total cost for the vehicle is $33,000. The 2008 Ford Crown Vic would be surplused. Marked Police Vehicle Total Cost $36,500 Marked patrol unit # 205 2010 Ford Crown Victoria is not in good mechanical condition and has high miles. I am requesting to purchase one (1) 2015 Ford Explorer SUV, marked patrol unit (black /white) which is listed on the state bid pricing. The marked patrol unit for the sergeants would arrive fully equipped with the police package at a cost of $36,500. Unit 205 would be surplused. FY 2015 Continued on next slide... Budget 41 OiloCe FY 2015 Capital Outlay Detail (in priority order) ... con tinued Marked Police Vehicle Total Cost $35,500 Marked patrol unit # 237 2008 Ford Crown Victoria is not in good mechanical condition and has high miles. I am requesting to purchase one (1) 2015 Ford Taurus, marked patrol unit (black /white) which is listed on the state bid pricing. The marked patrol unit would arrive fully equipped with the police package at a cost of $35,500. Unit 237 would be surplused. Marked Police Vehicle Total Cost $36,500 Marked patrol unit # 291 (K -9) 2008 Ford Crown Victoria has high mileage and is not in good mechanical condition. I am requesting to purchase (1) 2015 Ford Explorer SUV marked patrol unit which is listed on the state bid pricing. The marked patrol unit would arrive with a fully equipped police package for $36,500. Unit 291 would be surplused. FY 2015 Continued on next slide... 42 Budget oCe FY 2015 Capital Outlay Detail 0 0 O(l (in priority order) P Priority #2: Boat Engine Replacement Total Cost $32,000 The 2009 boat engines will be run through end of life until catastrophic failure of one engine. Due to the age /hours the funding to replace when failure occurs must be in place each year to avoid an unfunded mandate. When replaced, the old engines will be surplused or used as trade -ins. Priority #3: CAD System Replacement Total Cost $512,000 We have reached our end of life cycle for our police radio system, CAD system (Computer Aided Dispatch) and hardware in support of CADS, Records and Dispatch. Priority #4: Police Radio Replacement Total Cost $154,000 We have reached our end of life cycle for our police radio system, CAD system (Computer Aided Dispatch) and hardware in support of CADS, Records and Dispatch. FY 2015 43 Budget gorVIG0900 ,,,ora Fire O'clo police 8` Operating Materials & Supplies Postap Rental Repairs & Maintenance Utilities Other Gating Costs the Vffla,e of North Palm Beach FY 2014 -2015 General Fuel Budget Gen Secs- Police and File Blcl; FY 01{ Budget 6,Ull4 1.300 0 U50 92.520 °.b Increase ' FY :014 (Decreise) oi-er Adopted Budeet FY 1014 Budget I'Mo 1,3UU 0 30,650 92,MO 80 146,5 64 122.994 -15.43% Capital Audio, Visual, & Comm. Sys 0 0 Computer Hardware & Software 0 U Coastruction & MaJorRenovation 0 U Madh new & Equipment 0 U Iosal Espea:es FY 2015 Budget 4 S 14b,554 $106,550 Expenses Actual Actual Actual 49+30113 4M0M 49 M11 5547 0 0 897 1,287 1,129 0 7,482 14,163 0 4 9,915 91,179 94,474 93,797 2.237 135 70 "'M "A 115,OM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4UN 0 0 x9994 0 5 1:1.994 - 15,430¢ S 99,940 S 1x9,3..5 S 11'066 Budget is down 15.43% or $19,440 .. �rV�ve� e..N I Gened ON o-,,& PO I%F'W gpildmU I'Mage of Nortlr I'Am Beach 5 Year Capital Improvement P9 IF UH -21419 FY 2015 = $0 FY 2018 = $0 FY 2016 = $150,000 FY 2019 = $0 FY 2017 = $0 5 year total = $150,000 innA- i Fend &mEral Fund Deparlmmt: Generd SerTkes -PAce & Fire Buldm4 DMWD: NA Co- sth�- CIP lear FT 2015 FI' IM FY M17 FY 2018 FY 919 TOW Budget Year (Year l Near 1;2 ) (Year 2] 'ear (Year a Description Current Inventory Estimated Life �4i95!'Ti lff�9R � �d,�PF RdJFAs`QfiiPR: Ro�Ke Ficce- od a nudo rs 1 9.li001 S NOM S SAW CMA ndBaR&MOOFRav R: - 154.090 - - S Kom MdrAkeq & EgRbA mi. dKon A C Oi k 2012 1M2YM S RepLice anee -io~u =- 2014 15 YM I S f 2��.�{dC�Jahfil'&EquipmeRf - - - - S Dimated Total Cast $ - S 1-uw S S Is I S 1.+8.m Fun& —, source rFW3 FY 2@16 FY M17 FT HIS Fi- Dl) Ic tal 62* VAS (YW 81} (YW iF 2) (fear # 2) (T'eff a 4) Near = 51 - ryy 1R,0W - - 71� 1<�- S O (zlet I S DaN I S U &ak Tod Funk S - Is 150,094 S S S - S 1+(21.061 .Xnnna] �pedatiaa � osi Iorrease; Crefl�ed 1;3• Fra; ece. S - Nmripaon of Operabnl Impact: N-D operadnt, Impact FY 2015 Budget The replacement of the windows and stonework has been moved to FY 2016 in order to evaluate the project. Staff has determined that the two projects should be completed simultaneously. 45 FY 2015 Budget Workshop Schedule kI i i kI FY 2015 Budget I vveanesaay I MugusIL Lr, ZulI4 I r — lu pm I Duaget recap anu mmiage uiscussron I (Vote: The FY2015 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serge as a guide only; dates and times are subject to change. Day Date rime Subject Wednesday May 7, 2014 7 10 pm Council Gu,31 Setting, rvlid -Year '3ud. -ek Review, CI' Review, Wednesday July 16, 2014 7 — 10 pm Budget Overview — General Fund & Country Club Thursday July 24, 2014 7:30 pm Council Fleeting Manager's Proposed Budget Presentation Wednesday July 30, 2014 7 — 10 pm Country Club Departmental Budgets: Golf /Restaurant /Administration Wednesday August 6, 2014 7 — 10 pm General Fund Departmental Budgets: Council /Clerk /Village Attorney/Village Manager /HR /Finance /IT /Debt & Other General Fund Departmental Budgets; C anged to Thursday, 8/14/14 fter coun Iolice /Fire Rescue /Community Developrr,ent I vveanesaay I MugusIL Lr, ZulI4 I r — lu pm I Duaget recap anu mmiage uiscussron I (Vote: The FY2015 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serge as a guide only; dates and times are subject to change. e nes ay August pm 6e-rierai Fun=epartmental Budgets: Public Works /Parks & Recreation /Library I vveanesaay I MugusIL Lr, ZulI4 I r — lu pm I Duaget recap anu mmiage uiscussron I (Vote: The FY2015 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serge as a guide only; dates and times are subject to change. Questions Answers ? �f J r r. r FY 2015 47 Budget