10-10-1961 VC REG-MMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING - of the VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH held OCTOBER 10, 1961 Present: Walter E. Thomas, Mayor Emery J. Newell, Vice-Mayor Louis J. Aiello, Councilman Charles M. Bowman, Councilman C. Robert Burns, Village Attorney Albin R. Olson, Village Clerk and Village Manager 1 Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and requested the Clerk call the roll.. Mayor Thomas requested the Clerk read the minutes o£ a regular meeting of the Village Council held September 12, 1961. The minutes were • approved as read. The Treasurer reported the following receipts and expenditures for the month of August, 1961, as indicated by the monthly audit report: Balance, August 1, 1961 $ 8,070.09 Income, August 1, 1961 8.275.23 $ 16,345.32 Expenditures, August 1, 1961 14,563.46 Balance, August 31, 1961 $ 1,781.86 ' On motion of Vice-Mayor Newell, seconded by Councilman Bowman, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #118 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH SITTING AS A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OF TAXES RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE TAX ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CAL- ENDAR YEAR 1961 AS PREPARED BY THE VILLAGE TAX ASSESSOR. was adopted. On motion of Councilman Bowman, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution #119 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF TH£ VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, RATI- FYING AND APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1961-1962; FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY TO BE RAISED BY AD VALOREM TAX LEVY FOR TH£ CALENDAR YEAR 1961. was adopted. On motion of Councilman Bowman, seconded by Councilman Aiello, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance # ?C7 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 20, BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILI~E BY REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM R-3 APARTMENT DWELLING DISTRICT AND RE-CL4SSIFY- ING SAID PROPERTY AS R-1 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT AND/OR C-lA LIMITED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; BY DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO BRING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP UP TO DATE; BY PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Aiello, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all _ members voting aye, proposed Ordinance # ;','entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM ' BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING CERTAIN LANDS. was placed on first reading and read in full. The list of accounts payable was approved for payment on motion of Vice-Mayor Newell, seconded by Councilman Hahn, all members voting aye. ' Village Attorney Burns reported that he anticipated a ruling shortly by the Florida Supreme Court concerning the falidation of the Village bond issue. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. i n ~~ . $8_ ass V llage Clerk Albin R. Olson ~ Village Manager ~ ~ ~ ,, Village of North Pa Beach, ~%"~~ Florida ~I~r ~ttlm ~>zttrl~ dimes Published Every Weekday - - -_-- West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida - - TO w~ml TT Mn~~~ PU ffi6_TICE is h_ by SSven - that _ e Viffa a CoutTC~i of. the PROOF OF PUBLICATION y'»se"s1-~ol~ paUm Beacn ww bola aspbllc Aearingg m the VlnaSe - _„~o~g(.ed in_the Villa6e of Narthl _----_ --- Pa7Si 8eeen CountY.; .. _ bn - ~~lOth at the .STATE OF FLORIDA _ of-S~.~o"E[sd~P'.M~ at which! - e the Vlliaga Camctt wlll cort- COIINTY. OF PALM BEACH er°the rezoning of cgrtatn lands', ed`Iq~ s ~ illage. - ' e nanlr the zoNng Granges! Before the undersigned authority personally appeared _.._.Ed.. F...._..~.t11BlR~. _ ~ e cronsi e ~ are as [ollows: i """"""""""°-- --- ~'o zone- ollowlag parcels o[. _ 1';i•A. i,imi(¢d Commercial Dis-'~ who on oath says that he is __......._..Edibor..-- - ... - of The Palm Beach Times, a daily 4s1s_t: --_- -- - td-i 4nd-y~Block 73. Lots 1-6 ~m~usiye, Block~2; Lotr 5-151nclo- newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Flonda; that the attached s - Btoc~~ts 1-i6 inetustve; 'N; all ahown on the Platt co y of advertisement, bein a _..__....._NOt~~ Q.~._.~~~... aa: g Club namtson. V71-' I, g ~..}_..._...__......._....._,.T.._.,.._..T . __- lg~ dt No m Hecch._ Flor- itl~-ad rec in PlaE Hook 26, in the matter of ...__.Z(~.n.].S1g...L.kl.a.rig.E!....__... _.._.-_ ........,.a. _ p~aa°ats = lastve Pub{lc Re- .. ""-^""~-~'°r - --. Ct~ds pf pal -ach County . g_To z e faIIOwl parcels in the _._._._...... - - Court, was published in said newspaper in the of aa_na fi~S.- amtly~esiaence. 758- - e, stock 56' Lots issues of ..._..___.Se.~'~4~2e1`..~s`.~.~..~~tl.. _......_.~_.. '=- .-- - t ss; Loos ~-7 tn- °-- e 1 :-LOtr-1-17 inclu- s )ITock, - is 1-17 inclusive. Affiant further sa s that the said Palm Beach Times is a news a er ublished at West -s=incluatve, stock y P P P 6 ~- _ us7ve. Htock 61, Palm Beach in said Palm Beach Count Florida, and that the said news a er has here- 73Iock s_a Lots Y, P P 'y,_ ci< Ki; Trots i-19 tofore baen continuously published. in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each weekday and has i-- ~ Lots 1-1d inctu-! ai - is 1-s5 inclusive, been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West.Palm Beach, in said Palm _ -s lnclustve. Hi ck Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the - 1- ve s[siockl ssi.~Y^ o Plat known as attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promis- _ - itlqaf, Vi7lare~ of ed any person, firm -or cor oration an discount, rebate, commission or refund for the ur i@sorlaa, aa~-.e- P Y P 'k #6, yagea !9- pose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. - - P bile Recoraa.~o[ -. _ Y of Segr, ~~~ 1 Vll1e;E_ 1. Hager Puh apt 1 __ Sworn to and subseribed before me this .. 2$tki day of _S e..F?~-....~_..-_. A. D. 19_~ - _ _ Notary Public, State of Florida at Large _ - q My Commission Expires, June 21, 1965___ _- _.~~ ~ CJ