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08-06-2014 Budget Workshop_ General Fund Budget
What we hope to accomplish this evening: Workshop the Proposed FY2015 General Fund Budget as it relates to the following departments: • Village Council • Village Clerk • Village Attorney • Village Manager • Human Resources • Finance • Information Technology • Reserves & Other • General Services — Village Hall FY 2015 Budget 2 Village Clerk FY 2015 Budget Village Council Village of North Palm Beach Residents Darryl C. Aubrey Robert A. Gebbia David B. Norris William L. Manuel Doug Bush Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tem Councilman Councilman Village Manager Operating Departments Village Attorney 3 The VLlla f of Norrh F III f; C'I FY 2014-2014 General Yund Budaet IG Line Item will be funded / Village Council when case is resolved. V1 9 .010 (De- crease) o 'er dual Actual crilal FY 2015Budgec dopced Bu et Fi-_01-1 Budget 09:30 =13 09x34 €12 09:30,11 sorrel Personnel S alarv: R,egulat Pay 46,800 46.SH 3 46 -£04 $ 46,454 #� 46.800 C3t-erhme Pay - - - - $50,468 Past -time Pay e: - 46,810 - - or 39°/ Pepsi - - - HealthFnsuraace - - - - - FICAME&care 3,581 3,581 3.580 3,523 3,580 W, arlcei s Compeasat=i 87 75 94 64 75 Other - 3, - - - - S 5-0 S 50,456 0.421)14 5 50,3 773 S 39,632 $ 64,4E6 Operating rLC'Countmg & AudAmg /y�q(y 24,400 ��yy /�} 24.440'0 3-2..604 33,144 23,644 chest :;ig 11,400 10.50 4A3_ 5313 7,333 drzsary Beard )mss earn 6,504 6,400 5.890 4-172 4,569 $793615 &r S�; 2,125 1.825 929 -163 1,3oa or 61% c m=zhl-" sen'ce; 3,004 1AH 1.260 ,355 845 it Dona ms 4,4€±4 4,000 4, 2,140 3,0o* Employee Relation - G 0 6.310 lu+pector General Expenses - 16.j N 0 4,412 #,123 Membenhap & DUE- 10,555 10.4'9 10,312 MOM 14,046 hiatenah & Supplies 3,850 600 8,901 1,484 5,644 Proff--stanal Sen -wes 6,000 6,000 2,183 4,943 4,230 Special Events - 3,000 0 0 2,858 Travel 8,585 7,170 3;322 4,43.6 7,319 C4her Operating Casts - 0 0 0 4 79,615 91,424 -1 _.9; % 73,795 76,236 81,1 "a l ti ±cal it3l No a` - capit o 0 0.00t� 0 0 U Total EMPeasea / S 1?0.033 S 128.8?7 S 131.03' 141.380 - 331'.•5 S 1247269 FY 2015 Budget 130,083 Budget is down 8.31% or $11,797 4 Village Clerk Summary: Change FT =3 PT=O FY 2015 Budget Village clerk Persox"I Salary: RER& r Pa} $290,204 -- .PPa or 90% p., Health In-mrance FIC'r Ife&=e LTD In_attMce Life Iw�nauce W OrkEr s C ompem.a4on Ctbm Operating Baal--. Pt6kcahms & Subsmpli= znhffenw & Semm , $32,160 l — Er, eaae or 10% Eat-n+)} & Supplies iembei-,,hipn & Due, P =Ag & Bi-&,g P'ru$essia®al Semces Swj,g Eomin, Supp=Ckff Troop.- Trm-el & TrAming uuhties offier atiag cc m {,aplral ta: No capital Tor d Expenses FY 2015 Budget The V LLage of forth Palm Beach F1' 2014 -_'015 General Fund Budget Pillage clerk- °b Increase . F 2014 (N- crease) o;gr ?adapted F,udQet F1 2014 Sud--er S 207,892 S 206,710 - 247,6!12 Arru9l AstL%l 3tteil 09VMM OPfiM2 0913"1 I 199.747 S 187,558 3 178,703 38.464 42,624 34.852 34,OB6 33,212 26W6 25,442 23,643 17;893 2' 287 It 15,904 15,814 14,258 13,438 1 2,74 -4 894 917 486 11079 1;_442 251 251 266 324 324 383 331 384 230 282 - 82,312 - - 9 290,204 S 292,099 -0.0% $ 277,016 S 26d,1i39 5 2#$,59;: ?] 0 0 0 4 325 225 SQ 255 5.401) 5,400 2:336 2,325 3.401 18.004 17,500 244 27 537 :Fib 4.450 3,440 3.262 4,474 3,1716 583 465 561 541 488 600 362 453 72 104 140 33 33 33 4 0 0 0 731 0 0 0 4 0 1:802 990 680 178 516 0 0 0 4 0 1.000 1.040 575 794 842. d2d&D .9,?80 ?,99% M33 6., S-' 9.949 f 0 0 0 9.45-.: 0 0 0.00' 0 0 9,4p S 322. 64 5 321.3T9 US% S 28S ,240 S 291,42.1 5 265,039 $322936 Budget is up 0.15% or $485 torneYThe V111 ;e of North Palm Beach log e At FY ?014 -? 115 Geaer,�l Fund Budget Village Attorul 6 Increase FY 4014 (Defrease) aver FY !01; Bud et #mm* Adopted Budget FY .014 Budget *,acing ?usual Actuat Acrwl 09.130.13 0 3011 09.3011 Legal Sm m-VilkT A tomey. 110.000 11D.000 104;484 119,783 105,155 Legal Semces- Special 20.000 24,000 17,570 21,418 22,938 Legal Services -Libu 30.000 34.000 6,327 8.4 9 31,599 164,4O0 160,000 0.01Y.b 1.8381 149, ?00 19,69: Tual Espemes IRON S 160.000 0.01Y.b $ 128.331 S 149,10 S 159,69: $160,000 No change FY 2015 Budget w 7 Village Manager Village Manager 1 FT General Fund Operating Departments -Human Resources -Finance -information Technology •Community Development •Library -Parks & Recreation -Law Enforcement -Fire Rescue -Public Works Executive Secretary 1 FT Country Club Operating Departments -Golf -Food & Beverage -Administration Summary: Change: 2 FT FY 2015 Budget g ,,,Bger Flee Village of N ortlL Palm Beach The 2014 -2015 Geueral Fun d Bud -et loge visage t anager 3b Inerease FY '014 Dec eease)orer F'i M5lfndget #=M# _adopted Fnudeet FY OA Budget Personnel erwing Salary: $ gular Pad- $2853918 .ems Pak oferences & Seminary azt -time Pay or 94% B mefit;: 14,925 Pemion aterials- & Suppl e: 635 Health lnsivance 696 FICA.,lkie eme, 439 LTD lnmrmce 314 Life im,rnnce 189 Worker's C'ompeuaattan IJ030 Other Operating Capital 1 No capital Tota:l Expenses FY 2015 Budget S 203,315 S 19L6,055 1.400 - 2",314 3 L,938 32.244 15.630 875 540 376 - 81,64,3 S ? &s,918 S 204 5N 1.404 'x.300 3.604 3.100 1.400 3.200 1.504 17,.40 #ctoal AAmal Ades] 09;34113 W"12 491r3t}!11 S 183,303 S 245,419 $ 255,S93 152 - - 720.51 - - 30,849 erwing $17 200 $ s & Publications 7 12,571 oferences & Seminary or 6% C mirackW Sen ces 14,925 N aterials- & Suppl e: 635 lfeniberships & Dues 696 Rmnng 439 Professlo" yen -Ices 314 Tra -.-d & Tra;n;ng 189 Utilities IJ030 Other Opmting Costs Capital 1 No capital Tota:l Expenses FY 2015 Budget S 203,315 S 19L6,055 1.400 - 2",314 3 L,938 32.244 15.630 875 540 376 - 81,64,3 S ? &s,918 S 204 5N 1.404 'x.300 3.604 3.100 1.400 3.200 1.504 17,.40 #ctoal AAmal Ades] 09;34113 W"12 491r3t}!11 S 183,303 S 245,419 $ 255,S93 152 - - 720.51 - - 30,849 26,357 15,951 30.445 31,144 17,410 12,571 21.9co 14,499 14,241 15,662 14,925 848 689 635 910 696 536 439 .801 314 368 189 338 .74,901 200 150 0 33,258 3,000 2,800 1,044 1,244 0 0 200 4.01% 41,81)8 - 58,86% r. ON S 243,775 S 264,867 S 324,781 175 4 0 4 4 0 0 88 25 624 787 I X23 5,719 924 1.957 774 1 ,341 1;751 IJ030 518 450 13,530 1,167 1,145 0 2,871 771 0 4 2 00 6-19 24,563 58= 22,481 28,721 5,467 4 13 4 0 0 S jU dib 31b. -tl� - 4.19gA 5 200.4:,0 274,097 5 332.&18 $3033118 Budget is down 4.29% or $13,591 9 Human Resources Director of Human Resources 1 FT Human Resources Coordinator 1 FT Human Resources Admin Coordinator 1 PT ( +1 PT) Summary: Change: FT =2 PT =1 +1 PT FY 2015 Budget 10 Human R • 1 Part -time position added • Holiday Party /Employee Gift Urc es I''e �-`i�`�� °f�orr�i i >``��, �����` Baskets /Employee Picnic = $30k so FY 201A -2015 General Fuiid Bud zer Human Re,ource. - On -Line Performance Review pus„r,el Sal-7: Pa.V $2553397 p . or 76% Heath Imwanm FICAAfidicme LTD LK rance Life Ima- =e WDAMe3 CC�t Ma Ckber •tin} $81,307 rnti�.^fiu� � l6e} 25:528 t,,E & Bmdiug or 24% °a1�ge LG%e A5515unc* Pmumn 22:947 iC'- Pk-s" 31,964 Empbyee Mat= laiamnak & su"L -_ 4,dl6 Professional Sen-Ice 9,-,n Books, Publicab= & Subs,-,;Tr;=. Meooleis & Due} 578 CrnfMMX -F -: & Semn3r 825 Tm,el & Tr=ngng Utilities Other Operative C o C sital es I da & kfiaare No capital Total Expenses 'Y 2015 Budget FY 2015 Budget S 161,476 18,447 1.9,493 Implementation = $25k FY 2014 (Nrrrzse) m-er AcIuA Adual Artmi _ &p €ed Budget FY 2014 Budget M.M13 09134+12 49 Mal S 147,311 i 140.445 1# 138:5221 $ 142,461 338 28,862 27,516 25:528 20,489 Da,859 32,123 31,140 22:947 22._301 31,964 13,731 11,270 4,dl6 904 9,-,n &3 663 578 751 825 174 174 178 241 217 331 236 278 236 Via3 - 75,914 - - 6,325 - S _55•,39? S 218,3f1�0y 16.9Y9 % $ 2WA49 $ x,066 S 2 52.0 f� 1,160 1,160 999 1,134 931 704 700 53 445 177 150 154 305 0 so 3,460 3,032 3,431 29" 2.960 8,369 8,369 7,572 5,404 2.246 30,1704 25,000 24,232 9,724 14,142 1,300 1,300 1,783 6,28^0 1.534 25,400 25,000 19,896 754 564 3,943 3,943 540 1,735 814 1,705 1,105 1;309 640 676 750 504 479 0 4 4,820 4,500 2.583 3,179 968 - 4 0 0 0 350 354 254 478 &1,347 63,073 32 21,04.5 336,744 5 :93,419 14.7i:% 0 0 C S 268:EU 5 237,286 8 226,868 $3363704 Budget is up 14.75% or $43,285 11 Finance Finance Manager Project & Procurement Manager (This position transferred from Public Works) Accounting Clerk Finance Intern Note: The Finance Director also oversees the following position: • One full -time Country Club Accounting Clerk FY 2015 Budget 1 FT 1 FT ( +1 FT) 4 FT ( +1 FT) 0 PT ( -1 PT) Summary: Change: FT = 7 +2 FT PT = 0 -1 PT 12 F �nance Personnel Salar4: Regular Pay $6763535 Owrtime pav Part -time Pa}° or 93% B-fit: Pension Healtfi lr,=mce FICAWedicage LTD immu-nee I& 111MU-Mce Wmteis Compenf�atlou 0ffiel T ke Village of No r th Palm Beach 2 Full -Time employees FY 3014 -2015 General Fund Budger added to this budget. Finance Fl 2015 Budget S 446,170 6,04)07 451,1 . 84.177 102.29 7 34,591 1,919 64)9 832 224.36: Opera Ping °� Increase 295 Backs, Publications & SubscrgYEG s 300 FY N1 4 (Decrea,eI over actual Actual A.rtual .doptedB get FY '014 Budget 0%3UV13 49WI2 fl9MI 14,500 380 ~~.temp -yips &mss 450 450 S 334.547 1F 317,746 306,644 000 13 inhmg & Binding 5,116E 4,363 3. &F /47.903 754 LOW 67?2 4 -26 9516 Utihum 0 66,679 61,411 64,1107 897 53,7'_4 50f74 44,1169 897 24,5'_'1 23._31119 22,531 , 566 1,376 1,670 1,80 -6 435 444 537 539 584 685 494 539 Opera Ping 100 295 Backs, Publications & SubscrgYEG s 300 340 CDnkaegces & Seminars 700 700 Contractual Sen -wes 34),0[10 30.000 $52,400 ki3tenaL & Supplie, 14,500 14,500 380 ~~.temp -yips &mss 450 450 or 7% "- Dstwee 14)0 1t30 6,010 13 inhmg & Binding 4,060 4.000 Pra£esswnal Service, 1.04)(1 LOW Tranvi & Training 1,160 L I N Utihum 0 0 Other Operating Costs 250 250 Capital Ttal No capital FY 2015 Tonal Expenses Budget A :2,400 :2.400 0 ago-% S #344 5 469, $ -Sawa 139 100 295 50 29 0 221544 22,591 13 252 167 14 ,998 454 450 450 137 380 236 3,456 4_19 4,576 962 667 943 6,010 0 0 0 0 0 3,432 698 (0) S1,5M 45,312 40,492 0 0 0 V_✓ 0 0 0.0% o a ] $728X5 Budget is up 25.91 % or $149,983 13 Information Technology Director of Information Technology 1 FT Network Support Specialist 1 FT Technical Support Specialist 1 FT FY 2015 Budget Summary: Change: FT =3 PT = 0 14 �t�on ��for �o�o9y Persomel Sy P mil at Pay. $303,023P tine �V or 70 %Be fit,. ns[Ca Health Ins -armce FICA,Me&care LTD 1nS0.r e Life Insmance Worker's Compensation Other The ViRage of North Palm Beach FY 2014 -015 General Fund Budget Infailnation Techn€alwp- FY 14 FY 2015 Budget AdoptjA Adopt Rug 246.145 1.000 33,083 45.418 15,_847 887 261 382 224.715 207,1455 - 5 303,423 Website Re- design = $41 k Laserfiche upgrade = $61 k 9b Increase r (Decrease) oi-er actual ACGll011 ACtual F1 2014 Budget "3013 09,301. 09:3011 40:334 3?.171 17,191 990 ?61 360 5 316.422 411% S M,323 $ 217,585 S 173,652 912 - - - - 26,503 35,922 '7,637 27:520 23 '_234 23,158 16,717 16,435 16;14} 14,9'05 It 876 1228 990 266 323 716 436 322 315 S 303,827 5 :86.3c4 5 2 -6459 Opera* Books, Pdlicafioms & Subscriptions 0 0 4 0 0 reDCeS & Saninare 0 0 Q 0 $128,20 "al Sen4ces 101,000 7:400 5,521 6 ;642 3,603 pals & Supplies 14,400 14:100 181503 9.397 10,013 or 30 %m 4s &Dues 0 0 0 0 0 oral Sen2ees 6,900 6:900 6,904 6,940 6,900 Repairs & lti,h tenauce 3,000 3.000 1.805 1.195 1,65t Trawl & Tremors 1.400 100 1.065 140 0 Utilities 4 Soil 1.400 187 961 962 OthetOperatingCosts 0 0 12 11 C 128,,40 3 2.100 299.33% 34,992 ?:,I36 23,136 Capital Hardware & Soflsvare 0 0 0 18:748 9.706 No capita 0 a. 0 18 ?18 ... FY 2015 Total E:Lpenses x31,22 1&, , 38122 ?3.870A S 3,38,819 5 30437 5 289"9' Budget $431,223 Budget is up 23.87% or $83,101 15 IT - FY 2015 Projects Projects Description FY 2015 included in FY 2015 Operating Village Website Redesign $41,000 Costs ($102k) Laserfiche Upgrade $61,000 Virtualization $60,000 LPR Cameras — Phase 1 (12 cameras) $73,500 See 5 year plan on next slide Total FY 2015 $235,500 FY 2015 16 Budget IT — LPR 5 year plan Phase Description Cost Year Estimate Phase 1 12 cameras $73,500 FY 2015 Phase 2 10 Cameras $63,000 FY 2016 Phase 3 6 Cameras $42,000 FY 2017 Phase 4 8 Cameras $50,000 FY 2018 Phase 5 10 Cameras $63,000 FY 2019 Total 46 Cameras $291,500 FY 2015 17 Budget LPR System L Downtown at the Garderisl A Thn r.—H.— U.11 a JUNG RlDr: 3R.ach Gi Tt-nniq Completed Project FY 2015 Phase 1: LDsr rree 1 College FY 2016 Phase 2- FY 2017 Phase 3, FY 2018 Phase 4: -0 ]6 cc --- - W FY 2019 Phase 5: ILL" d 6 Lp s burns Rd Burris Rd R C-- 4 Or s Championship Golf Courses T- North aim 3eaO C Dun iry Club LIU. s! 0 q! 1-4.1 Promenade .3-mppirig Center *O-OLJ rid 4 Lprs ID NSTfl PALM BFACH 4�Lpr's 4 Lpr s ear rkltgrage Perk Howell Midd L Vda'.km le SchoDl Officemax rderi Town Squa 10 Lpr s a, ki Lp'r's -K • '1'' 1-1 q�� If Northlake �om, ns;!�)� % E VF 3 palmetic, Dr An C `w 3q.a'LRkr Watfflower Rd LAKE PARK On n3urner Si - Gr"nbrinf nr t John v Ma,-AriWr Beach Sure 'ark �) im OgAW-4j;PP, 400r,*� 0 0o"Oor oar Debt Senire No Debt Debt Senice eserre: S coft* prim $115,779 hinsfertoOL -rFun& or 24% Colmcicm=enq ?6'.SOG Vi bEe Meer cmk , 034:934 Oth�CPemfi'm Costs u- Depufinfu al $373,974 PrapertyiGeneri ]Liabib't3lasurance or 76% TotalErpeuses FY 2015 Budget the Village of Nonh Palm Beach FY''014 -1015 General Fund Budget Resen -es & Other $A Iucreas? FY N14 (Decrease) over FY 2014 Bad_et ?adapted Budget IY 2014 Budget ?gtnal victual ?utnJ 09:3613 09:3G21: 09:30.11 19 0 0 ?6'.SOG 5.000 034:934 115 -779 0 10.857 25,950 2.993 0 0 8.8'4 11.04- 0 0 G 0 115'.719 0 O.00N 275X7 ,;V'29 1,491023 3?33 71 20,130 1CU% 288,413 291,198 3939.0 489.M5 * L "S4- S 8:6,0.- LI.99% S 5'63,8'0 Budget is up 52.99% or $169,623 $431,223 19 0- ICO Il1e I'illagi~ of North Palm Bi~ar11 �j I FY _014 -_015 nei °al Fund Budget I S - >le��al el�ices -� illage fall en G e a�b Increase . I FY 2014 Meereasel) Grer Fri - :ilk Budget Adoyed Budget FY 2014Budget %erating Histo= Makkah & Supplies $113,303 �vTeA� or 100% ?o�tan Rental Gt htie Ode Opera6q Cast 'tal No Corrtructim & Major R uvat m Capital . ia£hmex'& Eqmpment FY 2015 Budget .Actual UtKd Acid 49+30113 09130E,12 0913011 1,000 11000 0 520 431 6,300 5,80C 4,113 5,6W 3,621 30,000 30.000 24 X28 26 ,754 34,956 35,000 ST50 35,000 8,250 2419 6,768 25,117 6,400 24,88" 9,764 ij 32,673 31,230 30,182 29,781 31,84.E 80 N 55 135 7+a 113,393 111,360 1.74% 89,96x 92,71a 10.�;]� 0 0 0 0 C C 0 47.5 ^_5 E: 4 9 lWb 0 47,825 Tate Fxpen es S 113.303 * 111,360 V44 S 89,166 S 140.99 S 1Ka9§ a $113 303 Budget is up 1.74% or $1,943 20 FY 2015 Budget Workshop Schedule ,,I Wednesday I May 7, 2014 7 — 10 pm Council Goal Setting, Mid -Year Budget Review, CIP Review Wednesday July 16, 2014 7 — 10 pm Budget Overview — General Fund & Country Club ®I Thursday July 74, 2014 7:30 pm Council Meeting Manager's Proposed Budget Presentation ® Wednesday July 30, 2014 7 — 10 pm Country Club Departmental Budgets: Golf /Restaurant /Adrnin istration Wednesday August 6, 2014 7 — 10 pm General Fund Departmental Budgets: ® Council /Clerk /Village Attorney /Village F. A LJM Ir, lr Ir% —L—L V Aa L_ Wednesday August 20, 2014 7 — 10 pm General Fund Departmental Budgets: Public Works /Parks & Recreation /Library Wednesday August 27, 2014 7 10 prT7 Budget Recap and Millage Discussion Note: The FY2O15 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serve as a FY2o15 guide only; dates and times are subject to change. Budget 21 Wednesday August 13, 2014 7 — 10 pm General Fund Departmental Budgets: Police /Fire Rescue /Community Development Wednesday August 20, 2014 7 — 10 pm General Fund Departmental Budgets: Public Works /Parks & Recreation /Library Wednesday August 27, 2014 7 10 prT7 Budget Recap and Millage Discussion Note: The FY2O15 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serve as a FY2o15 guide only; dates and times are subject to change. Budget 21 Questions Answers ? �f J r r. r FY 2015 Budget 22