02-08-2000 Dredging Compliance Certification for Permit No. 199230484r -5- Nationwide Compliance Certification Nationwide Number 35 Permit Number: 199230484 Name and Address • Village of Pdorth Palm Beach c/o A. Thomas Hogarth, P.E. 645 Prosperity Farms Rd. Telephone NULL ,er : Pdorth Palm Beach, FL 33408 561/691 -3440 Location of the Work: Pdorth Palm Beach Waterway Description of the Work (e.g. bank stabilization, residential fill etc.) Maintenance dredging. Type and acreage (or square feet) of the loss of Waters of the United States (jurisdictional wetlands)(e.g. 1 /10 acre of marsh and 50 square feet of a stream) : Pd /A Description of Mitigation Completed (if applicable): iv /A I, Charles C. Isiminger, P-E; certify that the work was done as described in the authorization letter dated February 8, 20(,-Qnd all work and required mitigation (if applicable) was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Agent -� Signature of Permittee 7, "—o n Date