05-07-2014 VC SP WS-MMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 7, 2014 Present: Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor Robert A. Gebbia, Vice Mayor David B. Norris, President Pro Tern William L. Manuel, Councilman Doug Bush, Councilman Chuck Huff, Interim Village Manager Melissa Teal, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director Sarnia Janjua, Public Works Director Brian Moree, Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong, and Fire Captain Andrew Lezza were present. FY 2014 MID -YEAR BUDGET REVIEW — COUNTRY CLUB Mr. Huff presented a mid -year review of the Country Club and General Fund budgets. • Country Club Revenues: $2,421,875 as of 3/31/14 • Country Club Expenses: $1,918,915 as of 3/31/14 • Country Club Mid -Year Preliminary Financials: revenues exceed expenses by $502,960 • Country Club Unrestricted Fund Balance: $668,434 as of 9/30/13 • Food & Beverage Revenues: $347,670.31 as of 3/31/14 • Food & Beverage Expenses: $393,484 as of 3/31/14 • Food & Beverage Mid -Year Preliminary Financials: expenses exceed revenues by $45,813.69 • Food & Beverage Inventory on Hand: $17,450.61 as of 3/31/14 • Golf Membership Revenue: $520,833, down $42,568 from FY 2013 • Cart Rental Revenue: $489,494, up $24,348 over FY 2013 • Greens Fees Revenues: $631,864, up $47,555 over FY 2013 • Driving Range Revenues: $170,576, up $7,268 over FY 2013 FY 2014 MID -YEAR BUDGET REVIEW — GENERAL FUND • General Fund Ad Valorem Taxes: 96.55% of the budgeted amount collected through 3/31/14 • General Fund Revenues: $13,754,052 as of 3/31/14 • General Fund Expenses: $9,174,736 as of 3/31/14 • General Fund Mid -Year Preliminary Financials: revenues exceed expenses by $4,579,316 • General Fund Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance: $11,343,219 as of 9/30/13 Mr. Huff reviewed the departments that were above the 50% benchmark at mid -year. Minutes of Village Council Special Workshop Session held May 7, 2014 Page 2 of 5 INVESTMENT POLICY • $7,909,872 to date transferred for investment as core funds, representing 42% of FY 2014 General Fund adopted budget ($18,614,912) • Core investment portfolio: $8,360,041.59 as of 3/31/14 • 2013 Audit Report of Village financial statements for year ending 9/30/13 (CAFR ) found that Village investments are in accordance with the Village's investment policy • Total cash on hand: $12,588,274.24 as of 3/31/14 Discussion ensued regarding balances in State Board of Administration (SBA) Funds A and B. STRATEGIC PLANNING Council reviewed its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats (SWOT) analysis and concluded: STRENGTHS Affluent community Strong financial reserves Taken steps to reduce costs Generally supportive residents Unified Council High quality staff Advisory Board /citizen participation Location/waterways Tradition — 2nd & 3rd generation residents OPPORTUNITIES Seek additional funding sources: Service fees, Grants Seek to influence State legislature Pursue further cost efficiencies Improve relationship with business community Annexation MISSION STATEMENT WEAKNESSES State pressures on municipal taxing authority Limited retail No anchor or destination Aged /deteriorated buildings in our business community THREATS Fragile economy State/County pressures on home -rule authority of municipalities Increase in unfunded mandates Unfunded liabilities by the Federal government We sustain North Palm Beach as the "Best Place to Live Under the Sun" through superior services, timeless traditions, quality amenities. VISION STATEMENT North Palm Beach will be known for our unparalleled amenities and innovative approach to meeting the needs of our safe and secure community through continuous improvement in infrastructure and service delivery as identified by our stakeholders. CORE VALUES We Create Exceptional Public Service Through: • Our People — We care about our people and actively advocate diversity, safety, and personal growth. • Continuous Improvement — We are committed to excellence and professionalism. • Integrity — We are transparent, honest, ethical, and have mutual respect for all people. Minutes of Village Council Special Workshop Session held May 7, 2014 Page 3 of 5 COUNCIL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR FY 2015 Council discussed and prioritized its goals and objectives for FY 2015 as follows: 1. Protect the Financial Integrity of the Village. a. Seek alternative sources of funds including grants. b. Seek to influence Florida legislature in areas of unfunded mandates, taxation, and revenue sharing. c. Continue to advance a business - friendly atmosphere in the Village and work with the Northern Chamber of Commerce to encourage new businesses and promote economic development. d. Actively pursue annexation opportunities. 2. Maintain a High Quality of Life in the Village. a. Improve and maintain Village waterways as a unique Village asset. b. Maintain the highest quality of public safety services through national accreditation of its law enforcement component and through fire rescue level of service partnerships. c. Enhance communication with residents through mediums such as the Village Newsletter and website. d. Improve communication and response to the public; encourage suggestions from the public. e. Maintain service levels. f. Update and maintain the Code of Ordinances to match contemporary requirements. 3. Maintain and Improve all Recreational Facilities of the Village. a. Maintain high level of appearance and condition of Village parks and recreational facilities, including the Country Club. b. Increase involvement in recreational activities by expanding programming for all age groups. c. Actively promote resident and non - resident use of the Country Club facilities. d. Enhance golf membership through increased member events. e. Enhance and promote pool, tennis, and park amenities. f. Enhance and promote organized youth sport leagues and programs within the Village. 4. Foster the Spirit and Participation of our Community. a. Encourage resident participation in Village Boards, programs and events. b. Improve communication with businesses; encourage participation of businesses in Village events. c. Initiate activities that encourage Village volunteer service. 5. Improve the Overall Appearance of the Village. a. Continue improvement of code compliance and education with special emphasis towards the abatement of nuisance and abandoned properties. b. Support implementation of the Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zoning to bring about uniform beautification. c. Maintain uniformity of Village property design, colors and signage. d. Maintain high standards of overall appearance throughout the Village including commercial, residential, village -owned properties and roads. e. Identify areas needing improvement. [continued on next page] Minutes of Village Council Special Workshop Session held May 7, 2014 Page 4 of 5 6. Continuously Improve the Way We Work. a. Conduct a department -by- department review of key work processes to determine what can 1 be improved and implement improved procedures. b. Build a human resources capability that brings consistency in policies and procedures across all departments while remaining current, relevant, and compliant with federal, state, and local personnel and labor laws. 7. Implement the Pay for Performance System. a. Evaluate and update procedures and establish appropriate performance measures. b. Develop metrics for evaluation of work processes for eventual integration in a balanced scorecard measurement system. Regarding Village volunteer service, it was suggested that in addition to volunteering for advisory boards, it could encompass single events promoted through Facebook, such as a cleanup day for the Anchorage Park/Earman River area or Lakeside Park. By consensus, Council determined to conduct regular reviews to evaluate how well its objectives have been met. It was suggested that this be done twice a year. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Mr. Huff gave an update on the remaining FY2014 capital projects; summarized the Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan by category and department; reviewed the FY2015 CIP Capital Outlay Projects list in priority order; and provided a recap of the CIP Fund and Developer Fees. • CIP Fund: $549,873 • Developer Fees: $17,694.32 Discussion took place regarding resurfacing of the service alleys. Mr. Moree discussed plans to address the blocks that are in the worst condition. Discussion ensued on the cost for a ten -year road - resurfacing plan. IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Mr. Huff gave the status of each improvement project, and estimated the cost of the improvement projects planned for FY2015 at $135,000. • Financial Integrity: • Advance our business friendly atmosphere • Ordinance update • Future annexation targets • Unfunded liabilities • Quality of Life: • Preservation of Neighborhoods • Anchorage Park, Phase 2 • Improve Recreational Facilities o Renovation of Osborne Park o Evaluation of Country Club & Services Minutes of Village Council Special Workshop Session held May 7, 2014 Page 5 of 5 • Enhance Spirit & Participation of Our Community o Enhance Marketing & Communication • Improve overall appearance of the Village o Most of the improvement projects support this objective as well • Continuously Evaluate the Way We Work & Compensate Our Staff • Work Process Improvements • Evaluation of employee policies, job evaluation and appraisal system, training, compensation,, time - keeping, safety & wellness ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m. Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk