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07-30-2014 Budget Workshop_Country Club Budget
Tonight's Meeting Agenda 1. FY 2015 Summary of Position Changes 2. FY 2015 Proposed Country Club Budget 3. FY 2015 -2019 5 Year CIP Review 4. Projected Year Ending (updated) 5. FY 2015 Budget Recap 2 Section 1 FY 2015 Position Changes Country Club Organizational Chart Country Club Position Changes Summary 3 Golf Operations Director of Go If 1 FT First Assistant Go If Pro 1 FT Outside Service Coordinator 1 FT Outside Service attendant 8- PT Golf Shop Attendant 7 PT ; Driving Fange)Rnnger 11 PT Member Relations Coordinator 1 PT Sales S Marketing Rap 1 PT -1 PT) Country Club Organization Chart € Residents of The Village of North Palm Beach Village Council Village Manager Administrative 5uppork Accounting Clerk 1 FT Nofe. This positron is located in Me Finance Deparbwent and is superursed by the Finance UrBctor_ VILLAGE BOARDS -Golf Advisor; Board Food & Beverage Operations Director of Food & Bev era rge i FT Kitchen Man. age r1Chef Assistant Restaurant Manager Banquet Event Coordinator Line Cook Service Person net Dishwasher Snack Bar Attendant date. The personnel changes in the Country Chub Budget are a result of morganrzaifon both in ttre Golf and Food & 6evcirayg areas. These changes MH maxj�nize our ability to ach eve both opera t oral efficiency and proletabidity. i FT 2 FT ( +9 FT) 1 PT ( -i FT +1 PT) 6 PT 20 PT 6 PT 4 PT ( -2 PT) Summary: Change: FT =8 PT =65 Ell Department Golf Shop Food & Beverage Food & Beverage Food & Beverage Total FY 2015 Position Changes - Country Club (changes implemented temporarily in FY 2014) Current ew Position Comment Increase / Position (Decrease) N/A Golf Shop Attendant New position (unfunded for FY No impact (PT) 2015 ... will be filled when needed) Service Personnel (PT) Banquet Event Coordinator (FT) Snack Bar Attendant (PT) Assistant Restaurant Full -time Asst. Manager position Manager (FT) needed Banquet Event Full -time position not needed Coordinator (PT) N/A Positions not needed $32,967.00 $(19,635.20) $(4,342.80) 5 Section 2 FY 2015 Proposed Country Club Budget Country Club Proposed Budget Summary Country Club Budget Highlights Country Club Expenses Country Club Revenues 0 Total Budget = Country Club Bud et Summary $3 911 114 F1" '01 S Budget FS" 2014 !ro lncrras, r Aetual Gn11S & B I 3dmsn �Laial oyizL4T1 R-Idl Pt Drcreasr 913W2013 PLEVENUE -S 39811x1 0.00°0 398,159 140,000 150,600 - 7.03% 210,536 Drip ing Range $ 304.548 15.04° a 5.410 S 304.----IS $ 251.000 8.38°ro 281,518 Membership 579,045 3.334/1 3,699„320 578,045 579.335 - 6.2 ? °.fo 563,401 Cart Rental 5633,931 1,203.514 863931 913,a40 -5.42% 849,010 WalkxugFees 37975 7,000 37.975 37,702 0.721 44,927 Greens Fees 926,6+61 0 926.601 822.590 12.641 841,875 Lessorks 140,001} 23,000 140,000 120,000 16.671 14.6,627 Tournament Pr ec ods 2,704 - 8,000 2.700 2.620 3.051 2,447 Nferehandise Sales 155,004 7,353 ;,000 185,000 160.500 15.261% 165,861 Special E- .•ents.�Camps - - 16.28°.o- 20 ,381 0 0 0.0(rl& 6 Food & Ek- verage -Lease Opera #ion 10.000 - 0.00°FO 0 0 0.00'.16 0 Liquor Sales 250,000 '_8 000 250,000 23!x,000 6.3 &1r& 206 ,272 Food & Sex erafe Sales 0 529,000 35.500 L429-000 536.250 -1.351 397,098 Sales of Susphis - 4.500 - 0 0 0.00°1 133,600 Interest Earn;nEs 263,34C 8,410 8.410 7,600 10.661/. 8,554 Other 63.904 21,600 - 84904 88~918 -4.511 82,411 Total Revenues E--%--PIE S3;S Personnel: Salary &e Benefits Operating: Accouuting & Anditmg Charge Card Fees Contractual Services Futerta;nr.,ent Rental- EcympvaentT_.Tni%fn3, etc. Legal Fees Lessons Marlsetiug & Ad.,emsing Materials & Supplies Nierc :-- ise Repairs & hiamtQ�e Solid Waste Disposal Utilities Other Operating Costs Capital: Capital Otitlay Debt & Other: Debt Service Gaff Cart Lease Insimajace -Prop 8t Gen Liam Condngeucy Total Expenses Revenues over (under) expenses Rounds 3,102.704 39811x1 0.00°0 398,159 140,000 150,600 - 7.03% 210,536 55,809 800,000 15.04° a 5.410 19„371 3,911.114 3.794.955 3..}344 3,719,802 3;784,955 3.334/1 3,699„320 S - $ - 627,051 525,766 44.8M 50,692 1,203.514 1,114,124 8.021 990,404 - - 7,000 7.000 7,000 0.00°1 5,151 53.042 8,922 0 61.901 62.716 - 1.20"/ 59,696 1,110.719 23,000 4,144 1,13 -.SCk3 1.122,063 1.411 1,101,479 - 8,000 0 8.000 10,000 - 20.00'°/ 7,353 ;,000 11,000 0 18.000 21.500 - 16.28°.o- 20 ,381 10,000 10.000 10,000 0.00°FO 13,517 52,000 0 52.000 '_8 000 55.71 °.% 36,666 30.500 5,60C 0 35.500 42,000 - 15.45M 22 ,359 49.781 46,700 4.500 99.951 64,358 55.351 48,449 1-20,250 263,34C 0 383.590 349_ N00 9.921M 322,173 44,779 10,90C 0 55;6'`9 6689.1 - 16.77% 65,270 - - 0 0 18,206 100.(Mrmlo 13,294 144,604 44,78; 4,959 194,34_' 200,783 -3.211 194;736 15,654 10,70C 4.000 30,3^0 44,600 - 31.951 38,878 399.151 140.000 2,792,523 X8,111 310.181 S (la 1) $ I Contingency= $19,371.00 l 0 1 0 11.000 - 100.06 °.0 14,546 5 5_.809 398.151 39811x1 0.00°0 398,159 140,000 150,600 - 7.03% 210,536 55,809 48,529 15.04° a 43,680 19„371 14.131 37.081 0 3,911.114 3;784,955 3.334/1 3,699„320 S - $ - 5 111,492 . 44.8M 431000 33,893 7 FY 2014 -2015 Budget Highlights Village of North Palm Beach Country Club FAY 2014 -2015 Budget Highlights dumber of Memberships 256 Target Number of Rounds 44,850 Personnel Highlights: *Employee Salaries $ 940,725 *Employee Benefits 262,789 Total Personnel Costs 5 1.203.514 Operating Highlights: *Golf Course Maintenance Contract 1067, 719 *Cost ofFocd & Beverage Nferchandise 263,340 *utilities 194.342 *Cost of Golf Merchandise 120_250 *Materials & Supplies 99,981 *Charge Card Fees 61,964 *Marketing & A&er ismg 35,500 *Repairs &c Maintenance 55,679 *PropertM, /General Liability 55,809 Total Operating Costs Debt Ser-s-i €e: *Loan (Golf Course Reno ration) 398,151 *Golf Cart Lease 140.000 Total Debt Service Total C'ountr -Y Club Contingency Total Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Country- Club Budget 30.77% 54.97% 13.76% 0.50% S 3,911.114 X, S 2,150,078 S 538,151 S 19,371 30.77% 54.97% 13.76% 0.50% S 3,911.114 X, Expenses Country Club Departments: 1. Administration 2. Golf Operations 3. Food &Beverage Three (3) Department budgets will roll -up into one single Budget (Enterprise Fund) 9 Country Club Expenses (by Category) Cape rat i $1,094,: 53.553 Village of North Palm Beach Country Club FY 2014 -2015 Expenses Expenses (by category) Contingency Debt Service $19,371 $538,151 0.5096 ■ 11 7fiOA Personnel Total Expenses = 3,911,114 10 Country Club Expenses (by Department) IN food & $958,. 24.5C Village of North Palm Beach Country Club FY 2014 -2015 Expenses Expenses (by department) Administration ■ Contingency $85,300 $19,371 2.S8�G 0.50% Insurance- Property & General Beverage ,r r' $55,809 ► I 9 AIU Total Expenses = 3,911,114 Golf $2,792,523 71.40% 11 Personnel $ 172037514 Operating 271507078 Capital 0 Debt Service 538,151 Grand Total $ 378917743 Up $120,919 or 3.21% from this current year! Operating Income /Contingency $19,371. 12 Tbel-illage of North Palm Beach F1 2014-2015 Country Ch1b Budge[ - ininisrralioo 13 � F i acicr 4rtm] ,5cid P,crul FY 201: Sada#et Dei2al Cadee[ Decreasr 49.3A J3 [9.jN72 @gfj&11 PH -Ammrl SaIUT- Fpgd- Pay S 34,263 S 39,304 - 12,83% S 36.-45 f 35.635 S 33,753 C?vatrmePav - 0.00°: 79 454 ?mr[- vmeP�s 33 2�2 0.00P,, - - - 32% 5, 54 6,616 - 11 -43% 5.2-47 3,494 5,163 1-h aldLImm =e 7,655 18,528 - 586a°'A 21.759 15,335 14,434 FIC4.MedKam 2,621 3,007 - 13.84 °.a 1477 2,573 2,774 LTD Lma=e 14a 177 - 163a°..'A 148 213 252 Li& Tnauanre 87 87 0.80°x: 8A 112 13:0 T3adkisf ;am0 64 63 I.Mrf: 71 51 122 Other 11 y4,3a - O.Of - 1,375 5,7?5 :50,W, 3 ",320 $ 4IL791 "# M Operafing Acro=F.r #Aadt mg 7,004 7.004 0.0o'; 8151 5,911 5,411 amrpiCardFee - - 0.00°' - - - Gomt[acmal SEMICe9 4,144 4,14# 0.00°x: 4.139 4,134 4,2S2 F.evm: Apff - 4,004 -IO MI'. 4 -W 4,403 4,1?8 ° Mulehngde,3.duaming - - 0.00°: - - 5,170 22% MalM21- d[ Supplies 4,500 4, 0.0o°l: 3A79 3,034 4,725 meff�-Iips & Ewes 0.00%: - - Postage 2,000 3,000 - 3333 % 1.am 2,v 1 1,603 Prmta Hmr3ing 2,004 2,004 o.OiP•. 1342 493 1,736 It Repaks Mmimmne - o.Wl; - - - Uomfa=& 5hms - 0.00': - 9a - UdLme; 4,954 4,904 3.31'.: 4AM 5,362 -,,645 Lw,OFees 10,000 10,0010 0.00P,: 13517 12,19a 3,395 Odmt Opa dng Coal 0.00°4 343 92 654 33,6843 39;344 - 122.27% 42A27 39,264 3'r W7 c Au&o, 'rya d¢ <_iam. Sys 4 0.00%: 0 fl 0 0% A. 5e m e 4 o.OiP : 0 11 fl F,n,�rnma dr Fivses mnmue 4 0.00°: 0 {E 0 CAMMUMmt deMENU RAnOV3EM 0 0.00%: 1-1 4) 0 M L-y & ETJIP- - - 0.OiP . - - • 11ed[ & tither 47% 19.371 14.131 37.W.41 r. -P.5 luma=e -Pm &- C�aaL Liabibm = 5.90[} 48,524 1510. -O. ; G 4 4o a4{1 7E188 62.668 19-43s: J3,d50 .1.861 4 *,�ii1 Total E yes s WAN I lf2.02d 5 138919 14SA98 Budget is down 5.54% or $9,406 13 The of North Patm Such FY 201 -1 -201 C -Drmm Club Eodel C-ON Sammal� - 1l M94 F� _in# en.r.�l�► tl.ieinsl BuJeri h � �tlncl Sm Lem Rc Pa. 131 14 s 133313 f9vvcm.c P.r 1 600 190D L-- 60 40D -9.40D P -tau- P- 307,277 5141b91 1796tfi 22% J-1L. - 23434. 23.LI05 P-ffi Ire.- 45431 37,321 RC1414L=b-c 39.022 35,84 LrD l 510 375 I_ifc lrmumac m1 267 W.k -'. a.3M 5620 436= 116,960 5 6ITjfE1 F 4 00-ml-t Ad-re.mBS Msicliq# 30 ,SOD 37.aGD &.*. .a pljtd •A,- 390 NOD C h.W C.J F= 33042: 1S715 nub I Odd SOD C lmjd i-i S S-. 2 AOD 1 700 C'rr315�5a1 5--1 1,310.719 1 094,739 Ra1m1 E4t.F -&f-- f f XJi 7 D9lr 290D 58% G:X'HLud.s p E.1rcm= 3 696 33W ' - .529W 2R.00D 'A'LLe '" & SupOfo 48 787 4435t 'wi bc111113P & 0- 3,30D 2A3D 31� 120250 97 P. @ & Liialin t 1 690 Z 44D 1.i=ml ScrTtx+3 - - Rkpd-S Mm L- -. 34.174 215,7u Solid 4ds.m biter - l - I"" l J.f- & �b ra 4"D 40w VUlila -. 344.6W 353,34,1 CSiisx i71�r p Crau _ 0% LA27XI 1AsI' m ildpi>t Aal:4 veal, a Crmm Sir. 0 D A.sa.Mi- a 12,aGD C- ,n.rylr Hardr.- S 5nn%= a 4 F ^& S FiLa.- 0 0 C- ,rwariri�n & &imps 9 ee i vatien a 4 11AL.:hiS ERuipmal • 1? A8i 19% 398 153 374.131 C X,7.mi Less 740,006 x50.604 532jm KSLTSL Tmd EsLrdtmel S 1,'TY3_4] S 2'n "+4 Budg s:l.n.. 3Lrtmi x.ydi A.*d [4enia.e • -PLT3 491J1bl2 IN.$b113 6 -'A�l f 73�Si� S 177,�9ri � 12U,j142 0.0075 676 919 - - ]I.M7G. 3a.7 #2 17,093 54,73 99676 IU.LC9 24D,432 213,811 362% 1RLW2 174121 ID fi72 301354 37,230 35,727 30,740 3 7376 35,313 31,332 24,737 3 9476 37D 6w 6% 0.Do% 265 324 305 45.93% 5 ,14S 3193 1.739 0.0076 3'99 L.L! -JL 1 173-M 3 '116.194 9- 471vwu - 77.5776 21,743 17917 37x77 0f97G 272 - 164 - 1.2576 S I W.3 57,204 4t363 NOD OM 304 - 38& 41 18% 34D SO - 131% 1.073',343' 1.184, 71 3..189, #?4 Iip am 1,5SD 921 �.. 900% 2)L35 3. L25 3 -033 35 71% 3k6Sfi 23;622 27 315 99776 37,741 47.96 24.709 1429% 1!173 7, 53 981 2333% 9R LSS 4721,2 84,139 - 30.[.776 SAS 1.6% 1175 00M 383 - IS 6712% 37,364 35239 19,342 - 3009054 664t 5,670 1,271 0010% 2x6 - 401 - 74.6776 - 54D - ODG% 3279 IAO7 32147 -4.46% 135.333 155..105 149J%2 9.1975 2,S 19 t.3LL7' 86 JLLI% 1 ' 9ik IA.4..1919 I'ITL fib 9.00YL 0 0 D -34001M D 1) 0.0076 13 0 6 It 9.0974 0 0 D 0.00% a 0 57 49 0.0076 I %a64 - L#1M1C. 4 MA" 5'-m 000% 344 L59 374,7066 31 _ 7,791 -744.4 311)536 75235 - 44K&Ys 4IA39k as -.R -J ft-Isrbp 3.32% or $89,779 14 The Village oFNortb Palen Beach FY 2014-21115 Country Club Budget Food & B- et-er -k-_e:aum=mr- �� FY 2014 FTr' 201:5 InuAget Urigmal BndaEl Personnel 5alan 9.1876 93,566 1 : Re_mdu Pag 3 143,6al Overtime Pay - - im 55% P t -te 2ff2,691 31«4,372 13enefm: PensLom 31,933 173,441 Heahh lrbu=e 53,193 FICAMedirare 30,323 14,104 LTl3lnmmre 333 Life Lm- uramre 348 43,7SI Wox eea Compewadou 12,764 32,339 Ocher M,3" 5 525,766 operating 32,2a0 27,79a Achwri,inE NLU- erbg 5.000 Charge Card Fee 8,932 3S3 45% `ooracmalsersi€es 33,000 EoteRairrtnvnY H.0w 349 F.eumL- Equipxmw Linent nifiirm 11,000 162 Giro Oil &- Lubrieam E. 500 5,634 Lieensea dr Fees 8,500 3,466 'datenals a- "lies 4d . 700 Menchandne 263,340 9,441 FraFes�uaal cie=EE- IFi 464;287 Repes & b wacenanre 10'm 2"77 3 IAM R`aioe Dispoia] - 5,000 Tidides. 44,783 1,015 Odier Opemtuig Corns 1,7{50 9,000 0 %capdtal a,643 7.357 14,234 23,700 1€ OW r'1 u ml Comm Sys - 23.418 7.'3S Amomofte 15,500 GompumrHar±%uE &- Sekware - L -.213 FYumn¢e'A Fi -srtres - 1,600 Diming Room Tables & Chain - 74 umau rirtn & -OrRenmad m - 7,500 Cluna Glass, kaverwm. el.-. - 3,045 -Marthin. - Egaip- - 27,500 69.!32% 16093 a Tntal Fapemes 9 ,111 411 Iscre2S*r Axtwd cftAI Acmd Decrease p9+aa13 "-.3$72 DW3& +11 177,430 9.1876 93,566 1 77,8U > 94,19,P - 0.00% - 09 191 I a1,3al 11.759. 173,441 152,264 306,404 29,495 3.37' 14,104 8,036 a,44-z 43,7SI 31.5r°.6 24,679 32,339 21,751 27,449 10.47% 25,360 32,2a0 27,79a 749 4.28'� 3S3 415 436 349 0.0{f'16 17a 162 163 5,634 126.55 {. 4.813 3,466 4,434 0.0Y.-. 5,162 9,441 821 IFi 464;287 LL764 3 MIAM t 2"77 3 354„53 5,000 0.w..� 56a 1,015 IU24 9,000 4171Y. a,643 7.357 14,234 23,700 1€ OW - 2.95°{. - 24.00'.6 23 ,953 7,353 23.418 7.'3S 22,472 23,29a 15,500 - 29.43°6 14,763 L -.213 17,149 1,600 - 4,756 124 74 133 7,500 13.33% 6,394 3,045 4,44.4 27,500 69.!32% 16093 15,035 33,354 251,900 4.58'4, 224,41 It 232,076 334,31 a 0.0T.-� 5,312 1,244 a35 44,100 - 72_.41'6 27,701 65,169 0,233 8,000 - 100.00% 6.146 65,680 6,271 44,635 0.321.ro 43515 49,823 54,360 1.700 0.0,'� 1,15a 639 11,337 4 0:438 J.G7!4 387,023 a 4M M6 0 a.04'.� 0 0 0 0 OXTil 14,546 0 0 0 0.0T.-� 0 0 3,056 a a.00'.� 0 a 0 0 OXTil 0 0 0 0 0.0T.-� 0 0 0 0 0.x% 0 0 0 o Gin% 14,:M6 0 =.. -. 8 1 912.325 1;�up SJf2i 3 75;0,-d VA 11 3 841 j l= Bu dg 5.02% or $45,786 15 Revenues Categories: = Revenues G 0 9P Memberships y� �- 3 c� Green Fees y W - Cart Rentals y Driving Range Other (Food, Beverage and Pro -Shop) 16 Some items in "Other Revenue ": Golf Merchandise Sales = $185,000 Golf Lessons = $140,000 Rental — Golf Clubs = $ 44,500 Rental — Bag Room = $ 10,000 Food & Beverage $800,000 20.45%— ■ Greens Fees $925,601 23,69% untry Club Revenues Other $400,014 10.23° ■ Driving Range $304,548 7.79% Total Revenues = $ 3,911,114 ■ Membership $578,045 14.78% " Cart Rental /Walking Fee $901,906 23.06° 17 FY 2015 Golf Revenues -North Palm Beach C ountry Club Golf Revenues — FY 201* 3lemherahipa; (pmjec6edbaaed on 20 1 312 014 infornxation) a) Resident ( Smgle & Famah) $360,465.00 142 b) Non-Resident (Single .die Famdy) $169,90Q.40 50 c) Busmess $3, ?50.00 1 dl Summa S41 ,230.40 54 e) Juror $2,700.40 9 f} C alf plm IT eluded 9 (-Jud -- akras -e) Tor-tL 55:7$ 04 5 L70 249 (Includes Juniors) Qveas Fees- (projected based on 2013:2014 figures by SEASON -+ sligtit increzoe m rate;) FT 2415 Season Ogycs1 RewT.Ines a) Fall (Oct. 6 - Nav9) $59.424.40 520.22 FY2014 Green b) Pre- [Cher (Nos•. 10 - Dkm-- 14) $84.847.40 Fee %Round c) Sho„ 1dler (Dec. 15 - 73n_ 25) 5152.604.40 524.66 FY2015 Green dj High (Jam 26 - Apr_ 5) S365.663.00 Fee:Round e) Sprmg (Apr. 6 - Al-- 30) 565.148.40 f) Sung (Oct. 1 - Oct. 5 & lriay 1 - Sept. 34) 5196.535.40 44.850 Praj. Rounds TOT4L 5926,601- 0 Cart Rental .tfiir Wall6mg Fees; (projected based on2613�2414 per round a erases - :;hgh±mcrea:e mrates) Total Walking Fee = $42,902. Proposed Budget a� `�`���`�`� includes total of $37,975. (Excluding walkers) .$_2.75 3s' 3 7,975 round: $853,931.00 b) WalkmgFep�, Needs to be increased by Sl 1 -47 K 3,332 rounds $38,218 $4,927 to reflect correct c) ��;aalkngJnmors 54.3!�X 1,467 rounds $4.684.40 amount. TOT4L 5906833.00 (arg $20.22X44,830 rauadspr SUBTOT -a $2.411,4. o0 Driving Range (projected - ased on average oflast 3 FisealYears) a) FY2014 (6.1.13- 5.31.14] 272002.40 FY2013 269.018.00 FY2012 257 - 123.04 5- 231048 (after $1 per bucket i.�) + $13.500 (Hot,tix) TOT4L $304,548_00 GR.4,'+D IOT4L $2.716,0270 i arth Palm Beach C'vmmi- Club - P'Y 015.11embership Fees TYM15 TY2014 Differeace `special Offers or Notes Resident Installment Plans: Pay a 3° AdminisirationFee Famih' $3360,00 $3 3 0.00 aDA Oil- Resident Single $3.' -00.00 S3.'O0.(11) 44 Installment Plans: Pa} a 3 °. Aihlinisfiatiam Fee Family' 54.340.00 SA (10.00 44l� Golf Pitts Resident (Golf Tennis & Poo1) Simi* $2,477.00 &2A77.00 IM Installment Plans: Pa} a 3 °.': Ai3mimsh-atiam Fee Family $3.770.00 $3.7'70.00 4 Golf Plus Non- Resident (Golf Tennis �e Pool) Single $3,15-50.00 53.:11 ?.00 4f0 Iast3111nent Plans: Pa} a 3 °: Admimsttatiam Fee Fattrih- $4.577.00 �I.S ? ?.00 4d� Touring Professional Sine S12 H XI S2.205A IM Eligibility: Any Cwrent Touring Professional Iii -P.$ Business Single 52.690,00 5�.6i0.00 44 Ebgibilin-; Non- Re�dentsownine abasmessarre al PTG-) V Thm the Vdhge. Famih' S3.? �D,LO 3.750. 0% Junt[ Resident 5300.00 5300,40 Mi hniarGolier P�; prices will be the sam R,e for and lan li idea - N n- Resident 5300.00 5300,40 4 Option A, 5495.00 5495,40 04l� Summer Dart Fees Oeh° Restrictions: No Charging Privileges. C)pticn 5 is limited to Surdag- Thursday A *]-Y E and after 11:00AM Fndac,Sanuday and I o6daus (ar P a cwt fee). Option $; lades Can Fem) S995.00 5995,00 V F�n11`�: Cart Fees Oeh• 5995.00 5995,00 0 7 1L riited Gro1 {art Sin, S3.000.00 rQ X10.0 0 Alluws Members, as " ll- Ine171 we op6 m whEre they pre Eaclt Iddit onal S2.? g 0,00 53.7 -5 0.00 0% Program Pav fcT all cart fees and there are no per play Amrgef, Silver (Par) $10,0M.00 $14.000.00 00 Sih-er allows up to four named mcli iduals- emplossd at a omWany to join under one member -A4. Gold and Gold (Birdie) S14,000.00 $14.000.00 aO Platlmmi are same program but also 91 "n company 34 C GrFOrtite and 100 pre -paid roar& respe %velz { Fee; Cart Pladimm (Eagle) S1?. 00.00 $17.00.00 O4 Fee & Taos} n- hieh can be used for vdmr empb4Tes. cli,ests yr gue.- . #motional mdiniduals maybe added for Eack Mdltlonal �y,� �y S2.-40.00 ��y �y 5?.A00.00 44� S2.500 each 19 FY2015 Membership Calculations FY2015 kI@.mbor5rtip Calcui3t >ns FY 213 15 ReB Irian t FI0 n -R B4EI Slit le 76 811) Family 22 C, Buslns 9a Z. Ing In- be 0 0 Bus1ins9a Family 1 0 G04T FkL s Sin g 4 1 4--oW Flue Fainlry 4 0 Y2 PAc rOr Sara g fe 22 TO Y 2 Jll CWt rh Fam Nyr 1 S 3 Sirmmor OprA Re�Etdeni Family T7 Sprat mor Opa 8 53-23M.110 20 Sarmnnar OPT -0 T d' Junior 2 7 TC TA,L 1 C2 11.4 G ra na 7-o ra 1 2 56 6,3%, foil M��b �s�a�ht Gqr '- - OLVIEF}r CWD Cr A4%eMtP- esrtrG Fee- J�Orman {DrWy Thy Ir. arty ihL- go IT pardon a 1h LL mLLmbershlp 20 TaAS1 Eert. SPOde1 ILFMC el Reguter MsinI>erHjMa C:aIs+ACWY M WDIM PEbyr ME PsX Fee RreOl*sr Paye # Pay Fee TOIa1 Re�Etdeni SIngILL -75 0 wa-1 on. 110 -75 SZ 23]5.0 T.1 65,-375.E-3 Re-*tden1 Slnglr= 12 Montft, 22 0 I'II'I"I"II"I 22 S- 2 +35.130 #46,5113.07 Re�Etdeni Family 22 o 53-23M.110 22 Z' '16D.D0 S73.rf20 -2.3 Re�Vdeni Family 12 Month 15 0 HHUM 15 Z - -2713.015 SEDAUD.03 Mon-- Re- =idenl :ENrtgle 30 9r9S.UO w - _ �0.17H5 Mon- Fte�ideni 3Irtgle 12 MantN 10 0 1 I"'I"1I"I 10 - _ _�: :;0.[D 532.1OG.G7 Mon-- Reskleni Family 5 0 rhi3,99E.130 6 ;-1.2-713.13{5 S25,110D.154 Mon-- Reslcleni Family 12 RADMI11 3 0 3 .:54.2 -30.13a S12,96713.U] Business ZUngle 0 0 13 ,,,2.E -50.1313 #d.GD Business Famly 1 0 1 :52.7 50.13D 53,75313.130 sldnt' Gulf Pius �rigle Re � 4 0 .0 $2.3720 4 52.2)35.DD FbB,11213.130 Gorr Plus Famly Resldenrr 4 0 {53..610.00 4 53.3dEI.[ld :5 13,44 ELOO G13n Plus mangle N R' 1 0 {53.352.00 1 53.2UUMO T53 2GD.DD Gorr Plus Famly MR' 0 0 64.572.00 13 .14.30U.130 #13.DO SummEw foarts Included] 28 4 x9 5995.1715 ;27,B5ELi7a Summer 25 0 25 ;.,495.170 i 12,375.i7a mummer Farnlly 1 4) on 1 SS=35.130 599S.Do Junior Ftesideni 2 0 2 53+313.1315 5• OELOO Junior MFt 7 0 7 536713.130 5.2,16713.13[5 Toytare 25G 25 G 579_t1 .rr_i]€1 '- - OLVIEF}r CWD Cr A4%eMtP- esrtrG Fee- J�Orman {DrWy Thy Ir. arty ihL- go IT pardon a 1h LL mLLmbershlp 20 North Palm Beach Coun" Club r Golf Club Membership & Rates - FY2015 God{ Nleoi berships Resident Single Regular 97 ea. Q V,2D5.00 = Family Regdar 37 ea. Q $3,361.00 = Man - Resident Business rner Memberships Jur"N Single Family Junior Based Upon FY2014 Memberships {h+lay 1 - Septerriaer 301 2 ea. 0 $311.00 = 40 ea. g $3,211.00 = 2 ea. $4,310.00 = 7 ea. 5311.00 = 1 ea. ,'$3,751.0) _ i MFI 54 in 495 cr98`5= $213,885.00 $124,320.00 3500.00 $123,000.00 $&3.700.00 $2.100.00 y3.750.00 Goff Pfus Memberships (Goff.. Tei)rfrs R Poo,) Resident Single Regular 4 ea. 0 $2,715.00 = U.82D.00 Goff Pardon On1yr (ea. 0 $2,205) $0970.00 Family Regular 4 ea. Q $3,361.00 = $13,440.00 Goff Porvon On1yr (ea. a $3,30) $18,"0.00 Mon- Rescc -1 Single Rear 1 ea. 0 $3,211.00 = #3.201.00 Goff Portion OnOy (ea. g $8.200) $3.700.00 Family Rs -Wlar 1 ea. 9 $4,311.00 = VIM G,Drf Portion Ont y (ea. Q 4U,300) MOST 9 Totem $25.460.DD Grand Total 266 $5713,045. Resydk:rt Card HbIder and Guest of Member Disccu nt 1 Sit Greens Fees: See 2414rtOl5 Recommended Rates CART RENTAL 1 B —Boles 944Dk-s Car[ Fees: Member $23.58 $12.29 Nan-MLMber $26.95 $18.00 WAIJUNG FEE Waking Fees= Mender ONLY $12.29 38.42 Andoipated Roands: 44,&'0 The ob- iectisu arirh the mrreaaz in member cart amd %a16mg fees is ra create a %ILoh mrmlu coral IE. S 13. 21 nrwr4 11141T M_ Six (6) PUBLISHED time periods or seasons Fall: October 6 - November 9 Pre - Winter: November 10 - December 14 Shoulder: December 15 - January 25 High: January 26 - April 5 Spring Season: April 6 -April 30 6. Summer: October 1 - October 5 & May 1 - September 30th 22 Greens Fees Projections North Palm Beach Country Club Greens Fee Projections Rounds Plavecl Average Greens June 1,2013- Revenues with Fee Dollars per FY 2015 Season (Dates) %lay 31, 2014) Current Rates Round a) Fall (Oct_ 6 - -Nov -9) b) Pre-Winter (Nov. 10 - Dec. 14) c) Shoulder (Dec. 15 - Jan_ 25) d) High (Jan. 26 - Apr. 5) e) Spring (Apr- 6 - Apr_ 30) Summer Oct_ 1- Oct_ 5 & May 1- Sept 30 3,748 $ 59,420.00 $15-85 3,789 $80,847.00 $21.34 5,498 5152,604.00 $27.76 11.118 5365,663.00 $32.84 3,082 $65,148.00 $21.14 18.281 $196,536.00 $10.75 TOTAL S: 1 45,5161 S920,218.00 I SEZ FY 15 Rate Avg = $60.69 FY 14 Rate Avg = $59.40 Weighted Average of Fete Increase Projecte €1 Rounds for FY 2015: Projected Average Dollars per Round FY2015: Projected Greens Fee Revenues. 2.17% 44,850 20.66 S926,601.6161 23 Cart Rental &Walking Fees Projections North Palm Beach Country Club Cart Rental and Walking Fees Projections CART RENTAL 1B -Holes ",31 es Cart Fees: Member S23.5o 312.28 Non - Member 5215.1D6 515.09 (actual per round 3L,eraQes fo-75.26.13- 5.25.14) Average cart fee per round played (eutcludmg walkers) X863,762 38.340 rounds = $22.60 - 322.75 *Note: The Projected F`-15 pet round average is $0.15 mom than FY14 duce to the r:a¢tfee in€rease_ The goal behind this irxrease is tm hat-e the total cash equal a whale mmnber I.E. $25_ Member 18 $0.58 Increase Member S0.26 I1crease WALKING FEE 18 -Hales "011 e-s Walking Fees: Member ONLY 512.28 36.413 vemges: alking6eeperrousdplay ,ed(muembersaaly) 1�37,542J3,3151 roumds= $71.17 *311.4: *Note: The Projected F`-15 pet round average is $0.34 mom dkmFY14diae to the wol- king fee increase. The goal behind this un=ease is tm have the total cast equal a whale nmaber I.E. S73_ Member lS S0.26 Increase letxber 9 50.49 Increase Total Walking Fee = Walking Fees; Juniors ONLY $42,902. Proposed Budget includes total of $37,975. v- 2=3,�ewal63nt 5eeperrouusdpla y,ed(iusio_aonly) 14:705,1,077Fam& =S4.3P 4$4.39 Needs to be increased by TOTAL $4,927 to reflect correct amount. Carts #22.75 X 37,975 rounds $863,911.40 Wal king Men^ bers $11.47 X 3,332 rGunds $39.2-600 Walking Juniors $4.39 X 1,067 rounds 54.15,;4 QU TOTAL C-LRTR2 -'VIA A W-4i� G FEES 5006,.S33. dd {¢sg_ $2x22 X44,850 roraards pfojsered+ 24 North Palm Beach Country Club 2014 -2015 Walk In Rates 18-Hole Rates 9-Hole Rates� Season Time Weekday' Weekend' Weekday' Weekend' Rate Rate Rate Rate Early Morning $59.95 $69.95 $36.00 542.00 Fall Season Morning $59.95 $69.95 $36.00 542.00 (Oct. 6 - Nov. 9) Mid -Day $49.95 $59.95 $30.00 536.00 Twilight* $39.95 $49.95 1hI7A..... ..- .............MA- ........ Early Morning Pre - Winter Season Morning (Nov. 10 - Dec. 14) Mid -Day Twilight* 575.95 $85.95 $46.00 552.00 $75.95 $85.95 $46.00 '.552.00 565.95 $75.95 $40.00 546.00 549.95 $59.95 MIA MIA Early Morning Shoulder Season Morning (Dec. 15 - Jan. 25) Mid -Day Twilight* 589.95 $99.95 $54.00 560.00 589.95 $99.95 $54.00 560.00 579.95 $89.95 $48.00 554.00 554.95 $64.95 MIA MIA Early Morning High Season Morning (Jars. 26 - Apr. 5) Mid -Day Twilight* 5104.95 $114.95 $63.00 569.00 5104.95 $114.95 $63.00 569.00 589.95 $94.95 $54.00 557.00 559.95 $64.95 PUA MA Early Morning Spring season Morning (Apr. 6 - Apr. 30) Mid -Day Twilight* 579.95 $89.95 $48.00 554.00 579.95 $89.95 $48.00 554.00 $69.95 $79.95 $42.00 548.00 549.95 $59.95 PUA MIA.......... Summer Season Early Morning (Oct. 1 - Oct 5 & Morning May 1 - Sep. 30) Mid -Day Twilight* $45.95 $55.95 $28.00 534.00 $45.95 $55.95 $28.00 534.00 $39.95 $49.95 $24.00 530.00 $32.95 $35.95 MIA MIA I mUght = After ;3. UOpm Uc €ober 7, 1074 - Nouernber I, 1U14 After 1:00pxn Noveri7ber 1, 1074 - March /. 2075 After 3.00pm March 8. 2015 - September 30. 2015 1 Weekday = (~Monday - Thursday 2 Weekend = Friday - Sunday & Holidays 3 9 -Hole Rates are 60% of 18 Hole Rates Rate Change: The change in rates for members was for ease of the transactions, and was designed for the cart fees for both 9 and 18 to round to a whole number. 25 Food &Beverage e atlepn 26 The 'Village of North Palen Beach Country Club Budget Summary Fiscal eai• 2014 -2015 Estimated Loss = $(158,111) FIC13 1?-E''E11%�LUES L iigtt4r Sales 250_000 Food Severa:ae Sales y 529-000 Other 21.000 Total Revenues 8040,000 EXPEL SES Personnel: - Salary � Denefits 525,766 Clperating: Charge Card Fees 8,922 C olitractual Sex-vices 23,000 Entertaii nieiit 8,000 FRental- E�uipti�enlfLJtiifon�a. etc. 11,000 Nlarketing &� Ad- -ertising 5,000 Repairs c- Maintenance 10,900 Solid Waste L)ls -posal - Utilities 44,783 Other Operating Casts 10,700 Capital: Capital Owlay - Deht 4F,- Other: Debt Ser --ice Total Expeuses 958,111 1Zeveniles aver (under) expenses (158,111) M� "ch cost,,, aha1s� F OOCI 3�j 121 0 27 FY 2014 -2015 Restaurant Revenues Desui tion September 30. 2013 FY ;Old Budg-et TY 2015 Reguf st FOOD & BED JiGE S.UE S FOOD SALES 180,2 6.66 230, .010 220.000.00 BE%TRAGE. CAM SALES 14,200.92 15,WO.00 1i_000_00 NONALCOHOLIC BE�TF,-kGE 25,612-J6 11_250.00 32.000 -00 FACII= RENTAL 7,069.53 27,7jO.00 21.000 -00 BANQUETS 177,009.35 260, .00 260.000.00 rill US F TNa 2 "16. 04 - - TOTU MOD & BE- Nom. -kGE SALES S 404, .06 X4,000,00 $ 550,000.00 LIQUOR S_U ES 8 -- .TFIA E CART SALES - LIQUOR 18,677.27 25,DOO.00 25,000 -00 =IQ? OR SALES 187,x.58 210,000.00 225,000.00 TOT_kL LIQUOR SALES S 206,271.35 235.000,00 S 2KOOO.W TOT_kL FOOD & BE- VERAGE -EN-LTE S 610,7114.91 S ?99.000,(][] S 800,000.00 Section 3 FY 2015 -2019 5 -year CIP 29 5 Year CIP Village Of NOITIL Palin Beach Y. capital Improvement Plait I'i 101 &2019 Fan& Coantrs Ebb Depao-meaf: U Department: Daiaoo: Al Dnmwma { astb?- Up ear FF2015 Fl 2016 Fl 2017 FY 2018 FY 2011E Iotal BUdgd Year(Vemr01) +learn 2 (Ye ar43) (Year 4) (Yeara Desc .i ticm Curreut Inventory E- rimated Life WOn &dine- FleM uw 2r)13 1 ; mmn 15.000 S 1 ?.000 Gdf {am A:' -OPS "em 3413 3 %WE 449L094 s 444.000 cam L- 2013 3 +ear: 18,006 S 1a,000 Dnn= Range Cart 1014 4 + 11.000 s 11,000 s - tr &m.r-- imro nNtve 4rS.M - 7A.m - 5 &84,000 hrchMen-h Fgterarmeri S - l.4#at�lhbecrrdF - CPMSrrueteaA @RQ rijmf RDTOM WR: Comm- Club PmIumg Lot 21111 - S AlM'S.f CPlGh'A rAm and.kfqwr Rcwr4r&m _ - _ _ s _ Estimated IatalCoa i S 458,994 5 S 24.000 5 s 484.000 Funding�aurce Fl*241a 1'1-2016 FY 201- FY 2018 FT 2014 Iotal Fudge Yiar�Yearfn (Y— #2) (Year 43) (Year 44) (eara51 5usge 25.13001 S 26.000 Gramt S Lease 45 &D96 s 45 &000 Esbma:ted Io-talFaodimg 8 OIU S 26.000 5 S 184.000 AmmealOperatmg CostImrrea:esCreatedliv Project: DeSC46010 efOperatiaglmpaCt: Nooaeratiagimparr 30 Section 4 Fiscal Year 2014 Year End Projection 31 REVS -N US Dining Range Membership Cart Rental Walking Fees Greens Fees Lessons Tournament Proceeds Merchandise Sales Special EwntstCamps Food & Beverage -Lease Operation IA(plor sates Food & Beverage Sales Sales of Surplus Interest Earnings Other Total Revenues EXPENSES Personnel: Salary & Benefits Operating: Accounting & Auditing Charge Card Fees Contractual Sen-ices Entertainment Rental- Equipment(Unifom etc. Legal Fees Lessons Marketing & Adve sing Materials & Supplies Merchandise Repairs & Maintenance Solid Waste Disposal ❑t lilies Other Operating Costs Capital: Capital Outlay Debt & Other: Delp Service Golf Cart Lease Insurance -Prop & Gen Liab C autingencv Total Erpenses P,•ni�rrmri F,rriinn 04 /7QU FV? fl] d ft nfTi Ar " Country Club Projected Ending Golf F&B Admin Total Budget Target (100 co I 3 285.502 8 285,502 $ 281,000 101.60% 547.450 547,450 579335 94.50% 865,000 865,000 913,440 94.70% 38,000 38,000 37,702 10079% 920.000 920,000 822.590 111.84% 155,00:1 155,000 120,000 129. t 7% 2,490 2,490 2.620 95.9490 182.000 1821000 160.500 113.4% 0 0 0.00% - 0 0 O -OD% 211.316 211,816 135,000 9013% 420.230 410,230 536.150 78.36% - 0 0 0.00% 8,009 8,009 7.600 105.39% 74,432 9.425 7.799 91,656 108.053 84.83% 3,069,874 641.47 1 15,807 3,727,133 3,804,090 97.98% 629.981 421.303 31,011 1,082195 1,114,114 9734% - - 4,159 4,159 7,000 5941% 57,350 8.500 0 65,850 61,:16 105.00% 1,105.233 22,568 5,652 1,133,453 1,112,063 101.02;0 - 4200 . 0 4,200 10.000 42.CO% 4,221 13,230 3,853 21,314 11,500 9914% 4,645 4,645 10,000 4645% 56,000 - 0 56,000 18.000 200.00% 25,000 306 0 25,306 45,200 55.99% 43,490 16,740 0500 54,730 67,493 95.91% 118,300 218.221 0 336,511 349.300 9634% 120,421 21,166 0 141,587 79,694 177.66% 0 0 18,106 0.00% 141,717 43,102 4,261 189,080 100,783 94.17% 13.192 8,365 25,911 47,468 44.600 106.43% 41,720 0 41,720 12,000 347.66% 398,159 398,159 398,151 100.00 ° /0 135,662 135,661 150,600 90.0890 43170 48,170 48,529 99.47% 0 0 14,131 0.00% 2,890,445 777,699 131.273 31800,41' 3,804.090 9930% Revenues over (under) espenses 5 179,429 5 (136,218) $ (1LfiA6fi1 S {73,1651 Rounds 42,604 09/30/14 Revenues= Expense = Net Loss = $3,727,153 $3,890,417 ($73,265) ( *) I Expense includes a total of "107.579.51 of unbudaeted proiects (see detail below). Without this additional expense, the club would have had an estimated PROFIT of $34,314. Unbudaeted expenses: 1. Sewer lateral installation ($13,500) 2. Summer Golf Projects ($44,175) 3. HVAC System Evaluation Study ($6,500) 4. HVAC System installation ($33,600) 5. Earman River Pump Repairs ($9,804.51) $(73,265) 32 Section 5 Country Club Budget Recap 33 Changes to Proposed Budget Beginning Council Contingency cao.easa change: Rueoun: Elpen. es: -NO BU &'EM � Impact Ending Council Contingency coaatry Club C bui F� :(114_:1)11 - Dixa. Boa and Bidgeran 19,371 Eci! pRnpjM§j A Balanced Budget for FY 2015 Revenues (As proposed) Additional Revenue (Walking Fees) Total Revenue Total Expenses Operating Income / Contingency $3,911,114 4,927 $3,916,041 $3,891,743 $ 24.298 911 FY 2015 Budget Workshop Schedule Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday May 7, 2014 1 7 — 10 pm I Council Goal Setting, Mid -Year Budget Review, CIP Review July 16, 2014 1 7 — 10 prn I Budget Overview— General Fund & Country Club July 24, 2014 7 :30 pm Council Meeting Manager's Proposed Budget Presentation July 34, 2014 7 — 10 pm Country Club Departmental Budgets: Golf /Restaurant /Acfrninistration vvednesaay I August 13, ZU14 I I lU pr" Wednesday I August 20, 2414 1 7 10 prT7 Wednesday I August 27, 2014 1 7 — 10 prT7 tjenerai Funa uepartmentat t5ucigets: Police /Fire Rescue %Community Development General Fund Departmental Budgets: Public Works /Parks & Recreation /Library Budget Recap and Millage Discussion Note: The FY2015 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serve as a guide only; dates and times are subject to change, 9161 Wednesday August 6, 2014 7 — 10 pm General Fund Departmental Budgets: Council /Clerk /village Attorney /Village Manager /HR /Finance /IT /Debt & Other vvednesaay I August 13, ZU14 I I lU pr" Wednesday I August 20, 2414 1 7 10 prT7 Wednesday I August 27, 2014 1 7 — 10 prT7 tjenerai Funa uepartmentat t5ucigets: Police /Fire Rescue %Community Development General Fund Departmental Budgets: Public Works /Parks & Recreation /Library Budget Recap and Millage Discussion Note: The FY2015 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serve as a guide only; dates and times are subject to change, 9161 Questions Answers 37