12-04-2004 UF BEBR-Annexation Effects_9275 Alternate A1AUNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Warrington College of Business Administration Bureau of Economic and Business Research Scott K. Cody, Demographer December 4, 2004 Dear Sir or Madame: RF RFC,-FJN7RD R C 8 2004 221 Matherly Hall PO Box 117145 Gainesville, Florida 32611 -7145 Email: skcody @ufl.edu Tel: (352) 392 -0171 Ext. 337 Fax: (352) 392 -4739 Please complete the enclosed form to provide us with the population and housing effects of the annexation(s) at the time of annexation. This information is vital to ensure that your community receives an accurate population estimate and its fair share of the state revenue sharing money. We would appreciate receiving this information as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Feel free to give me a call if you have any questions or comments (352 392 -0171 ext. 337). Y Q� Sincerely, /� Scott K. Cody Research Demographer x U W W W� ?r H 'a Q tz U H i; 0 z 0 U W w 0 x WaW LL D W Q Q W a Q W W z ' O� "n./ wO A v 44 .H a) U .I 1� i4 W .f2 a) C O L1� H U a) N a) a m a) Ln m Lo r rr�r U r-I l0 m .r.f ri H N m )~ rl m X I;x Oar♦ O w rX4 U ,. r-I W fU -1-1 r{ N O ' (4-I -r1 0) 4-) W , M :5 fa 0 U) fd z a) 0) 4-) C N �4 r-4 U) Lf) ::I N O m m mfvw0 a)