05-10-2004 Frazell to Redmond_Alternate A1A Annexation" 1 1 2004 T M PYY1(l Mum To: Dennis Redmond — Village Manager From: Kristine Frazell — Public Services Director Date: May 10, 2004 Re: Alternate A -1 -A Annexation This is intended to provide you an update of the status of the voluntary annexation of the old Ed Morse Honda Dealership. 1. I have spoken to the attorney for U -Haul and they are in the process of reviewing the possibility of annexing. They received materials they requested about a week or two ago. They are saying that it is still being reviewed in a favorable light however it will take them a month or so to come to a conclusion. 2. 1 found out today that U -Haul has filed bankruptcy. Even if U -Haul agrees, I am told that the decisions to annex would need to go before the Federal Bankruptcy Courts before anything could be done. 3. We have had discussions with Palm Beach County regarding this new information. They seem to be considerate of our predicament and have said they may be willing to consider not pursuing there letter of contest. The County has requested that we prepare a letter describing the issues regarding the U -Haul as well as our plans for annexing unincorporated areas. Jim Fleischmann and I are preparing the letter for your signature and you should have it no later than Thursday morning. 4. I have discussed the situation with Mr. Roby, the Developer, and he understands the situation and that it will most likely be next week before we get an official response from Palm Beach County. As such, the four (4) items on the Agenda need to be postponed, and will be heard at the May 27, 2004 meeting. We can verify that all advertising requirements are fulfilled based on this time frame. If you have any questions, let me know. Cc: Council File