10-23-2003 Frazell to Roby_Proposed Annexation 9275 Alternate A1ATHE VILLAGE;OF
OCT 2003
PHONE (561) 691 -3440 - FAX (561) 626 -5869
October 23, 2003
Mr. Ed Roby
Al Capital L.L.C.
1285 North Harbor Drive
Singer Island, FL 33404
Re: Proposed Annexation
North Palm Storage
9275 Alternate AIA
Dear Mr. Roby;
This letter is intended to provide you with the steps required to accomplish the
development you propose. These steps are the standard way of processing this type of
project. In your request for review of rezoning you have proposed that the project be
brought into the Village as a C -3 Zoning. Upon review of the items submitted, staff
recommends that you rezone under Sec. 45 -34, Automotive Commercial District, (C -2)
with a text amendment to Sec. 45 -33 adding C -1 Neighborhood Commercial District to
the list of acceptable uses. The required steps are as follows;
1) Amend Comprehensive Plan per Code Sections;
21 -01. Comprehensive Plan- Adoption.
21 -1. Same - Filing fees and costs for changes.
2) Voluntary Annexation per Code Section;
21 -2. Filing fees and costs for voluntary annexation of land.
3) Zoning Text Amendment
4) Re- Zoning
5) Commercial Planned Unit Development (CPUD).
45 -35.1
All of the items listed can start through the approval process simultaneously or the
first (4) items can be processed prior to the CPUD. The steps require Public Hearings,
Review and Approval by the Planning Commission and Village Council approval. There
is a required deposit for the Village Planner, Village Engineer and Advertising. The
balance of the deposits will be refunded with a Full Cost of Accounting when the project
is complete.
You have submitted a package for site plan approval of the (CPUD). This will be
taken to the Planning Commission as Preliminary Approval on November 4, 2003. Final
approval cannot be applied for until the remaining setups are applied for and processed.
Final approval of the (CPUD) and the other final approval of the remaining required steps
can be simultaneous.
We are in receipt of the annexation agreement and have forwarded it to Mr.
Baldwin, Village Attorney. He has stated and recommends that the Village does not
enter into this agreement for the following. reasons;
1) The agreement would circumvent , the usual process of the Village in
annexation with rezoning.
2) The agreement does not appear to be in compliance with statutory
requirements for a development agreement.
3) The Village would be agreeing to annexation and rezoning with the right of
the Developer to seek specific performance.
The Village finds your project interesting and important and will work with you
throughout the process. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at
(561) 691 -3440.
l/` c
Kristine A. Frazell, P.E.
Director of Public Services
Enclosure (s)
cc: Doug Smith, Acting Village Manager
Village Council
George Baldwin, Village Attorney
Sec. 21.01. Comprehensive plan Adoption.
Pursuant to the provisions of the "Local Gov-
ernment Comprehensive Planning and Land De-
velopment Regulation Act," F.S. section 163.161
et seq., the village hereby adopts the comprehen-
sive plan of the village. A copy of the comprehen-
sive plan of the village is attached to Ordinance
No. 23 -89 and made a part thereof as exhibit A.
(Ord. No. 23 -89, § 1, 11 -9 -89)
Editor's note — Ordinance No. 23 -89, adopted Nov 9,
1989, specifically amend this Code; hence, inclusion of § 1 as
§ 21 -01 was at the discretion of the editor. Exhibit A is not
printed herein, but is on file and available for reference in the
office of the village clerk.
Sec. 21 -1. Same — Filing fees and costs for
(a) Enactment and authority. Pursuant to F.S.
chapter 163, the village does hereby ordain and
enact into law these additional requirements for
amendments to the village comprehensive plan.
(b) Jurisdiction. These regulations shall gov-
ern all petitions to amend the village comprehen-
sive plan.
(c) Fees, application. All petitions to amend
the village comprehensive plan shall be done by
application to the village council. The application
to the village council may be made by any owner
of property located within the village. Such appli-
cation shall be filed with the building department
of the village, which shall transmit the same,
together with all legal descriptions, ownership
information, requested change to the comprehen-
sive plan, etc., to the village council. Any such
application must be accompanied by a filing fee of
three hundred dollars ($300.00) together with a
deposit of the estimated costs of the village in
processing the application. Upon the village de-
termining the actual costs, applicants shall pay
the balance, if any, in full of such costs including
advertising and cost of review by the village
engineer prior to final consideration of the appli-
cation. If the deposit exceeds actual costs, the
balance shall be refunded to applicant.
Supp. No. 22
(d) Advice of planning commission. Prior to
considering an amendment to the comprehensive
plan of the village, the village council shall seek
the advice of the planning commission ' of the
(Ord. No. 18 -87, § 1, 11- 12 -87; Ord. No. 06 -2001,
§ 2, 3- 22 -01)
Editor's note — Ordinance No. 4 -86, § 1, adopted April 24,
1986, repealed former § 21 -1 which pertained to the intent to
proceed under state regulations and derived from Ord. No.
6 -77, adopted April 28, 1977. Subsequently, § 1 of Ord. No.
18-87, adopted Nov 12, 1987, purported to amend the Code by
adding thereto a new Ch. 41, §§ 41 -1 -41-4. For purposes of
classification the editor, at his discretion, has redesignated the
substantive provisions of the ordinance as § 21 -1.
Sec. 21.2. Filing fees and costs for volun-
tary annexation of land.
(a) Enactment and authority. Pursuant to F.S.
chapter 170, the village does hereby ordain and
enact into law these additional requirements for
(b) Jurisdiction. These regulations shall gov-
ern all voluntary annexation of lands into the
corporate limits of North Palm Beach hereafter.
(c) Fees; application. All applications for vol-
untary annexation of land to the village shall be
done by application to the village council. The
application to the village council may be made by
any property owner of property contiguous to the
village. Such application shall be filed with the
building department of the village, which shall
transmit the same, together with all legal descrip-
tions, ownership information, etc., to the village
council. Any such application must be accompa-
nied by a filing fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00)
together with a deposit of the estimated costs of
the village in processing the application. Upon
the village determining the actual costs, appli-
cants shall pay the balance, if any, in full of such
costs including advertising and cost of review by
the village engineer prior to final consideration of
the application. If the deposit exceeds actual
costs, the balance shall be refunded to applicant.
§ 21 -2
(d) Advice of planning commission. Prior to
annexation, the village council shall seek the
advice of the planning commission of the village
as to the proposed annexation.
(Ord. No. 19 -87, § 1, 11- 12 -87; Ord. No. 06 -2001,
§ 3, 3- 22 -01)
Editor's note — Section 1 of Ord. No. 19-87, adopted Nov
12, 1987, purported to amend the Code by adding thereto a
new Ch. 40, §§ 40 -1 -40-4. For purposes of classification, the
editor, at his discretion, has redesignated the substantive
provisions of the ordinance as § 21 -2.
Secs. 21.3 - 21.10. Reserved.
Sec. 21 -11. Composition; conduct .generally.
(a) Created. A planning commission for the
village is hereby created.
(b) Membership.
(1) Terms; vacancies; alternate members. The
planning commission shall consist of five
(5) members who shall serve for two -year
terms and two (2) alternates who shall
serve for one -year terms. At the first ap-
pointment of members to the planning
commission, three (3) regular members
shall be appointed for a term of two (2)
years, two (2) regular members shall be
appointed for a term of one (1) year, and
thereafter each appointment shall be for
two -year terms. All terms shall take effect
on the first day of May of each year.
Alternate members of the commission shall
be appointed on the same day that regu-
lar members are appointed. The planning
commission shall consist of one (1) land
use planner or architect, one (1) architect,
one (1) civil engineer, one (1) person en-
'Editor's note — Article II, §§ 21 -11, 21 -12, was included
at the editor's discretion, being derived from Ord. No. 6 -77, § 2,
adopted April 28, 1977, and Ord. No. 4 -78, § 2, enacted Mar.
23, 1978. Section 1 of Ord. No. 4-78 repealed former § 21 -1,
pertaining to the designation of the local planning agency,
derived from Ord. No. 9 -76, § 1, adopted May 27, 1976.
Cross reference —Duties and powers ofplanniag commis-
sion concerning appearance code, § 6-36.
State law reference —Local government comprehensive
planning and land development regulation act, F.S. § 163.3161
et seq.
Supp. No. 22 1346
gaged in business within the corporate
limits of the village, and a fifth member
who need not be engaged in any particu-
lar business or profession. All vacancies
on the planning commission shall be filled
within thirty (30) days so as to maintain
the composition of the commission as set
forth above. Alternate members of the
planning commission shall be appointed
as first alternate and second alternate
and shall serve in that order when neces-
sary. The members shall serve at the
pleasure of the village council.
(2) Chairman, quorum; compensation. The
members of the planning commission shall
elect a chairman from among its mem-
bers. The presence of three (3) or more
members shall constitute a quorum of the
planning commission. The members shall
serve without compensation.
(c) Meetings. The planning commission shall
meet At least once each month on a date to be
determined by the planning commission.
(d) Powers, duties. The planning commission
shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Perform any duties which lawfully may
be assigned to it by the village council.
(2) Perform any other duties which may be
assigned to it under this Code.
(3) The planning commission of the village is
hereby designated as the governmental
entity to act as the "local planning agen-
cy" in accordance with chapter 163, Flor-
ida Statutes.
(e) Removal. If a member of the advisory board
or a designated alternate of the board is absent
from three (3) regularly - scheduled meetings of
the board within any twelve (12) consecutive
month period without such absence being excused
by majority vote of the board, the chairman of the
board shall promptly notify the village council.
The council may thereafter declare the member's
office vacant and promptly fill such vacancy for
the unexpired term of office.
(Ord. No. 6 -77, § 2, 4- 28 -77; Ord. No. 4-86, § 2,
4- 24 -86; Ord. No. 18 -2001, § 5, 6- 28 -01)
6. The parking lot shall not have access from
a more restrictive zoning district.
7. No parking shall be permitted in the first
ten (10) feet of the required front yard
depth, measured from the front property
line or the first ten (10) feet of a side or
rear yard when the side or rear yard
abuts a residential zoning district, except
as modified in paragraph 4 above. The
restriction against parking in the first ten
(10) feet of the required front yard depth
measured from the front property line
shall not apply to those properties which
have complied in full with the landscap-
ing provisions of Chapter 41 -16 through
41 -25 [chapter 27, article III] both inclu-
8. Clearly defined driveways entering on U.S.
[Highway No.] 1 shall be constructed us-
ing a raised curb of at least six (6) inches
in height to delineate the driveways. All
streets intersecting with U.S. [Highway
No.] 1, currently designed driveways shall
be constructed using both concrete button
markers of at least four (4) inches in
height placed twenty -four (24) inches apart
to delineate the driveways. Such drive-
ways shall have separate ingress and
egress lanes not to exceed twenty (20) feet
in width, exclusive of curb returns.
The ingress and egress driveways shall
be separated by [a] six -inch raised curb
island of not less than three (3) feet in
width and ten (10) feet in depth back from
the right -of -way. Driveways for two (2)
adjacent, separately owned parcels may
be located on their joint property line. In
all cases, driveways may not be located
closer than forty (40) feet to an intersec-
tion. Except in cases where driveways are
located on joint property lines, all drive-
ways must be not less than twenty -five
(25) feet from the adjacent property line.
Only one (1) such combined driveway shall
be permitted for each lot with a width of
one hundred (100) feet or less.
9. The rear yard of all lots in the C -1A
district shall be designed and improved to
Su&. No. 18 2493
facilitate loading and unloading. There
shall be adequate space for standing, load-
ing and unloading services to avoid undue
interference with public use of streets or
I. Time -share structures, floor area. In time-
share structures, each dwelling unit having one
(1) bedroom shall have a minimum floor area of
seven hundred fifty (750) square feet; an addi-
tional one hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor
area shall be required for each additional bed-
room provided.
J. Architecture. To provide the village with
harmonious development, but without undue re-
strictions, the following features are required:
1. All building fronts and sides must be
completely enclosed except for necessary
doorways for ingress and egress.
2. No canopies are permitted unless con-
structed of metal, or other permanent
materials and are installed parallel to the
store front sidewalks not less than nine
(9) feet above the sidewalk.
(Ord. No. 10 -72, § 1; Ord. No. 13 -72, 7- 13 -72; Ord.
No. 4 -73; Ord. No. 10 -73, § 6, 9- 13 -73; Ord. No.
22 -82, §§ 2, 3, 9, 12 -9 -82; Ord. No. 23 -90, § 2,
6- 28 -90; Ord. No. 46 -96, § 1, 12- 12 -96; Ord. No.
27 -99, §§ 1, 2, 8- 12 -99)
Editor's note — Section 45 -31(K) entitled "Signs" was re-
pealed by Ord. No. 13 -72 enacted July 13, 1972. Sign regula-
tions can be found in Chapter 6, Article V, of this Code.
Sec. 45 -31.1. CB commercial district.
A. General description. This tourist- commer-
cial district is established to provide areas within
which the principal use of land is devoted to
commercial establishments and tourist - oriented
trade. The intent is to reserve lands which, be-
cause of particular location and natural features,
are adapted to local and tourist uses, and to
encourage the development of these locations for
such uses and in such manner as to minimize
traffic hazards and interference with other land
B. Uses permitted. The following uses are per-
mitted in the CB commercial district:
1. Reserved.
Restaurants and cocktail lounges where
3. No manufacturing or production of prod -
food and drink may be consumed on the
ucts for retail or wholesale will be permit -
premises only and where eating and serv-
ing areas are entirely contained within
the building or the premises otherwise
D. Building height regulations. No building or
qualify under outdoor seating provisions
structure shall exceed two (2) stories or twenty -
of Appendix C— Zoning, not including
five (25) feet. Elevator towers and mechanical
drive -in hamburger, ice cream, soft drink
apparatus are not restricted to the twenty -five-
or other drive -in and/or carry -out eating
foot limit.
Financial institutions.
E. Building site area regulations:
Professional offices.
I. Minimum building lot size. The minimum
lot of building site area for each commer-
cial building shall be fifty thousand (50,000)
Personal service establishments, such as
square feet and have a width of not less
barbershops, beauty shops and health sa-
than two hundred fifty (250) feet mea-
sured at the front and rear lot lines and at
Florist shops.
the front building line.
2. Maximum lot coverage. Main and acces-
sory buildings shall cover no more than
Stationery stores, bookstores and/or art
thirty -five (35) percent of the total lot
supply shops.
Pharmacies or apothecaries.
3. Minimum lot coverage. No main and ac-
Photographic studios and camera shops.
cessory buildings shall be constructed that
would occupy less than ten (10) percent of
Sporting goods stores.
the total lot area or five thousand (5,000)
Personal gift shops.
square feet, whichever is greater.
Jewelry stores.
F. Yards.
Bakery shop, retail.
[l.] Front yards. All buildings facing U.S.
Candy shop, retail.
[Highway No.] 1 shall set back from the
Cigar /tobacco shop.
right -of -way to provide a front yard of not
less than twenty -five (25) feet. All build -
ings shall [be] set back from the right -of-
Shoe repair 'shop.
way of streets which intersect with U.S.
[Highway No.] 1 providing a yard of not
Tailor shop.
less than twenty -five (25) feet.
C. Conditions for permitted uses:
[2•1 Side yards. All buildings one (1) or two (2)
All activities (except restaurants that qual-
stories in height or less than twenty -five
ify under outdoor seating provisions of
(25) feet in height shall have a combined
Appendix C— Zoning), sales and storage
side yard minimum width of forty (40) feet.
of goods must be conducted entirely within
completely enclosed buildings with perma-
Zero side yard setbacks are permitted
nent nonmoving outside walls.
provided all other requirements of this
No outside sidewalk or parking lot stor-
section are complied with.
age [or] display of merchandise will be
[3.] Rear yard. All buildings less than twenty -
five (25) feet in height or two (2) stories in
Supp. No. 18 2494
height shall be set back from the rear lot
line so as to provide a rear yard of not less
than thirty (30) feet.
G. Off-street parking and loading regulations.
1. Any area once designated as required
off - street parking shall not be changed to
any other use unless and until equal fa-
cilities are provided elsewhere.
2. Off - street parking existing at the effective
date of these regulations in connection
with the operation of an existing building
or use shall not be reduced to an amount
less than hereinafter required for a simi-
lar new building or use.
3. Two (2) or more buildings or uses may
collectively provide the required off - street
parking, in which case the required num-
ber of parking spaces shall not be less
than the sum of the requirements for the
several individual uses computed sepa-
4. The required off - street parking shall be
for occupants, employees, visitors, pa-
trons, and shall be limited in use to motor
vehicles. The storage of merchandise, mo-
tor vehicles for sale or the repair of vehi-
cles is prohibited.
Table of Parking Spaces Required
Table of Parking
Spaces Required
Banks, business or professional offices excluding One (1) per three hundred (300) square feet of
doctors and dentists usable floor area, plus one (1) per each three (3)
Barbershop or beauty shop
Restaurants and cocktail lounges where food and
drink may be consumed on the premises only and
where eating and serving areas are entirely con-
tained within the building, not including drive -in
hamburger, ice cream, soft drink or other drive -in
and/or carry -out eating establishments
Hotels, motels and tourist courts
Stipp. No. 18
Two (2) per barber or three (3) per beautician based
on the design capacity of the structure.
One (1) per four (4) seats; or one (1) per thirty (30)
square feet of usable floor area of auditorium,
whichever is greater.
One (1) space for each seventy -five (75) square feet
of area devoted to patron use, or one (1) space
per three (3) fixed seats, whichever is the greater,
plus one (1) space for each one and one -half (11/2)
projected employees who would be actually work-
ing during peak employment hours.
Three (3) spaces, plus an additional space for each
guest bedroom, plus an additional space for each
fifteen (15) rooms or portions thereof. For exam-
ple, a fifteen -room motel would need nineteen
(19) parking spaces.
§ 45 -31.1
Table of Parking
Spaces Required
Medical and dental clinics; doctors and dentists One (1) space for each one hundred fifty (150)
offices square feet of floor area up to three thousand
(3,000); one (1) additional .space for each addi-
tional two hundred (200) square feet up to five
thousand (5,000); one (1) additional space for
each additional two hundred fifty (250) square
feet over five thousand (5,000).
Retail stores and personal service establishments,
except as otherwise specified herein
Time -share units
Supp. No. 18 2496
One (1) per two hundred (200) square feet of retail
floor space.
Off-street parking regulations. For each time -
share unit structure, there shall be provided two
(2) or more parking spaces of two hundred (200)
square feet each, in accordance with the follow-
ing formula: Two (2) such spaces shall be pro-
vided for each dwelling unit containing not more
than two (2) bedrooms, and two and one -half
(21/2) of such spaces shall be provided for each
dwelling unit containing three (3) or more bed-
rooms,. with the provision that for an uneven
number of units, the fractional space result
produced by the application of such formula
shall count as a full space; provided, however,
that in multiple- family dwellings containing more
than thirty (30) dwellings units, for each dwell-
ing unit in excess of thirty (30) units and up to
sixty (60) units one (1) such space shall be
provided for each dwelling unit containing not
more than two (2) bedrooms, and for each dwell-
ing unit in excess of sixty (60) dwelling units one
and one -half (11/2) such spaces shall be provided
for each dwelling unit containing not more than
two (2) bedrooms, and two and one -half (21/2) of
such spaces shall be provided for each dwelling
unit containing three (3) or more bedrooms, with
the provision that for an uneven number of
units, the fractional space result produced by
the application of such formula shall count as a
full space (For example: Thirty (30) dwellings
units containing two (2) bedrooms each shall
require sixty (60) off - street parking spaces; sixty
(60) dwelling units containing two (2) bedrooms
§ 45 -31
Building lots containing five (5) or more stores, or
fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of building,
Vetdrinary establishments
H. Off - street parking lot layout, construction
and maintenance. Whenever the required off -
street parking requires the building of a parking
lot, and wherever a parking lot is built, such
parking lot shall be laid out, constructed and
maintained in accordance with the following reg-
Each parking space shall be not less than
two hundred (200) square feet in area and
shall be a definitely designated and marked
stall adequate for one (1) motor vehicle.
All areas devoted to permanent off - street
parking as required under this section
shall be built in accordance with specifi-
cations for streets and .parking of the
Village of North Palm Beach and main-
tained in such manner that no dust will
result from continuous use.
3. The parking lot shall be drained to elim-
inate surface water.
4. Where parking lot abuts a residential
district which has common frontage in the
same block with the parking lot, there
shall be established a setback line of twen-
ty -five (25) feet from the street lot line for
the first twenty -five (25) feet from the
residential zone.
supp. No. 21
Table of Parking
Spaces Required
each shall require ninety (90) off - street parking
spaces; and ninety (90) dwelling units contain-
ing two (2) bedrooms each shall require one
hundred thirty -five (135) off - street parking spac-
There shall be a ratio of four (4) square feet of
parking (including driveways required for in-
gress and egress and circulation) to each one (1)
square foot of retail floor space.
Five (5) spaces per veterinarian based on the
maximum design capacity of the facility, or five
(5) spaces for every four hundred (400) square
feet of usable floor space, whichever is greater.
5. Plans for the layout of a parking lot must
be approved by the village engineer based
on design standards approved by the In-
stitute of Traffic Engineers.
6. The parking lot shall not have access from
a more restrictive zoning district.
7. No parking shall be permitted in the front
yard or the side yard.
I. Time -share structures; floor area. In time-
share structures, each dwelling unit having one
(1) bedroom shall have a minimum floor area of
seven hundred fifty (750) square feet; an addi-
tional one hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor
area shall be required for each additional bed-
room provided.
J. Architecture. To provide the village with
harmonious development, but without undue re-
strictions, the following features are required:
1. All building fronts and sides must be
completely enclosed except for necessary
doorways for ingress and egress.
2. No canopies are permitted unless con-
structed of metal or other permanent ma-
terials and [unless the canopies] are in-
stalled parallel to the store front sidewalks
b. For each one and one -half (1'/2) des -
not less than nine (9) feet above the side-
ignated boat storage spaces con -
(Ord. No. 10 -73, § 6, 9- 13 -73; Ord. No. 1 -78, § 1,
nected with wet boat storage facili-
ties, there shall be provided one (1)
2 -9 -78; Ord. No. 22 -82, §§ 4,5,9,12-9-82; Ord. No.
two hundred - square -foot parking
15 -84, § 2, 7- 12 -84; Ord. No. 47 -96, § 1, 12- 12 -96;
Ord. No. 27 -99, §§ 3, 4, 8- 12 -99)
space, exclusive of workshop and of-
fice areas.
Sec. 45 -32. C- 1Alimited commercial district.
C. For each one hundred (100) square
feet of workshop floor area, there
A. Uses permitted. Within any C -IA limited
shall be provided one (1) two hundred -
commercial district, no building, structure, land
square -foot parking space, and for
or water shall be used, except for one (1) or more
each two hundred (200) square feet
of the following uses:
of workshop area above the first floor,
there shall be provided one (1) two
1. Reserved.
hundred- square -foot parking space.
2. Hotels, motels and time -share units.
d. For each three hundred (300) square
3. Restaurants other than drive -in restau-
feet of floor area used for office pur-
rants, including cocktail lounges.
poses, there shall be provided one (1)
two hundred - square -foot parking
4. Nursery and private schools.
5. Golf club and its accessory uses such as
e• All new marinas and major improve -
restaurant, bar, driving range and equip-
ments to existing marinas shall pro -
ment store.
vide sewage pump -out service to boats
6. Professional offices including real estate
seven (7) meters (twenty -two and
ninety -seven hundredths (22.97) feet)
offices, finance offices, medical and dental
in length or more.
clinics and the like, providing same are
architecturally and structurally in har-
B. Building height regulations. No main build -
mony with the spirit of the community.
ing shall exceed two (2) stories or thirty (30) feet
in height at the required front, rear and side
7. Marinas and their accessory uses such as
building lines. For structures in excess of two (2)
wet boat storage facilities, indoor dry boat
stories in height, five (5) feet shall be added to the
storage facilities, gasoline supplies and
required front, rear and side yards for each story
such minor repair facilities as are inciden-
added to the building in excess of two (2). No main
tal to boat storage and which do not
building, however, shall occupy more than thirty -
involve major boat and/or engine over -
five (35) percent of the site area so required.
haul, provided all facilities are architec-
turally and structurally in harmony with
C. Building site area regulations.
the spirit of the community. Provided fur -
1. For single- and multiple - family dwelling
ther that:
structures, the same as required in the
a. For each three thousand (3,000) cu-
R -1 and R -3 districts, respectively.
bic feet of designated boat storage
D. Yard space regulations.
space connected with indoor dry boat
storage facilities and for each five
1 Front yards.
hundred (500) square feet of indoor
(a) For main structures of two (2) sto-
retail boat display floor area, there
ries or less, there shall be a front
shall be provided one (1) two hundred-
yard of not less than fifty (50) feet
square -foot parking space, exclusive
measured from the street line to the
of workshop and office areas.
front line of the main building.
Supp. No. 21 2498
Sec. 21.01. Comprehensive plan Adoption.
Pursuant to the provisions of the "Local Gov-
ernment Comprehensive Planning and Land De-
velopment Regulation Act," F.S. section 163.161
et seq., the village hereby adopts the comprehen-
sive plan of the village. A copy of the comprehen-
sive plan of the village is attached to Ordinance
No. 23 -89 and made a part thereof as exhibit A.
(Ord. No. 23 -89, § 1, 11 -9 -89)
Editor's note — Ordinance No. 23-89, adopted Nov 9,
1989, specifically amend this Code; hence, inclusion of § 1 as
§ 21 -01 was at the discretion of the editor. Exhibit A is not
printed herein, but is on file and available for reference in the
office of the village clerk.
Sec. 21 -1. Same — Filing fees and costs for
(a) Enactment and authority. Pursuant to F.S.
chapter 163, the village does hereby ordain and
enact into law these additional requirements for
amendments to the village comprehensive plan.
(b) Jurisdiction. These regulations shall gov-
ern all petitions to amend the village comprehen-
sive plan.
(c) Fees, application. All petitions to amend
the village comprehensive plan shall be done by
application to the village council. The application
to the village council may be made by any owner
of property located within the village. Such appli-
cation shall be filed with the building department
of the village, which shall transmit the same,
together with all legal descriptions, ownership
information, requested change to the comprehen-
sive plan, etc., to the village council. Any such
application must be accompanied by a filing fee of
three hundred dollars ($300.00) together with a
deposit of the estimated costs of the village in
processing the application. Upon the village de-
termining the actual costs, applicants shall pay
the balance, if any, in full of such costs including
advertising and cost of review by the village
engineer prior to final consideration of the appli-
cation. If the deposit exceeds actual costs, the
balance shall be refunded to applicant.
Supp: No. 22
(d) Advice of planning commission. Prior to
considering an amendment to the comprehensive
plan of the village, the village council shall seek
the advice of the planning commission ' of the
(Ord. No. 18 -87, § 1, 11- 12 -87; Ord. No. 06 -2001,
§ 2, 3- 22 -01)
Editor's note — Ordinance No. 4 -86, § 1, adopted April 24,
1986, repealed former § 21 -1 which pertained to the intent to
Proceed under state regulations and derived from Ord. No.
6 -77, adopted April 28, 1977. Subsequently, § 1 of Ord. No.
18-87, adopted Nov. 12, 1987, purported to amend the Code by
adding thereto a new Ch. 41, §§ 41 -1 -41-4. For purposes of
classification the editor, at his discretion, has redesignated the
substantive provisions of the ordinance as § 21 -1.
Sec. 21.2. Filing fees and costs for volun-
tary annexation of land.
(a) Enactment and authority. Pursuant to F.S.
chapter 170, the village does hereby ordain and
enact into law these additional requirements for
(b) Jurisdiction. These regulations shall gov-
ern all voluntary annexation of .lands into the
corporate limits of North Palm Beach hereafter.
(c) Fees; application. All applications for vol-
untary annexation of land to the village shall be
done by application to the village council. The
application to the village council may be made by
any property owner of property contiguous to the
village. Such application shall be filed with the
building department of the village, which shall
transmit the same, together with all legal descrip-
tions, ownership information, etc., to the village
council. Any such application must be accompa-
nied by a filing fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00)
together with a deposit of the estimated costs of
the village in processing the application. Upon
the village determining the actual costs, appli-
cants shall pay the balance, if any, in full of such
costs including advertising and cost of review by
the village engineer prior to final consideration of
the application. If the deposit exceeds actual
costs, the balance shall be refunded to applicant.