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06-29-2004 Fleischmann to PBC_Alternate A1A Annexation
Jun,29. 2004 2:23PM LRM Lf km ZONING & URBAN PLANNING MARKET RESEARCH & ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS June 29, 2004 No,3617 P. 2 LAND RESEARCH MANAGEMENT, INC. 2240 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. • SUITE 103 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409 TEL: (561) 686 -2481 • FAX; 681 -1551 Lorenzo Aghemo, Director Palm Beach County Planning Division Palm Beach County Planning Zoning and Building Dept. 100 Australian Avenue, Fifth Floor West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: North Palm Store AIA Annexation (County Id. 200468 -001.) Dear Mr. Aghemo: CEI�T�D JON g 0 200 Regarding the above referenced annexation, the Village has received an application for voluntary annexation from the U -Maul property to its south (PCN: 00-43-17-00-000 - 7170), thus eliminating the County's basis for objection. Further, a Data Summary Sheet, addressing the U -Ilaul annexation has been forwarded to Kathy Chang of your staff. Copies of the Annexation Application and Data Summary Sheet are attached hereto. As we have met the County's directive of .having; a U -Haul property annexation application on file, adoption of the "North Patin Store A 1 A Annexation" has been scheduled to occur at the July 8, 2004 Village Council meeting. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact my office at the following number: (561) 6862481. Respectfully submitted, r es Y. rleischmann Village Planning Consultant Encl (2) cc Dennis Redmond, Village Manager Kristine Frarell, Village Public Services Director /,?/,o , I L,��, Py 3 Jun, 29. 2004L: 2:23PM 262 -LRMT FORD DETER No, 3611 P, 3E 02/03 Jund8. 2004 10:52AM` LRM NOAUB P, 2 e VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ZONING CHANGE APPLICATION Annexation (j Zoning Text Date Cr- la1 �L)4 [ 1 Rezoning j Sub- Dfvr- s ;nr�/PUa ] comprehensive P1sa Amerndme: This application must be completed and retumed with all required enclosures to be accepted by the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach. The application will then be referred to the Village Planning Commission and Village Staff for study and recommendations. Applicant (print) HcL,-,�-- Co F)rmc�c� , ►-�� Address 2 hit -i 57�p City teen State Zip Code 00`f Telephone t)2) :11403_4S_ Fax 60) Legal Description: Lot Block Plat Parcel Number rrrrraa�Ya• Ia4fw* arra�a. wwwarrar ...Ra�M4�At *rrw.ww.wwrr...... w *wwtisir..�... w' RtN�Y�Irw ww�srR1M *Mwtk�wwsiYS.r,rrtrwrew.st.� 1, Dimensions of area or acres covered by application. s-Orct-es. Ch- r 2. High and street boundaries or address 3. ng Classiftcation CC IUt° Requested Zoning Classification a, , e eny structures now located on the rt �.� �� • ���� vc�v -4.. tY i.cI�f wsa 'e a wt tys ? w..xarra.aa..r�awrxyrwaMSwww a»sa..war.rrraWw�w7Ywra...:. *ww •���` N � � *h�7 ♦11M1r www.►Rwwwwkwwwwrtra ►yhwww rr + *RMW.Iraiw4 a The following enclosures are of proposed layout. submitted to complete this Site Plant Application for Public Hearing: m (j (J Building plans of structures 10 be erected. t i Cenillet! survey of area, I I Tcnlallve SubZlvision plat. t I Two sketches showing all properly owners within Soo ft, of the properly Covered by this Application. j J List of names and mailing addresses of property owners and legal description or properly within 300 ft. of the properly COMOd by this Application. State source used to secure same: Fee of44@M ( as required by Ordinance No. 185 -68 in cash or check drawn to the order "Village of North Palm Beach." SEE NOTE "A" Attach notarised affidavit of owner authorizing appiicant to submit Application for Public Hearing. The information above and contained on the enclosures is accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge. The Village may rely on said inforri-tation in p nsidering the Application, 2 Applicant's g ature NOTE "A" Sub- pivisi©rt and PUD application fees are in addition to the $A40W application fee required by Ordinance No, 165 -68 Jun,29, 2004 2:24PM LRM Municipality: Annexation Name: Size: No-3617 P- 4 Data Summary Sheet Village of North Palm Beach Name: U Haul of Florida, Inc. 0.95 acres Location: West side of Alternate A -1 -A, 0.5 miles north of Northlake Blvd, First Reading: September 23, 2004 at 7:30 Village Council meeting (estimate) Second Reading: October 14, 2004 at 7:30 Village Council meeting (estimate) Annexation type: Voluntary Parcel Control Number: 00- 43- 42- 17 -00- 000 -7170 Existing Use: Current FLU Designation. Current Zoning District: Proposed FLU Designation: Proposed Zoning District: Proposed Development: Ordinance Number: Adoption bate: U Haul rental facility CH /5 CG/SE Commercial C2 - Automotive Commercial Retain existing use To be determined October 14, 2004 (estimate)