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06-30-2004 Frazell to Council_UHaul Annexation
r JUN ,q 2004 Memorandum To: Village Council From: Kristine Frazell — Public Services Director Date: June 30, 2004 Re: U -Haul Annexation Attached is a copy of the signed U -Haul annexation application for your information. Also enclosed is a copy of Jim Fleischmann's letter to Palm Beach County regarding this annexation. Based on conversations with the County we do not anticipate any further issues with the County regarding the U -Haul or the North Palm Storage annexation. Staff is in the process of setting up a Special Planning Commission meeting for the North Palm Storage site plan on July 12, 2004 and we are moving forward with the process of annexing U- Haul. If you require additional information, let me know. Cc: Dennis Redmond — Village Manager — w /attachment File 1 Jun-29. 2004 2:17PM LRM L EM lkA Fkm ZONING & URBAN PLANNING MARKET RESEARCH & ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS June 29, 2004 No,2615 P. 2/4 LAND RESEARCH MANAGEMENT, INC. 2240 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. - SUITE 103 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409 TEL; (561) 686.2481 + FAX; 681 -1551 Lorenzo Aghemo, Director Palm Beach County Planning Division Palm Beach County Planuiug Zoning; and Building Dept. 100 Australian Avenue, Fifth Floor West. Palm Beach, FL 33406 Res North Palm Store A1A Annexation (County Id. 2004 -68 -001) Dear Mr. Aghemo: Regarding the above referenced annexation, the Village has received an application for voluntary annexation from the U -Haul property to its south (PCN: 00-43-X7-00-000 - 7170), thus eliminating the County's basis For objection. Further, a Data Summary Sheet, addressing the U -Maul annexaation has been lorwarded to Kathy Chang of your staff. Copies of the Annexation Application and Data Summary Sheet are attached hereto. As we have met the County's directive of having a U -Haul property annexation application on file, adoption of the "North Palm Store A1A Annexation" has been scheduled to occur at the July 8, 2004 Village Council meeting. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact my office at the following number: (561) 686 -2481. Respectfully submitted, J cs 71�- leischmann Village Planning Consultant Encl (21) cc Dennis Redmond, Village Manager Kristi>1e Frazell, Village Public Services Director Jun.14. ZUU4 IU:24AM LKM No.3bl3 N. 1 LAND RESEARCH MANAGEMENT, Inc. 2240 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 103 West palm Beach. FL 33409 Tel: (561)686 -481; Fax: (561) 681-1551 To: KfkS-n 4 4L From: t r Date: (01� t•, MEMORANDUM Jim Ficischmann Vice President Ju4. 2UU4 IU:24AM LRM No.3513 N. 2 Jun- -- o.2 „, .IVill ,,,)AMEK.vv REAL ESTATE 2000 002- 277 -5924 T -055 r.uuii011 r -04 AMEERCO REAL ESTATE COMPANY, a Nevada Corporation Suite 50o, Clletyl Colbcm 27771~1, Central Avenue timer Dial: (602) 263 -6155 Phosnix, Arizona 85004 E -Mail: c Colbertfo.uhaul.com Tal: (800) 528 -0463 www.uhaul.com 1 ax: (602) 277 -5824 PA.CSIMILE TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION The information conmincd in this facsimile telephone uansmission is intended only for the use 0f the individual or eerily named below and eommins information whirr may br privileged tend confidential_ if the reader of this facsimile telephone Transmission is not the inTendcd recipient, or The ptimn responsible for delivering The fteMmile telephone transmission to the intended recipi0nt, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this facsimile telephone rransraission or irs eommn" is strictly prohibired- If you have received this facsimile telephone transmission in error, please notify us immcdiately by telephone and return the original f.Ac9imile telephone transmission to us at The above address. 'Thank you_ TO: FAX NE.IMBPR: DATE: FROM. NI. MBR OF PAGES (including this page): Mr. Fleischn m 561- 681-1561 June 23, 200.4 Cheryl Culbert If you have ;any problems receiving this mmnw fission, call: Cheryl Colbert (602) 263 -6555 Annexation Application Best regards, Cheryl Colbert Amerce Real Estate Company -1- Jun.J u D . 'L 4 . Z U U 4� I U 14A9 P '1 MUL J REAL ESTATE 2000 -2i %5824 82 Jan .16. 2004 10 :52AM LRM Ivo.3ails iJ. t ti y VILLAGE OF NORTH PAW BEACH ZONING CHANGE AP'PLICA110N [�'� Arutexation note Gi J,).1 � o%4 C i Rezoning [ i Sdb- Aivisi�rn�(,lG U ' comprehr tutve Flea Amemdw this application must be Qompietad and retumed with all required arialostires to be =opted by the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, The application will them be referred to the Village planning Commission and Village Staff for study and recommendations. Applicant (print) H • cf F)0n ,o..,Tr,,e_ Address V� . � " SLUb City r k ts n _ ._ state Zip Code 00't Telephone 00) 0 3 - r# SS' Fax () a rP 'rt Legal Description: Lot �.. Block .4 ; flat Parcel Number 06-6 V<-17-00 _... -600 - 7J I C Aft. QiY�ew-. + r+ �.* R�Hr�a�. ��rrt+. rMMira *A��ere����s+r4N•h*_►r.e�t�w nn'RRwIH���#s�.Rr�e�e�er � '� 1. b MM5iens of MS or acres covered by UPPO tidn, VAIN � 2. Highwa and street boundaries dr address — s 3. Exrst�ng rung ctassihcauon Q;7 l 1r4 Requested d 7�nittg Clssstfication 4, , e,any strpctures now located do the !ty? if $o wh tY ens} f C'AZUZZA f P *�+hww��a.�wr�lY4�+•F +� *11** taw►. r�rs��� ►.Mt4asf�r.at/tMAi�iyiii,4ipw/M I�v�.r•r��s�wwYw.�•,.MMYR �. �SSwirl Thg following enclosures are submitted to rornpiete this Application for Public Hearing= I i Site Plan of proposed layout [ 1 Building plans of structures to be erectea_ [ 1 ceniriad survey of area. j j 'rentstive Sub - Division plat. l j Twa sketches showing ap properly owners within ado ft, of the pmpMy coveared by this Apprtimliart, [ W(ai names and malting addresses of property owners and legal desctiptidn of PMperty vrlthiri 300 ft_ of the property covered by ibis Application, State saurce•usea to secure same: Fes of4*WV5t, t as required by Ordinance Na_ 185-68 in cash or check drawn tO the order "Village of North halm Beach." SEE NOTE "A" {attach notarized affidavit of avatar autjlorizing applicant to su4rnit Application for Public Hearing. The information above and cantainad on the enclosures is accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge. The Village may rely on said inforniatlon in COnSidering the Application, Applicant's g Lure NOTE "A" Sub - Division and PUD application fQos are in addition to the SMIDW application fee required by Ordinance No. 185-68 uo 24.1UU4 U Jun• 24AM. LKM No.3513 P. 4 -i A ERL,,. o,) REAL ESTATE 2000 602 -277 -5824 T -055 r.uua1011 r -og2 JUII•IU• LUUT 1u•ur.nM %mv CONSENT STATEMENT Owner To Complete if Using An Agent UWP, the aforementioned owner(s), do hereby give Consent to to act on my lour behalf to submit this applioatio7n, all required material and documents, and attand and represent me/us at an meetings and public hearings pertaining to this request(s) and proipedy owe own deWbW in the attached appGc ation. Furthermore, as owner(s) of the subject property, llwe hereby give eonsent to the party designated above to agree to all terms or Conditions that may arise as part of the approval of this application for the propa"d use; Signature(s) of P trt Names} GrP, 'Wr STATE O F d r. o4 CIOUNTY 4I 22 .tzl a_ NOTARY Tire foregoing instrumaht was acknowledged before me tuts _ day of ikisle 2004 by �o� P � /�� . Melsha is Person* known to me or has produced As identfictation artd did/did not tale ;qn oath. fr f ,.-- My Commission xpirres:� a (Signs of Nagy) (NOTARY'S SSAL OR STAMP) (Narr(d -Must be typed, printed or stamped) MAAeJ AkRET BARDEN N try Public - Arizona MARiOCIPA COUNTY My commission Expires " NCVEM$Eft 20, 2007 e S t i t Jun -J u n- 'L 4. 'L U U 4 I U: '14AM1 AMER(L H M REAL ESTATE 2000 002-27r -5624 T -00 D S U! 1011 UJ2 jt;A.18. 14041012AM A.M NU'dj10 1, c S VILI-AOI: OF NORTH PALM BEACH ZONING CHANGE APPLICATION Date fl [I Annexation t ] Zating Text is J, sub- DivixionlPLtCI i 3 ; Catnprehehsive Plan Azendut This application must be uumpleted and returned with all required enclosures to be acaeptad by the Village Ocuncli of the Village of North Palm Beach, The application wiif then be referred to the Village Planning Commission and Village Staff for study and recommendations, Applicant (print) iL,+a4aA_1 C6. 6� F) w 4o- Tv-L c Addres Ste, City cam, State � zip Code Ooi-r. Telephone ,� �iQ3 -u b � Pax {662} Legal Description: Lot � Block ; Piat _ Parcel Number --Ot ` - a .1. DitnenQns of dreaa or acr4s covered by apprication. 2, Highway and street boundaries or address _ r i 3- Existing Zoning classifcatien on /i�;� Requested Zoning ciasslRcation a, , re,en 51ructures now located ah. arty? if so, what a j� U-" L tsp S `+ *Q- Q —. ,Y�►a \.+►.:...w.w1.i.N++YWwiM-- Aa- .tff- -7aF+Ar►�.,►*+raw+P. tt►e fatlowirtg ertClastttes afe subrrt!Mu xQ caaraptete this Application tQr Pub lid Hearing: (j site Plan of proposed layout, I j Building plans of stniCtures to toe eratled, [ 1 ceftified suNey of atea, { ] Teniative Sob- OlviSion plat. (] Twd Sketches showing Silt property owners withirt 300 fl, of the pmpedy covered by this Application. f j List of names and malting addresses orpmparty owners and legal description of properly within 300 ft_ of the progeny cvverea by this Application. State sauroe used to secure same; Fee of '1t7, t as required by Ordinance No_ 165 -65 in rash or check drawn to the order "Village of North Palm i3each." SEE NOTE "A" Attach notarizeri affidavit of owner authorizing applicant to submit Application for Public Wearing, 'rile !r1f0rm21i0r7 above and contained on the enclosures is accurate and correct to the nest of my knowiecige, The Village may rely on said information in considering the Application, Appliaanfs Sign re NOT9 "A" Sub- Division and PUD application fees are in addition to the SAQ=N appiication fee requireo by Ordinance No. 185-68 Jun -J U 0 . 24 . Z U U 41 1 U : Z4 AM,) AWRIL ItM1 REAL ESTATE 2000 602 -277 -5824 T-00 0 . S b ! ;i1011 N . 632 06/21/004 1145 bZ.i4 _ 14 P, 4 2, I U IKM CONSENT STATEMENT owpor To Complete tit 1J ng An At„ path UWe, the aforementioned o mer(s), do hereby give t ortsent tb to act on Mylour behatf to Submit this app{ication, all required material and docummrrts, and attend and represent metus at all meetings oral public haarings pertaining to the request(s) and prafp wty I/We own descnIAd in the attached appliedon. Voarthermore, as owner(s) of tha submit property, IW hereby give oorsent to the party designated above to agme to all terms or condibans that may arise as part of the approval of this application for the proposed use Signatures) of Print Name(s) Cc i STATE OF A` e4-r COLIM Y OF ,dkt-,, NOTARY ��Cx� The foregoing in strum nt was acknowkWgW. before me #.hi day of adt 4 by 1a He /she is personalty known to me or has pr iac d As ideWiwtion and did/did net take an oath. MtrCnmrrlils sionF-xpar+es' tr1; (Signs re of Notary) 4, �, (NOTARY'S SEAL OR STAMP) (Name Must be typed, pAnited or stamped) - -- }: MARGARET BAR©EN _ Notary Public - Arizona MARIGOFIA CCIUNTY My Commission Exphes NtV@MBER� 2�7 Jun -J U D , 'L4 , Z U U 41 I U : NAME) AMEp, .i j REAL ESTATE 2000 JuR,1 8- 2004 10:52 AM LRM it 1�1y { 602 -2TT- 5624 T -00 D• i B 1;1'01 i N -u82 110,4010 r - L VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM 13EACH ZONING CHANCE APPLICATION Date i) Annexation j Zoning Text [ ] Rezoning �+pffipehe[tltre Ply .A -mrmdm This application must be completed and ratumed with all required anclosures to be a ptW try the Village CWncil of the Village of North Palm Beach. The application viii then be referred to the Village Planning Commission and Village Staff for Study and recommendations. Applicant (print) L 1►... w�+ i.4- ;:T-r,C. , Address S City state J217, Zip Code 19 $-o Oq Telephone JA Fax 6o2 Z1-5 _3 4 Legal Description: Lot Block,: Plat number Q6--' = , -- )1- 00--0M "J7 r�. ��... rYrr�. K... rr�� +R�.wwf�.....,.tte���lt�bts��. awn. wo�Nr+. YM�i• rea+. wA'*.. m.. �M+- s�+wR.�.i�rt- +.+wYR.7�++`+. t. Dimanalons a( area of arms covered by application. , .J C L, -r*Lr c-r s, Z. Highway artcf street Wundarie4 or address �T s Bxisirng Zoning i- J W Requested ,riding classificatlan 4-1 e arty structures now Located o the perty? If so. what ty {s ? [3, k tj axr�J ( t..-6I�Ls The following enclosures are Submitted to complete this Application for Public Hearing-, I 1 Site Platt of proposed layout, (l Suildih9 plans at stn iCtures to be ef,ected. 1 i certil -100 survey of area. t I Tentative Sub- 010sion plat. i l Two skelMeS ahowtng alt property owners within Sop ft, of the proporty covered by this Apptic allan, List of namos and malling addresses orpmparty owners and k0l description of property withlrt 300 A, Of the property COVered by tttls Application- State source used to secure same: Fee of, 170, aS required by Ordinance Nc. 185 -58 in cash or check drawn to the ord8r "Village of North Palm Seach." SEE NOTE 'A't Attach notarized affidavit of owner authorizing applicant to submit Application for Public hearing. The information above and contained on the enclosures is accurate and correct icy the best of my knowledge, The Village may rely on said info nation in considehng the Applic46on. Applicant's 8ignatur NOTE "A" Sud- Divi$icn and PUP application fees are in addition to the $AdCM application fee required by Ordinance No. 185,68 JumJ U it • L4 • L U U 41 I U ; L OAM;l AWRL KM) REAL ESTATE 2000 N O 'J� N r 82 41 U II - IYI LYYT IY'Y411H. w..... +f'ONSI:NT STATEMENT Owner To Complete if Using An Agent Ulllle, the aforementioned owner(s), do hereby gives r otZent to to act on my /our behalf to .submit this application. all required material and documents, and end and represent me /us at all meetings and public hearings partairting to the request(s) and property Me own described in 6e attached application. Furthermore, as owner(s) of th6 subject property, We hereby give oonsertt to the party designated alcove to agree to all terms or conditions that may arise as part of the approval of this application for the proposed use. signature(a) of l+'rint Names) Gt--6T () STATE QF Lr; - COUNTY OF42 t `t�� NOTARY The foregoing instrum rrt was acknowledged before me this day ofi t)t!4 by �t He/she is personally (mown to me or h2s produced As ideriffication and did /did not take an oath. My Commission Expites: &gna+olr@ of Ncitary) AR`s pA J�, /- )eo e (NOTARY'S SEAL OR STAMP) (Name Must be typed, printed or-stamp,:d) 10 MARUREr SARDE N Notary Pum - Arizon$ MY COMMon EXPIM rVOVBARM 20-2007 a C c 1 i 's c t r s I JunJ U n - •L4 . L U U4n I U : Z DAM; ;A�gL KM) REAL ESTATE 2000 802 -277 -5824 T -05N �uf +1011 r 082 old -, _ BFrEh�'H'i'IA�2!S1 T Q NLERG f } ' TIas P1.AN/AGAMWM /ARTXCLHS Off` MERGZR datOd this 14th "y or Zac nary, lmi, entered into by U -Haul co. of plorida, the Surviving GcarporaGti.on, and U-Houl Co. of ventral Florida, 'U -Haul Co, of Zarv.turu rloxi4a, U -Haul, CO. Of Northern Florida and U - -HauX Co. of P"thOM gicrida, the Absorbed Corporations, all corporations of the State; O , PlDri.da And together ref'e=ed to its the Constituent corpox'atians hereby witnesseath that: i TM respective Boards of Direef' tors and the sole Shareholder'. by ta- -03.uti.on have $etQrMined it to be adv�uabte that the A zxrhm Carpo.ration be merged into the surviving corporation ►infer the t4;�r= and oQnditiona ha re mafter set forth in accordanca with the a.Fia� iUAUa prOwieaions Of they Ceheral Cbfporatio n Law of the stIIxte eal; Fjdrida, which laws permit such merger. The written adoptjon by the Shareholder and Dire ctors was Zanuary 14, 1991, r, NOW THMm7GRE, the Parties hereto do agree as follows -. I They Articles of Incorporation of the surviving Corporeit#,on Ph - Ek uOx�tinue to be% its Articles of Incorporation, unless altered or imendad below, fo-110 ►i ng the fecfactive date of the merger. t II 7'be e3te l�tft"$ Fl-,"/AZPXEAiERT /A- nTICttZ5 of M AGER is on file at tbe Surviving Carp*rati=s rs prinCipa.x Office. The location rof tb4d! offica. is,{. 2721 M* central Wenue, Phoenix, Arizcn$ 86004, er /v T�.n A. i+Or tntZ. Ila: ! The provisions for handing they shards of sto of tha 'an-,.-tItuant Corporations are as f03.10VS.- { } Ala,. issued and outstarid. nq shares of stuck of the G.f�ns xtu�nt corpOratiOn shall be cancelled. (2) On the effective date Of the mdrgar and when the ata,rammtieaned cancellation has been effected, the 6ntstanding shams fat stock of tbfo surviving Corporation Mall be tjeeeme 4 for 'all borporate purposes to evidence the< ownerShip of the constft0.ent -Ccaxp�ra'tic�xes . jun.J u n. 2 4, 1 U U 41 1 U '1 U A M;# pMERL K M REAL ESTATE 2000 60 2-277 -5$24 T -05,N 0•� b 13,0 j 1 F 'r -uol f # IV c The =nber of shares outstanding and the number of share entitled TO •v0t* ugon such PI.i 1AIMNWfMj A itTIt q S OF )MCER, and tk,4 number of shares voted fear and against Such PW /,WRZ30=T/ aTXC= OP MERGER a% to each corporation was Mfg, fia7�3 PW-S t3OMPAANY OAHE NUMM or NMBER OF WMBM Na'11 LE SHARES SHAM VOTED VOTED i WTSTAMING ,EN'I'I'i'= TO VOCE FOR AXGAINST TI -RAUY, CO. or Ff.0t1 50a 5o0 Soo CZNTRAL.D- RIDA, S00 ►o0 Si1t! �Ow U— HAUL CO. DF BAST-EPW ZOR:ED,A Soo 500 Soo -.�— i U"�= Co.. ,07 t ITORT�HEM FWRTM 500 500 500 -.0- SOD�X=r •Fz0R=A, Soo Soo Soo -0- r V i TIbe Constituent. Coaporationn shaa.1 take or cause to be to Mh all action •ar do Or cause to be done, all 'things necessary, ,proper or Ovisable under the .laws of the State of F2arida, to 000,Summate and Iqake effective this merger, subject, however to the appropriate v tea or consent to the stockholderis of the Constituent corporation in j =pr4=cc with the requirements of the States of Ylorida. VT The ft-- viving corporation hereby irrovocable appoints C. T. Ccrp6 txon systetu as its agent to accept service, of process on any suit or cattier proceeding abd to enforce against the surviving Car ration• any Obligation of any C Ongtitu�nt Domestic Corpotation a, nto' rce the rights of a 43ssenting shareholder of any �aPS;citUeent•• DOMBOtic Corporation. i JunJun.24. 2UU41 1U:2bAM;)AfRLKMI REAL ESTAiE 2000 602 - 277 -5824 Ulu/011 N.r_1 I1 a t 1 s i l VII ` Thtt SQrviv'rtg CaxporAtiOn shah WAY all eXPei►ses of au ompllshinq the merger, And assumes the responsibility for all to liabilities of the Absorbed Corporation.. VX13: Tha effective date Of the merger shall be aanuary 1, 1991. � IN WITNESS WNE=QF UP- ccrPorate parties h+ -reto execeites this PW/ACABEMM /ARTICY$S OF MPaGM thlEl 14th dAy of Janua�!y,, 1991, vsr�. fi SLUtiiltiMG CORMRATZON U. zxiefe secretary >Map.= cooRA .P.Toxs . i verx,F+,e ry n 77 nefe c 3 r a HAUL CO. OF FMRIDA, a Florida Corporation BX: J 7e1 .1�„ LnY��ntx U -IMUL CO. OF CENTRAL YXZMXM U -HAUL CO. Or EASTERN F DRIDA ID-HAUL CO. OF NORTIUM pLOR>rI)A a -Hum Co„ OF SOUTEM FIbR= BY Jz,bA X. I crat�ta, pz� e i j,,-Jun . 24. 2 U U 4 I U: 2 b AMA AWRCL H M REAL ESTATE 2000 i I t r 002 - 277 -5824 T -055N o ; 1.11 11311 r : .L �;T f E OF xim- ONA COUNTY OP IQ=CRPd on txi� of JanUary, 1991, before ma, the undersigned NO -dart' ?WaI .a, ptrszonall_Y APPeared John A. Lorentz, knoW to me to -ba ftile Prez7i.$ptT]z 0f IT—Haul Co. of P3- orida. a Floridt aozporation thAlz he the rzox% who executed this instrument on behalf of sa-•� a—y- cry )eAt-j ,n, and acknowledged to me that such corpora.tioh e�dct�ted '•tho' same. r I o"vWLsx I*AN* B L PJ�ZAXT nCrAhr�.+� sr�,r�av►�tar N8TAR7C �U&L�C ZTX;M OF MZONx COUNTY OF MARZCPA an tbLiq day of .7anuat r, 1991, isefa. -.o fit$, the undamIgned No•t3xy Public, personally appeared .3obn A. I- Orenta; knovM to va to be the PL'a�vldant of V Haul. Co. of Central Florida, D Haul: $aster Flbrzida, DHaul Co. Of xtarthers• 'Florida and II #au.1 Bowe= Florida, all norida corporations, thst he is, tht perspn who: =a=tW rhi.Y jxnstrument on behalf ref BAJ4 (;Orporatjon, .az a Acknovl6deje4 to me that such 0- axpora*iab +eXacated the she. amps: a�a ti�,AiKxl�Ll�l7 aArl�Rthta1t1�1 at^lXw�i�ru+t �t Go+e& 40 ,i:NOL 2?. Ira - NOT GBLIC