07-22-2002 Baldwin to Kelly_Amendment to Plat of Harbour IslesLAW OFFICES BRANT AND BALDWIN 330 FEDERAL HIGHWAY LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 TELEPHONE (561) 845 -1700 FACSIMILE (561) 842.1548 e -mail: brantandbaldwin@cs.com GEORGE W. BALDWIN GEORGE (WALLY) BALDWIN, JR. July 22, 2002 Telefacsimile only - 848 -3344 Mr. Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager Village of North Palm Beach 501 U. S. Highway One North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Re: Amendment to Plat of Harbour Isles Dear Dennis: WILLIAM BRANT RETIRED CHARLES M. PIGOTT OF COUNSEL This letter is just to confirm our telephone conversation of July 22, 2002, in regards to the above - referenced document. As we discussed, Robin Huffman of WCI Communities has furnished me a letter and partial release documents which specify that Fleet National Bank no longer has a lien on the real property covered by Plat of Harbour Isles. The original Amendment to Plat document called for signatures not only of WCI Communities, Inc., and the Village, but also Fleet National Bank, as lenders who have liens on platted property must either join in the plat or an amendment to the plat. Since Fleet National Bank no longer is a lien holder, I have authorized Robin Huffman, to record the document in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, without the bank's signature. I am forwarding a copy of this letter to Kitty Kelly so that she will know that the document is complete without the signature of Fleet National Bank upon its return from recording by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Thank you for your attention to this matter. u s very truly, George V. Baldwin GWB:arh cc: Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk (Telefacsimile only) Robin Huffman, Legal Assistant, WCI (Telefacsimile only) villagelkelly722 Z 'd PS I Zfi9 i 95 'ON Xdd NIMQ'IVa QNb ZNM Ind Z I : Z I M ZO- ZZ -'Iflf