Teal to Morgan re C2 Zoning District_9225 Alternate A1AAMe
§ 45 -34
Supp. No. 25 2503
Furniture display stores, one (1) space for
ii) All buildings must be a maximum of
each four hundred (400) square feet of
) stories with architectural
sales area.
ent to reflect the actual num-
Retail business with floor area in excess
f fifty thousand (50,000) square feet, one
iii) k walls shall be permitted.
( space for each two hundred and fifty
iv) f uses must be provided that
(2 ) square feet of non-storage floor area.
s a minimum of ten (10) per -
Limi ed access self storage facilities, one
oss Floor Area (GFA) retail or
(1) sp ce for each two hundred (200) stor-
onal office (excluding the on-
age uni s plus five (5) customer parking
agement office for the self -
storage cility).
Floor area r ulations.
v) A minimu of one thousand (1,000)
feet separat n from property line to
the closest as *acent property line
shall be requi en limited
In time -shar structures, each dwelling
access self - storaies.
unit having on (1) bedroom shall have a
(Ord. No. 20 -72, § 1; Ord. ; Ord. No.
minimum floo area of seven hundred
10 -73, §§ 8, 9, 9- 13 -73; Ord. 82, §§ 8, 9,
fifty (750) squar feet. An additional one
12 -9 -82; Ord. No. 9 -87, § 2; Ord. No.
hundred fifty (1 0) square feet of floor
23 -90, § 4, 6- 28 -90; Ord. No1, 4- 14 -94;
area shall be requi ed for each additional
Ord. No. 1 -95, § 1, 1- 12 -95; 24 -95, § 1,
bedroom provided.
7- 17 -95; Ord. No. 48 -96, § 1, Ord. No.
Conditions for permitt d uses:
1 -98, §§ 1 -7, 1 -8 -98; Ord. No. 27 -99, § 6, 8- 12 -99;
Ord. No. 26 -2002, §§ 1 -3, 9- 26 -02)
A car wash and ca waxing business
whether in conjunction with a filling sta c�ec.
45 -34. Automotive commercial district.*
tion or as an independe t enterprise shall
be allowed to utilize an wning structure
A. Uses permitted. Within any C -2 automotive
or structure which shall e located in the
commercial district, no building structure, land or
rear yard with a minimu five -foot set -
water shall be used, except for one or more of the
back and within the buil 'ng side lines
following uses:
1. Any use permitted in the C -1A limited
All activities, sales and stor e of goods
commercial district.
must be conducted entirely thin com-
pletely enclosed buildings wi
2. Any retail business or commercial use
nent nonmoving outside walls.
which does not involve the manufacturing
or processing of products.
No outside smewalk or parking of stor-
age or display of merchandise ill be
3. Personal service establishments, includ-
ing, but not limited to, banks, barber -
shops, bowling alleys, beauty salons, med-
Limited access self - storage facilities hall
ical and dental clinics, professional and
only be allowed on properties within m-
other offices, funeral homes, filling sta-
mercial planned unit developments nd
accompanied by the following conditio s:
*Editor's note -Ord. No. 30 -97, adopted July 10, 1997,
repealed former §§ 45 -34, relative to C -2 general commercial
i) All exterior service doors must be
district, while Ord. No. 32 -97, adopted July 10, 1997, re-
not visible from any public street or
enacted said section to read as herein set out. The provisions
of former § 45 -34 derived from Ord. No. 15 -72, § 1, and Ord.
adjacent property.
No. 25 -95, § 1, adopted July 17, 1995.
Supp. No. 25 2503
§ 45 -34
tions, shoe repair shops, laundry pickup
stations and self service laundries, furni-
ture display stores and drugstores.
4. Full service automotive dealerships and
accessory uses including paint and body
shops, repair shops and garages, limou-
sine service and towing service.
5. Retail and wholesale sales of new vehicu-
lar parts, equipment and accessories with-
out on -site installation.
6. Automobile service shops such as full ser-
vice vehicle repair shops, muffler shops,
tire shops, lubrication and oil change,
window tinting, wash and detailing, etc.
7. Automobile, truck and trailer rental busi-
8. Adult entertainment establishment.
B. Development standards. Every commercial
use located within the C -2 automotive commercial
district shall be so developed as to comply with
he following performance standards:
Outside display: Outside display areas for
sale, lease or rental of vehicles shall be
designed as follows:
(a) Vehicles may be stored on an ap-
proved parking surface without ref-
erence to parking stalls, stall strip-
ing or wheel stops. This type of
parking shall be allowed only pursu-
ant to a site plan review and ap-
proval subject to Article III of Chap-
ter 6 . of the Village Code of
(b) Interior landscapinjl `requirements
within outside display areas pursu-
ant to Article III of Chapter 27 of the
Village Code of Ordinances shall be
met by transferring the required land-
scaping to the perimeter of the site
abutting public right -of -ways. The
transferred landscaped areas shall
be designed and located so as to
mitigate and buffer the impact of the
aggregated vehicle storage area.
Supp. No. 25 2504
Locational and physical restrictions:
(a) Repair facilities and paint and body
shops shall be located at least one
hundred (100) feet from any residen-
tially -zoned lot. Service bay doors
shall not be oriented toward any
adjacent residentially -zoned prop-
erty nor oriented toward any adja-
cent public street.
(b) Accessory fuel pump islands and au-
tomated wash facilities for vehicles
shall not be located within one hun-
dred (100) feet of any residentially -
zoned property. Wash facilities shall
be located within a completely en-
closed building. Fuel pump islands
shall be located within an enclosed
area so that they are not visible off
(c) The sale, lease or rental of automo-
biles, trucks, motorcycles, and recre-
ational vehicles is allowed only on
lots which meet the following mini-
mum dimensions and area:
(1) Minimum frontage of 125'
(2) Minimum width of 125'
(3) Minimum depth of 200'
(4) Minimum area of 1.5 acres
C. Use and operating restrictions. Every com-
mercial use located within the C -2 automotive
commercial district shall be so operated as to
comply with the following performance stan-
No industrial equipment or vehicles shall
be sold, leased, rented or otherwise stored
within the C -2 district. For purposes herein,
industrial equipment is defined as equip-
ment used primarily for purposes other
than transportation or hauling. Trucks
other than pickup trucks, vans and jeeps
shall be displayed in areas separated from
a public right -of -way by a building.
No vehicle shall be parked for display
purposes with its hood or trunk open, nor
elevated off the ground in any way. Vehi-
cles shall not be parked in any right -of-
way or driveway.
§ 45 -34.1
3. Advertising, flags, pennants, streamers, 10. Customer and employee parking require -
balloons, signs or vehicle stock numbers ments: One (1) space for each five hun-
shall not be displayed on any vehicle or dred (500) square feet enclosed floor area,
equipment. Similar objects or advertising plus one (1) space per each four thousand
designed to attract the public's attention five hundred (4,500) square feet of out -
shall not be displayed outdoors on any lot, door sales display and rental area, plus
building, vehicle or equipment. one space per service bay, plus one (1)
4. Any areas designated for the off - loading space per employee of the shift of largest
of vehicles or for loading and deliveries employment. Parking for vehicle storage,
shall be located to the rear of buildings sales or display may not be counted to-
and shall be located so as to contain noise ward meeting the number of required
on -site. These areas shall not be located off - street parking spaces to be provided
closer than one hundred (100) feet from for customers and employees.
any residentially -zoned lot and shall be (Ord. No. 32 -97, § 1, 7- 10 -97; Ord. No. 18 -98, § 1,
appropriately designated, marked and 8-13 -98)
signed. c. 45 -34.1. C -3 regional business district.
5. Dealers are prohibited from using streets a C -3 regional business district is designed
in a residential zone for the testing of for th re -use and/or redevelopment of commer-
vehicles after servicing and for the dem- cial pr erty. It contains special regulations and
onstration of vehicles. procedu s that are integrated with those of the
Town of b ke Park to avoid conflicts that could
otherwise created by the location of the town/
village bon ary. Within C -3 business districts,
the following . gulations shall apply:
6. Exterior lighting fixtures shall not exceed
twenty -five (25) feet in height; shall be
directed away from adjacent properties;
shall confine light to the site only; and
shall not exceed when measured at any
property line, the following illumination:
(a) One hundred (100) foot - candles within
display areas.
(b) Forty (40) foot - candles within all ar-
(c) After 11:00 p.m., the illumination in
display areas shall be reduced to
fifty (50) foot - candles.
7.. No outdoor speakers or public address
systems that are audible from the exterior
of the site shall be permitted.
8. Customer parking shall be marked with
an above grade sign and shall be physi-
cally separated from the vehicle sales,
storage and display area. This barrier
may be in the form of a landscape strip,
curbing or removable bollards.
9. The height of buildings, the site area of
buildings, yard spaces, and floor area reg-
ulations in the C -2 zoning district shall be
the same as required in the C -1 neighbor-
hood commercial district.
Supp. No. 16 2504.1
(1) Uses pe mitted. Within the C -3 zoning
district, o building, structure, land, or
water shat be used, unless otherwise per-
mitted by ese regulations, except for
any combina ion of the following pur-
a. Ban ks, sa 'ngs and loans, stockbro-
kers, ands ar financial institu-
b. Business offic including medical
and professiona services.
C. Community resid ntial homes, sub-
ject to the same equirements as
apply in the R -2 zon g district, and
family day care cente as defined in
Chapter 402, Florida S atutes.
d. Hotels, motels, and time- are units.
e. Multiple - family dwellings (e ch build-
ing containing three (3) or mo units)
and customary accessory use sub-
ject to any limitations on reside tial
uses in the adopted Comprehensive
§ 45 -31
stalled parallel to the store front sidewalks
not less than nine (9) feet above the side-
(Ord. No. 10 -73, § 6, 9- 13 -73; Ord. No. 1 -78, § 1,
2 -9 -78; Ord. No. 22 -82, §§ 4, 5, 9, 12 -9 -82; Ord. No.
15 -84, § 2, 7- 12 -84; Ord. No. 47 -96, § 1, 12- 12 -96;
Ord. No. 27 -99, §§ 3, 4, 8- 12 -99)
Sec. 45 -32. C- IA limited commercial district.
A. Uses permitted. Within any C -IA limited
commercial district, no building, structure, land
or water shall be used, except for one (1) or more
of the following uses:
1. Reserved.
2. Hotels, motels and time -share units.
3. Restaurants other than drive -in restau-
rants, including cocktail lounges.
4. Nursery and private schools.
5. Golf club and its accessory uses such as
restaurant, bar, driving range and equip-
ment store.
6. Professional offices including real estate
offices, finance offices, medical and dental
clinics and the like, providing same are
architecturally and structurally in har-
mony with the spirit of the community.
7. Marinas and their accessory uses such as
wet boat storage facilities, indoor dry boat
storage facilities, gasoline supplies and
such minor repair facilities as are inciden-
tal to .boat storage and which do not
involve major boat and/or engine over -
haul, provided all facilities are architec-
turally and structurally in harmony with
the spirit of the communityAlrovided fur-
ther that:
a. For each three thousand (3,000) cu-
bic feet of designated boat storage
space connected with indoor dry boat
storage facilities and for each five
hundred (500) square feet of indoor
retail boat display floor area, there
shall be provided one (1) two hundred -
square -foot parking space, exclusive
of workshop and office areas.
Supp. No. 21 2498
b. For each one and one -half (11/2) des-
ignated boat storage spaces con-
nected with wet boat storage facili-
ties, there shall be provided one (1)
two hundred - square -foot parking
space, exclusive of workshop and of-
fice areas.
C. For each one hundred (100) square
feet of workshop floor area, there
shall be provided one (1) two hundred -
square -foot parking space, and for
each two hundred (200) square feet
of workshop area above the first floor,
there shall be provided one (1) two
hundred - square -foot parking space.
d. For each three hundred (300) square
feet of floor area used for office pur-
poses, there shall be provided one (1)
two hundred - square -foot parking
e. All new marinas and major improve-
ments to existing marinas shall pro-
vide sewage pump -out service to boats
seven (7) meters (twenty -two and
ninety -seven hundredths (22.97) feet)
in length or more.
B. Building height regulations. No main build-
ing shall exceed two (2) stories or thirty (30) feet
in height at the required front, rear and side
building lines. For structures in excess of two (2)
stories in height, five (5) feet shall be added to the
required front, rear and side yards for each story
added to the building in excess of two (2). No main
building, however, shall occupy more than thirty -
five (35) percent of the site area so required.
C. Building site area regulations.
For single- and multiple - family dwelling
structures, the same as required in the
R -1 and R -3 districts, respectively.
D. Yard space regulations.
1. Front yards.
(a) For main structures of two (2) sto-
ries or less, there shall be a front
yard of not less than fifty (50) feet
measured from the street line to the
front line of the main building.
§ 45 -32
(b) For structures in excess of two (2)
Motels, one (1) space for each guest bed -
stories in height, the front yard depth
room, plus one (1) space for the resident
required shall be controlled by the
manager or owner.
provisions defined in paragraph B of
Restaurants, one (1) space for each seventy -
this section.
five (75) square feet of floor area devoted
2. Rear yard.
to patron use, or one (1) space per three
(3) fixed seats, whichever is the greater,
(a) For main structures of two (2) or less
and one (1) space for each one and one -
stories, the same as for R -1 and R -2
half (11/2) projected employees who would
be actually working during peak employ-
(b) For structures in excess of two (2)
ment hours.
stories in height, the rear depth re-
No parking shall be permitted in the first
quired shall be controlled by the
ten (10) feet of the required front yard
provisions defined in paragraph B of
depth, measured from the front property
this section.
line. The restriction against parking in
the first ten (10) feet of the required front
3. Side yards.
yard depth measured from the front prop -
(a) For structures of two (2) stories or
erty line shall not apply to those proper -
less, the same as for R -1 and R -2
ties which have complied in full with the
landscaping provisions of chapter 41 -16
through 41 -25 [chapter 27, article III],
(b) For structures in excess of two (2)
both inclusive.
stories in height, the side yard re-
Each convalescent hospital and
quirements shall be controlled by
nursing home shall be provided with
the provisions defined in paragraph
one (1) parking space (200 square
B of this section,
feet) for each six (6) beds in the
(c) For a distance of one (1) block on
establishment, plus one (1) parking
streets intersecting U.S. [Highway
space for each three hundred (300)
No.] 1, measured from the right -of-
square feet of administrative and
way line of said U.S. [Highway No.]
service area within the building
1, side yards of at least twenty -five
(kitchen, service halls, chapel, din -
(25) feet in depth shall be provided.
ing room, lounge, visiting areas and
treatment rooms).
E. Off - street parking regulations.
F. Floor area regulations.
L. • For single- and multiple - family strut-
In multiple - family dwelling structures,
tures, the same as for the R -1 and R -3
each dwelling unit having one (1) bed -
districts, respectively.
room shall have a minimum floor area of
2. Churches, the same as for the R -2 multiple-
seven hundred fifty (750) square feet. An
3' q
family dwelling district.
additional one hundred fifty (150) square
feet of floor area shall be required for each
3. For hotels, one (1) space for each three (3)
additional bedroom provided.
bedrooms, plus one (1) additional space
In time -share structures, each dwelling
for each five (5) employees.
unit having one (1) bedroom shall have a
4. Hotel apartments, one (1) space for each
minimum floor area of seven hundred
dwelling unit.
fifty (750) square feet; an additional one
hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor
4.1. Time- sharing units, the same as for C -A
area shall be required for each additional
commercial district.
bedroom provided.
Supp. No. 21 2499
§ 45 -32
G. Conditions for permitted uses:
1. All activities, sales and storage of goods
must be conducted entirely within com-
pletely enclosed buildings with perma-
nent nonmoving outside walls. The follow-
ing exceptions apply:
(a) Restaurants that qualify under out-
door seating provisions of Appendix
C— Zoning.
(b) Marinas with enclosed new boat re-
tail display area may utilize outdoor
rear and side yard site area for ground
level new boat storage, rigging, mi-
nor repair and display subject to the
following conditions:
W Outdoor storage, rigging, mi-
nor repair and display areas
shall be completely screened
from the view of the street right -
of -way and adjacent properties
with an opaque wall or fence to
a height of six (6) feet.
(ii) The area of outdoor storage,
rigging and display area shall
not exceed the enclosed retail
display floor area, including re-
tail display area office space, or
fifteen (15) percent of the total
site area, whichever is less.
(Ord. No. 10 -72, § 2; Ord. No. 4 -73; Ord. No.
10 -73, § 7, 9- 13 -73; Ord. No. 14 -74; Ord. No.
14 -76, § 1, '7 -8 -76; Ord. No. 22 -82, §§ 6, 7, 9,
12 -9 -82; Ord. No." 9 -87, § 1, 5- 28 -87; Ord. No.
17 -90, § 4, 6- 28 -90; Ord. No. 23 -90, § 3, 6- 28 -90;
Ord. No. 27 -99, § 5, 8- 12 -99; Ord. No. 03 -2001,
§§ 1, 2, 2- 8 -01)+
Sec. 45 -32.1. CC 11-ansitional commercial dis-
A. General desc tion. This residential/com-
mercial transitional di ict is to provide for the
development of low- intensit usiness offices and
other complementary uses. The district shall
serve as a transition between reside 1 areas
A intense commercial development.
Supp. No. 21 2500
B. Uses permitted. The following uses are per -
mitted\in the CC transitional commercial district:
1. financial institutions
2. Professional offices
3. Flo�ists
4. Clot ing stores
5. Stati ary [stationery] stores
6. Photo s udios /camera shops
7. Sporting oods stores
8. Gift shops
9. Candy sho
10. Seamstress /� ilor shop
11. Barber shops
12. Hair salons
13. Nail salons
14. Instructional dance /music studios
C. Conditions for permitted uses:
1. All activities, 'sales and storage of
goods must be. conducted entirely
within completely enclosed build -
ings with permanent nonmoving out-
side walls.
2. No outside sidewalk of parking lot
storage (or) display of merchandise
will be permitted.
3. No manufacturing o production of
products for retail or \wholesale will
be permitted. \
D. Building height regulations o building or
structure shall exceed two (2) stori or twenty
five (25) feet.
E. Building site area regulations:
1. Maximum lot coverage. Main an acces-
sory buildings shall cover no mo p than
thirty -five (35) percent of the total lot
area. \
2. Reserved.
F. Yards.
1. Front yards. All buildings shall be con-
structed from the Alternate A -I -A or Pros-