2008-051 Nicole Hornstein Act• RESOLUTION 2008-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA EVIDENCING ITS INTENT TO ENCOURAGE AND PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR PROPOSED FLORIDA LEGISLATION ENTITLED THE "NICOLE HORNSTEIN ACT" CONCERNING EQUINE ACTIVITIES AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES FOR MINORS RIDING HORSES ON PUBLIC ROADWAYS OR PUBLIC TRAILS BY REQUIRING THE WEARING OF A HELMET OR SIMILAR HEADGEAR PROTECTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Senate Bill 964 sponsored by Senator Dave Aronberg and House Bill 305 sponsored by Representative Shelley Vana were filed in the 2008 Regulaz Legislative Session of the Florida Legislatwe; and WHEREAS, House Bill 305, cited as the "Nicole Hornstein Act" proposed equine activities protective measwes to provide life saving and serious injury protection to minors while horseback riding on public roadways or public trails; and WHEREAS, the proposed Nicole Hornstein Act requires that any equine rider who is under 16 years of age must wear a helmet that meets applicable American Society of Testing and • Materials standards for protective headgeaz used in horseback riding when such activity occurs in public locations, including, but not limited to, roadways or rights-or-way, equestrian and recreational trails, pazks or preserves, or public school sites; and WHEREAS, the Nicole Hornstein Act is scheduled to be reintroduced in substantially the same form by legislative sponsors in the coming legislative session, since for vazious reasons, it was not adopted during the 2008 Regulaz Legislative Session; and WHEREAS, the family of Nicole Hornstein has requested that the Palm Beach County League of Cities, Inc., and all municipalities of Palm Beach County adopt resolutions formally encouraging and supporting their efforts in the legislatwe to enact the proposed Nicole Hornstein Act since it is ultimately designed to protect all minor residents from serious or fatal injury when engaging in equine activities throughout Palm Beach County and the State of Florida. WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests ofthe Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals aze ratified as true and incorporated herein. • • Section 2. The Village Council hereby evidences its support and encouragement for the enactment of the proposed "Nicole Hornstein Act" concerning the adoption of equine activities protective measures in order to provide life saving and serious injury protection measures for minors while horseback riding on public roadways or public trails by requiring the use of a helmet or similaz headgeaz protection; and also for the specific provisions in the proposed act which require that any helmet used must meet applicable American Society of Testing and Materials standazds for protective headgear used in horseback riding when such activity occurs in public locations, including, but not limited to, roadways or rights-of--way, equestrian and recreational trail, pazks or preserves, or public school sites. • Section 3. The Village Council hereby directs that a copy of this resolution by sent to Senator Jeff Atwater, Senator Dave Aronberg, Representative Shelley Vana, and the Executive Director of the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS IOth DAY OF JULY 2008. (Village Seal)', A'CI'EST: MAYOR VILLAGE CLERK u