12-17-2004 Teal to Morgan re Annexation and Rezoning UHaulTHE VILLAGE OF
North Palm Beach
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 • NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33408 • 561 - 841 -3355 • FAX 561 - 881 -7469
December 17, 2004
Robert M. Morgan, Esquire
10110 San Jose Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida 32257
Re: Voluntary Annexation and Rezoning of U -Haul Co. of Florida property
Dear Mr. Morgan:
The following ordinances, enacted by the Village Council of North Palm Beach at its
Regular Session of December 9, 2004 are enclosed for your records:
Ordinance 33 -2004, annexing to the Village land located at 9225 Alt. AlA
Ordinance 34 -2004, rezoning 9225 Alt. AlA to Village C -2, Commercial District
Ordinance 35 -2004, adopting small scale comp plan amendment
Please contact me if you need any further documentation concerning this annexation.
Sincerely, '
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Enclosures (3)