06-26-2008 VC WS-M
JUNE 26, 2008
William Manuel, Mayor
David B. Norris, Vice Mayor
Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D. Councilman
T.R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Leonazd Rubin, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Manuel called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. All members of Council were present,
except Vice Mayor Norris, who was out of town. All members of staffwere present.
Discussion took place concerning an application from the owner of property located at
9249 Alternate AlA for voluntary annexation into the Village ofNorth Palm Beach.
Mr. Knight advised that the property is located in the Village's future annexation area and would
require asmall-scale comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning.
Mr. Knight noted the Public Safety Department is concerned about the number of police and fire
rescue calls generated by the property.
Mr. Knight reported that total yeazly revenue to the Village from this property would be $20,279
including ad valorem and business tax receipts.
Vice Mayor Norris disclosed that he represents the owners of Foster's Pub, a tenant in Live Oak Plaza.
Attorney Gary Brandenburg, representing the property owner, discussed the annexation
application. Mr. Brandenburg noted that annexation gives North Palm Beach control in this area,
which will be an entryway into North Palm Beach when Congress Avenue is extended.
Mr. Brandenburg advised that the property owner could apply to Palm Beach County for zoning
changes. Mr. Brandenburg briefly discussed future annexation areas.
Mr. Brandenburg reported that a zoning vaziance was granted by the North Palm Beach Zoning
Boazd of Adjustment for property on the east side of Alternate AlA, which will be used for
employee parking. Mr. Brandenburg expressed the intent of the property owners to landscape
this pazcel and their willingness to add additional landscaping to the Alternate AlA medians
from Richazd Road to Northlake Boulevard.
Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held June 26, 2008 Page 2 of3
It was noted that operating hours for North Palm Beach establishments that serve alcohol aze
• 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m Regarding operating hours of Foster's Pub, presently open unti15:00 a.m.,
Mr. Brandenburg suggested a "sunset" provision, whereby the pub would be allowed to keep its
current hours during a trial period, followed by Village review of the issue. Mr. Brandenburg
also suggested off-duty officers could be required. Mr. Brandenburg advised that the property
owner is desirous of annexing into the Village regazdless of whether any accommodation is
reached with Foster's Pub on operating hours. Mr. Brandenburg noted that the Village's 2:00 a.m
closing time will apply to Foster's Pub as the lease specifies that tenants must comply with all
local laws. Village Attorney Len Rubin advised that North Palm Beach has no obligation to
accommodate the tenant who, by law, must comply with all code requirements.
Discussion took place concerning staffrewmmendation to move forwazd with annexation and to
require that tenants comply with all Village ordinances upon 180 days of the annexation.
Mr. Rubin noted that businesses are subject to the laws ofthe Village immediately upon adoption
of the ordinance. Mr. Rubin opined that if Council wishes to make any accommodation to
address these issues it be included in the annexation ordinance. Mr. Rubin recommended that
Council also address the proposal for upgraded landscaping in the annexation ordinance.
Village Planning Consultant Jim Fleischman of Land Research Management, Inc. reviewed the
future annexation azea, which extends west over the railroad tracks to Palm Beach Gazdens
corporate limits. Mr. Fleischmann advised that the Village does not have a specific annexation
plan, but has allowed individual property owners to request annexation, with the Village
deciding whether to approve annexation at the time the application is made. Mr. Fleischmann
reported that the Village has been contacted by property owners on the west side of the railroad
tracks who aze interested in annexing into North Palm Beach. Brief discussion was held
concerning Congress Avenue. Mr. Fleischmann recommended that Council look positively at
annexing this pazcel.
Discussion took place wncerning permitted uses in the C-2 Commercial Zoning District.
Mr. Brandenburg reported that a deed restriction has been drafted that would permanently restrict
the property from having adult entertainment. Mr. Rubin advised the deed restriction provides
that, unless released by the Village, there would not be an adult entertainment establishment at
that location, and the Village has right ofenforcement.
Mr. Brandenburg reported afive-year time frame for redevelopment of the 9249 Alternate Al A
pazcel, and pointed out that while current uses on this site produce about $20,000 per yeaz, the
new Mercedes Benz dealership (under construction to the south of this parcel) will produce three
to four times that amount.
Mr. Rubin discussed the distinction between zoning code issues ofnon-conformance and police
power ordinances.
Mr. Brandenburg advised that if North Palm Beach does not choose to proceed with annexation
at this time, his client will move forward with a zoning petition to Palm Beach County, and the
• Village will lose the opportunity to annex this parcel, as there will be no reason for the property
owner to annex into North Palm Beach.
Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held June 26, 2008 Page 3 of 3
• Mrs. Foster addressed the Council concerning Foster's Pub. Mrs. Foster stated that Foster's Pub
is a neighborhood bar that is open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m Regazding the number of police
and fire rescue calls, Mrs. Foster compared her incidences book to Palm Beach County Sheriffs
Office records, and disputed the number and type of calls.
Public Safety Director Steve Canfield reported that, based on Sheriff s office records, there were
220 calls to 9339 Alternate AlA (Foster's Pub) from 2006 - 2007. Chief Canfield advised that
after analyzing call data, it was felt that 167 of the calls could be related to Foster's Pub. Chief
Canfield noted that many of the calls would require response by more than one officer.
Council consensus was to move this item forward to an upcoming Regulaz Session agenda, pending
prepazation of the annexation ordinance, which is to include stipulations regarding landscaping.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk