06-2014 Newsletter
JUNE 2014JUNE 2014
“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”
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Sec. 4-28. Running at large.
(a) Dogs in parks and on streets and sidewalks. No person owning or having possession, charge,
custody or control of any dog shall cause, permit or allow the dog to stray, run, be, go or in any other
manner to be at large in or upon any public park, street or sidewalk unless accompanied by an attendant
who shall have such dog firmly held by collar and leash, which leash is not to exceed eight (8) feet in
length. Retractable leashes are not permitted in public parks unless they are locked at a maximum
length of eight (8) feet.
(b) Dogs on property of others. No person owning or having possession, charge, custody or control of
any dog shall cause, permit or allow the dog to stray, run, be, go or in any other manner to be at large in
or upon private property of others within the village without the express or implied consent of the owner
of such private property.
(c) Cats. No person owning, harboring or having in his possession any cat shall knowingly permit or
allow such cat to run at large within the village, or knowingly allow such cat to be upon any street,
boulevard, road or alley of the village or in any yard or enclosure other than the yard or enclosure
occupied or owned by such cat owner between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
What is the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)? The NFIP is a Federal program enabling property owners in
participating communities to purchase insurance protection against losses from flooding. This insurance is designed to
provide an insurance alternative to disaster assistance to meet the escalating costs of repairing damage to buildings and their
contents cause by floods. Participation in the NFIP is based on an agreement between local communities and the Federal
Government that states if a community will adopt and enforce a floodplain management ordinance to reduce future flood
risks to new construction in Special Flood Hazard Areas, the Federal Government will make flood insurance available
within the community as a financial protection against flood losses. The Village of North Palm Beach participates in the
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which makes federally backed flood insurance available for all eligible
buildings, whether they are in a floodplain or not.
What Flood Zone Is My Property In? The Village Library and Community Development Department maintains a complete
section that has information covering all areas of flood protection, building construction and flood insurance. Flood zone
maps are available for inspection also. If you need to know what flood zone your home is in or obtain a copy of an elevation
certificate (If on file), please call the Community Development Department, Village Planner at 561-882-1156,
Email: jnentwick@village-npb.org or go to www.floodsmart.gov
What Should I Know When Preparing My House For Hurricane Season? The Village Council passed an Ordinance in 2009
which includes an amendment to section 14 - 31, limiting the amount of yard waste the Village will remove from a
residential property on any scheduled yard waste collection day. Branches, tree limbs, shrub clippings, and palm fronds
shall be limited to one pile not exceeding 8 cubic yards, measuring approximately 4 feet wide by 15 feet long by 4 feet
tall. If yard waste placed for collection exceeds the allowable limit, property owners shall be required to pay the costs
associated with removal. Remember, any person, group of persons, corporation or other entity paid a fee to perform tree
trimming or landscape maintenance shall be required to remove all yard waste generated by such activities . To learn more
about the Village Code of Ordinances please visit www.village-npb.org or call 561-691-3440.
No property owner shall generate yard waste for collection once any portion of the Village has been placed
under a hurricane or tropical storm watch or warning by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Association (NOAA)
The theme for the Summer Reading Program 2014 is “FIZZ BOOM READ” The
program is open to young people, ages 5 thru 12. Sign up begins June 9th. Pick
up your reading log, book bag, and activity schedule at the Summer Reading
Desk in the Children’s Department.
All programs are free but some have limited space. The Summer Reading
Program runs through the last week of July. We have some great programs
lined up this year.
June Learning Programs:
Tuesday, June 17 at 1:30 pm Chemistry Magic Show – Chemical reactions are
truly magical!
Tuesday, June 24 at 1:30 pm Shark Tooth Lab –
What does a real shark tooth look like? -- and
other mysteries.
Kids Game Day Monday @ 3 pm, June 9, 16, 23,
30, Ages 5-12. Refreshments.
Kids Crafts Wednesday @ 3 pm, June 11, 18, 25, Ages 5-12. Space lim-
ited. First Come, First Served.
Kids Movies Thursday @ 2 pm, June 12, 19, 26
Kids Chess Club, Saturday 11:00 am-1:00 pm, May 3 and 17, Ages 7-10
Teen Nights, Monday 4:30 – 6:30 pm June 9, 16, 23, 30
Book Discussions:
Monday, June 9 at 11:00 am, The Monuments Men by Robert M. Edsel and movie at 12:00 pm
Wednesday, June 11 at 1:00 pm, Deadly Heat at the Cottages by Fred Lichtenberg
TreeSearchers Genealogy Club meets monthly and on Tuesday, June 17 at 7:00 pm
Great Courses Filmed Lecture Series on art and architecture of The Cathedral by William R. Cook, Ph.D.,
Distinguished Teaching Professor of History at the State University of New York. Tuesday June 3 at
Investment Update Seminar presented by Edward Jones on Monday, June 2 at 10:30 am
Knit & Crochet on Monday at 12:00 pm June 2, 16, 23, 30 and also on Friday,
June 13 at 2pm.
Quilters on Friday at 10:00 am
Adult Chess Club on Saturday, June 7, 21 at 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Computer Classes on Monday at 9:30-10:30 am
June 2 Word 2
June 9 Facebook 1
June 23 Facebook 2
June 30 Photos 1
Pg. 2—Community Development 561-841-3380
Community Development
Sec. 4-28. Running at large.
(a) Dogs in parks and on streets and sidewalks. No person owning or having possession, charge,
custody or control of any dog shall cause, permit or allow the dog to stray, run, be, go or in any other
manner to be at large in or upon any public park, street or sidewalk unless accompanied by an attendant
who shall have such dog firmly held by collar and leash, which leash is not to exceed eight (8) feet in
length. Retractable leashes are not permitted in public parks unless they are locked at a maximum
length of eight (8) feet.
(b) Dogs on property of others. No person owning or having possession, charge, custody or control of
any dog shall cause, permit or allow the dog to stray, run, be, go or in any other manner to be at large in
or upon private property of others within the village without the express or implied consent of the owner
of such private property.
(c) Cats. No person owning, harboring or having in his possession any cat shall knowingly permit or
allow such cat to run at large within the village, or knowingly allow such cat to be upon any street,
boulevard, road or alley of the village or in any yard or enclosure other than the yard or enclosure
occupied or owned by such cat owner between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
What is the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)? The NFIP is a Federal program enabling property owners in
participating communities to purchase insurance protection against losses from flooding. This insurance is designed to
provide an insurance alternative to disaster assistance to meet the escalating costs of repairing damage to buildings and their
contents cause by floods. Participation in the NFIP is based on an agreement between local communities and the Federal
Government that states if a community will adopt and enforce a floodplain management ordinance to reduce future flood
risks to new construction in Special Flood Hazard Areas, the Federal Government will make flood insurance available
within the community as a financial protection against flood losses. The Village of North Palm Beach participates in the
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which makes federally backed flood insurance available for all eligible
buildings, whether they are in a floodplain or not.
What Flood Zone Is My Property In? The Village Library and Community Development Department maintains a complete
section that has information covering all areas of flood protection, building construction and flood insurance. Flood zone
maps are available for inspection also. If you need to know what flood zone your home is in or obtain a copy of an elevation
certificate (If on file), please call the Community Development Department, Village Planner at 561-882-1156,
Email: jnentwick@village-npb.org or go to www.floodsmart.gov
What Should I Know When Preparing My House For Hurricane Season? The Village Council passed an Ordinance in 2009
which includes an amendment to section 14 - 31, limiting the amount of yard waste the Village will remove from a
residential property on any scheduled yard waste collection day. Branches, tree limbs, shrub clippings, and palm fronds
shall be limited to one pile not exceeding 8 cubic yards, measuring approximately 4 feet wide by 15 feet long by 4 feet
tall. If yard waste placed for collection exceeds the allowable limit, property owners shall be required to pay the costs
associated with removal. Remember, any person, group of persons, corporation or other entity paid a fee to perform tree
trimming or landscape maintenance shall be required to remove all yard waste generated by such activities . To learn more
about the Village Code of Ordinances please visit www.village-npb.org or call 561-691-3440.
No property owner shall generate yard waste for collection once any portion of the Village has been placed
under a hurricane or tropical storm watch or warning by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Association (NOAA)
The theme for the Summer Reading Program 2014 is “FIZZ BOOM READ” The
program is open to young people, ages 5 thru 12. Sign up begins June 9th. Pick
up your reading log, book bag, and activity schedule at the Summer Reading
Desk in the Children’s Department.
All programs are free but some have limited space. The Summer Reading
Program runs through the last week of July. We have some great programs
lined up this year.
June Learning Programs:
Tuesday, June 17 at 1:30 pm Chemistry Magic Show – Chemical reactions are
truly magical!
Tuesday, June 24 at 1:30 pm Shark Tooth Lab –
What does a real shark tooth look like? -- and
other mysteries.
Kids Game Day Monday @ 3 pm, June 9, 16, 23,
30, Ages 5-12. Refreshments.
Kids Crafts Wednesday @ 3 pm, June 11, 18, 25, Ages 5-12. Space lim-
ited. First Come, First Served.
Kids Movies Thursday @ 2 pm, June 12, 19, 26
Kids Chess Club, Saturday 11:00 am-1:00 pm, May 3 and 17, Ages 7-10
Teen Nights, Monday 4:30 – 6:30 pm June 9, 16, 23, 30
Book Discussions:
Monday, June 9 at 11:00 am, The Monuments Men by Robert M. Edsel and movie at 12:00 pm
Wednesday, June 11 at 1:00 pm, Deadly Heat at the Cottages by Fred Lichtenberg
TreeSearchers Genealogy Club meets monthly and on Tuesday, June 17 at 7:00 pm
Great Courses Filmed Lecture Series on art and architecture of The Cathedral by William R. Cook, Ph.D.,
Distinguished Teaching Professor of History at the State University of New York. Tuesday June 3 at
Investment Update Seminar presented by Edward Jones on Monday, June 2 at 10:30 am
Knit & Crochet on Monday at 12:00 pm June 2, 16, 23, 30 and also on Friday,
June 13 at 2pm.
Quilters on Friday at 10:00 am
Adult Chess Club on Saturday, June 7, 21 at 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Computer Classes on Monday at 9:30-10:30 am
June 2 Word 2
June 9 Facebook 1
June 23 Facebook 2
June 30 Photos 1
Library—Pg. 3www.village-npb.org
An incident of poisoning in the home is a predictable
and preventable occurrence. There were 54,000 poison
exposures and 85% originated in the home. It is the se-
cond leading cause of unintentional death due to injury
in the United States. Take time now to do checks and
changes in your home.
Poison Control’s Home Safety Check List:
-Remove household products from under the sinks,
such as cleaning products, dishwashing compounds
and drain cleaners.
- No medicines on counters or in open areas.
- All household products and medications out of reach
and out of sight.
- Child safety latches on all drawers or cabinets contain-
ing harmful products or sharp objects.
- No toxic products stored with food or in food contain-
- All medications, cosmetics, hair care products, tooth-
paste, mouthwash and cleaners out of reach.
- Medicine storage area cleaned out regularly.
- All medications in original, child-resistant containers.
- No medicines in or on dresser or bedside table.
- All cologne, aftershave, cosmetics, and powders out of
Laundry Area
- All bleaches, soaps, detergents, fabric softeners, blu-
ing agents and sprays out of reach.
- All products in their original container.
- Insect sprays and lawn care products in locked area.
- Gasoline and car care products in secured area or
locked trunk.
- Paint, paint cleaners and other home care products in
locked area.
- All products in their original containers.
General Household
- Storage area for medication and other products is a
locked cabinet located up high.
- Alcoholic beverages out of reach
- No mouse baits where children play
- Plants identified and out of reach.
- Paint in good condition - no chipping or peeling
A majority of residential burglaries
occur during daytime hours.
Burglars are aware that residents
are away from home during this
time. Anyone other than a resident
observed in the yard, on the porch
or around any home in your
neighborhood warrants your atten-
Generally, burglars will attempt to
ensure that there is nobody inside a
residence before entering. This can
be accomplished by knocking on
the door, calling out a name or
peering into a window. Soliciting is
a frequently used method. Back-
yards provide concealment that is
appealing to facilitate an entry. This
is where most residential burglars
will enter the home.
Cars driving slowly through your neighborhood or those
that are parked on your street that you have not seen
before are also important to be aware
of. A stranger talking on a cell phone
could be the method he or she is us-
ing to contact a driver in the area and
tell him or her that it is safe to pick
them up.
If you are not sure that a person be-
longs in your neighborhood, call to
report it. You will be asked for a
physical description of involved
individuals and license plate and
vehicle information. This will assist
police officers with the location of the
suspicious persons as they attempt
to leave your neighborhood.
Call 911 to report crimes in progress
which include suspicious activity. It
could be that you are observing the
activity just prior to the crime-this is a
reason to call 911. Your call could make the difference
in preventing a crime or facilitating the arrest of a
The Community
Development Depart-
ment, which consists of
Planning, Zoning,
Inspections and Code
Enforcement, moved to
its new location last
month. They are now
located at
420 US Highway 1,
Suite 21,
North Palm Beach
Upcoming Events
Travel Trips
The North Palm Beach Recreation Dept. in-
vites you to join us for upcoming trips to local
attractions! The Recreation Dept. now owns a
bus so we will be able to take the trips with
less chance of cancelling due to low enroll-
ment. Seating is limited, so don’t wait! Now
registering for:
Aug. 20 – IKEA/Dolphin Mall Shopping Trip
- $18
Thrift Store Frenzy
We will run the North Thrift Store Frenzy again
on Aug. 29th. This series of stops will hit 8
thrift stores in the Stuart/Hobe Sound area.
Bus departs at 9:00 am and returns by 5:00
pm. Fee: $13. Lunch is on your own at the
Pig & Cattle Company. Be sure to bring some
cash as a few of the stores do not accept
credit cards. Reserve your seat early!
Red, White & Boom!
Don’t go away for the 4th
– stay in town! The annu-
al fireworks display will be
on the grounds of the
North Palm Beach Coun-
try Club, 951 US Hwy 1,
on Friday, July 4th. Great
live music provided by
“OPM” from 7:00-10:00. Fireworks begin at ap-
proximately 9:00 pm. Bring your blankets &
lawn chairs and join us!
Annual Anchorage
Fishing Tourney
Taking boat and kayak reg-
istrations for the 9th Anchor-
age Aweigh Fishing Tourna-
ment which will be held on
August 16th. This is a fun,
family event. We are looking for businesses or
individuals interested in sponsoring a portion of
this great event. Visit www.village-npb.org
(dept-parks & rec-special events-fishing tour-
ney) for a boat or kayak registration form. Call
(561-841-3386) for details!
Pg. 4—Fire/Police 561-841-3380
An incident of poisoning in the home is a predictable
and preventable occurrence. There were 54,000 poison
exposures and 85% originated in the home. It is the se-
cond leading cause of unintentional death due to injury
in the United States. Take time now to do checks and
changes in your home.
Poison Control’s Home Safety Check List:
-Remove household products from under the sinks,
such as cleaning products, dishwashing compounds
and drain cleaners.
- No medicines on counters or in open areas.
- All household products and medications out of reach
and out of sight.
- Child safety latches on all drawers or cabinets contain-
ing harmful products or sharp objects.
- No toxic products stored with food or in food contain-
- All medications, cosmetics, hair care products, tooth-
paste, mouthwash and cleaners out of reach.
- Medicine storage area cleaned out regularly.
- All medications in original, child-resistant containers.
- No medicines in or on dresser or bedside table.
- All cologne, aftershave, cosmetics, and powders out of
Laundry Area
- All bleaches, soaps, detergents, fabric softeners, blu-
ing agents and sprays out of reach.
- All products in their original container.
- Insect sprays and lawn care products in locked area.
- Gasoline and car care products in secured area or
locked trunk.
- Paint, paint cleaners and other home care products in
locked area.
- All products in their original containers.
General Household
- Storage area for medication and other products is a
locked cabinet located up high.
- Alcoholic beverages out of reach
- No mouse baits where children play
- Plants identified and out of reach.
- Paint in good condition - no chipping or peeling
A majority of residential burglaries
occur during daytime hours.
Burglars are aware that residents
are away from home during this
time. Anyone other than a resident
observed in the yard, on the porch
or around any home in your
neighborhood warrants your atten-
Generally, burglars will attempt to
ensure that there is nobody inside a
residence before entering. This can
be accomplished by knocking on
the door, calling out a name or
peering into a window. Soliciting is
a frequently used method. Back-
yards provide concealment that is
appealing to facilitate an entry. This
is where most residential burglars
will enter the home.
Cars driving slowly through your neighborhood or those
that are parked on your street that you have not seen
before are also important to be aware
of. A stranger talking on a cell phone
could be the method he or she is us-
ing to contact a driver in the area and
tell him or her that it is safe to pick
them up.
If you are not sure that a person be-
longs in your neighborhood, call to
report it. You will be asked for a
physical description of involved
individuals and license plate and
vehicle information. This will assist
police officers with the location of the
suspicious persons as they attempt
to leave your neighborhood.
Call 911 to report crimes in progress
which include suspicious activity. It
could be that you are observing the
activity just prior to the crime-this is a
reason to call 911. Your call could make the difference
in preventing a crime or facilitating the arrest of a
The Community
Development Depart-
ment, which consists of
Planning, Zoning,
Inspections and Code
Enforcement, moved to
its new location last
month. They are now
located at
420 US Highway 1,
Suite 21,
North Palm Beach
Upcoming Events
Travel Trips
The North Palm Beach Recreation Dept. in-
vites you to join us for upcoming trips to local
attractions! The Recreation Dept. now owns a
bus so we will be able to take the trips with
less chance of cancelling due to low enroll-
ment. Seating is limited, so don’t wait! Now
registering for:
Aug. 20 – IKEA/Dolphin Mall Shopping Trip
- $18
Thrift Store Frenzy
We will run the North Thrift Store Frenzy again
on Aug. 29th. This series of stops will hit 8
thrift stores in the Stuart/Hobe Sound area.
Bus departs at 9:00 am and returns by 5:00
pm. Fee: $13. Lunch is on your own at the
Pig & Cattle Company. Be sure to bring some
cash as a few of the stores do not accept
credit cards. Reserve your seat early!
Red, White & Boom!
Don’t go away for the 4th
– stay in town! The annu-
al fireworks display will be
on the grounds of the
North Palm Beach Coun-
try Club, 951 US Hwy 1,
on Friday, July 4th. Great
live music provided by
“OPM” from 7:00-10:00. Fireworks begin at ap-
proximately 9:00 pm. Bring your blankets &
lawn chairs and join us!
Annual Anchorage
Fishing Tourney
Taking boat and kayak reg-
istrations for the 9th Anchor-
age Aweigh Fishing Tourna-
ment which will be held on
August 16th. This is a fun,
family event. We are looking for businesses or
individuals interested in sponsoring a portion of
this great event. Visit www.village-npb.org
(dept-parks & rec-special events-fishing tour-
ney) for a boat or kayak registration form. Call
(561-841-3386) for details!
Upcoming Events—Pg. 5www.village-npb.org
The North Palm Beach Country Club and Village Tavern
Restaurant are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
Driving Range Hours:
Monday & Thursday 9 AM - 9 PM
Tues/Wed & Fri-Sunday 7 AM - 9 PM
Golf Shop Hours:
Daily 6:30 AM - 7 PM
Monday - Friday 11AM - 6PM
Saturday - Sunday 9AM - 2PM
Library Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM
Friday - Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM
Pool Hours:
Monday—Thursday 10 AM - 6 PM
Friday 10 AM - 10 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 6 PM
Sunday 12 PM - 6 PM
Water Aerobics - Tues. & Thurs. - Jane
Wed. & Fri. - Steve
11:00pm - 12:00 pm
Tennis Court Hours/Club Play:
Monday - Thursday 7:45 AM - 10 PM
Friday - Sunday 7:45 AM - DARK
Tennis Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:45 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Retail Shop Hours:
Retail shop hours vary.
Please call 561-694-7557 or 561-691-3425.
1Team Golf—4PM Shotgun
2Golf Course Closed/ Range
Computer Class Word 2 9:30
Seminar investment
update- 10:30 AM
Knit & Crochet - 12PM
3MGA - 7:16 Tee Times
League Play back 9 5PM
Tennis Clinics - 8:30, 9:30 and
Story Time, Ages 2-4-10:00AM
BabyTime 11-23 months.-11AM
Great Courses - 1:00PM
4Tennis Clinics 8:30, 10, or
9 Holers– 9:00AM Tee Times
WGA– 9:40AM Tee Times
League Play back 9-5PM
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:30AM
Country Dance—7:15-9PM
5Tennis Round Robin - 9:30AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Chair Exercise-10:00AM
Family Movie– 3:30 PM
6Tennis Clinic - 9:30AM
Quilters Group - 10:00AM
Fitness Over 50 – 8:45AM
Tai Chi – 10:00AM
7 Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Junior Golf Clinic - 9-10AM
Table Tennis - Osb., 11:00AM
Adult Chess Club - 9 AM
Kids Chess Club - 11 AM
Computer Help –2PM
8 Tennis Doubles –9:30AM
Team Golf—3PM Shotgun
9 Yoga-10:00AM
Tennis Clinic 8:30 or 10:00AM
and 11:30AM
Computer Class Facebook
Book Discussion—11AM
Game Day—3PM
Teen Night— 4:30 PM
10 MGA - 7:16AM Tee Times
Junior Golf Camp - 8:30-1:30PM
League Play front 9- 5PM
Tennis Clinics - 8:30, 9:30 and
Story Time, Ages 2-4 - 10:00AM
Baby Time 11-23 months.11AM
11 Tennis Clinics 8:30, 10, or
6:30 PM
9 Holers– 9:00AM Tee Times
WGA– 9:40AM Tee Times
League Play front 9-5PM
Junior Golf Camp-8:30-1:30 pm
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:30AM
Mystery Book Discussion-1PM
Crafts Ages 5-12 - 3:00PM
Country Dance—7:15-9PM
12Junior Golf Camp - 8:30-1:30
Tennis Round Robin - 9:30AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Chair Exercise-10:00AM
Family Movie - 2:00PM
Council Meeting 7:30PM
13 Tennis Clinic - 9:30AM
Quilters Group - 10:00AM
Knit & Crochet - 2: 00 PM
Fitness Over 50 – 8:45AM
Tai Chi – 10:00AM
14 Junior Golf Clinic - 9-10AM
NPBCC Parent-Child - 7:45AM
Table Tennis - Osb.11:00AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Computer Help –2PM
15Tennis Doubles 9:30AM
16 1st Tee Opens—9 AM
Knit & Crochet - 12PM
Game Day—3PM
Teen Night— 4:30 PM
Tennis Clinic 8:30 or 10:00AM
and 11:30 AM
17 MGA - 7:16AM Tee Times
League Play back 9- 5PM
Tennis Clinics - 8:30, 9:30 and
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:00AM
Baby Time 11-23 months.—11AM
Chemistry Magic Show—2 PM
18 Tennis Clinics 8:30, 10, or
6:30 PM
9 Holers– 9:00AM Tee Times
WGA– 9:40AM Tee Times
League Play back 9- 5PM
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:30AM
Crafts Ages 5-12 - 3:00PM
Country Dance—7:15-9PM
19Tennis Round Robin 9:30AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Chair Exercise-10:00AM
Family Movie- 2:00PM
20 Tennis Clinic - 9:30AM
Quilters Group - 10:00AM
Great Courses - 2:30PM
Fitness Over 50 – 8:45AM
Tai Chi – 10:00AM
Pool Party—6-10PM
21 Junior Golf Clinic - 9-10AM
Table Tennis - Osb.,11:00AM
Adult Chess Club 9AM
Kids chess club - 11AM
Computer Help –2PM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
22Tennis Doubles 9:30AM
23 1st Tee Opens—9 AM
Computer Class Facebook
2—9:30 AM
Knit & Crochet - 12PM
Game Day—3PM
Teen Night— 4:30 PM
Tennis Clinic 8:30 or 10:00AM
and 11:30 AM
24 MGA - 7:16AM Tee Times
Junior Golf Camp - 8:30-1:30PM
League Play Front 9 - 5PM
Tennis Clinics - 8:30, 9:30 and
Story Time, Ages 2-4 - 10:00AM
Baby Time 11-23 months. - 11AM
Shark Tooth Lab—2 PM
25Tennis Clinics 8:30, 10, or
6:30 PM
9 Holers– 9:00AM Tee Times
WGA– 9:40AM Tee Times
League play front 9- 5PM
Junior Golf Camp-8:30-1:30pm
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:30AM
Crafts Ages 5-12 - 3:00PM
Country Dance—7:15-9PM
26Junior Golf Camp - 8:30-1:30
Tennis Round Robin - 9:30AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Family Movie- 2:00PM
Council Meeting 7:30PM
27 Tennis Clinic - 9:30AM
Quilters Group-10:00AM
Great Courses - 2:30PM
Fitness Over 50 – 8:45AM
Tai Chi – 10:00AM
28 Junior Golf Clinic - 9-10AM
Table Tennis - Osb. 11:00AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Computer Help –2PM
29Tennis Clinic -10:00AM
Team Golf—4PM Shotgun
301st Tee Opens—9 AM
Computer Class Photos
Knit & Crochet - 12PM
Game Day—3PM
Teen Night— 4:30 PM
Tennis Clinic 8:30 or 10:00AM
Tennis for Men - 6:30PM
501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408
561-904-2122 Breakfast menu offered Saturday & Sunday morning.
951 US Highway 1, NPB, FL 33408 Phone: 561-691-3430 Fax: 561-630-0932
KEY Golf
Parks & Rec Library
The North Palm Beach Country Club and Village Tavern
Restaurant are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
Driving Range Hours:
Monday & Thursday 9 AM - 9 PM
Tues/Wed & Fri-Sunday 7 AM - 9 PM
Golf Shop Hours:
Daily 6:30 AM - 7 PM
Monday - Friday 11AM - 6PM
Saturday - Sunday 9AM - 2PM
Library Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM
Friday - Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM
Pool Hours:
Monday—Thursday 10 AM - 6 PM
Friday 10 AM - 10 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 6 PM
Sunday 12 PM - 6 PM
Water Aerobics - Tues. & Thurs. - Jane
Wed. & Fri. - Steve
11:00pm - 12:00 pm
Tennis Court Hours/Club Play:
Monday - Thursday 7:45 AM - 10 PM
Friday - Sunday 7:45 AM - DARK
Tennis Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:45 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Retail Shop Hours:
Retail shop hours vary.
Please call 561-694-7557 or 561-691-3425.
1Team Golf—4PM Shotgun
2Golf Course Closed/ Range
Computer Class Word 2 9:30
Seminar investment
update- 10:30 AM
Knit & Crochet - 12PM
3MGA - 7:16 Tee Times
League Play back 9 5PM
Tennis Clinics - 8:30, 9:30 and
Story Time, Ages 2-4-10:00AM
BabyTime 11-23 months.-11AM
Great Courses - 1:00PM
4Tennis Clinics 8:30, 10, or
9 Holers– 9:00AM Tee Times
WGA– 9:40AM Tee Times
League Play back 9-5PM
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:30AM
Country Dance—7:15-9PM
5Tennis Round Robin - 9:30AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Chair Exercise-10:00AM
Family Movie– 3:30 PM
6Tennis Clinic - 9:30AM
Quilters Group - 10:00AM
Fitness Over 50 – 8:45AM
Tai Chi – 10:00AM
7 Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Junior Golf Clinic - 9-10AM
Table Tennis - Osb., 11:00AM
Adult Chess Club - 9 AM
Kids Chess Club - 11 AM
Computer Help –2PM
8 Tennis Doubles –9:30AM
Team Golf—3PM Shotgun
9 Yoga-10:00AM
Tennis Clinic 8:30 or 10:00AM
and 11:30AM
Computer Class Facebook
Book Discussion—11AM
Game Day—3PM
Teen Night— 4:30 PM
10 MGA - 7:16AM Tee Times
Junior Golf Camp - 8:30-1:30PM
League Play front 9- 5PM
Tennis Clinics - 8:30, 9:30 and
Story Time, Ages 2-4 - 10:00AM
Baby Time 11-23 months.11AM
11 Tennis Clinics 8:30, 10, or
6:30 PM
9 Holers– 9:00AM Tee Times
WGA– 9:40AM Tee Times
League Play front 9-5PM
Junior Golf Camp-8:30-1:30 pm
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:30AM
Mystery Book Discussion-1PM
Crafts Ages 5-12 - 3:00PM
Country Dance—7:15-9PM
12Junior Golf Camp - 8:30-1:30
Tennis Round Robin - 9:30AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Chair Exercise-10:00AM
Family Movie - 2:00PM
Council Meeting 7:30PM
13 Tennis Clinic - 9:30AM
Quilters Group - 10:00AM
Knit & Crochet - 2: 00 PM
Fitness Over 50 – 8:45AM
Tai Chi – 10:00AM
14 Junior Golf Clinic - 9-10AM
NPBCC Parent-Child - 7:45AM
Table Tennis - Osb.11:00AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Computer Help –2PM
15Tennis Doubles 9:30AM
16 1st Tee Opens—9 AM
Knit & Crochet - 12PM
Game Day—3PM
Teen Night— 4:30 PM
Tennis Clinic 8:30 or 10:00AM
and 11:30 AM
17 MGA - 7:16AM Tee Times
League Play back 9- 5PM
Tennis Clinics - 8:30, 9:30 and
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:00AM
Baby Time 11-23 months.—11AM
Chemistry Magic Show—2 PM
18 Tennis Clinics 8:30, 10, or
6:30 PM
9 Holers– 9:00AM Tee Times
WGA– 9:40AM Tee Times
League Play back 9- 5PM
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:30AM
Crafts Ages 5-12 - 3:00PM
Country Dance—7:15-9PM
19Tennis Round Robin 9:30AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Chair Exercise-10:00AM
Family Movie- 2:00PM
20 Tennis Clinic - 9:30AM
Quilters Group - 10:00AM
Great Courses - 2:30PM
Fitness Over 50 – 8:45AM
Tai Chi – 10:00AM
Pool Party—6-10PM
21 Junior Golf Clinic - 9-10AM
Table Tennis - Osb.,11:00AM
Adult Chess Club 9AM
Kids chess club - 11AM
Computer Help –2PM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
22Tennis Doubles 9:30AM
23 1st Tee Opens—9 AM
Computer Class Facebook
2—9:30 AM
Knit & Crochet - 12PM
Game Day—3PM
Teen Night— 4:30 PM
Tennis Clinic 8:30 or 10:00AM
and 11:30 AM
24 MGA - 7:16AM Tee Times
Junior Golf Camp - 8:30-1:30PM
League Play Front 9 - 5PM
Tennis Clinics - 8:30, 9:30 and
Story Time, Ages 2-4 - 10:00AM
Baby Time 11-23 months. - 11AM
Shark Tooth Lab—2 PM
25Tennis Clinics 8:30, 10, or
6:30 PM
9 Holers– 9:00AM Tee Times
WGA– 9:40AM Tee Times
League play front 9- 5PM
Junior Golf Camp-8:30-1:30pm
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:30AM
Crafts Ages 5-12 - 3:00PM
Country Dance—7:15-9PM
26Junior Golf Camp - 8:30-1:30
Tennis Round Robin - 9:30AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Family Movie- 2:00PM
Council Meeting 7:30PM
27 Tennis Clinic - 9:30AM
Quilters Group-10:00AM
Great Courses - 2:30PM
Fitness Over 50 – 8:45AM
Tai Chi – 10:00AM
28 Junior Golf Clinic - 9-10AM
Table Tennis - Osb. 11:00AM
Tennis Clinic - 9:00AM
Computer Help –2PM
29Tennis Clinic -10:00AM
Team Golf—4PM Shotgun
301st Tee Opens—9 AM
Computer Class Photos
Knit & Crochet - 12PM
Game Day—3PM
Teen Night— 4:30 PM
Tennis Clinic 8:30 or 10:00AM
Tennis for Men - 6:30PM
501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408
561-904-2122 Breakfast menu offered Saturday & Sunday morning.
951 US Highway 1, NPB, FL 33408 Phone: 561-691-3430 Fax: 561-630-0932
KEY Golf
Parks & Rec Library
Great Outdoors Month – June
Whether camping, fishing, rock climbing, or playing in a neighbor-
hood park, nature offers each of us the opportunity to get outside,
get active, explore, and strengthen our bonds with family and
friends. June is the perfect time to get outside and celebrate our
country's magnificent landscapes, waterways and historical sites. In
cities and towns across the country, public lands and waters provide
unparalleled opportunities for affordable, family-friendly recrea-
tion. From rugged trails to urban rivers, and from sandy coastlines
to rolling battlefields, these places are meant to be explored and
enjoyed by all! North Palm Beach Recreation invites you to start
your experience right here in your own back: Anchorage Park,
Lakeside Park, Osborne Park, NPB Pool, Tennis, Community Cen-
ter and more! Ride your bike, take a walk get outdoors and enjoy!
Great American Backyard Campout: June 28
Unplug and head outside! That is the idea behind the National
Wildlife Federation’s popular national family event, the Great
American Backyard Campout! This event encourages people of all
ages to campout in your back yard or a campground, as a way to
reconnect with nature. All kids should experience a night of camp-
ing out to gain appreciation for nature and the outdoors. We hope
you will join the campaign and campout with your kids on June 28th.
Fishing Camp – Building Up Sports Academy returns with 2
sections of the popular Fishing Camp. This program is held at An-
chorage Park, is for youth 6-13 yrs of age and runs from 9:00 am –
12:00 pm. Campers will learn to tie different knots, bait a hook,
learn water safety and be able to identify different Florida freshwa-
ter/saltwater fish. Fishing equipment, rods, bait, etc. are provided.
This camp is limited to a specific number of campers, so please sign
up ASAP! Join us for a great week of fishing and a chance to catch a
trophy fish! (All caught fish are released!) June 16- 20, 2014 and August
4-8, 2014 9:00 am – noon, $115/$110(RDF)
Chess Camp - This is a new program this summer! Participants
will cover the basics, strategy, chess notation, and some game win-
ning chess moves. At the end of the week, campers will be able to
play chess or join their school's chess club. Campers are required
to bring a chess set with notation and a snack to camp each day.
This camp will be held at Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. June 23-
27 from 9:00 am – noon for ages 7-10 yrs. Fee: $85/$80(RDF)
Instructors: Ken Bachman, Patty Antolik. For more details, please
call 561-841-3386.
Palm Beach Martial Arts Academy - Shito-ryu Karate
We are pleased to announce the start of a new Karate program here
at NPB Rec. Sensei CW Richardson brings us Shito-ryu Karate.
Through systematic practice in the martial arts a person's physical
fitness may be boosted (strength, stamina, flexibility, movement coordination,
etc.) as the whole body is exercised and the entire muscular system is
activated. Beyond contributing to physical fitness, martial arts train-
ing also has benefits for mental health, contributing to self-esteem,
self-control, emotional and spiritual well-being. The following
classes will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg.
Little Dragons (3-6 yrs): Mon & Fri 4:30-5:00 Fee: $105/$100
Little Ninjas (6-10 yrs): Mon & Wed 5:00-5:45 and Sat. 8:00-
8:45 Fee: $125/$120(RDF)/mo
Young Samurai (11/15 yrs): Tue, Thur & Fri 5:00-6:00 Fee:
Multiple child discounts (25%) will apply. Additional fees as fol-
lows will also be required at the first class. $30-annual Chikubu-
Kai membership registration fee.$30- Karate uniform
For more information, call Sensei Richardson at 561-307-2575
Summer Pool Parties – Plan on spending some Friday nights
at the NPB Pool. Bring your family and friends and enjoy an
evening of swimming, dancing, food and drink! Admission is $1/
person. No personal coolers allowed. This series of pool parties
begins June 20th , July 18th, and continues on Aug. 15th from
6:00 – 10:00 pm.
Fall Co-Ed Soccer Registration
Registration for the fall soccer leagues will be at Anchorage Park
Activities Bldg. or online beginning July 1, until full. Registra-
tion fees is: $80/$70 (RDF) Age Divisions: 5/6, 7/8, 9-11, 12-14.
Age is determined by child’s age on Sept. 1, 2014. There will be
at least 1 game and 1 practice per week. Practices begin the end
of August and the season will conclude November 15th. All
games are held at the NPB Community Center. Individual and
team pictures are included in the registration fee! To coach or
sponsor a team please contact Mary Romero – 841-3389 after
Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament
Sign your family and friends up for the annual August 16th An-
chorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament! Registration fee for 4 an-
gler boat is $150. Registration fee for Kayak Division is $35/
person. Fee includes tournament admission, picnic meal, great
fishing bucket filled with goodies, and more!!!! Awards picnic
will be held at Anchorage Park afterwards for anglers and their
families/friends. We are now looking for event sponsors as well
as donations for the raffle. Call the Recreation Dept. at 561-841-
Kids Fishing Derby
Hey Kids! Join us for a seawall Fishing Derby on Saturday, Au-
gust 16th at 2:00 pm at Anchorage Park. We supply the bait –
catch & release! Kid who catches the largest fish wins a wonder-
ful prize!!! No fee, but please call to RSVP your place so we
know how many kids to anticipate. Bring Mom & Dad and then
join us for a Picnic in the Park after the fishing derby & tourna-
Village-Wide Garage Sale
Start cleaning out the closets and getting ready for the September
6th Village Wide Garage sale. This gigantic sale will be held at
the NPB Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. from
7:30am – noon. Indoor and outdoor spaces are available for
$21.30. Reserve your space early!
Parks & Recreation
Pg. 8—Parks & Recreation 561-841-3380
Great Outdoors Month – June
Whether camping, fishing, rock climbing, or playing in a neighbor-
hood park, nature offers each of us the opportunity to get outside,
get active, explore, and strengthen our bonds with family and
friends. June is the perfect time to get outside and celebrate our
country's magnificent landscapes, waterways and historical sites. In
cities and towns across the country, public lands and waters provide
unparalleled opportunities for affordable, family-friendly recrea-
tion. From rugged trails to urban rivers, and from sandy coastlines
to rolling battlefields, these places are meant to be explored and
enjoyed by all! North Palm Beach Recreation invites you to start
your experience right here in your own back: Anchorage Park,
Lakeside Park, Osborne Park, NPB Pool, Tennis, Community Cen-
ter and more! Ride your bike, take a walk get outdoors and enjoy!
Great American Backyard Campout: June 28
Unplug and head outside! That is the idea behind the National
Wildlife Federation’s popular national family event, the Great
American Backyard Campout! This event encourages people of all
ages to campout in your back yard or a campground, as a way to
reconnect with nature. All kids should experience a night of camp-
ing out to gain appreciation for nature and the outdoors. We hope
you will join the campaign and campout with your kids on June 28th.
Fishing Camp – Building Up Sports Academy returns with 2
sections of the popular Fishing Camp. This program is held at An-
chorage Park, is for youth 6-13 yrs of age and runs from 9:00 am –
12:00 pm. Campers will learn to tie different knots, bait a hook,
learn water safety and be able to identify different Florida freshwa-
ter/saltwater fish. Fishing equipment, rods, bait, etc. are provided.
This camp is limited to a specific number of campers, so please sign
up ASAP! Join us for a great week of fishing and a chance to catch a
trophy fish! (All caught fish are released!) June 16- 20, 2014 and August
4-8, 2014 9:00 am – noon, $115/$110(RDF)
Chess Camp - This is a new program this summer! Participants
will cover the basics, strategy, chess notation, and some game win-
ning chess moves. At the end of the week, campers will be able to
play chess or join their school's chess club. Campers are required
to bring a chess set with notation and a snack to camp each day.
This camp will be held at Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. June 23-
27 from 9:00 am – noon for ages 7-10 yrs. Fee: $85/$80(RDF)
Instructors: Ken Bachman, Patty Antolik. For more details, please
call 561-841-3386.
Palm Beach Martial Arts Academy - Shito-ryu Karate
We are pleased to announce the start of a new Karate program here
at NPB Rec. Sensei CW Richardson brings us Shito-ryu Karate.
Through systematic practice in the martial arts a person's physical
fitness may be boosted (strength, stamina, flexibility, movement coordination,
etc.) as the whole body is exercised and the entire muscular system is
activated. Beyond contributing to physical fitness, martial arts train-
ing also has benefits for mental health, contributing to self-esteem,
self-control, emotional and spiritual well-being. The following
classes will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg.
Little Dragons (3-6 yrs): Mon & Fri 4:30-5:00 Fee: $105/$100
Little Ninjas (6-10 yrs): Mon & Wed 5:00-5:45 and Sat. 8:00-
8:45 Fee: $125/$120(RDF)/mo
Young Samurai (11/15 yrs): Tue, Thur & Fri 5:00-6:00 Fee:
Multiple child discounts (25%) will apply. Additional fees as fol-
lows will also be required at the first class. $30-annual Chikubu-
Kai membership registration fee.$30- Karate uniform
For more information, call Sensei Richardson at 561-307-2575
Summer Pool Parties – Plan on spending some Friday nights
at the NPB Pool. Bring your family and friends and enjoy an
evening of swimming, dancing, food and drink! Admission is $1/
person. No personal coolers allowed. This series of pool parties
begins June 20th , July 18th, and continues on Aug. 15th from
6:00 – 10:00 pm.
Fall Co-Ed Soccer Registration
Registration for the fall soccer leagues will be at Anchorage Park
Activities Bldg. or online beginning July 1, until full. Registra-
tion fees is: $80/$70 (RDF) Age Divisions: 5/6, 7/8, 9-11, 12-14.
Age is determined by child’s age on Sept. 1, 2014. There will be
at least 1 game and 1 practice per week. Practices begin the end
of August and the season will conclude November 15th. All
games are held at the NPB Community Center. Individual and
team pictures are included in the registration fee! To coach or
sponsor a team please contact Mary Romero – 841-3389 after
Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament
Sign your family and friends up for the annual August 16th An-
chorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament! Registration fee for 4 an-
gler boat is $150. Registration fee for Kayak Division is $35/
person. Fee includes tournament admission, picnic meal, great
fishing bucket filled with goodies, and more!!!! Awards picnic
will be held at Anchorage Park afterwards for anglers and their
families/friends. We are now looking for event sponsors as well
as donations for the raffle. Call the Recreation Dept. at 561-841-
Kids Fishing Derby
Hey Kids! Join us for a seawall Fishing Derby on Saturday, Au-
gust 16th at 2:00 pm at Anchorage Park. We supply the bait –
catch & release! Kid who catches the largest fish wins a wonder-
ful prize!!! No fee, but please call to RSVP your place so we
know how many kids to anticipate. Bring Mom & Dad and then
join us for a Picnic in the Park after the fishing derby & tourna-
Village-Wide Garage Sale
Start cleaning out the closets and getting ready for the September
6th Village Wide Garage sale. This gigantic sale will be held at
the NPB Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. from
7:30am – noon. Indoor and outdoor spaces are available for
$21.30. Reserve your space early!
Audit Committee
Tom Magill
Richard Podell
Christian Searcy
Southall Stone
David Talley
Emery Newell, 1st Alt
Hank Sanderson, 2nd Alt
Gen Employees Pension Bd
(Council appointed members)
James Peterson
Karen Roberts
Police/Fire Pension Board
(Council appointed member)
Robert DiGloria
Library Advisory Board
Tina Chippas
Christine DelGuzzi
Carolyn Kost
Phyllis Wissner
Diane Page
Bonnie Jenkins, 1st Alt
John Hess, 2nd Alt
Business Advisory Board
James Carpenter
Mark Mullinix
Ronald Lantz
Lee Newman
David Talley
Planning Commission
Cory Cross
Thomas Hogarth
Corey O’Gorman
Benjamin Schreier
Donald Solodar
Susan Bickel, 1st Alt
Alfred Cilcius, 2nd Alt
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Ted Bukowski
Roy Chapin
Louis Daniello
Dianne Reeves
Curtis Witters
Keith Davis, 1st Alt
Adrian Marcuse, 2nd Alt
Construction Board of Adjustment
Harry Ackerman
Brandon Catoe
Thomas Eissey
Charles Giacomelli
Thomas McCarthy
Susan Stokes
Scott Studer
Charles Isiminger, 1st Alt
Stephan Yeckes, 2nd Alt
Recreation Advisory Board
Paul Beach
Bob Bell
Donald Grill
Brian Mahoney
Tom Riggs
Chris Cantwell, 1st Alt
Joseph Bova, 2nd Alt
Golf Advisory Board
James Bender
Lois Gruen
Brian Idle
Stephen Mathison
Tim Peters
Curtis Witters, 1st Alt
Richard Aldred, 2nd Alt
Waterways Board
Jay Carron
Bruce Crawford
Jerry Sullivan
Bob Werner
Ken Wright
Bill Hipple, 1st Alt
Ed Preti, 2nd Alt
Village Historian
Lynn Holden
Thank You! In gratitude for their dedication to the Village, the Council presented outgoing board members
Kari Foster, Holly Perella, and Joe Pierman (L to R) with Certificates of Appreciation recognizing their years of
The Village Council made annual appointments to Village Boards at its April 24 meet-
ing. Village Boards are an integral part of citizen participation in our government and an
important asset to the Village for proper growth and development and the long-term
stability of our community. Our volunteers provide vital input in the decision-making
process regarding present and future activities, programs, and policies. Many thanks
to all who have come forward and volunteered their time and talent to serve our com-
munity! North Palm Beach is truly fortunate in having a wealth of well-qualified, civic-
minded residents. If you applied previously for a board and were not appointed,
please apply again in the future. Please note: board meetings are open to the public;
you don’t have to be a member to attend. Meeting dates and times are listed on the
back page of the Newsletter and on the website.
Village Clerk—Pg. 9www.village-npb.org
Village Clerk
Junior golfers and parents,
We are very excited with our upcoming 2nd summer
season of Team Golf. For more details please see
the flyer above. There are only a few spots left and
registration will be taken on a first
come basis. We hope to see you this
Lee Stroever, PGA
Director of Golf
We still have a few summer memberships available
so join today! This summer there are three different
membership options as well as our junior golf
camps. Our summer membership will run through
September 30th and all members will have the
option of adding the additional month of October
for only $150 + tax.
We are excited to offer five different sessions for
our Junior Summer Golf Camps this year. The
camps will focus on all aspects of the game while
also incorporating other sports and activates in an
effort to improve the children’s overall athletic abil-
ity. We have also extended the length of the camp
and will now add pool time following golf. The
sessions will each be three days long from 8:30am
to 1:30pm and will cost $175 per week. The camps
are scheduled for June 10-12, 24-26, July 8-10, 22
-24 and August 5-7. To sign up or for more
information please call the golf shop at (561) 691-
3433 or visit our website www.npbcc.org.
Thank you for supporting this great Country Club
and we look forward to seeing you this summer.
Best wishes,
Lee Stroever, PGA
Director of Golf
4th Annual North Palm Beach
Country Club
Parent-Child Golf Tournament
June 14, 2014
7:45am Shotgun
Pg. 10—Country Club/Golf 561-841-3380
Country Club/Golf
Junior golfers and parents,
We are very excited with our upcoming 2nd summer
season of Team Golf. For more details please see
the flyer above. There are only a few spots left and
registration will be taken on a first
come basis. We hope to see you this
Lee Stroever, PGA
Director of Golf
We still have a few summer memberships available
so join today! This summer there are three different
membership options as well as our junior golf
camps. Our summer membership will run through
September 30th and all members will have the
option of adding the additional month of October
for only $150 + tax.
We are excited to offer five different sessions for
our Junior Summer Golf Camps this year. The
camps will focus on all aspects of the game while
also incorporating other sports and activates in an
effort to improve the children’s overall athletic abil-
ity. We have also extended the length of the camp
and will now add pool time following golf. The
sessions will each be three days long from 8:30am
to 1:30pm and will cost $175 per week. The camps
are scheduled for June 10-12, 24-26, July 8-10, 22
-24 and August 5-7. To sign up or for more
information please call the golf shop at (561) 691-
3433 or visit our website www.npbcc.org.
Thank you for supporting this great Country Club
and we look forward to seeing you this summer.
Best wishes,
Lee Stroever, PGA
Director of Golf
4th Annual North Palm Beach
Country Club
Parent-Child Golf Tournament
June 14, 2014
7:45am Shotgun
Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 11www.village-npb.org
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Business Advisory Board …………...4th Monday, monthly, 6:30pm
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..3rd Monday, monthly, 6:00pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,4:00pm
Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage only
Country Club
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 691-3425
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Library 841-3383
Police and Fire:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meetings
Thursday, June 12, 2014, 7:30 pm
Thursday, June 26, 2014, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Village Hall Hours: M-F, 8am-5pm
North Palm Beach Village Council
Darryl C. Aubrey Mayor Robert A. Gebbia Vice Mayor David B. Norris President Pro Tem William L. Manuel Councilman Doug Bush Councilman
Chuck Huff
Interim Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members may be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355
Regular meetings are held at 7:30
pm the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the
month and are open to the public.
All meetings are held at:
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408