Pages Replaced by Supplement #30 Checklist of Up-to-Date Pages (This checklist will be updated with the printing of each Supplement) From our experience in publishing Looseleaf Supplements on apage-for-page substitution basis, it has become evident that through usage and supplementation many pages can be inserted and removed in error. The following listing is included in this Code as a ready guide for the user to determine whether the Code volume properly reflects the latest printing of each page. In the first column all page numbers are listed in sequence. The second column reflects the latest printing of the pages as they should appear in an up-to-date volume. The letters "OC" indicate the pages have not been reprinted in the Supplement Service and appear as published for the original Code. When a page has been reprinted or printed in the Supplement Service, this column reflects the identification number or Supplement Number printed on the bottom of the page. In addition to assisting existing holders of the Code, this list may be used in compiling an up-to-date copy from the original Code and subsequent Supplements. Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. Title page 1 79, 80 OC iii 1 81, 82 25 v, vi OC 83 25 vii, viii OC 133 28 ix OC 135, 136 24 x.i, x.ii 1 136.1, 136.2 24 x.iii 1 136.3, 136.4 24 xi, xii 29 137, 138 23 xiii, xiv 29 139, 140 29 xv, xvi 29 140.1, 140.2 28 1 25 141, 142 22 3, 4 25 142.1, 142.2 29 5, 6 25 143, 144 27 7, 8 25 145, 146 29 9, 10 29 146.1 29 10.1, 10.2 29 147, 148 24 149, 150 29 11, 12 25 150.1 29 13, 14 25 151, 152 26 15, 16 25 153, 154 26 17, 18 25 155, 156 26 19 25 156.1, 156.2 26 65 29 156.3 26 77 OC 157, 158 25 Supp. No. 29 [1] NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 2488.1, 2488.2 18 2512.1, 2512.2 23 2489, 2490 18 2512.3, 2512.4 23 2491, 2492 18 2512.5, 2512.6 23 ~ 2493, 2494 18 2512.7 23 2495, 2496 18 2513, 2514 OC 2497, 2498 21 2515, 2516 22 2499, 2500 21 2517, 2518 22 2501,2502 25 2619 21 2503, 2504 28 2819, 2820 29 2504.1, 2504.2 29 2869, 2870 OC 2504.3 28 2871 OC 2505, 2506 10 2873 OC 2507, 2508 13 2875, 2876 OC 2509, 2510 13 2877, 2878 OC 2510.1, 2510.2 25, Add. 2879, 2880 OC 2510.3, 2510.4 25, Add. 2881, 2882 14 2510.5, 2510.6 25, Add. 2883, 2884 14 2510.7, 2510.8 25, Add. 2885, 2886 19 2510.9, 2510.10 25, Add. 2887, 2888 25, Add. 2510.11, 2510.12 25, Add. 2889 29 2510.13, 2510.14 25, Add. 2933, 2934 25 2510.15, 2510.16 25, Add. 2935, 2936 28 2510.17, 2510.18 25, Add. 2937, 2938 29 2510.19, 2510.20 25, Add. 2939, 2940 28 2510.21, 2510.22 25, Add. 2941, 2942 29 2510.23, 2510.24 25, Add. 2942.1 29 2510.25, 2510.26 25, Add. 2943, 2944 24 2510.27, 2510.28 25, Add. 2945, 2946 25 2510.29, 2510.30 25, Add. 2947, 2948 26 2510.31, 2510.32 25, Add. 2949, 2950 29 2510.33, 2510.34 25, Add. 2950.1 24 2510.35, 2510.36 25, Add. 2951, 2952 27 2510.37, 2510.38 25, Add. 2953, 2954 25 2510.39, 2510.40 25, Add. 2955, 2956 29 2510.41, 2510.42 25, Add. 2965, 2966 28 2510.43, 2510.44 25, Add. 2967 25, Add. 2510.45, 2510.46 25, Add. 2510.47, 2510.48 25, Add. 2510.49, 2510.50 25, Add. 2510.51, 2510.52 25, Add. 2510.53, 2510.54 25, Add. 2510.55, 2510.56 25, Add. 2510.57, 2510.58 25, Add. 2511, 2512 23 Supp. No. 29 [4] ~ O ADMINISTRATION § 2-4 will analyze and select one or more optimal types States which is authorized to accept of investments and competitively bid the security and exercise trusts and which is in question when feasible and appropriate. Ex- doing business in the state, and must cept as otherwise required bylaw, the bid deemed be kept in the depository in an ac- tobest meet the investment objectives specified in count separate and apart from the subsection III must be selected. assets of the financial institution; or (n) Internal controls. The chief financial officer c. If physically issued to the holder but shall establish a system of internal controls de- not registered with the issuer or its signed to prevent losses of funds, which might agents, must be immediately placed arise from fraud, employee error, misrepresenta- for safekeeping in a secured vault. tion by third parties, or imprudent actions by employees of the village. Such internal controls (2) The village may also receive bank trust shall be in writing and made a part of the village's receipts in return for investment of sur- operating procedures and shall be reviewed by plus funds in securities. Any trust re- independent auditors during the course of peri- ceipts received must enumerate the vari- odic financial audits as may be required of the ous .securities held, together with the village. specific number of each security held. The actual securities on which the trust re- (o) Continuing education. The chief financial ceipts are issued maybe held by any bank officer shall complete eight (8) hours of continuing depository chartered by the federal gov- education annually in subjects or courses related ernment, the state, or any other state as to investment practices and products. defined in F.S. section 658.12, or by a (p) Reporting. The chief financial officer shall national associations organized and exist- prepare an annual investment report, which shall ing under the laws of the United States include securities in the portfolio by class and which is authorized to accept and execute type, book value, income earned, and market trusts and which is doing business in the value as of the report date. The report will be state. provided to the legislative and governing body of (r) Sale of securities. When invested funds are the village. The report shall be available to the needed in whole or in part for the purposes public. originally intended or for more optimal invest- (q) Securities; disposition. ments, the chief financial officer may sell such (1) Every security purchased on behalf of the investments at the then-prevailing market price village must be properly earmarked and; and place the proceeds into the proper account or fund. a. If registered with the issuer or its agents, must be immediately placed (s) Policy considerations. for safekeeping in a location that protects the village's interest in the (1) Exemptions. Any investment held prior to security; the adoption of this policy that does not meet the guidelines of this policy shall be b. If in book entry form, must be held exempted from the requirements of this for the credit of the governing body policy. At maturity or liquidation, such by a depository chartered by the monies shall be reinvested only as pro- federal government, the state, or any vided by this policy. other state or territory of the United States which has a branch or princi- (2) Amendments. This policy shall be re- pal place of business in the state as viewed on an annual basis. The village defined in F.S. section 658.12, or by a council must approve any changes, as national association organized and well as the individual(s) charged with existing under the laws of the United maintaining internal controls. Supp. No. 24 136.3 i § 2-4 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE l~ (t) Delegation of authority. The finance direc- Sec. 2-18. Same-Presiding officer. for is the chief financial officer of the village and (a) The mayor shall preside at all meetings, if is responsible for investment decisions and activ- ities. The village may retain a registered invest- Present, and in his absence, the vice-mayor. In the absence of both the mayor and vice-mayor, the ment advisory firm to assist in the investment president pro tem shall preside. management process. No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided (b) The presiding officer shall preserve order under the terms of this policy and the procedures and decorum. He shall appoint all committees established hereunder. unless the council shall otherwise direct. Authorized signatories. are the chief financial (c) Terms of mayor. No person may serve more officer, the village manager and the village mayor. than one-year term as mayor of the village. A These individuals are also authorized to initiate person who served as mayor of the village for one wire transfers -for the village. All investment (1) term shall not serve as mayor during the transactions require approval by two (2) of the following council year, but beginning one (I) year depository signatories. after termination of his one-year term as mayor of (Ord. No. 31-95, § 1, 10-26-96; Ord. No. 15-2001, the village, he may again serve as mayor for a ~ 1, 2, 6-28-01) period not to exceed one (1) year. Editor's note-Ord. No. 31-95, adopted Oct. 26, 1996, has (Code 1970, § 2-9; Ord. No. 218-70, § 1; Ord. No. been codified herein at the discretion of the editor as § 2-4. 8-82, § 1, 4-22-82) Secs. 2-5-2-15. Reserved. Sec. 2-19. Adjournment of all meetings. All regular meetings, special meetings and workshop meetings for the village council shall be ARTICLE II. COUNCIL* adjourned on or before 11:00 p.m. on the date when the meeting convened. In the event there is DIVISION 1. GENERALLY pending business on the floor at 11:00 p.m. during one (1) of the meetings, the chair shall at that time entertain a motion that the meeting be Sec. 2-16. Compensation. reconvened at a time and date certain, but upon The compensation of all members elected to the failure of the council to agree upon such motion, village council other than the mayor is hereby the meeting shall be adjourned and the business fixed at the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) Pending at the time of adjournment shall be the per month. The compensation of the mayor is first item on the agenda of the next meeting of the hereby fixed at the sum of six hundred dollars village council pertaining thereto. ($600.00) per month. (Ord. No. 24-79, § 1, 11-8-79) (Code 1970, § 2-7; Ord. No. 20-78, § 3, 8-10-78; Secs. 2-20-2-25. Reserved. Ord. No. 2-88, § 1, 1-14-88; Ord. No. 16-97, § 1, 3-13-97; Ord. No. 29-99, § 1, 8-26-99) Charter reference-Compensation, Art. III, § 4. DIVISION 2. RULES OF PROCEDUREfi Sec. 2-17. Regular meetings-When held. Sec. 2-26. Order of business. ~ The regular meetings of the village council The following order shall be observed in the shall be held on the second and fourth Thursdays transaction of business, but such order may be varied by unanimous consent of the councilmen of each month. P (Code 1970, § 2-8) resent: Charter reference-Meetings procedure, Art. III, § 9(a). (1) Roll call; a`Charterreference-Legislative provisions generally, Art. 1'Charter reference-Authority to determine rules of III. procedure, Art. III, § 9(b). Supp. No. 24 136.4 O ADMINISTRATION § 2-41 (2) Invocation; Sec. 2-40. Departmental organization. (3) Pledge of allegiance; (a) The administrative service of the village (4) Approval of minutes; shall be divided under the administrator into the following departments and heads thereof: (5) Report of mayor; (1) Department of finance, director of fi- (6) Statements from the public; Hance. (7) Consent agenda; (2) Department of public safety, director of public safety. (8) Petitions and communications; (3) Department of public services, director of (9) Reports of special committees and recom- public services. mendations of advisory boards; (4) Department of recreation, director of rec- (10) Village manager's report; reation. (11) Declaration of ex parte communications; (5) Department of library, librarian. (12) Ordinances; (6) Department of country club, country club (13) Resolutions; administrator. (14) Miscellaneous business; (b) In addition, there shall be a department of records headed by the village clerk under the (15) Adjournment. village council, which department shall be coordi- (Code 1970, § 2-17; Ord. No. 6-74, § 1; Ord. No. Hated into the administrative service and cooper- 22-96, § 1, 6-13-96; Ord. No. 14-98, § 1, 6-25-98) ate with the administrator so as to coordinate the - entire administrative service of the village. - Sec. 2-27. Parliamentary rules. (Code 1970, § 2-32; Ord. No. 1-75, § 4, 4-10-75; Ord. No. 44-97, § 1, 10-9-97; Ord. No. 30-2001, § 2, The presiding officer, when the council is in 10-11-01) , SeSS10ri, shall enforce parliamentary .rules for its Cross references-Country club, Ch. 9; library, Ch. 16; parks, playgrounds and recreation, Ch. 20; police, Ch. 23; government so far as they are applicable to such streets, sidewalks and public places, Ch. 24. legislative body. (Code 1970, § 2-19) Sec. 2-41. Oaths of office. Secs. 2-28-2-38. Reserved. (a) Persons required to take oath of office. Each of the following officers and employees in the administrative service shall be required to take ARTICLE .III. ADMINISTRATIVE CODE an oath of office before entering upon the dis- charge of his duties, which oath shall be sub- DIVISION 1. GENERALLY scribed by the person taking it and shall be filed and preserved in the office of the village clerk: Sec. 2-39. Definition. (1) Officers. The village manager and each department head. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: (2) Public safety officers. Every member of the department of public safety (including Chief administrator or administrator is the any private, special, temporary or substi- village manager. tute policemen which the village might (Code 1970, § 2-31) find it necessary to appoint). Supp. No. 23 137 0 § 2-41 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE ~- (b) Form of oath for the chief administrator Subscribed and sworn to before me this and officers. The following shall be the form of day of , 19 oath for the chief administrator and officers: State of Florida ) Notary Public County of Palm Beach ) ss. Village of North Palm Beach ) (Code 1970, § 2-33) I, , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the Sec. 2-42. Bonds required of certain offic- United States, the Constitution of the State of ers. Florida, and the Charter and Code of the Vil- The following named village officials shall each, lage of North Palm Beach; that I will faithfully, before entering upon the duties of their respective honestly and impartially discharge my duties offices, give a good and sufficient surety company as during my continu- bond to the village, duly approved by the village ante therein; that I am not directly or indi- attorney, and conditioned upon the faithful per- rectly pecuniarily interested in any public ser- formance and discharge of their respective duties, vice corporation engaged in business in the and for the proper application and payment of all Village of North Palm Beach, or in or with any money or property coming .into their hands by person or corporation having contracts with virtue of their offices in the following amounts: said Village, so help me God. (1) Village manager, two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00). Subscribed and sworn to before me this (2) Finance director, two hundred thousand day of , 19 dollars ($200,000,00). (c) Form of oath for members of department of (3) Village clerk, ten thousand dollars public safety. The following shall be the form of ($10,000.00). oath for the members of the department of public (4) Village tax collector, two hundred thou- safety: sand dollars ($200,000.00). State of Florida ) (5) Country club manager or country club i County of Palm Beach ) ss. administrator, two hundred thousand dol- Village of North Palm Beach ) lars ($200,000.00). I, , do solemnly swear (Code 1970, § 2-34; Ord. No. 23-96, § 1, 6-13-96; that I will support the Constitution of the Ord. No. 30-2001, § 3, 10-11-01) United States, the Constitution of the State of Florida and the Charter and Code of the Vil- Sec. 2-43. Policy and procedures. lage of North Palm Beach; and that I will, to (a) Officers. Each officer shall perform all du- the best of my ability, faithfully perform the ties required of his office by state law, the charter, ~ duties of the office of Public Safety Officer the Code of the village, and such other duties not during my continuance therein, so help me in conflict therewith as may be required by the I God• village manager. i ~ (b) Department heads. The heads of depart- ments shall: (1) Responsibility to village manager. The heads of departments including the coun- try club administrator shall be immedi- ately responsible to the village manager for the effective administration of their Supp. No. 23 138 ADMINISTRATION § 2-153 (c) The retirement board hereby created shall tions reposed in the retirement board may be perform all duties and enjoy all rights and powers performed and carried out by the village trea- vested by law or ordinance, and the village attor- surer, at the direction of the retirement board ney may give advice and legal assistance to said through duly authorized agents, provided that retirement board in all matters pertaining to the the village treasurer shall, at all times, maintain performance of their duties, whenever requested continuous supervision over the acts of any such and may prosecute and defend all suits which agent(s); provided further, that legal title to the may be instituted by or against it; provided, funds shall remain at all times in the name of the however, the retirement board may, in its discre- village. Lion, employ independent legal counsel for such (b) The village, or its designated funding agent, purposes, if funded by the village council, the shall be the custodian of all securities, and the expense of such employment to be paid by the accretion thereof shall become a part of the gen- village. eral retirement fund. All funds and securities of (d) The retirement board shall have full au- the general retirement fund shall be deposited thority to administer all the provisions of this with the village treasurer, who shall keep then in division and shall cause all disbursements and a receipt for all monies received by the fund through the office of the village treasurer. The retirement board shall appoint a secretary who shall keep a complete record of all actions and proceedings by the board. (e) The retirement board shall continue to ex- ist exclusively for the purpose provided by this division and related legislation, and the respon- sibility for the administration and proper opera- tion thereof and for effectuating the provisions of the law relating thereto, is vested in the retire- ment board. (Ord. No. 1-83, § 6, 1-13-83) Sec. 2-152. Additional rules and regulations authorized. The retirement board shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions of this division, governing its activ- ities and providing for the certification of the sum to be paid a retired member from the general retirement fund. (Ord. No. 1-83, § 7, 1-13-83) Sec. 2-153. Investing funds; custodian of se- curities. (a) The retirement board shall have the power and authority to direct the village treasurer to invest and reinvest the assets of the general retirement fund in a manner consistent with laws and statutes governing the investment of the village. Each of the foregoing powers and func- Supp. No. 29 146.1 l ADMINISTRATION § 2-155 separate fund, and shall be liable for the safekeep- future persons entitled to receive benefits under ing of the same under the bond given to the one (1) of the options provided for in this division village and shall be liable in the same manner who .are designated by any of such members. In and to the same extent as is liable for the safe- the event of such repeal, or if contributions to the keeping of the funds of the village as provided. for system are discontinued, there shall be full vest- by law. All funds now held by the village for this ing one hundred (100) percent of benefits on a retirement system are hereby transferred to the proportionate basis to the person entitled to ben- fund established by this division. efits in accordance with the provisions thereof. (Ord. No. 1-83, § 8, 1-13-83; Ord. No. 11-85, § 1, (c) The following shall be the order of priority 7-11-85) for purposes of allocating the assets of the system as of the date of such repeal of this division, or if Sec. 2-154. Oaths of office; meetings; quo- contributions to the system are discontinued with ~m• the date of such discontinuance being determined Before entering upon their duties as members by the board: of the board, each member shall take and sub- (1) Apportionment shall first be made in re- scribe to the oath of office required by the village spect to each retired member receiving a Charter, which oath shall be filed with the village benefit or each person receiving a benefit clerk. The board shall meet as often as necessary on such date on account of a retired (but or upon the call of the chairman or any member since deceased) member, and each mem- thereof or upon request of the village clerk. All ber who has, by such date, become eligible board meetings shall be held at village hall. A for normal retirement but has not yet majority of the board shall constitute a quorum retired, an amount which is the actuarial for the transaction of any .business. Notice of equivalent of such benefit, based upon the meetings shall be given to council and the public actuarial assumptions used for purposes at least seven (7) days in advance. of the most recent actuarial valuation, (Ord. No. 1-83, § 9, 1-13-83; Ord. No. 06-2002, § 2, provided that, if such asset value be less 2-28-02) than the aggregate of such amounts, such amounts shall be proportionately reduced Sec. 2-155. Repeal or termination of system. so that the aggregate of such reduced amounts will be equal to such asset value. (a) This division establishing the system and (2) If there be any asset value remaining fund, and subsequent ordinances pertaining to the system and fund, inay be modified, termi- after the apportionment under subpara- nated or amended in whole or in part; provided graph (1), apportionment shall next be that if this division or any subsequent ordinance made in respect of each member in the shall be amended or repealed in its application to service of the village on such date who has any person benefiting hereunder, the amount of completed at least ten (10) years of cred- benefits which at the time of any such alteration, ited service and who is not entitled to an amendment or repeal shall have accrued to the apportionment under subparagraph (1), member or beneficiary shall not be affected thereby, in the amount required to provide the except to the extent that the assets of the fund actuarial equivalent, as described in (1) may be determined to be inadequate. above, of the actuarial normal retirement benefit, based on the credited service and (b) If this division is repealed and not super- average monthly earnings as of such date, seded by another pension plan, or if contributions and each vested former member then en- to the system are discontinued, the board shall titled to a deferred benefit who has not, by continue to administer the system in accordance such date, begun receiving benefit pay- with the provisions of this division, for the sole ments, in the amount required to provide benefit of the then members, any beneficiaries said actuarial equivalent of the accrued then receiving retirement allowances, and any normal retirement benefit, provided that, Supp. No. 24 147 a i § 2-155 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE if such remaining asset value be less than (b) Nonassignability. No benefit provided for the aggregate of the amounts apportioned herein shall be assignable or subject to garnish- hereunder, such latter amounts shall be ment for debt or for other legal process. proportionately reduced so that the aggre- gate of such amounts will be equal to such (c) Pension validity. The board of retirement remaining asset value. shall have the power to examine into the facts upon which any pension shall heretofore or here- (3) If there be any asset value after the after have been granted or obtained to determine apportionments under subparagraph (1) if such pension was granted erroneously, fraudu- and (2), apportionment shall be made in lently or illegally for any reason. The board is respect of each member in the service of empowered to purge the pension rolls of any the village on such date who is not enti- person heretofore or hereafter granted a pension tled to an apportionment under subpara- under prior or existing law or heretofore granted graphs (1) and (2) in the amount equal to under this division if the same is found to be his accumulated benefits, provided that, erroneous, fraudulent or illegal for any reason; if such remaining asset value be less than and to reclassify any pensioner who has hereto- the aggregate of the amounts apportioned fore under any prior or existing law or who shall hereunder, such latter amounts shall be hereafter under this division be erroneously, im- proportionately reduced so that the aggre- properly or illegally classified. gate of such reduced amounts will be equal to such remaining asset value. (d) Incompetents. If any member or beneficiary ' is a minor or is, in the judgment of the board, (4) If there be any asset value remaining otherwise incapable of personally receiving and after the apportionments under subpara- giving a valid receipt for any payment due him graphs (1), (2) and (3), apportionments under the system, the board may, unless and until shall lastly be made in respect of each claims shall have been made by a duly appointed t, member included in subparagraph (3) guardian of such person, make such payment or above to the extent of the actuarial equiv- any part to such person's spouse, children or other alent, as described in (1) above, of the person deemed by the board, in its sole discretion, accrued normal retirement benefit, less to have incurred expenses or assumed responsi- the amount apportioned in subparagraph bility for the expenses of such person. Any pay- (3), based on the credit service and aver- anent so made shall be a complete discharge of age monthly earnings as of such date, any liability under the system for such payment. provided that, if such remaining asset (Ord. No. 1-83, § 11, 1-13-83) value be less than the aggregate of the amounts apportioned hereunder; such Sec. 2-157. Direct transfers of eligible amounts shall be reduced so that the rollover distribution. aggregate of such reduced amounts will be equal to such remaining asset value. (1) General. This section applies to distribu- tions made on or after January 1, 1993. Notwith- (d) After all the vested and accrued benefits standing any provision of the system to the con- provided hereunder have been paid and- after all trary that would otherwise limit a distributee's other liabilities have been satisfied, then and only election under this section, a distributee may then shall any remaining funds revert to the elect, at the time and in the manner prescribed by general fund of the village. the board, to have any portion of an eligible (Ord. No. 1-83, § 10, 1-13-83) rollover distribution paid directly to an eligible Sec. 2-156. Miscellaneous. retirement plan specified by the distributee in a direct rollover. (a) Discharged members. Members entitled to a pension as approved by the pension board shall (2) Definitions. not forfeit the same upon dismissal from the (a) Eligible rollover distribution: An eligible rr village, but shall be retired as herein described. rollover distribution is any distribution of E, i Supp. No. 24 148 0 MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 18-35 ARTICLE III. STOPPING, STANDING AND North side of Lighthouse Drive between Light- PARKING* house Bridge and one hundred (100) feet east of the east right-of--way line of La- Sec. 18-34. Parking restricted. goon Drive; North Anchorage Drive from Eastwind Drive to (a) Between the hours of 2:00 a.m. -and 6:00 U.S. #1 (SR #5); a.m. on streets where no curbing is provided, the South Anchorage Drive and Eastwind Drive parking of a vehicle shall not usurp more than adjacent to the North Palm Beach Ele- twelve (12) inches of the paved portion of the mentary School property only during the street.- period starting one (1) hour prior to and (b) No person shall leave any truck, trailer, ending one (1) hour after published school boat or any vehicle of a similar type parked upon hours inclusive; any public street or highway within the village Southerly most four hundred (400) feet of the between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. westerly road right-of--way of Castlewood Drive adjacent to the First Church of (c) No truck in excess ofthree-fourths ton shall Christ Scientist. be parked at any time on public or private prop- (Ord. No. 8-92, § 1, 6-25-92; Ord. No. 25-93, § 1, erty in an R-1, R-2 or R-3 residential zoning 10-14-93; Ord. No. 19-96, § 1, 5-23-96; Ord. No. district unless making deliveries o'• picking up 9-99, § 1, 2-11-99) merchandise. Editor's note-Ordinance No. 8-92, adopted June 25, 1992, did not specifically amend this Code; hence, inclusion of Exception: Vans with and without factory- § 1 as § 18-34.1 was at the discretion of the editor. installed seats are excepted since vans with factory- Sec. 18-35. Recreational, boating and camp- installed seats are not vans in accordance with ing equipment and personal rec- state law. reational use trailers; parking on (Code 1970, 24-70, 39-24; Ord. No. 4-81, § 2, residential property restricted. 3-26-81) Recreational, boating and camping equipment in the form of travel and camping trailers, boats Sec. 18-34.1. Vehicle, trailer or boat parking on trailers, boat trailers, motor homes, personal prohibited upon paved or un- recreational use trailers including motorcycle and paved area of the road right-of- all terrain vehicle trailers and vans, designed and way of specific roadways. used exclusively as temporary living quarters for recreation, for boating, for camping, for travel or The parking of any vehicle, trailer or boat is for other personal recreational use, may be parked hereby prohibited upon the paved or unpaved in the side or rear yard, or within completely area of the road right-of--way of those portions of enclosed garages on sites containing a single the following described roadways located within family or duplex residence, subject to the follow- the corporate limits of the Village of North Palm ing conditions: Beach, Florida: (1) A maximum of two (2) pieces of such State Road A-1-A; equipment at a time shall be permitted on a site. Prosperity Farms Road; (2) Such parking shall be limited to such U.S. Highway # 1 (SR #5); equipment owned or leased by the occu- pant-owner or occupant-lessee of the site Northlake Boulevard; concerned. 800 Block of Lighthouse Drive; Exception: A guest of an occupant-owner or occupant-lessee may park this equip- '~Cross reference-Parking near a fire station or hydrant ment in the front yard for not more than restricted, § 12-2. five (5) days in any fourteen-day period. Supp. No. 26 1174.1 __----- C MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 18-38 (3) The location for such parked equipment (9) The village council finds that, as a matter shall be in the rear yard or in the side of fact, recreational and camping equip- yard to the rear of a line established by ment is a customary accessory use of the the front building line adjacent to the side land in R-1 and R-2 zoning districts in the yard where the equipment is located; pro- village. vided, however, that on corner lots such (10) Such parked equipment shall not be used equipment shall not be parked on the side in the course of any commercial activity. yard which faces a public street. For this purpose, commercial activity shall (4) Such equipment shall, at all times, have include any type of business or activity attached a current vehicle license plate. which is conducted on or off the subject premises. (5) When parked on the site, such equipment (Code 1970, § 30-1; Ord. No. 26-72, § l; Ord. No. shall not be used for living or sleeping 11-79, § 1, 6-14-79; Ord. No. 27-93, § 1, 12-9-93; quarters or for housekeeping or storage Ord. No. 38-97, § 1, 8-28-97; Ord. No. 33-99, § 1, purposes and shall not have attached 10-28-99) thereto any water, sewer, electric or gas service connection. Sec. 18-36. Parking in violation of signs. Exception: Guest equipment as defined in It shall be unlawful, when signs have been subsection (2). erected giving notice thereof, to .stop, stand or park a vehicle in violation of signs regulating or (6) Such equipment shall not exceed the max- prohibiting the stopping, standing or parking of imum length, width, height and weight vehicles. permitted under applicable provisions of the motor vehicle laws of the State of Sec. 18-37. Violations; fines-Handicap Florida; provided, however, the maximum spaces. length shall -not exceed thirty (30) feet and the maximum height shall not exceed The fine for stopping, standing or parking in ten (10) feet. handicap parking spaces in violation of F.S. sec- tions 316.1955, 316.1956 shall be in the amount of (7) Such equipment shall be secured so that one hundred dollars ($100.00). it will not be a hazard or menace during (Ord. No. 32-90, § 1, 8-9-90) high winds or hurricanes. At least four (4) Editor's note-Ordinance No. 32-90, adopted Aug. 9, hurricane ground anchors shall be avail- ls9o, did not specifically amend this Code; hence, inclusion of able at each site for each piece of equip- § 1 as § 18-37 was at the discretion of the editor. ment where such equipment is stored pursuant to this Code. Sec. 18-38. Same-Non-handicap spaces. The fine for stopping, standing and parking a (8) All such equipment, when parked in the vehicle in violation of provisions, other than hand- side yard, shall be visually screened from icap parking provisions, of this article shall be in the view of properties adjacent to the side the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). yard and street rights-of--way with an (Ord. No. 40-90„ § 1, 12-13-90; Ord. No. 5-96, § 1, opaque wall, fence, gate or hedge to a 1-25-96) height of six (6) feet and to the length and Editor's note-Ordinance No. 40-90, adopted Dee. 13, width of such equipment. When such equip- 1sso, did not specifically amend this Code; hence, inclusion of ment is parked in the rear yard of a corner § 1 as § 18-38 was at the discretion of the editor. lot, the equipment shall be visually screened from the view of the side street right-of--way. Such walls, gates or fences shall be constructed in accordance with section 45-36(D). [The next page is 1225 Supp. No. 1s 1175 0 0 OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS § 19-184 and official zoning map of the village, and Sec. 19-120. Exemptions. as a result of any noise source outside of The following are exempt from the operation of the property in question may the follow- ing sound pressure levels be exceeded: this article: a. Day: Fifty-Five (55) dBA. (1) All public parks, schools, playgrounds and recreation areas specifically designated b. Night: Fifty (50) dBA. for such activity in performance of that (2) At no point on the boundary of or within activity. the area zoned C-1, C-2, C-A, Or C-lA, (2) All equipment tests required by law. according to the zoning code of the village (3) All procedures or processes required by and official zoning map of the village may law, and the following sound pressure levels be exceeded as a result of any noise source (4) All accidental soundings of equipment or outside the property in question: mechanical failure of equipment making noise prohibited in this article. a. Day: Sixty (60) dBA. (Code 1970, § 22-23; Ord. No. 5-75, § 1, 6-12-75) b. Night: Sixty (60) dBA. (3) For any source of sound which emits a Secs. 19-121-19-144. Reserved. discrete tone, the sound level limits set in subparagraphs a. and b. of this section ARTICLE VII. RESERVED shall be reduced by five (5) dB. (4) For any source of sound measured at the Secs. 19-145-19-182. Reserved. source, the maximum sound levels shall not exceed the sound level limits in sub- ARTICLE VIII. WEAPONS paragraphs a. through c. of this section by' Sec. 19-183. Possession. a. Ten (10) dBA from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in a residential area. (a) Except within his own domicile, no person shall have in his possession, or carry or use, any b. Five (5) dBA from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 air gun, BB gun, gas-operated gun or spring gun a.m. in a residential area. or any instrument, toy or weapon commonly known c. Ten (10) dBA at all times in commer_ as a "peashooter," "slingshot" or "beany" or any cial, manufacturing, industi7al or ag- bow made for the purpose of throwing or project- - ricultural land use work." ing missiles of any kind by any means whatso- (Code 1970, § 22-20; Ord. No. 5-75, § 1, 6-12-75; ever, whether such instrument is called by any Ord. No. 17-76, § 1, 9-23-76; Ord. No. 34-2000, § 5, name set forth above or by any other name. 11-9-00) (b) Nothing herein contained shall be con- strued to prevent the concealed or open carrying Sec. 19-119. Special permits excepted. of any type of gun whatsoever when unloaded and properly encased, to or from any shooting range or The operational performance standards estab- shooting gallery or to or from an area where lished by this article except for operating motor hunting is allowed by law. vehicle noise shall not apply to any public perfor- (Code 1970, § 24-72; Ord. No. 20-88, § 1, 8-11-88) mance being conducted in accordance with the provisions of a special permit granted by the Sec. 19-184. Carrying concealed weapons. village for the conduct of a public performance nor to any emergency work, as defined by section (a) No person shall wear under his clothes, or 19-99. conceal about his person, or display in a threat- (Code 1970, § 22-22; Ord. No. 5-75, § 1, 6-12-75) ening manner, any dangerous or deadly weapon Supp. No. 21 1235 9 § 19-184 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE r 't - including, but not by way of limitations, any ical description, occupation, residence, and, slingshot, cross-knuckles, or knuckles of lead, if residing in a municipality, the street brass or other metal,. or any bowie knife, or any and number where he or she resides; the knife resembling a bowie knife, or any knife with date of the purchase, sale, rental or ex- a switchblade or device whereby the blade or change of such weapon; and the name of blades can the employee or other person making such be opened by a flick of a button, pressure on the purchase, sale, rental or exchange. handle, or other mechanical contrivance. (2) Daily reports. Daily reports shall be deliv- (b) This section shall not be construed to forbid ered to the director of public safety of United States marshals, sheriffs, constables and every such purchase, sale, loan or gift. their deputies, and any regular, special or ex The report shall be on forms provided by the director of public safety and shall set officio police officer, or any other law enforcement forth the name in full, the residence, age officer from carrying or wearing, while on duty, and physical description and the occupa- such weapons as shall be necessary in the proper tion of the person to whom or from whom discharge of their duties. such dangerous or deadly weapon has (Code 1970, § 24-73) been purchased, sold, loaned or given. (Code 1970, § 24-74) Sec. 19-185. Sales restricted. Sec. 19-186. Forfeiture; disposition. (a) Sale of switchblade knives prohibited. No (a) Every person convicted of a violation of this person shall sell, offer for sale, or display any article shall forfeit to the village such dangerous knife or knives having the appearance of a pocket or deadly weapon so concealed or displayed. knife, the blade or blades of which can be opened (b) Every police officer, upon making any ar- by aflick of a button, pressure on the handle, or rest and taking a weapon used in violation of other mechanical devices. Such knife is hereby articles I through V and this article of this chap- declared to be a dangerous or deadly weapon ter, shall deliver the same to the judge to be held within the meaning of section 19-183, and shall be by him until the final determination of the pros- subject to forfeiture to the village as provided in eeution for such offense; and, upon the finding of this article. guilt, it shall then be the duty of such judge to (b) Display a~ad sale of specified weapons. No deliver such weapon forthwith to the director of pawnbroker, secondhand dealer or other person public safety who shall make disposition of the engaged in business in the village shall display or weapon. place on exhibition in any show window or other (Code 1970, § 24-75) window facing any street, any brass or metal Secs. 19-187-19-199. Reserved. knuckles, or any club loaded with lead or other weight, or any blackjack or billy club. (c) Record of sales required. Every secondhand ARTICLE IX. WATER SHORTAGE dealer awnbroker or other EMERGENCIES p person engaged in the sale, rental or exchange of any weapons Sec. 19n200. Definitions. described in sections 19-183 and paragraph (b) of For the purpose of this article the following this section shall keep a record of each such terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall weapon purchased, sold, rented or exchanged at have the meaning given herein. When not incon- retail. *Editor's note-Ordinance No. 6-81, 1-6 and 9, en- (1) Time of recordation. The record shall be acted'_Ylay 14, 1981, has been codified as Art. >X, 19-200- made at the time of the transaction, in a 19-206, at the editor's discretion. Such provisions did not book kept for that purpose, and ShaIl .expressly amend the Code. include the name of the person to whom Cross references-Civil emergencies, Ch. 8; health and sanitation, Ch. 14; planning and development, Ch. 21; streets such weapon is sold Or from w11om Such and sidewalks, Ch. 24; swimming pools, Ch. 25; trees and weapon is purchased; his or her age, phys- shrubbery, Ch. 27; subdivisions, App. B; zoning, App. C. Supp. No. 21 1236 0 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-36 exceeds four (4) stories or sixty (60) feet where building permit in noway offsets the deed any portion of said building or of the property covenants, and that the applicant should upon which it is located is within five hundred also check the deed covenants to protect feet of any R-1, single-family dwelling district, himself. B. Swimming pools shall be set back at least E. In the event one (1) lot, or portion thereof, seven and one-half (7?/a) feet from the and the whole or a portion of a contiguous back property line measured from the rim lot, all in one (1) ownership, shall be used of the pool and not less than five (5) feet as one (1) building site for one (1) resi- from the side property line including the dence building, and its appurtenant out- two-and-one-half-foot walk around the pool, buildings permitted by this ordinance, The highest projection of the swimming then while so owned and used the side pool shall not exceed two (2) feet. Outdoor lines and rear line of such site shall be fireplaces not exceeding six (6) feet in deemed to be the side and rear lot lines of height may be erected and maintained, such sites. said structure, however, shall not be erected within five (5) feet of any rear lot line. F. No business, professional, commercial ac- (a) Swimming pools may be enclosed by tivity or home occupation shall be con- screening provided same are not ducted upon any portion of real property erected closer than five (5) feet from zoned R-1 single-family dwelling district, the side and rear yard lines. R-2 multiple-family dwelling district and R-3 apartment dwelling district or within - (b) No swimming pool shall be located any dwelling thereon or upon a dock, pier 'ri the area lying between the front or other waterside structure appurtenant property line and the front building thereto and attached to such real prop- ---- line in the R-1 and R-2 zoning dis- erty. - - tricts. _- - G. In all multifamily residential buildings C. Detached garages not more than one (1) two (2) stories or greater in height, and in story in height may be erected and main- all commercial buildings over four (4) sto- tained within ..seven and one-half (7i/a) ries in height, which are not equipped feet of the rear line of any such lot. with elevators provided with standby emer- D. Walls and fences built within the area gency power and having minimum cab between the property line and the build- dimensions which will permit the use of ing setback line shall not exceed six (6) the elevator cab by normal size emer- feet in height; provided, however, that no gency ambulance stretchers, and in all walls or fences may be erected between commercial buildings two (2) stories to the front yard setback and the street line, four (4) stories in height which are not nor may walls or fences exceed four (4) equipped with elevators having minimum feet in height for a distance of forty (AO) cab dimensions which will permit the use feet from any body of water located within of the elevator -cab by normal size emer- the village. On corner lots, walls or fences gency stretchers, there shall be a mini- shall not exceed four (4) feet in height mum of one (1) access stairway serving within the area between the side line of every story. Such stairway shall have the the lot which fronts on a street, and the following minimum dimensions: front building setback line extended of the (1) Minimum width of stairway to be adjacent side street lot. On all building five (5) feet. permits for walls or fences greater than four (4) feet in height that are to be (2) Minimum dimensions of all landings located outside building setback lines, there to be ten (10) feet by six (6) feet, six shall be a prominent notice that a village (6) inches. Supp. No. 23 2511 i § 45-36 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE i " Ii. Patios connected to the rear of a dwelling work, dismantling or servicing of any unit may be enclosed by screening pro- kind unless expressly permitted by vided there shall be a rear yard of not less the zoning of the district in question. than fifteen (15) feet measured from the f. If lighting of such areas is to be rear of the screened enclosure to the rear lot line. provided, the plans therefor shall be such that such lighting shall reflect I. There shall be a front yard of not less than away from any public street and at forty {40) feet measured from the street such an angle as to prevent glare or line to the front building line in the case of undue illumination of residential Lots 11 to 35 inclusive, Block 3, as shown properties in the neighborhood. on the plat of Village of North Palm Beach, Plat 1, recorded in plat book 24, page 205, K. No carnival, fair, amusement park or cir- Public Records of Palm Beach County, cus shall be carried on in any residential Florida. or commercial zoning district in the Vil- lage of North Palm Beach, including zon- J. Whenever, by this ordinance,. off-street ing districts R-1, R-2A, R-3, C-A, C-lA, parking is required in any commercial C-1 and C-2; provided, however, that a district or in any R-3 apartment dwelling carnival, fair or circus maybe carried by a district, no such parking facilities shall be nonprofit organization to collect funds to hereafter constructed until a permit there- further the purposes of such organization for shall have been issued by the building at the premises where the organization is inspector, and until the plans and specifi- located within the Village of North Palm cations therefor are such that: Beach. No such carnival, fair or circus a. Such off-street parking area is de- shall extend for more than three (3) con- signed with appropriate means of secutive days, and no such carnival, fair vehicular access to a public street or or circus may be open to the public be- alley. tween the hours of 10:00 p.m, and 10:00 a.m. during any day. A permit for such b. Such off=street parking area is de- permitted carnival,. fair or circus must be signed with appropriate vehicular obtained from the office of the village maneuvering areas. manager. There will be no charge or fee c. Such off-street parking area is paved for such permit. with an asphaltic or concrete surfac- L. No gasoline. or oil filling stations and no ing, or other material designed to service station shall be erected within five prevent dust. hundred (500) feet of any church, hospi- d. Such off-street arkin area is so tal, school or other similar institution p g constructed, graded and surfaced as where large numbers of pedestrians con- to prevent surface water from drain- gregate, nor within five hundred (5.00) ing onto public right-of--way, or on feet of the location in said village of an- adjoining properties, the outlets for other gasoline or oil filling station or such surface waters to be connected service station. No church, hospital, school directly or indirectly to storm sewer or similar institution where large num- conduits terminating in existing pub- bers of pedestrians congregate shall lo- liclycontrolled waterways or in other cate or operate within five hundred (500) seepage areas approved by the build- feet of any gasoline or oil filling station or ing department. service station. e. Such off-street parking areas shall The method of measurement that shall be -used for vehicular traffic only, apply in such cases shall be by measure- with no sales, dead storage, repair ment of the airline distance made or taken ~ Supp. No. 23 2512 APPENDIX C-ZONING § 45-36 other than the applicant owns two (2) feet in height, by means or leases any property, includ- of one (1) or more planter boxes ing any sidewalk or other pub- and other plant container, by lic passageway, upon [which] means of some other approved the outdoor seating would be divider, or any combination of located. such means, but not including c. Photographs, renderings, or tables, chairs or other seating. samples showing the style and f. Outdoor seating areas may only color of all furnishings, fencing, contain tables, chairs, umbrel- screening, or dividing material las and/or awnings and required to be used for or in conjunction fencing or screening materials. with the outdoor seating. All such equipment shall be (3) Conditions of outdoor seating. Out- compatible in color and style door seating shall comply at all times with the exterior of the build- with the following conditions: ing and shall not contain or have affixed to it any sign, let- a. Outdoor seating shall be ar- tering or advertising of any kind. ranged, when in use, in a man- ner that allows a pedestrian g• Outdoor seating shall be main- walkway in compliance with ap- tained in a secure manner, _ plicable building codes and fire whenever the food service es- codes. tablishment is closed to the pub- lic. b. Outdoor seating located on a pedestrian walkway which pro- h. Establishments with outdoor vides access to more than one seating with food and beverage (1) occupant of a building, as in service shall meet all health a shopping center, shall be ar- code and other applicable code ranged, when in use, in a man- requirements of restaurants. ner that maintains a passage of i. Any permanent or temporary not less than five (5) feet in structures associated with out- width. door seating, including, but not c. Outdoor seating of an applicant limited to, awnings and cov- shall not be located on any side- ered roofs shall not encroach walk, passageway, or other prop- into the required building set- erty adjacent to any other busi- back areas. Tables, chairs, um- ness. brellas, fencing, screening and dividing materials shall not be d. Outdoor seating shall not oc- cupy any area designated for located closer to the property parking. line than two-thirds (2/a) of the required front, side or rear build- e. Outdoor seating which is used ing setback. for the service and sale of food or beverages of any kind within (4) Limitations on use. Except for out- the outdoor seating area, shall door seating located in an inner court: be physically separated and vi- a. All sales and service of food and sually distinct from any imme- beverages in an outdoor seat- diately adjacent public passage- ing area are prohibited between way or walkway by means of the hours of 10:30 p.m. and approved fencing or screening 7:00 a.m., Sunday through material which is not less than Thursday, and between the Supp. No. 23 2512.3 § 45-36 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 Cultural resource. Asite, object, structure, build- a.m., Friday through Saturday. ing or district listed in the Village's register of b. Outdoor seating areas shall be historic sites. in compliance with the village's Demolition. The tearing down or razing of noise regulations. twenty-five (25) percent or more of a structure's (5) General requirements. Outdoor seat- external walls. ing which increases the total num- District. A geographically definable area pos- her of seats available at a food ser- sessing a significant concentration, linkage, or vice establishment shall be considered continuity of sites, buildings, structures, objects, an expansion of use. Such outdoor or areas, which are united historically or aesthet- seating shall be included in any cal- ically by plan or physical development. A district culation of the total number of seats may be comprised of individual resources which provided by the food service estab- are separated geographically but .are linked by lishment but not limited to parking, association or history. restroom facilities and occupational Object. A material thing of functional, aes- license fees. thetic, cultural, historical or scientific value that (Ord. No. 209-70, § 1; Ord. No. 2-71, § 1; Ord. No. maybe, by nature of design, movable, yet related 1-72, § 1; Ord. No. 11-74, § 1; Ord. No. 11-75, § 1, to a specific setting or environment. 9-11-75; Ord. No. 2-76, § 1, 2-26-76; Ord. No. 3-77, § 1, 2-24-77; Ord. No. 15-85, § 1, 9-12-85; Ord. No. Ordinary maintenance. Work which does not 21-90, § 2, 6-28-90; Ord. No. 7-91, § 1, 3-14-91; require a construction permit and that is done to Ord. No. 20-95, § 1, 7-27-95; Ord. No. 34-96, § 1, repair damage or to prevent deterioration or 8-22-96; Ord. No. 3-97, § 1, 1-9-97; Ord. No. 12-97, decay of a building or structure or part thereof as ~ 3, 4, 2-27-97; Ord. No. 2-98, § 1, 1-8-98; Ord. nearly as practicable to its condition prior to the No. 6-99, § 1, 1-28-99; Ord. No. 03-2002, § 1, 2, damage, deterioration, or decay. 2-14-02) Original appearance. That appearance (except for color) which, to the satisfaction of the village Sec. 45-37. 13istoric site overlay district. council, closely resembles the appearances of ei- ther: A. Purpose. The historic site overlay district is (1) The feature on the building as it was used to impose special development restrictions originally built or was likely to have been on identified areas. The locations of this overlay built, or district are established by the Village based on the need for special protective measures at those (2) The feature on the building as it presently locations. The historic site overlay district im- exists so long as the present appearance poses different standards than those that would is appropriate, in the opinion of the vil- otherwise apply. lage council, to the style and materials of the building. B. Definitions. [For purposes of this section, C. Creation of local register of historic sites. A the following words shall have the meaning as- local register of historic sites is hereby created as cribed to them in this subsection:] a means of identifying and classifying various sites, buildings, structures, objects and districts Buildin A structure created to shelter an g y as historic and/or architecturally significant. The form of human activity. This may refer to a house, local register will be kept by the director of public barn, garage, church, hotel, or similar structure. Buildings may refer to a historically or architec- services. turally related complex, such as municipal build- D. Initiation of placement on local register. ings, or a house and barn. Parking lots and Placement of sites, buildings, structures, objects f garages are hereby deemed to be "buildings." or districts on the local register may be initiated ~ Supp. No. 23 2512.4 CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE Adoption Section Ord. No. Date Section this Code 14-2003 5- 8-03 1 Added 18-20 23-2003 9-11-03 1 15-2(307.4) 2 Added 15-2(101.3.4) 3 24-43(a)(1), (c) 4 Rpld 24-45 5 45-27.E. 25-2003 9-25-03 1 6-17 26-2003 9-25-03 1 19-213 27-2003 9- 9-03 1 5-84(6), (8), (10) 2 Rpld 5-72 28-2003 10- 9-03 1 26-29 2 26-30 3 26-31 29-2003 10-23-03 1 17-33 35-2003 12-11-03 1 2-148(a) 2 2-158(b) 3 2-158(c) 02-2004 1-22-04 1 4-27(b) 03-2004 2-26-04 1 18-20(a) 06-2004 4- 8-04 1-7 Added 2-51-2-57 14-2004 7- 8-04 1-3 App. C, § 45-34 16-2004 7-22-04 1 Added 2-148(g) 2 Dltd 2-158(d)(4) 17-2004 7-22-04 1 19-211 18-2004 7-22-04 1 Added 5-102-5-106 19-2004 7-22-04 1 21-21(h) 21-2004 8-12-04 1, 2 25-3, 25-4 23-2004 8-12-04 1 20-66(a) 27-2004 10-14-04 1, 2 Rpld 10-11, 10-12 29-2004 10-28-04 1 36-23 36-2004 12- 9-04 1, 2 2-115, 2-116 O1-2005 1-27-05 1 2-52 02-2005 1-27-05 1 Added 10-13 Supp. No. 29 2889 [The next page is 2933] _ . , I I `i i t 1 1 CODE INDEX Section Section PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSAND RECREATION PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT (Cont'd.) (Cont'd.) Direct transfers of eligible rollover dis- Vacancies 20-62(c) tribution........................ 2-170 Restrooms, failure to cooperate in keeping Discharged members 2-169(a) neat or sanitary 20-2 False, misleading statements made to Traffic obtain retirement benefits prohib- Enforcement of traffic regulations 20-5(2) ited 2-169(f) Operation confined to roads........... 20-5(5) Incompetents 2-169(d) Parking areas designated 20-5(6) Insurers, tax on...................... 2-167 Signs 20-5(3) Membership Speed of vehicles 20-5(4) Application for membership 2-160(b) State motor vehicle laws 20-5(1) Buy-back of previous service........ 2-160(d) Trees Changes in designation of beneficiary 2-160(c) Climbing trees, etc 20-4 Conditions of eligibility............. 2-160(a) Use by public only 20-1 Nonassignability 2-169(b) Number and gender 2-169(e) PENALTIES. See: FINES, FORFEITURES Optional forms of benefits 2-162 AND OTHER PENALTIES Pension valicht 2-169(c) ' y PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Prior service 2-165 Length of service award plan for volunteer Repeal or termination of plan 2-168 firefighters Tax on insurers 2-167 Benefit formula 2-170.6 Pension and certain other benefits for gen- Contact person 2-170.10 eral employees Effective date 2-170.3 Benefit amounts and eligibility Eligibility 2-170.4 Direct transfers of eligible rollover Entitlement age 2-170.5 distribution 2-157 Plan, name of 2-170.2 Early retirement................... 2-148(d) Point system 2-170.11 Late retirement.................... 2-148(c) Preretirement death benefit........... 2-170.7 Preretirement death 2-148(e) Purpose 2-170 Refund of contribution 2-148(g) Sponsor, name of 2-170.1 Retirement benefit................. 2-148(b) Trustee and contact person............ 2-170.10 Retirement date 2-148(a) Vesting provisions, schedule of 2-170.8 Termination of employment......... 2-148(f) Village contributions . 2-170.9 Benefit plan no. 2, optional (cost of liv- Pension and certain other benefits for fire ing adjustment) 2-158.1 and police employees Benefit plan, optional Benefit amounts Applicability to employees 2-158(a) Cost of livin Member contributions g 2-161(8) Disability retirement 2-161(e) Amount......................... 2-158(d)(1) Early retirement 2-161(b) Duration........................ 2-158(d)(2) Formula 2-161(c) Interest.........,............... 2-158(d)(3) Limitation on 2-161(h) Retirement benefit................. 2-158(c) Normal retirement benefit.......... 2-161(a) Retirement date 2-158(b) Preretirement death 2-161(d) Definitions........................... 2-146 Termination benefits and vesting.... 2-161(f) Discharged members 2-156(a) Board of trustees Incompetents 2-156(d) Bring and defend lawsuits Membership Powers 2-164(e) Application for membership 2-147(b) Composition 2-164(a) Change in designation of beneficiary 2-147(c) Forfeiture of membership on board Conditions of eligibility 2-147(a) for absenteeism 2-164(b) Nonassignability 2-156(b) Meetings 2-164(d) Normal and optional forms of benefits . 2-149 Power and authority 2-166 Pension validity 2-156(c) Reports and records 2-164(c) Repeal or termination of system....... 2-155 Contributions Retirement board Employer 2-163(c) Additional rules and regulations au- Forfeitures 2-163(d) thorized...................... 2-152 ' Member 2-163(a) Established........................ 2-151 State 2-163(b) Investing funds; custodian of securi- Definitions 2-159 ties.......................... 2-153 Supp. No. 29 2949 ~- NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT (Cont'd.) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (Cont'd.) Oaths of office; meetings; quorum 2-154 Regulatory program Social security 2-136 et seq. Exemptions 21-47(b) See: SOCIAL SECURITY Generally 21-47(a) Volunteer firefighters, length of service Publicfacility adequacy, review to de- awardplan for. See herein: Length of termine 21-47(c) Service Award Plan for Volunteer Short title 21-41 Firefighters Filing fees and costs for voluntary annex- PERMITS. See: LICENSES AND PERMITS anon of land Enactment and authority 21-2(a) PERSON Fees: application 21-2(c) Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Jurisdiction 21-2(b) PIERS Planning commission, advice of........ 21-2(d) Stormwater management 21-61 et seq. Docks and piers, construction require- See: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ments re 5-81 et seq. Subdivision regulations 36-1 et seq. See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATER- See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) WAYS Zoning regulations 45-1 et seq. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT See: ZONING (Appendix C) Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that PLANNING COMMISSION subject Composition; conduct generally Archaeological site protection regulations. 21-101 et seq. Created 21-11(a) See: ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE PRO- Meetings 21-11(c) TECTION Membershi p 21-11(b) Board of adjustment Powers and duties 21-11(d) Composition; conduct generally Zoning ordinances, changes to 21-12 Administrative orders, review of 21-21(d) Created 21-21(a) PLATS. See: SURVEYS, MAPS AND PLATS Decision of administrative official, ap- PLAYGROUNDS. See: PARKS, PLAY- peals to board from 21-21(e) GROUNDS AND RECREATION Hearing of appeals 21-21(x) Judicial review of decisions of board. 21-21(h) POLICE Membership; terms; alternate; coin- Court cost pensation 21-21(b) Assessment of additional court costs for Powers and duties 21-21(c) criminal justice education expendi- Stay of work and proceedings on ap- tares 1-9 peal 21-21(fj Department of public safety, provisions re Comprehensive plan police division. 2-76(b) Adoption 21-O1 See: PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT Filing fees and costs for changes Elections; policemen to be present at poll- . Enactment and authority........... 21-1(a) ing place 10-77 Fee; application 21-1(c) Fire division, provisions re police assis- Jurisdiction 21-1(b) tance 12-43 Pla„n;ng commission, advise of 21-1(d) Impersonating police officer 19-8 Concurrency management Pension and certain other benefits for fire Adequate public facilities available to and police employees 2-159 et seq. service development 21-45 See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Application 21-42 Reserve force Definitions 21-44 Application for membership 23-43 Intent and ose Com ensation 23-50 Pin'A P i Comprehensive plan, implementa- Created; purpose 23-42 tzon of 21-43(a) Director of public safety, appointment to Management/monitoring and regula- serve by 23-45 tory program, establishment of 21-43(b) Oath required 23-47 Minimum requirements 21-43(c) Powers and duties 23-48 i Management and monitoring program Reserve list to be maintained 23-44 Amendments to CIE and annual bud- Resignation 23-46 get, recommendations on 21-46(c) Unifoiws and insignia 23-49 Annual public facilities update report 21-46(b) Generally 21-46(a) Sapp. No. 29 2950 I