JUNE 25, 2008
Present: William Manuel, Mayor
David B. Norris, Vice Mayor
Darryl Aubrey, President Pm Tem
Edward M. Eissey, Councilman
T.R. Hernacki, Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Manuel called the Budget Workshop Session to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council
were present. All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director
Sarnia Janjua and Director of Golf Operations Mike Gray were present.
Village Manager Jimmy Knight gave a presentation on the fiscal yeaz 2009 Country Club budget.
Mr. Knight reviewed budget projections for fiscal yeaz 2007-2008 and detailed the yeaz-to-date
rounds played and revenue received.
• Mr. Knight reviewed personnel, operating, and capital highlights in the budget. Mr. Knight
discussed adding 2 part-time ranger/driving range attendants and reclassifying the administrative
coordinator position to administrative assistant.
Discussion ensued on the IGM contract for golf course maintenance. It was noted that the
contract specifies the number ofpersonnel, performance standards, and provides for a maximum
5% increase, based on the August Consumer Price Index (CPI.)
Mr. Knight reported that the budget includes $25,000 to renovate the front entry to the
clubhouse, including trees, shrubs, and pavers. Mr. Knight detailed $79,500 in capital outlays.
Discussion took place concerning the proposed capital expenditure of $35,000 to retrofit the
shuffleboard courts sun canopy for the driving range. It was requested that staff obtain a cost
estimate for a movable canopy.
Discussion ensued on debt service. Mr. Knight reported total debt service expenses of $498,901
and advised that $104,000 will be retired in 2010. Mrs. Janjua will reseazch the payoff amounts
and any pre-payment penalties.
Mr. Knight noted that there is no increase in membership rates. Mr. Knight discussed
• membership opportunities, such as corporate memberships and summer memberships, and
suggested Council consider allowing Village employees to play at resident rates. Although the
budget was prepared using the current membership figure of 394, Mr. Knight discussed
increasing the total memberships to 415 by utilizing the established waiting list.
Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held June 25, 2008 Page 2 of 2
• Mr. Knight reviewed the projected number of member and non-member rounds. Mr. Gray
recommended 4 seasons or categories ofrates, with greens fees and cart fees included in the total rate.
It was noted that the projected rates do not take into consideration member or resident discounts.
Mr. Knight reviewed projected total revenue of $3,578,309, expenses of $3,417,671, and
$160,638 in contingency for fiscal year 2009.
Discussion took place on the cost of reclaimed water.
Suggestions from Council included publicizing the golf worse through increased advertising,
increasing mazketing of the worse to walk-in players, remaining flexible on the rates, and
wnsidering a rover or canopy at the bag drop area.
Discussion ensued on advertising. Mr. Knight reported that $20,000 is included for marketing.
It was rewmmended that when the budget is posted online that it be broken down into sections
by department, to avoid having to download the total budget.
Discussion ensued on the creation ofreserves, as well as whether an allocation for administrative
vests was budgeted. Mr. Knight advised that no administrative fee was included. Mr. Knight
reported that the vest for maintenance performed by the Public Works Department was
inwrporated into the budget. Mr. Knight reviewed relocating the Acwunting Tech to the
• Finance Department. A brief discussion was held wncerning wllecting an administrative fee
this year. Mr. Knight does not rewmmend wllecting an administrative fee.
Discussion took place wnceming increasing the number of members. Mr. Gray noted that there
were open tee times in the winter and expressed the desire to fill all available tee times.
Mr. Knight reported that restaurant vendor, Randy Epstein, of Continental Catering, has
requested to rent space in the Country Club Administration office for his acwuntant. Mr. Knight
requested Council wnsensus to allow him to negotiate a lease with Mr. Epstein. By wnsensus,
the Council approved leasing space to Mr. Epstein and favored acne-year renewable lease.
The next Budget Workshop will be an overview of the General Fund budget on July 9, 2008.
With no further business to wme before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
• Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk