11-08-1994 Certified Election Results.~ CUMULATIVE GENERAL ELECTION Page 1 12:31am Nov 9 1994 PALM BEACX COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 8, 1994 PALM BEACN CWNTY, FLORIDA STATE SENATE - DISTRICT #28 Precincts Counted 437 100.00% Precincts Counted 135 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 109 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 26 100.00% Registered Voters 496,790 100.00% Registered Voters 196,377 100.00% Ballots Cest 331,589 66.75% ~ Ballots test 135,564 69.03% UNITED STATES SENATOR Robert Wexler (OEM) 89,326 70.72% Nugh E. Radham (DEM) 117,163 37.42% Timothy Lee Bearson (REP) 36,979 29.28% Comic Mack (REP> 195,950 62.58% STATE SENATE - DISTRICT #35 U.S. CONGRESS - DISTRICT #16 Preciruts Counted 88 100.00% Precincts Counted 120 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 33 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 41 100.00% Registered Voters 85,097 100.00% Registered Voters 146,958 100.00% Ballots Cast 56,313 66.18% Ballots Cast 98,450 66.99% Tom Rossin (DEM) 30,465 57.62% John Comerford (DEM) 43,219 47.83% David Bludvorth (REP) 22,411 42.38% Mark Foley (REP) 47,140 52.17% STATE NOOSE - DISTRICT #85 U.S. CONGRESS - DISTRICT #19 Precincts Counted 47 100.00% Precincts Counted 135 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 17 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 16 100.00% Registered Voters 54,394 100.00% Registered Voters 194,323 100.00% Ballots Cast 36,383 66.89% Ballots Cast 134,849 69.39% Lois J. Frankel (DEM) 18,835 54.91% Narry Johnston (DEM) 83,239 66.53% George Ford (REP) 15,465 45.09% Peter J. Tsakanikas (REP) 41,8& 33.47% STATE NOOSE -DISTRICT 886 U.S. CONGRESS - DISTRICT #22 Precincts Counted 52 100.00% Precincts Counted 83 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 20 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 20 100.00% Registered Voters 46,521 100.00% Registered Voters 83,656 100.00% Ballots Cast 29,438 63.28% Ballots Cast 56,521 67.56% Ed Healey (DEM) 18,166 66.93% Nermine L. Yi mar (DEM) 16,227 30.35% Scott McCracken (REP) 8,974 33.07% Clay Shaw (REP) 37,246 69.65% STATE NOOSE - DISTRICT #87 PALM BEACN COUNTY, FLORtDA Precincts Counted 63 100.00% Precincts tasted 437 100.00% Absentee Precincts Lasted 10 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 105 100.00% Registered Voters 62,792 100.00% Registered Voters 496,790 100.ODX Ballots Cast 41,358 . 65.87% Ballots Cast 331,589 66.75% R. J. "Bobby" Yalshak (DEM) 15,205 39.70% GOVERNOR AND LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Bill Andrews (REP) 23,099 60.30% Lawton Chiles 198,638 61.34% 8 Buddy MacKay (DEM) STATE NOOSE DISTRICT #88 Jeb Bush 125,208 38.66% Prxintts Counted 60 100.00% 8 Tom Feeney (REP) ~ Absentee Precincts Counted 21 100.00% Repi stared Voters 65,779 700.00% SECRETARY OF STATE Ballots Cas[ 65,092 68.55% Ran Saunders (DEM) 171,614 56.03% Sandy Barringer Northam (REP) 134,665 43.97% Suzerne Jacobs (DEM) 26,155 63.09% Carl Cascio (REP) 15,299 36.91% ATTORNEY GENERAL Bob Butterworth (OEM) 194,772 62.92% STATE NOOSE DIS7RI CT U91 Nenry Ferro CREP) 114,802 37.08% Precincts Counted 17 100.00% Absentee Precincts Carted ~ 4 100.00% COMPTROLLER Registered Voters 25,853 100.00% Gerald Lewis (DEM) 167,691 55.11% Ballots Lest 17,267 66.79% Bob Milligan (REP) 136,572 44.89% R. Lee Yilliams (DEM) 4,449 30.45% TREASURER Debby P. Sardersen (REP) 10,164 69.55% Bill Nelson (DEM) 180,694 59.17% Tim Irelerd (REP) 124,672 60.83% COUNTY COMMISS 1011 DISTRICT #2 Precincts Counted 61 100.00% Cp411 SSI ONER OF EDUCATION Absentee Precincts Counted 25 100.00% Doug Jamersen (DEM) 163,438 53.92% Registered Voters 66,852 100.00% Frank 7. Brogan (REP) 139,692 46.08% Ballots Cast 44,785 66.99% COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE Carol A. Roberts (DEM) 31,007 100.00% Bob Crawford (DEM) 177,667 57.98% Jim Smith (REP) 128,746 42.02% a CUMULATIVE GENERAL ELECTION Pape 2 12:31em Nov 9 1994 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 8, 1994 COUNTY COMMISSION DISTRICT >Y6 SCHOOL BOARD - DISTRICT 4 Precincts Counted 58 100.00% Sally Beach 109,456 42.47% Absentee Precincts Counted 18 100.00% Vill tam G. "Bill" Grehem ~ 148,243 57.53% Registered Yoters 53,558 100.00% Ballots Cast 34,062 63.60% SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT 5 Bab Hayes 744,665 57.75% Bill Cotthelt (DEN) 11,787 36.60% Paul T. Hoffman 705,838 42.25% Ken L. foster (REP) 16,559 51.42% Bill Tyson (IND) 3,859 11.98% SCHOOL BOARD - DISTRICT b Diane K. Heinz 152,503 59.93% 5. LAKE IAORTN INLET- DISTRICT M1 David L. Yalsh 101,978 40.07% Precincts Counted 47 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 26 100.00% JUPITER INLET DISTRICT MG Registered Voters 48,527 100.00% Precincts Counted - 30 100.00% Ballots Cast 32,756 67.50% Absentee Precincts Counted 6 100.00% Registered Voters 43,203 100.00% Thelma E. Moore (DEM) 14,854 53.16% Ballots Cast 29,203 67.59% Leo E. Noble (REP) 13,087 46.84% Bill Ennis 8,403 36.82% S. LAKE )pRTH INLET - DISTRICT #2 Patricia Magrogan 9,001 39.44% Prec irxts Counted 55 100.00% Curt Mordell 5,418 23.74% Absentee Precincts Counted 19 100.00% Registered Voters 48,258 100.00% LOXAHATCNEE RIVER ENCON DISTRICT Ballots Cast 31,515 65.31% Prtti rcts Counted 20 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 2 100.00% Tim A. Green (DEM> 13,029 47.50% Registered Voters 31,165 100.00% David Y. Geller (REP) 14,402 52.50% Ballots Cast 20,934 67.17% SUPREME COURT ENCON - AREA 3 Precincts Counted 437 100.00% Alfred S. Demott 7,582 50.25% Absentee Precincts Counted 105 100.00% Matt N. Rostock 7,508 49.75% Registered Voters 496,790 100.00% Ballots Cast 331,589 66.75% ENCON - AREA 4 Jeffrey L. Burck 6,237 62.43% SUPREME Cg1RT - STEPHEN X. GRIMES Jce Ellis 8,462 57.57% Retain in Office 189,998 75.99% Do Not Retain in Office 60,044 24.01% ACME IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Precincts Counted 10 100.00% SUPREME COURT - GERALD KOGAN Absentee Precincts Counted 7 100.00% Retain in Office 179,950 74.30% Registered Vo[ers 73,792 100.00% Do Not Retain in Office 62,238 25.70% Ballots Cast 9,486 68.78% PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA ACME - SEAT 1 Precincts Canted 437 100.00% Michael David McDonough 5,425 66.43% Absentee Precincts Counted 104 700.00% Bernice Schreier 2,742 33.57% Registered Voters 496,790 100.00% Ballots test 331,552 66.74% ACME SEAT 3 Piero Nuti 3,186 61.26% CT OF APPEAL - JOHN Y. DELL Thomas M. Yenham 4,536 58.74% Retsin in Office 780,346 75.52% Do Not Retain in Office 58,470 24.48% ACME - SEAT 5 L irda N. Bitter 3,166 37.48% CT OF APPEAL - BOBBY V. GUNTMER Mary Kathleen (Kathy) Foster 5,281 62.52% Retain in Office 776,537 74.69% Oo Not Retain in Office 59,816 25.31% ACME - PARKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Yes for Approval 4,046 46.62% CT OF APPEAL - LARRY A. KLEIN No for Rejection 4,633 53.38% Retain in Office 181,771 74.99% Do Not Retain in Ofii ce 60,611 25.01% INCIX2PORATION OF ACME IMPROVEMENT Yes for Approval 4,938 56.29% CT OF APPEAL - BARBARA J. PARIENTE No for Rejection 3,834 43.71% Retain in Office 182,489 75.84% Oo Not Retain in Office 58,132 24.16% PR~OSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Precincts Canted 437 100.00% CT OF APPEAL - BARRY J. STONE Absentee Precincts Counted 105 700.00% Retain in Office 184,566 76.02% Registered Voters 496,790 100.00% Do Not Retsin in Office 58,228 23.98% Ballots Cast 331,589 66.75% CIRCUIT JUDGE - GROUP 25 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT #i Catherine M. Brunson 147,084 56.02% START OF LEGISLATIVE SESSION Merin Sachs 115,455 43.98% Yes for Approval 195,971 70.28% No for Rejection 82,882 29.72% SCHOOL B011RD DISTRICT 2 Paulette Burdick 745,865 58.11% David L. Smith 105,160 41.89% f CURJIATIVE GENERAL ELECTION 12:31sm Nov 9 1994 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 8, 1994 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT M2 LIMIiS pl STATE REVENUE COLLECTION Yes for Approval 160,189 56.99% No for Rejection 120,883 43.01% CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT N3 LIMITING MARINE NET FI SNING Yes for Approval 257,381 84.23% No for Rej cation 48,190 15.77% CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT k4 MULTIPLE SUBJECT AMENDMENTS Yes for Approval 153,604 53.97% No for Rejection 130,995 46.03% CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT #8 LIMITED GSINOS Yes for Approval 137,356 43.17% No for Rejection 180,855 56.83% NORTN PALM BCH ANNEXATION - LITY Precincts Counted 7 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 1 100.00% Registered Voters 8,223 100.00% Ballots Cast 5,734 69.73% ANNEXATIpI REFERENDUM FOR 3,402 66.67% AGAINST 1,701 33.33% NORTH PALM BLH ANNEXATION - COUNTY Precincts Counted 2 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 1 100.00% Registered Voters 188 100.00% Ballots Cast 157 83.51% ANNEXATION RE FERENDIAI FOR 63 40.38% AGAINST 93 59.62% VILLAGE OF PALM SPRINGS Precincts Counted 6 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 6 100.00% Registered Voters 5,114 100.00% Ballots Last 3,416 66.80% CHARTER AMENDMENT Yes In favor of question ~ 1,968 67.%X No Opposed to question 928 32.04% CITY OF RIVIERA BEACH Precincts Canted 10 100.00% Absentee Pretincts Counted 4 100.00% Registered Voters 11,996 100.00% Ballots Cast 7,231 60.28% CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS YES 3,743 61.42% NO 2,351 38.58% CITY MANAGER CONTRACT YES 2,864 47.73% NO 3,136 52.27% TOId OF SOUTH PALM BEACX Precincts Canted 1 100.00% Absentee Pretincts Lounted 1 100.00% Registered Voters 1,213 100.00% Ballots Cast 879 72.46% REFERENDUM Yes In favor of Charter Amendment 626 82.69% No Opposed to Charter Amenolnent 131 17.31% w ~ V ~ ~ r v ~~.ia ZO W UCJ O~ ti Ocs~ ~~{ j` ~ _ ~ ~ ~ r ~ 2 O O j6-~_Th V d 2 W ~ W J N ~ Q. (nom 5~ Wm ~ W W W ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ _ ~ U W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A m w Y ~ ~ ~ 0 c ~ ~ LL ~ a o a ~ ~ W ~ W la- W W g y W ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ¢~=ocn.~ t~/J U S ~ W Y m -, - ° 'i.~! ~_L ., Page 3 Palm Beach County JACKIE WINCHESTER Supervisor of Elections November 9, 1994 Ms. Kitty Kelly, Village Clerk Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Dear Kitty: P.B.C. GOVERNMENTAL CENTER 30'1 N. OLIVE AVE., ROOM '105 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 3340'1-4755 TELEPHONE: [407] 355-2650 FAX NUMBER: (407J 355-4006 In accordance with our telephone conversation today, I am enclosing a certified copy of the results of the your annexation referendum on the General Election ballot on November 8, 1994. Sincerely, Jackie Winchester Supervisor of Elections De uty Enclosure